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Showing 676 through 700 of 1,068 results

Alffi (Cyfres Pen Dafad)

by Mared Lewis

Dyma nofel fywiog, garlamus sy'n cyflwyno Alffi Jones, cymeriad annwyl sy'n tynnu strach a miri yn ei sgil pob man yr âi. Mae tlodi a chaledi cymdeithasol yn gefnlen i'w fywyd, ond ei bersonoliaeth sydd yn pefrio drwy'r nofel drwyddi draw, a'i agwedd bositif at fywyd sy'n gyrru'r stori. [Alffi Jones is a likeable character who seems to attract all sorts of high-jinks wherever he goes. Poverty and social hardship provide the backdrop for Alffi's life, but his personality shines throughout the novel and his positive outlook on life drives the story forward.] Datganiad hawlfraint Gwneir y copi hwn dan dermau Rheoliadau (Anabledd) Hawlfraint a Hawliau mewn Perfformiadau 2014 i'w ddefnyddio gan berson sy'n anabl o ran print yn unig. Oni chaniateir gan gyfraith, ni ellir ei gopïo ymhellach, na'i roi i unrhyw berson arall, heb ganiatâd.

Bechgyn y Bomio

by Thomas Bloor

Gwanwyn 1944 Yr Ail Ryfel Byd. Mae bomiau'n disgyn a chriwiau awyrennau'n mynd ar gyrchoedd awyr bob dydd. Fydd rhai byth yn dod 'nôl. Hyd yma, mae Len wedi dod adref bob tro. A nawr dyma Johnny, ei beilot newydd. Un golygus, hyderus sydd wedi dod â lwc i bob criw hyd yma. Dydy Len ddim mor siwr. Ond ar gyrch awyr i Berlin, mae Len yn dod i wybod sut un yw Johnny. [Spring 1944. It's World War Two. Bombs are dropping and flight crews leave on missions every day - and never come return. So far Len's made it back. Enter Johnny, his new pilot. Good-looking, cocky and a lucky charm for any crew he flies with. Len's not so sure. It's only on a mission to Berlin that Len finds out what Johnny's really like. Once and for all.]

Billy Liar: Dramascripts (PDF)

by Willis Hall

Ideal for the English classroom and the Drama Studio. The sophisticated themes and complex plots have been specifically designed to appeal to 11-16 year olds, and have a language level accessible to all pupils.

Blwch yr Ysbryd

by Catherine Fisher

Mae Sara'n casáu ei llysfrawd newydd, Mat, sy'n Goth. Fyddai hi byth bythoedd yn dweud wrtho am ei breuddwydion rhyfedd. Am yr wyneb yn y goeden, y llygaid sy'n ei gwylio. Ac yn bendant ddywedai hi ddim gair am y blwch - gallai hynny olygu bod y breuddwydion yn rhai go iawn. Pwy sy'n gwau gwe o ofn o gwmpas Sara? Oes rhywun y gall hi ymddiried ynddo? [Sarah hates her new Goth step-brother, Matt. There's no way she'd tell him about her weird dreams. About the face in the tree, the eyes that watch her, and definitely not about the box that could mean the dreams are real. Who is spinning a web of fear around Sarah? And who can she trust to free her?]

Calon y Gwir

by Judy Waite

Mae gan Eli esgus perffaith am fod allan yn hwyr - fe geisiodd dyn ei herwgipio hi! Mae'r manylion i gyd ganddi. Mae'n chwip o stori dda. Dyw hi ddim yn wir, dyna i gyd. Felly pan fydd merch yn cael ei herwgipio go iawn, sut y gall Eli wneud yn siŵr nad yw ei chelwydd hi yn amddiffyn llofrudd? [Elsa has the perfect excuse for being out late - a man tried to kidnap her! She's got all the details. It's a really good story. It's just not true. So when a girl is kidnapped for real, how can Elsa make sure her lies don't protect a killer?]

CfE Maths Fourth Level Pupil Book (PDF)

by Ian Macandie Craig Lowther Robin Christie Claire Crossman

The CfE Maths series covers all the Experiences and Outcomes within the Scottish Curriculum for Excellence for Maths at Second, Third and Fourth Levels. Separate pupil books at each level offer a flexible pathway through the curriculum.

CfE Maths Third Level Pupil Book (PDF)

by Brian Speed Ian Macandie Trevor Senior Keith Gordon Craig Lowther Kevin Evans John Boath Robin Christie Claire Crossman

The CfE Maths Third Level Pupil Book is packed with questions and activities to improve performance across all of the Outcomes and Experiences at Third Level.

Collins French Verbs and Practice (PDF)

by Collins Dictionaries

Designed to accompany the widely acclaimed Collins Easy Learning French Dictionary, Collins Easy Learning French Verbs and Practice offers beginners a clear and easy-to-understand guide to French verbs with hundreds of exercises.

Dramascripts: The Diary Of Anne Frank

by Frances Goodrich Albert Hackett

Anne Frank and her family were Jews. Having fled from Germany to Holland in 1933 to escape the Nazis, they were forced into hiding in 1940 when Holland itself was invaded. The play draws upon Anne's diary, which she documented her and her family's like in hiding in the attic above a factory.

Dwi'n Gwylio Ti!

by Lee Weatherly

'Ti'n meddwl bo ti'n glefer, on'd wyt ti. Ond ni'n gwylio pob symudiad. Cei di dy gosbi am beth wnest ti.' Gadawodd mam Sara saith mlynedd yn ôl. Nawr mae'n byw rhai milltiroedd i ffwrdd - ond mae hi'n osgoi Sara. Ond mae Sara'n gallu ei gweld hi. Yn fwy na hynny, mae Sara'n ei gwylio hi. Ac mae'n bwriadu talu'r pwyth ... ['You're not as clever as you think you are. We're watching your every move. You're going to be punished for what you did.' Sarah's mum walked out seven years ago. Now she lives just a few miles away - but she doesn't want to see Sarah. But Sarah can see her. In fact, Sarah's watching her. And she has plans to make her pay …]

Ergyd Drwy Amser (Cyfres yr Onnen)

by Elgan Davies

Mae'r stori'n dechrau'n gyffrous gyda llofruddiaeth Juan Borgia cyn y datgelir i'r darllenydd gael ei dwyllo a bod Alun, y prif gymeriad, mewn gwirionedd yn chwarae gêm gyfrifiadurol o'r enw Assassin's Creed. Cyflwynir y berthynas gyfeillgar a chwareus rhwng Alun a'i ddat-cu (y mae'n rhannu ei enw ag ef). [Grandad's words ring in Alun's ears every time he does something wrong or doesn't do it the way Grandad used to do it. But then, suddenly, Alun is transported bach through time to the year 1960, when Grandad was his age. This is his chance to see how Grandad lived.] *Datganiad hawlfraint Gwneir y copi hwn dan dermau Rheoliadau (Anabledd) Hawlfraint a Hawliau mewn Perfformiadau 2014 i'w ddefnyddio gan berson sy'n anabl o ran print yn unig. Oni chaniateir gan gyfraith, ni ellir ei gopïo ymhellach, na'i roi i unrhyw berson arall, heb ganiatâd.

Fast Cars, Fast Drivers (PDF)

by Keith West

Everything you ever wanted to know about motorsport: the cars, the races, the drivers, the records. This book showcases the best fast cars from 1901 to today and includes an interview with Ben Collins (a.k.a. the Stig) on what it's like to drive Batman's and James Bond's cars.

Functional Skills Maths Level 1: Study & Test Practice (PDF)

by Cgp Books

This book is for anyone doing Level 1 Functional Skills Maths. It covers everything you need, whichever exam board you're studying.

Grammar to 14 (3rd edition) (PDF)

by Don Shiach

'Grammar to 14' features a comprehensive overview of all aspects of grammar, spelling and punctuation in the National Curriculum for English syllabus and the Key Stage 3 tests.

Key Stage Three Science: Workbook/Answers (Levels 3-7) (PDF)

by Cgp Books

Provides revision questions, with one book covering Physics, one for Chemistry and one for Biology. This pack of three workbooks also has an Answer book, making it a suitable revision pack for KS3 Science.

The Messenger Bird (PDF)

by Ruth Eastham

Nathan's father has been arrested. He works for the Ministry of Defence and is accused of leaking top secret information. But as he is dragged into a police car, he gives Nathan a message. It leads to a riddle, but it's not from Dad. It's from Lily Wilson, and was written in 1940.

Mockingbird (Usborne Modern Classics Ser.)

by Kathryn Erskine

In Caitlin's world, everything is black or white. Things are good or bad. Anything in between is confusing. That's the stuff Caitlin's older brother, Devon, has always explained. But now Devon's dead and Dad is no help at all. Caitlin wants to get over it, but as an eleven-year-old girl with Asperger's, she doesn't know how. When she reads the definition of closure, she realizes that is what she needs. In her search for it, Caitlin discovers that not everything is black and white-the world is full of colors-messy and beautiful. Kathryn Erskine has written a must-read gem, one of the most moving novels of the year. A Discussion Guide to Mockingbird by Kathryn Erskine Read Kathryn Erskine's post on the Penguin Blog.

Nes Ei Gael Yn Euog

by Nigel Hinton

Merch farw. Cyhuddiad o lofruddiaeth. Byd wedi ei chwalu. All Nathan brofi bod yr heddlu'n anghywir? Mae amser yn mynd yn brin ... [A dead girl. A murder charge. A world blown apart. Can Nathan prove that the police are wrong about it? Time is running out …]

Oxford Learner's French Dictionary (2012 edition) (PDF)

by Oxford University Press

This easy-to-use dictionary is ideal for all French language learners from secondary level onwards. It includes vocabulary for the KS3 Modern Languages Framework, KS4 National Curriculum, and Scottish Guidelines. Essential curriculum words are highlighted with a key to deliver the required exam vocabulary easily. Up-to-date examples illustrate how French works and meets the Curriculum's sentence building requirements. It contains full French verb tables with tenses translated, extended entries for important function words and clear footnotes on usage provide extra help. Bite-size information boxes also give cultural tips and help with tackling tricky language issues. An illustrated colour section provides useful everyday phrases on different topics such as words relating to family and friends, holidays, restaurants and shops, travel, transport, jobs and work places, media and communications, and more.nbsp;

Oxford Student Atlas (4th edition) (PDF)

by Patrick Wiegand

This new edition of the Oxford Student Atlas includes stunning satellite images, country data, and easy-to-read colourful mapping, presented in an accessible visual layout based on research into how students use maps. The atlas covers key exam specification themes and issues such as earthquakes and volcanoes, climate and climate change, economic activity, development, and globalisation. It includes comprehensive coverage of the British Isles, Europe, and the world. It is the ideal atlas for students to use on exam courses.nbsp;

Pearson Baccalaureate Standard Level Mathematics Bundle for the IB Diploma 2012: Developed Specifically for the IB Diploma (PDF)

by Ibrahim Wazir Tim Garry

Complete, interactive ebook containing interactiveactivities utilizing dynamic mathematics software, quizzes, extension andrevision worksheets, full worked solutions and audio-visual calculator support. Clear explanations of key concepts and skills,accompanied by numerous worked examples. Chapter summaries to aid planning and revision. Complete flexibility over medium of study, withprinted textbook, online ebook and downloadable versions of chapters to allowstudents to work offline. Practice questions with answers from past examinationpapers to help you with exam preparation. Helpful and skilful support for the new IAMathematical Exploration continuously updated on the author website toaddress developments in the IA programme. Free online resources to support and extend study at www.Pearson Education and on theauthors website, containing even more regularly updated materials and support. A highly engaging Theory of Knowledge chapter, writtenby Ric Sims, a Deputy Chief Examiner for TOK and highly experienced TOK andMaths teacher.

Pearson Education Education Baccalaureate Francais B Teacher's Book for the IB Diploma (PDF)

by Amelie Nadeau Marie-Laure Delvallee

Schemes of work, to enable you to design the course in the best way for your students to achieve exam success Comprehensive lesson plans suggesting how best to use the book to develop students' receptive, productive and interactive skills Suggestions for how best to use each exercise, focusing on both oral and written responses. Answers to all exercises Assistance with time planning Practical advice and support with assessment Vocabulary lists

Pearson Education Education Baccalaureate Higher Level Mathematics Bundle for the IB Diploma 2012 (PDF)

by Ibrahim Wazir Tim Garry

Complete, interactive ebook containing interactive activities utilizing dynamic mathematics software, quizzes, extension and revision worksheets, full worked solutions and audio-visual calculator support. Clear explanations of key concepts and skills, accompanied by numerous worked examples. Chapter summaries to aid planning and revision. Complete flexibility over medium of study, with printed textbook, online ebook and downloadable versions of chapters to allow students to work offline. Practice questions with answers from past examination papers to help you with exam preparation. Helpful and skilful support for the new IA Mathematical Exploration continuously updated on the author website to address developments in the IA programme. Access to all Mathematics Higher Level Options chapters online (over 600 pages). Free online resources to support and extend study atwww.Pearson Education and on the authors website, containing even more regularly updated materials and support. A highly engaging Theory of Knowledge chapter, written by Ric Sims, a Deputy Chief Examiner for TOK and highly experienced TOK and Maths HL teacher.

The Play of Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol (PDF)

by David Holman

The Heinemann Plays series offers contemporary drama and classic plays in durable classroom editions. Many have large casts and an equal mix of boy and girl parts. This is an adaptation of Dickens's popular Christmas story for reading aloud and performing.

Rapid Plus 7.1: Haldor and the Drawg (PDF) (Rapid Plus)

by Alison Hawes

Each Reading Book in the Rapid Plus series is finely levelled and trialled with KS3 students, and includes: all-new content, rigorously levelled and trialled with Key Stage 3 students pre-reading pages which introduce the main characters, plots and key concepts, helping to build understanding and confidence a quiz page after each text providing opportunities for discussion and to check comprehension word and spelling activities to extend language knowledge a non-fiction section that helps to build vocabulary and offers a different reading experience.

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Showing 676 through 700 of 1,068 results