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Showing 926 through 950 of 1,054 results

Bechgyn y Bomio

by Thomas Bloor

Gwanwyn 1944 Yr Ail Ryfel Byd. Mae bomiau'n disgyn a chriwiau awyrennau'n mynd ar gyrchoedd awyr bob dydd. Fydd rhai byth yn dod 'nôl. Hyd yma, mae Len wedi dod adref bob tro. A nawr dyma Johnny, ei beilot newydd. Un golygus, hyderus sydd wedi dod â lwc i bob criw hyd yma. Dydy Len ddim mor siwr. Ond ar gyrch awyr i Berlin, mae Len yn dod i wybod sut un yw Johnny. [Spring 1944. It's World War Two. Bombs are dropping and flight crews leave on missions every day - and never come return. So far Len's made it back. Enter Johnny, his new pilot. Good-looking, cocky and a lucky charm for any crew he flies with. Len's not so sure. It's only on a mission to Berlin that Len finds out what Johnny's really like. Once and for all.]

Dwi'n Gwylio Ti!

by Lee Weatherly

'Ti'n meddwl bo ti'n glefer, on'd wyt ti. Ond ni'n gwylio pob symudiad. Cei di dy gosbi am beth wnest ti.' Gadawodd mam Sara saith mlynedd yn ôl. Nawr mae'n byw rhai milltiroedd i ffwrdd - ond mae hi'n osgoi Sara. Ond mae Sara'n gallu ei gweld hi. Yn fwy na hynny, mae Sara'n ei gwylio hi. Ac mae'n bwriadu talu'r pwyth ... ['You're not as clever as you think you are. We're watching your every move. You're going to be punished for what you did.' Sarah's mum walked out seven years ago. Now she lives just a few miles away - but she doesn't want to see Sarah. But Sarah can see her. In fact, Sarah's watching her. And she has plans to make her pay …]

Calon y Gwir

by Judy Waite

Mae gan Eli esgus perffaith am fod allan yn hwyr - fe geisiodd dyn ei herwgipio hi! Mae'r manylion i gyd ganddi. Mae'n chwip o stori dda. Dyw hi ddim yn wir, dyna i gyd. Felly pan fydd merch yn cael ei herwgipio go iawn, sut y gall Eli wneud yn siŵr nad yw ei chelwydd hi yn amddiffyn llofrudd? [Elsa has the perfect excuse for being out late - a man tried to kidnap her! She's got all the details. It's a really good story. It's just not true. So when a girl is kidnapped for real, how can Elsa make sure her lies don't protect a killer?]

Blwch yr Ysbryd

by Catherine Fisher

Mae Sara'n casáu ei llysfrawd newydd, Mat, sy'n Goth. Fyddai hi byth bythoedd yn dweud wrtho am ei breuddwydion rhyfedd. Am yr wyneb yn y goeden, y llygaid sy'n ei gwylio. Ac yn bendant ddywedai hi ddim gair am y blwch - gallai hynny olygu bod y breuddwydion yn rhai go iawn. Pwy sy'n gwau gwe o ofn o gwmpas Sara? Oes rhywun y gall hi ymddiried ynddo? [Sarah hates her new Goth step-brother, Matt. There's no way she'd tell him about her weird dreams. About the face in the tree, the eyes that watch her, and definitely not about the box that could mean the dreams are real. Who is spinning a web of fear around Sarah? And who can she trust to free her?]

Seren Wib a Straeon Eraill

by Amrywiol Meinir Wyn Edwards

Cyfrol o straeon byrion ar gyfer Cyfnod Allweddol 3 (12-15 oed). Bydd y gyfrol hon yn cynnwys straeon gan awduron profiadol a rhai newydd e.e. Jon Gower, Manon Steffan Ros, Miriam Elin a Gwennan Evans. [A volume of short stories for Key Stage 3 (12-15 years old) pupils comprising 10 stories written by experienced and new authors, e.g. Jon Gower, Manon Steffan Ros, Miriam Elin and Gwennan Evans.]

Essential Maths 8 Higher

by Michael White David Rayner

Essential Maths 8 Higher

Catching Falling Stars

by Karen McCombie

It's 1940. Gloria and her brother have been evacuated to the countryside to get away from the dangers of the Blitz in London. Their new home isn't as friendly as they'd hoped. But Gloria quickly learns that nothing is ever as it seems in this strange new place.

Essential Maths 8 Core (Essential Maths #8 Core)

by Michael White David Rayner

No synopsis available.

How to Speak Spook (and Stay Alive)

by Ally Kennen

A hilarious new ghostly adventure story from the award-winning writer of BEAST and SPARKS. Donald can see, hear and chat with ghosts. So can his mum, but she isn't very good at it (not that she knows that, so don't tell her). She's often called to help solve ghostly problems, like ridding the local supermarket of a ghoulish flip-flopping display of reanimated fish. Donald actually solves the problems himself by having a chat with the ghosts, but he pretends it was his mum, just to be nice. But now some sort of ancient monster ghost has turned up and seems like it wants to cause a lot of trouble. And this monster ghost doesn't want to talk.

Mathematics for KS3: 10-Minute Tests - Book 1 (including Answers)

by Cgp Books

This is Book One in our brilliant range of three 10-Minute Tests books for KS3 Maths — it covers the most straightforward KS3 material, and recaps some important KS2 skills. Inside, you’ll find over 30 bite-sized tests, each packed with questions on a mixture of topics. What’s more, complete answers and mark schemes are included at the back, so it’s easy to find out how well students are progressing.

The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes (A Hunger Games Novel)

by Suzanne Collins

Ambition will fuel him. Competition will drive him. But power has its price. It is the morning of the reaping that will kick off the tenth annual Hunger Games. In the Capitol, eighteen-year-old Coriolanus Snow is preparing for his one shot at glory as a mentor in the Games.

Can You See Me?

by Libby Scott Rebecca Westcott

People think that because Tally's autistic, she doesn't realise what they're thinking, but Tally sees and hears - and notices - all of it. Endearing, insightful and warmly uplifting, this is a story of autism, empathy and kindness that will touch readers of all ages.


by Alan Gratz

JOSEF is a Jewish boy living in 1930s Nazi Germany. With the threat of concentration camps looming, he and his family board a ship bound for the other side of the world . . . ISABEL is a Cuban girl in 1994. With riots and unrest plaguing her country, she and her family set out on a raft, hoping to find safety in America . . . MAHMOUD is a Syrian boy in 2015. With his homeland torn apart by violence and destruction, he and his family begin a long trek toward Europe . . . All three kids go on harrowing journeys in search of refuge. All will face unimaginable dangers -- from drownings to bombings to betrayals. But there is always the hope of tomorrow. And although Josef, Isabel, and Mahmoud are separated by continents and decades, shocking connections will tie their stories together in the end. This action-packed novel tackles topics both timely and timeless: courage, survival, and the quest for home

Empire's End - A Roman Story (Voices Ser. #4)

by Leila Rasheed

When, Camilla, a young North African girl travels with her mother and father from Leptis Magna to Rome in 207 AD, she believes that she is going to the centre of the world. But just a few months later, the little family is dispatched to the very edge of it: Britannica. Tragedy strikes and, left alone with the Empress while her father travels north, Camilla has to navigate the tricky world of of secrets and danger in this cold place she must now call home. In this heart-stopping adventure based on real historical events, Leila Rasheed shows us a dangerous and intriguing time in Britain that's sure to fascinate young readers. VOICES: A thrilling series showcasing some of the UK's finest writers for young people. Voices reflects the authentic, unsung stories of our past. Each shows that, even in times of great upheaval, a myriad of people have arrived on this island and made a home for themselves - from Roman times to the present day.

KS3 Maths Catch-Up Workbook 2 (with Answers)

by Cgp Books

"This ace CGP Maths Workbook is spot-on for KS3 students who are struggling with maths - it’s 100% focused on helping them master the crucial number skills from KS2 once and for all! It’s packed with engaging practice questions to build their confidence, plus plenty of crystal-clear notes and helpful examples. Full answers are included for easy marking. This Workbook is the 2nd of 5 in the KS3 Catch-Up Maths series, each a little trickier than the last. For more practice check out (9781789080605). "

KS3 Maths Catch-Up Workbook 4 (with Answers)

by Cgp Books

This excellent Workbook is key for KS3 students who are struggling with maths — it’s 100% focused on helping them master the crucial KS2 number skills once and for all! Our Catch-Up Maths range is designed specifically to improve number fluency by building up number facts in students' long-term memory, freeing up that crucial working memory for problem solving! It’s packed with engaging practice questions to build their confidence, plus plenty of crystal-clear notes and helpful examples. Full answers are included for easy marking. This Workbook is the 4th of 5 in the KS3 Catch-Up Maths series, each a little trickier than the last. For more practice check out (Book 5). They also come as a brilliant 5-book (money-saving bundle)!

KS3 Maths Catch-Up Workbook 3 (with Answers)

by Cgp Books

This superb Catch-Up Workbook is ideal for KS3 students who are struggling with maths — it’s 100% focused on helping them master those essential KS2 number skills once and for all! It’s packed with engaging practice questions to build their confidence, plus plenty of crystal-clear notes and helpful examples. Full answers are included for easy marking. This Workbook is the 3rd of 5 in the KS3 Catch-Up Maths series, each a little trickier than the last. For more practice check out (Book 4). They also come as a brilliant 5-book (money-saving bundle)!

KS3 Maths Catch-Up Workbook 5 (with Answers)

by Cgp Books

This beautiful workbook is essential for KS3 students who are struggling with maths — it’s 100% focused on helping them master essential KS2 number skills once and for all! Our Catch-Up Maths range is designed specifically to improve number fluency by building up number facts in students' long-term memory, freeing up that crucial working memory for problem solving! It’s packed with engaging practice questions to build their confidence, plus plenty of crystal-clear notes and helpful examples. Full answers are included for easy marking. This is the final Workbook in the KS3 Catch-Up Maths series. Full answers are included for easy marking. They also come as a brilliant 5-book (money-saving bundle)!

New KS3 Maths Revision Question Cards - Higher

by Cgp Books

Looking for the ultimate KS3 Maths revision tool? Look no further! This brilliant pack contains 95 Revision Question Cards, aimed at pupils working at a Higher level. Each card features quick warm-up questions followed by more involved questions – all with answers on the back, plus a selection of expert tips! No calculators or pens are needed, just good old brain power. These Revision Question Cards match the topics in our KS3 Higher Maths Revision Guide — together, they're an exam-prep dream team! This book can also be bought as a standalone Online Edition — we'll send you a code to redeem immediately.

Gamma: The 3rd Book of Mathsteasers

by Tony Gardiner

This question book uses the knowledge learnt in Year 6 to challenge advanced learners to think more deeply. The problems are tricky and can be used to stretch older pupils until Year 8. It is a flexible resource designed to be used by any pupil having a clever day and looking for that extra challenge to today's lesson. The Mathsteasers Series follows the 2014 English National Curriculum so is a great addition to any maths mastery programme or to be used as an after-school activity. As an added bonus at the end of each chapter you can find full solutions to each problem.

Beta: The 2nd Book of Mathsteasers

by Tony Gardiner

This question book uses the knowledge learnt in Year 5 to challenge advanced learners to think more deeply. The problems are tricky and can be used to stretch older pupils until Year 8. It is a flexible resource designed to be used by any pupil having a clever day and looking for that extra challenge to today's lesson. The Mathsteasers Series follows the 2014 English National Curriculum so is a great addition to any maths mastery programme or to be used as an after-school activity. As an added bonus at the end of each chapter you can find full solutions to each problem.

Alpha: The 1st Book of Mathsteasers

by Tony Gardiner

Alpha: The 1st Book of Mathsteasers is one of three question booklets aimed at advanced learners, written by Dr Tony Gardiner. The books, similar to the Maths — No Problem! Primary Textbook Series, follow the 2014 English National Curriculum. The problems in this book are ideal for children in Years 4 to 8 who have mastered the standard curriculum work and are looking for a further challenge. Questions featured in each book deepen pupils’ mathematical knowledge rather than advancing them through topics. This book contains 12 chapters, based on the national curriculum for Year 4 including topics such as place value, fractions and geometry, and over 140 challenging problems in total.

The Titanic Detective Agency

by Lindsay Littleson

Unlock the secrets of the unsinkable ship… Bertha Watt, tree-climber and would-be polar explorer, is excited to be on RMS Titanic’s maiden voyage, as she leaves Aberdeen behind for the glamour of a new life in America. But Bertha quickly realises that some passengers are behaving strangely, and she determines to unravel their secrets. With new friend, Madge, Bertha sets up her own detective agency to try and solve the mysteries onboard, but they have no idea that disaster is looming for Titanic. Can they help Johan find the hidden treasure and unmask the identity of the enigmatic Mr Hoffman before time runs out on the ‘unsinkable’ ship?

Special Forces Cadets 3: Justice (Special Forces Cadets (PDF) #3)

by Chris Ryan

An SAS team has been captured by a war lord who forces children to become soldiers. The Special Forces Cadets are parachuted into the Congo rainforest to help the team escape. But the operation starts to go wrong right away. Can the SPECIAL FORCES CADETS trust each other? And the jungle is home to creatures even more deadly than desperate children with guns . . .

Special Forces Cadets 6: Assassin (Special Forces Cadets (PDF) #6)

by Chris Ryan

Darius, son of an escaped Iranian scientist, is a pupil at an exclusive Swiss school, but his father's former bosses want him back and have no regard for the boy's LIFE or his FREEDOM. The Special Forces Cadets are sent to PROTECT Darius. When the assassins launch a DEADLY ATTACK, their only escape is into the mountains. Pursued by their enemies, can the cadets triumph and SURVIVE the deadly natural HAZARDS of the alpine winter?

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