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Showing 826 through 850 of 1,028 results

Yr Ynys (Cyfres Yma)

by Lleucu Roberts

Y nofel gyntaf mewn trioleg ar gyfer yr arddegau hŷn. Mae Gwawr a Cai yn paratoi ar gyfer taith yn ôl i'r Henwlad er mwyn darganfod mwy am fywyd eu hynafiaid cyn ffrwydriad dinistriol y Diwedd Mawr a gafodd effaith tyngedfennol ar y byd. [The first title in a trilogy for older teenagers. Gwawr and Cai prepare to journey back to the Henwlad where they hope to learn about the lives of their ancestors before a destructive explosion which had a fateful effect on the world.] *Datganiad hawlfraint Gwneir y copi hwn dan dermau Rheoliadau (Anabledd) Hawlfraint a Hawliau mewn Perfformiadau 2014 i'w ddefnyddio gan berson sy'n anabl o ran print yn unig. Oni chaniateir gan gyfraith, ni ellir ei gopïo ymhellach, na'i roi i unrhyw berson arall, heb ganiatâd.

Seren Wib a Straeon Eraill

by Amrywiol Meinir Wyn Edwards

Cyfrol o straeon byrion ar gyfer Cyfnod Allweddol 3 (12-15 oed). Bydd y gyfrol hon yn cynnwys straeon gan awduron profiadol a rhai newydd e.e. Jon Gower, Manon Steffan Ros, Miriam Elin a Gwennan Evans. [A volume of short stories for Key Stage 3 (12-15 years old) pupils comprising 10 stories written by experienced and new authors, e.g. Jon Gower, Manon Steffan Ros, Miriam Elin and Gwennan Evans.]

Cyfrol Straeon Byrion 2

by Amrywiol Meinir Wyn Edwards

Cyfrol o straeon byrion ar gyfer Cyfnod Allweddol 3 (12-15 oed). Mae yma awduron fel Dylan Iorwerth, Caryl Lewis, Sian Northey, Cynan Llwyd a Llio Maddocks. [A collection of 15 short stories suitable for Key Stage 3 pupils (12-15 years old). Authors include Dylan Iorwerth, Caryl Lewis, Sian Northey, Cynan Llwyd and Llio Maddocks.]

Y Diffeithwch Du (Cyfres Y Melanai #2)

by Bethan Gwanas

Mae'r nofel yn olrhain hanes Efa, sy'n dywysoges ar y Melanai, ar ôl iddi hi a'i ffrindiau ddianc o'r Palas rhag iddi orfod lladd ei mam, y frenhines, yn dilyn traddodiad y wlad. Maen nhw wedi cyrraedd Y Diffeithwch Du sydd yn llawn peryglon ac yn cwrdd â chawr o'r enw Id, a nifer o anifeiliaid a sefyllfaoedd peryglus a heriol. Ail deitl mewn trioleg. [A novel telling the story of Efa, princess of the Melanai, after she and her friends flee the Palace before she has to kill her mother, the queen, as decreed by tradition. On reaching The Dark Desolation which is full of dangers, they meet the giant Id, a number of animals and treacherous challenges. The second title in a trilogy.] *Datganiad hawlfraint Gwneir y copi hwn dan dermau Rheoliadau (Anabledd) Hawlfraint a Hawliau mewn Perfformiadau 2014 i'w ddefnyddio gan berson sy'n anabl o ran print yn unig. Oni chaniateir gan gyfraith, ni ellir ei gopïo ymhellach, na'i roi i unrhyw berson arall, heb ganiatâd.

Hadau (Cyfres Yma #2)

by Lleucu Roberts

Mae Hadau wedi ei gosod yn y dyfodol ar ôl i fom niwcliar ddinistrio gorllewin Ewrop. Roedd Cymry wedi sefydlu cymuned mewn ynys ger Norwy a Cai a Gwawr wedi eu magu yno. Maen nhw erbyn hyn wedi cyrraedd tref Aberystwyth yn yr henwlad (Cymru) ac yn dod o hyd i lwyth cyntefig sydd yn prysur rhedeg mas o fwyd a hadau i dyfu cnydau. [Seeds have been sown in the future after a nuclear bomb has devastated Western Europe. Some Welshmen had established a community on a Norwegian Island where Cai and Gwawr were brought up. The have now reached Aberystwyth where they discover a primitive tribe which is swiftly running out of food and seeds to grow crops.] *Datganiad hawlfraint Gwneir y copi hwn dan dermau Rheoliadau (Anabledd) Hawlfraint a Hawliau mewn Perfformiadau 2014 i'w ddefnyddio gan berson sy'n anabl o ran print yn unig. Oni chaniateir gan gyfraith, ni ellir ei gopïo ymhellach, na'i roi i unrhyw berson arall, heb ganiatâd.

Edenia (Cyfres Y Melanai #3)

by Bethan Gwanas

Dyma'r nofel olaf yn nhrioleg Y MELANAI am Efa a'i chriw. Ar ôl iddyn nhw ddianc i'r Diffeithwch Du rhag i Efa orfod lladd ei mam, y frenhines, ar ei phen-blwydd yn 16 oed, maen nhw bellach wedi cyrraedd tir Edenia lle maen nhw'n dod o hyd i lwyth arall o bobl. Pa fath o groeso gawn nhw yno a beth fydd yn digwydd i Efa ar ddiwedd y drioleg? [This is the final title in the MELANAI trilogy. After they escape to the Dark Desolation so that Efa, on her 16th birthday, does not have to kill her mother, the queen, she and her friends have now reached Edenia where they come across another tribe. What sort of welcome will they receive there and what will happen to Efa?] *Datganiad hawlfraint Gwneir y copi hwn dan dermau Rheoliadau (Anabledd) Hawlfraint a Hawliau mewn Perfformiadau 2014 i'w ddefnyddio gan berson sy'n anabl o ran print yn unig. Oni chaniateir gan gyfraith, ni ellir ei gopïo ymhellach, na'i roi i unrhyw berson arall, heb ganiatâd.

Afallon (Cyfres Yma #3)

by Lleucu Roberts

Dyma nofel olaf trioleg gyffrous Lleucu Roberts sydd wedi ei gosod yn Aberystwyth ôl-apocalyptaidd yn 2141. Pan mae rhai'n cael eu cipio o Gymru, i ble maen nhw'n mynd? Ar yr wyneb mae'r lle fel Afallon ond mae themâu dwys ynddi – rôl merched mewn cymdeithas, trin pobol sydd yn 'wahanol', rhyddid a chaethiwed, yn ogystal ag elfennau o 'Big Brother' a 'The Handmaiden's Tale'. [This is the final title in a trilogy by Lleucu Roberts set in a post-apocalyptic Aberystwyth in 2141. When some people are snatched from Wales, where do they go? Intense themes lie under an idyllic surface: women's role in society, the treatment of people who are 'different', freedom and captivity, together with elements of 'Big Brother' and 'The Handmaiden's Tale'.] *Datganiad hawlfraint Gwneir y copi hwn dan dermau Rheoliadau (Anabledd) Hawlfraint a Hawliau mewn Perfformiadau 2014 i'w ddefnyddio gan berson sy'n anabl o ran print yn unig. Oni chaniateir gan gyfraith, ni ellir ei gopïo ymhellach, na'i roi i unrhyw berson arall, heb ganiatâd.

Heb Law Mam

by Heiddwen Tomos

Doedd ei mam hi ddim adre. Doedd hi ddim wedi bod adre ers wythnos. Dyma stori Efa a'i mam. Cemo fel caead bedd. Nofel lawn hiwmor a thristwch ar gyfer yr arddegau. [Her mum was not at home. She hadn't been home for a week. This is the story of Efa and her mum. Chemo like a coffin lid. A humorous novel, tinged with sadness, aimed at teenagers.]

Cors Caron

by Meleri Wyn James

"Caron? Fi sy 'ma, Dad. Caron... pam ti ddim yn ateb y ffôn?" Mae tir gwyllt y gors fel ail gartre i Caron, 15 oed, ac Iwan, ei ffrind gorau. Ond un pnawn mae'n mynd ar grwydr a dyw hi ddim yn dod yn ôl. Nofel gyffrous sy'n symud rhwng dau fyd, a stori hudolus am chwilio, am berthyn ac am ein newid agwedd at yr amgylchedd. [A mystery novel for children set against the backdrop of the Caron marshland in mid-Wales. The story moves swiftly between two worlds, and deals with themes of relationship, love and the change in our attitude towards the environment.]

Fi ac Aaron Ramsey

by Manon Steffan Ros

"Rambo. Aaron Ramsey. Fy arwr. Roedd y poster ohono yn fwy na'r gweddill achos fo oedd fy ffefryn." Mae Sam yn caru pêl-droed - chwarae gyda'i ffrindiau a'r tîm lleol, gwylio goliau a fideos gyda Mo, trafod gemau gyda'i dad a chefnogi tîm Cymru wrth gwrs. Ond, i Sam, mae pêl-droed yn bwysicach na dim ond gêm. Mae'n rhoi cysur pan mae'n poeni am bob peth ac yn rhoi profiadau newydd, cyffrous iddo. Ond mae un digwyddiad ofnadwy ar y cae yn bygwth chwalu ei berthynas â'r gêm yn llwyr. [This is a tale of two friends and ends as Wales reach Euro 2020. The relationship between the two is like a football game - there are spectacular highlights and heart breaking low points. However, through football the two come to understand each other and come to appreciate that it is varied strengths and working together that creates a good team.]


by Manon Steffan Ros

Mae Gwenno wedi cael ei lladd. Gwenno berffaith, glyfar, brydferth - hi oedd yn boblogaidd efo'r swots a'r bobol cŵl. Darganfuwyd ei chorff yn y chwarel, a bellach mae'r cops dros bob man ym Methesda, a phawb yn ceisio dod o hyd iddi. Ond does ganddyn nhw fawr o obaith, dim â hwythau'n gwybod y nesaf peth i ddim am sut ferch oedd hi go iawn. [Gwenno is dead - perfect, clever, beautiful Gwenno, who is popular with both swots and cool people. Her body was found in the slate mine, the police are everywhere around Bethesda, and everyone is looking for her. But they have no hope of finding her, as they have no idea what she was really like.]

KS3 Maths Catch-Up Workbook 1 (With Answers)

by Cgp Books

This brilliant CGP Workbook is perfect for KS3 students who are struggling with maths - it’s 100% focused on helping them master the crucial number skills from KS2 once and for all! It’s packed with engaging practice questions to build their confidence, plus plenty of crystal-clear notes and helpful examples. Full answers are included for easy marking. This Workbook is the 1st of 5 in the KS3 Catch-Up Maths series, each a little trickier than the last. For more practice check out (9781789080599).

KS3 Science Complete Revision & Practice - Foundation (with Online Edition): (PDF)

by Cgp Books

This cracking CGP KS3 Science Foundation Revsion & Practice Guide is the ultimate course companion for students working at a foundation level. It’s full of crystal-clear study notes covering every topic, backed up with a healthy serving of practice questions. We’ve also included plenty of summary and test-style questions, alongside some brilliant mixed-topic tests and practice exam - perfect for building on what pupils have learned. And finally, a free Online Edition is included - just use the unique code printed in the book to access it on a PC, Mac or tablet!

KS3 Science Year 9 Targeted Workbook (with answers)

by Cgp Books

This wondrous CGP Workbook features an array of Biology, Chemistry and Physics questions, all set at the perfect difficulty for students in Year 9. It's absolutely spot on for honing those all-important Science skills. The questions cover a range of techniques and topics, and aim to challenge common misunderstandings, prepare students for the mathsy and practical sections of the course, and to help bridge the gap to GCSE. Topics also include a selection of warm-up questions - to test what students already know about each topic. We've rounded the book off with a stack of mixed test-style questions to bring everything students have learned together in one place. Full answers are provided in the back of the book.

KS3 Computing Complete Revision & Practice

by Cgp Books

For unbeatable KS3 Computing Complete Revision & Practice, look no further than CGP's all-in-one guide! It's bursting with full-colour study notes, tips and examples - including programming examples in Scratch and Python. There are plenty of warm-up questions and practice questions. Plus we've included mixed practice tests and a practice exam to see how much you really know - and answers to everything. What’s more, a free Online Edition of the whole book is included so you can read it on a PC, Mac or tablet. Just use the unique code printed inside the cover to gain full access.

New KS3 Science Revision Question Cards

by Cgp Books

"We all know just how important it is to test the things you've learned - that's why we've created these brilliant KS3 Science cards. They cover all the key Biology, Chemistry and Physics topics from the KS3 National Curriculum, and are the perfect match for our KS3 Science Revision Guide (9781841462301). This pack contains 95 question cards, each containing a healthy serving of warm-ups and more challenging questions. Cards are also colour coded based on the subject - lovely! Full answers can be found on the back of each card, including worked solutions for any calculations. "

New KS3 Maths Revision Question Cards - Higher

by Cgp Books

Looking for the ultimate KS3 Maths revision tool? Look no further! This brilliant pack contains 95 Revision Question Cards, aimed at pupils working at a Higher level. Each card features quick warm-up questions followed by more involved questions – all with answers on the back, plus a selection of expert tips! No calculators or pens are needed, just good old brain power. These Revision Question Cards match the topics in our KS3 Higher Maths Revision Guide — together, they're an exam-prep dream team! This book can also be bought as a standalone Online Edition — we'll send you a code to redeem immediately.

New KS3 Biology 10-Minute Tests (with answers)

by Cgp Books

"These fantastic 10-Minute Tests are ideal for studying the KS3 Biology course. The book contains thirty bite-sized tests covering every topic students need to know, including some mixed practice — ideal for confidence building! There are also answers and mark schemes at the back, along with a handy progress chart. For crystal-clear study notes and even more practice, don’t miss our brilliant KS3 Biology Study & Question Books available for Higher and Foundation Levels."

New KS3 Chemistry 10-Minute Tests (with answers)

by Cgp Books

There's no better way for students to get their head around KS3 Chemistry than with these superb 10-Minute Tests. The book contains thirty bite-sized tests covering every topic they need to know, including some mixed practice — ideal for confidence building! There are also answers and mark schemes at the back, along with a handy progress chart. For crystal-clear study notes and even more practice, don’t miss our brilliant KS3 Chemistry Study & Question Books available for Higher and Foundation Levels.

New KS3 Physics 10-Minute Tests (with answers)

by Cgp Books

This indispensable book for KS3 Physics is packed with bite-sized 10-Minute tests. There are thirty quick-fire tests covering every topic they need to know, including some mixed practice — ideal for confidence building! There are also answers and mark schemes at the back, along with a handy progress chart. For crystal-clear study notes and even more practice, don’t miss our brilliant KS3 Physics Study & Question Books available for Higher and Foundation Levels.

New KS3 Science Knowledge Organiser

by Cgp Books

Here's the secret to remembering everything you need to know for KS3 Science — CGP's brilliant Knowledge Organiser! It’s perfect to use alongside your full study notes, all the way through Years 7, 8 and 9. We’ve stripped every topic down to the most important points, with a mixture of snappy reminders, tables, graphics and diagrams. It’s really easy to see what you need to learn, and a whole lot quicker than writing your own shortened notes.

New KS3 Science Knowledge Organiser (PDF)

by Cgp Books

Here's the secret to remembering everything you need to know for KS3 Science — CGP's brilliant Knowledge Organiser! It’s perfect to use alongside your full study notes, all the way through Years 7, 8 and 9. We’ve stripped every topic down to the most important points, with a mixture of snappy reminders, tables, graphics and diagrams. It’s really easy to see what you need to learn, and a whole lot quicker than writing your own shortened notes.

New KS3 Science Knowledge Retriever

by Cgp Books

Get the most out of your CGP KS3 Science Knowledge Organiser with this matching Knowledge Retriever! It's really simple to use: once you've learnt a topic from the Knowledge Organiser, look it up in this Knowledge Retriever and test your memory by filling in as much info as you can. To make sure you know everything off by heart, and to check the bits you're finding trickier we've included a second tougher test to have a go at. Once you think you know your stuff, try the mixed practice quizzes to really put your understanding to the test! Don't miss our money-saving bundle including our fantastic Knowledge Organiser and Retriever.

New KS3 Science Knowledge Retriever (PDF)

by Cgp Books

Get the most out of your CGP KS3 Science Knowledge Organiser with this matching Knowledge Retriever! It's really simple to use: once you've learnt a topic from the Knowledge Organiser, look it up in this Knowledge Retriever and test your memory by filling in as much info as you can. To make sure you know everything off by heart, and to check the bits you're finding trickier we've included a second tougher test to have a go at. Once you think you know your stuff, try the mixed practice quizzes to really put your understanding to the test!

KS3 Maths Year 9 Student Book - with answers & Online Edition

by Cgp Books

"This superb in-depth Student Book is ideal for Year 9 Maths students and perfect for independent study! It’s packed with detailed, accessible notes, backed up with fully worked examples. Each section starts with a prior knowledge check and is rounded off with a review exercise - just the thing for recapping all of the content students have learnt. Plenty of practice questions, including challenge questions, are included throughout, complete with worked solutions. We’ve even included learning objectives for each topic, a glossary and a topic map to show which topics appear in each KS3 book. What’s more, we’ve thrown in a free Online Edition that lets you read the entire book on a PC, Mac or tablet. When the book arrives, just use the unique code printed inside the cover to gain full access. Looking for more unbeatable Year 9 Maths practice? Check out our Year 9 Targeted Workbook (9781789083187) and Year 9 Weekly Workouts (9781789085761). "

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Showing 826 through 850 of 1,028 results