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Showing 1,826 through 1,836 of 1,836 results

Allegiant (Divergent, Book 3) (PDF)

by Veronica Roth

The thrillingly dark conclusion to the No. 1 New York Times bestselling DIVERGENT trilogy.

All Quiet on the Western Front (PDF)

by Erich Maria Remarque

One by one the boys begin to fall...In 1914 a room full of German schoolboys, fresh-faced and idealistic, are goaded by their schoolmaster to troop off to the 'glorious war'. With the fire and patriotism of youth they sign up. What follows is the moving story of a young 'unknown soldier' experiencing the horror and disillusionment of life in the trenches.

All Quiet on the Western Front

by Erich Maria Remarque

In 1914 a room full of German schoolboys, fresh-faced and idealistic, are goaded by their schoolmaster to troop off to the 'glorious war'. With the fire and patriotism of youth they sign up. What follows is the moving story of a young 'unknown soldier' experiencing the horror and disillusionment of life in the trenches.

Alaw Gobaith

by Rhian Ivory Elin Meek

Dyma nofel i'r arddegau am Alaw Gobaith, sy'n galaru am ei thad ac yn teimlo bod pawb a phopeth yn ei herbyn. Mae'n dioddef o'r cyflwr PMDD (Anhwylder Dysfforig cyn y Mislif) ac mae'n trio dod i delerau â hyn drwy helpu ar wardiau plant mewn ysbyty leol a thrwy gyfathrebu â bachgen wnaeth hi gwrdd ag ef ar hap ar y fferi yn ôl o Iwerddon. All e ei helpu? All hi ddod o hyd i'w Chynllun B? [A novel for teenagers about Alaw Gobaith, who is grieving for her father and feels that everything and everybody is against her. She suffers from PMDD (premenstrual dysphoric disorder) and tries to come to terms with this by assisting at a local hospital on childrens' wards, and by corresponding with a boy she met on the ferry while returning from Ireland. Will he be able to help her?]

Al (Cyfres Copa)

by Manon Ros

Mae'r nofel yn ymdrin â thema ysgytwol o orfod dygymod â ffrind yn lladd ei gariad. Mae Cai'n darganfod bod Al wedi lladd Meg ar ôl noson feddw a chawn ddarganfod mwy am hanes Al trwy lygaid ei ffrind. Nofel ingol ar gyfer 15+ oed. [A novel dealing with themes of friendship, as a young man tries to come to terms with the shocking news that his friend has killed his girlfriend, for readers over 15 years old.] *Datganiad hawlfraint Gwneir y copi hwn dan dermau Rheoliadau (Anabledd) Hawlfraint a Hawliau mewn Perfformiadau 2014 i'w ddefnyddio gan berson sy'n anabl o ran print yn unig. Oni chaniateir gan gyfraith, ni ellir ei gopïo ymhellach, na'i roi i unrhyw berson arall, heb ganiatâd.

Afallon (Cyfres Yma #3)

by Lleucu Roberts

Dyma nofel olaf trioleg gyffrous Lleucu Roberts sydd wedi ei gosod yn Aberystwyth ôl-apocalyptaidd yn 2141. Pan mae rhai'n cael eu cipio o Gymru, i ble maen nhw'n mynd? Ar yr wyneb mae'r lle fel Afallon ond mae themâu dwys ynddi – rôl merched mewn cymdeithas, trin pobol sydd yn 'wahanol', rhyddid a chaethiwed, yn ogystal ag elfennau o 'Big Brother' a 'The Handmaiden's Tale'. [This is the final title in a trilogy by Lleucu Roberts set in a post-apocalyptic Aberystwyth in 2141. When some people are snatched from Wales, where do they go? Intense themes lie under an idyllic surface: women's role in society, the treatment of people who are 'different', freedom and captivity, together with elements of 'Big Brother' and 'The Handmaiden's Tale'.] *Datganiad hawlfraint Gwneir y copi hwn dan dermau Rheoliadau (Anabledd) Hawlfraint a Hawliau mewn Perfformiadau 2014 i'w ddefnyddio gan berson sy'n anabl o ran print yn unig. Oni chaniateir gan gyfraith, ni ellir ei gopïo ymhellach, na'i roi i unrhyw berson arall, heb ganiatâd.

Additional Mathematics for OCR (PDF)

by Val Hanrahan

Endorsed by OCR for use with the OCR Additional Mathematics specification. This level 3 qualification in Key Stage 4 enables students to study higher level mathematics without having to embark on their AS modules. Ideal for students considering maths at AS/A level, accelerating their progress and aiding their future choices.

The Academic Essay: How to plan, draft, write and revise (Studymates)

by Dr Derek Soles

All students are required at some point to write an essay but many students are never actually taught how to write that essay, that is why this book is so important. Written by an experienced sympathetic teacher what lies at the beating heart of this book is a system to create an essay, a system so straightforward that it is virtually impossible not to improve your exam technique.

9-1 GCSE Combined Science: Physics Edexcel Revision Question Cards

by Cgp Books

Your students might reckon they know Physics after reading over their study notes, but how much can they actually remember? Put their Physics knowledge to the test with our brilliant Revision Question Cards! There are 63 cards in the pack, covering all the key Physics topics from the Grade 9-1 GCSE Edexcel Combined Science course. Each one starts off with quick warm up questions, followed by harder questions to really test them. Flip the card over to find full answers to each question, carefully written to help students understand everything they need to know. Along the way, we’ve packed in plenty of diagrams and expert revision tips, and there are even questions on Working Scientifically and Practical Skills. Amazing!

21st Century Science: GCSE Science Higher (PDF)

by Peter Ellis Sue Kearsley Michele Francis Gary Philpott Penny Johnson Steve Woolley Michael O'Neill Penny Marshall

The motivating Foundation and Higher Tier Students Books are available for both GCSE and GCSE Additional Science. And new for 2007 are the Higher Tier Students Books containing the Further Science Units required for GCSE Biology, GCSE Chemistry and GCSE Physics. The FREE ActiveBook CD-ROM included with every Students Book gives students even more support during individual and home study and cater for a wide range of learning styles.

11+ CEM 10-Minute Tests: Comprehension - Ages 10-11 Book 1 (with Online Edition)

by Cgp Books

This book of 10-Minute Tests from CGP is perfect for helping pupils prepare for the tricky Comprehension questions in the CEM 11+ test - It contains over 30 quick tests with questions focused on developing the essential comprehension skills! To break up the all the serious 11+ preparation, we’ve also included fun puzzle pages throughout the book. What’s more, complete answers to every question are included in a pull-out section, so you’ll never be left in the dark about how to solve a problem. This book also comes with a free Online Edition - just use the unique access code printed inside the cover to access it on a PC, Mac or tablet!

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