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Showing 76 through 100 of 1,795 results

Simply The Quest (Who Let The Gods Out? #2)

by Maz Evans

Elliot and Virgo’s troubles are far from over: death-daemon Thanatos and his scary mum are at large and determined to destroy the world. As even more immortal allies and enemies emerge, Virgo and Elliot must learn how to be heroes …

The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (Young Reading Series 4)

by Robert Louis Stevenson Russell Punter

This split personality book demonstrates the story within its pages. This story is able to be enjoyed from both directions with just a simple flip of the story, truly capturing the strange case of Dr. Jekyll and his conterpart, Mr. Hyde.

Antur ar y Ffordd Adref (Saith Selog)

by Enid Blyton

Addasiad Manon Steffan Ros o Adventure on the Way Home, un o deitlau'r gyfres Secret Seven gan Enid Blyton. Stori antur am saith ffrind yn ceisio datrys dirgelwch, a rhan o gyfres gyffrous wych sy'n addas i ddarllenwyr 5 i 8 oed, ac sy'n eu paratoi ar gyfer symud ymlaen i ddarllen y gyfres Pump Prysur. [Manon Steffan Ros's Welsh adapatation of Adventure on the Way Home, one of Enid Blyton's stories in the Secret Seven series. An adventure story about seven friends trying to unravel a mystery, which is part of an exciting series for 5-8 year old readers in an excellent series which prepares them for the Famous Five series.]

Antur y Da-Da (Saith Selog)

by Enid Blyton Eirian Jones

Addasiad Manon Steffan Ros o The Humbug Adventure, un o deitlau'r gyfres Secret Seven gan Enid Blyton. Dilynwn y saith ffrind wrth iddynt atal tân rhag lledu a chanfod pwy gynheuodd y tân. Rhan o gyfres o straeon cyffrous sy'n targedu darllenwyr 5 i 8 oed ac yn eu paratoi at ddarllen cyfres Pump Prysur gan yr un awdures. [A Welsh adaptation by Manon Steffan Ros of The Humbug Adventure, one of the titles of the Secret Seven series by Enid Blyton. We follow the seven friends as they raise the alarm about a spreading fire and find out who started it. Part of an exciting series that targets 5-8 year old readers and prepares them for the Famous Five series by the same author.]

Arthur and the Golden Rope (PDF)

by Joe Todd-Stanton

Welcome to Professor Brownstone's vault - containing ancient relics from around the world, all collected by his famous ancestors! This fan favourite is coming to shelves in paperback! Follow the epic journey of Brownstone's earliest ancestor, Arthur, and travel back to the age of the Vikings where this bookish young adventurer must find the courage to save his village and defeat the mighty beast Fenrir...

Ble Mae'r Saith Selog? (Saith Selog)

by Enid Blyton Manon Steffan Ros

Pan mae'r Saith Selog yn ymweld â hen dy gwag, maen nhw'n sylweddoli nad ydi o'n wag wedi'r cyfan! A fyddan nhw'n gallu dianc ar ôl cael eu cloi yn yr hen le dychrynllyd? Addasiad Manon Steffan Ros o Where are the Secret Seven? ar gyfer darllenwyr 5-8 oed. [The new series follows the adventures of seven children who have formed a secret club in a shed at the bottom of the garden. The series includes six titles of page-turning adventures in Welsh adaptations by Manon Steffan Ros. In this story, the friends visit an old empty house, but soon realise it isn't empty after all! Aimed at 5-8 year old readers.]

Brysiwch, Saith Selog, Brysiwch! (Saith Selog)

by Enid Blyton

Addasiad Cymraeg Manon Steffan Ros o Hurry, Secret Seven, Hurry!, un o deitlau Enid Blyton o'i chyfres boblogaidd Secret Seven. Rhaid i'r Saith Selog symud yn gyflym i arbed trychineb rhag digwydd wedi i arwyddwr rheilffordd anfon neges bwysig i'w achubwyr. Rhan o gyfres i ysgogi plant 5 i 8 oed i ddarllen, yn llawn darluniau cyfoes, lliwgar a thestun bras. [A Welsh adaptation by Manon Steffan Ros of Hurry, Secret Seven, Hurry!, one of Enid Blyton's titles from her popular series Secret Seven. The seven friends have to move swiftly to prevent disaster when an injured signalman sends an important message to his rescuers. A series aimed at encouraging 5-8 year olds to read, with modern, colour illustrations and large print.]

Busy Ant Maths: Pupil Book 6C (PDF)

by Andrew Edmonson Elizabeth Jurgensen Jeanette Mumford Sandra Roberts Peter Clarke

The Busy Ant Maths Pupil Book 6C contains three levels of differentiated challenge built-in to each lesson as well as extra consolidation and extension activities to ensure rapid progression for every child.

Collins Big Cat, Band 16, Sapphire: Black Beauty (PDF)

by Sue Purkiss Anna Sewell

A retelling of Anna Sewell's classic adventure story of Black Beauty as he starts life carefree in the field with his mother, and is then sold from owner to owner. Will he survive as his treatment gets worse and worse, and will he ever find an owner worthy of his unending loyalty?

Cyfrinach yr Hen Felin (Saith Selog)

by Enid Blyton

Addasiad Cymraeg Manon Steffan Ros o Secret of the Old Mill o'r gyfres Secret Seven gan Enid Blyton, sef y stori sy'n adrodd hanes y saith ffrind yn sefydlu clwb arbennig sy'n cyfarfod yn y sied gudd yng ngwaelod yr ardd. Llyfrau sy'n addas ar gyfer darllenwyr 5 i 8 oed. [Manon Steffan Ros's Welsh adaptation of one of Enid Blyton's stories in the Secret Seven series, namely Secret of the Old Mill featuring the seven friends establishing their special club which meets in the shed at the bottom of the garden. For 5-8 year old readers.]

Daisy and the trouble with Jack (PDF)

by Kes Gray

Daisy can't believe it! Mrs Peters is making her sit next to Jack Beechwhistle - the worst boy in the school, and possibly the whole world! Jack is so mad! Mrs Peters is making him sit next to Daisy Butters - she's such an annoying blabber! As the school day goes on, Daisy and Jack think of more and more ways to get one up on each other. Then they both have a brilliant idea! Trouble is, Daisy and Jack might be more alike than they realized . . . A funny, mischievous and totally troublesome tale for girls and boys, written and published specially for World Book Day 2016.

The Great Chocoplot

by Chris Callaghan

Jelly and her family live in Chompton-on-de-Lyte, where everyone loves a Chocablocka bar or two - so when the end of chocolate is announced, she can't believe it. Determined to investigate, Jelly and her gran follow a trail of clues to a posh chocolate shop and its owner, the pompous Garibaldi Chocolati. Gari's suspiciously smug, despite his failing business and yucky chocolate. Is it really the chocopocalypse, or is there a chocoplot afoot? An exciting, laugh-out-loud funny adventure for children aged 7 and up Readers will relish the terrifying premise: what if all chocolate was to disappear? Features illustrations by Lalalimola Stars a truly ghastly villain - think evil mastermind meets Willy Wonka! - and a down-to-earth heroine with a sidekick grandma.

James a'r Eirinen Wlanog Enfawr

by Roald Dahl

Addasiad Cymraeg o James and the Giant Peach gan Elin Meek, yn dilyn anturiaethau anhygoel James wedi iddo dderbyn bag yn llawn tafodau crocodeil hud er mwyn dianc rhag ei ddwy fodryb greulon. Addas i blant 7-11 oed. [A Welsh adaptation of James and the Giant Peach by Elin Meek, which follows the extraordinary escapades of James after he receives a bagful of magical crocodile tongues to enable him to escape from his two cruel aunts; for children aged 7-11 years old.] *Datganiad hawlfraint Gwneir y copi hwn dan dermau Rheoliadau (Anabledd) Hawlfraint a Hawliau mewn Perfformiadau 2014 i'w ddefnyddio gan berson sy'n anabl o ran print yn unig. Oni chaniateir gan gyfraith, ni ellir ei gopïo ymhellach, na'i roi i unrhyw berson arall, heb ganiatâd.

The Journey

by Frenci Sanna

What is it like to have to leave everything behind and travel many miles to somewhere unfamiliar and strange? A mother and her two children set out on such a journey; one filled with fear of the unknown, but also great hope. Based on her own interactions with people forced to seek a new home, and told from the perspective of a young child, Francesca Sanna has created a beautiful and sensitive book that is full of significance for our time. With haunting echoes of current affairs this beautifully illustrated book explores the unimaginable decisions made as a family leave their home and everything they know to escape the turmoil and tragedy brought by war. This book will stay with you long after the last page is turned.

Ks2 English

by Cgp Books

Our brilliant Targeted Question Book 2 for Year 6 pupils is jam-packed with even more Reading Comprehension practice! It contains more engaging texts (at the same level as Book 1) - including fiction, non-fiction and poetry - that cover a diverse range of styles and eras from well-known classics to modern authors. Each text is accompanied by practice questions to help build pupils’ comprehension skills, and there are full answers at the back. There are also handy online extras, including a pupil progress chart. For more Year 6 Reading Comprehension practice, don't miss our Book 1 (9781782944515) and challenging Stretch Book (9781782947899).


by Roald Dahl Elin Meek Quentin Blake

Hen leidr cas yw tad Matilda Wormwood a thwpsen yw ei mam. Maen nhw'n meddwl bod Matilda'n boendod ac y dylai hi wylio rhagor o deledu a darllen llai o lyfrau! Ond mae Miss Honey, ei hathrawes hyfryd, yn credu bod Matilda yn athrylith. Mae gan Matilda rai triciau rhyfeddol yn ei llawes, felly gwell i'r brifathrawes a'i rhieni ofnadwy, fod yn ofalus. Cyfieithiad Cymraeg gan Elin Meek. [Five-year old Matilda longs for her parents to be good and loving and understanding, but they are none of these things. They are perfectly horrid to her. Matilda invents a game of punishing them each time they treat her badly and she soon discovers she has supernatural powers. A Welsh translation of the award-winning Dahl title Matilda by Elin Meek.]

Moon Juice (G - Reference,information And Interdisciplinary Subjects Ser.)

by Kate Wakeling

Meet Skig, who’s meant to be a warrior (but is really more of a worrier). Meet a giddy comet, skidding across the sky with her tail on fire. Put a marvellous new machine in your pocket and maybe you’ll be able to fix all your life’s problems. Kate Wakeling’s first book of poems for children is full of curious characters and strange situations. The poems she writes are always musical, sometimes magical, and full of wonder at the weirdness of the world. Moon Juice contains 25 poems and features bonus materials, including interviews with the author and the illustrator, and ideas for writing your own poems.

Mr Ffiaidd

by David Walliams Gruffudd Antur Quentin Blake

Lois ydi'r ferch fwyaf unig yn y byd. Ond yna, mae hi'n cwrdd â Mr Ffiaidd, y trempyn lleol. Ac er ei fod o'n drewi braidd, fu neb erioed mor garedig wrth Lois. Felly, pan mae Mr Ffiaidd yn gofyn am rywle i aros, mae hi'n penderfynu cynnig lle iddo yn y sied yng ngwaelod yr ardd! Ond mae Lois ar fin deall bod cadw cyfrinachau'n gallu arwain at drybini. A sôn am gyfrinachau ... efallai fod gan Mr Ffiaidd ambell gyfrinach ei hun … *Datganiad hawlfraint Gwneir y copi hwn dan dermau Rheoliadau (Anabledd) Hawlfraint a Hawliau mewn Perfformiadau 2014 i'w ddefnyddio gan berson sy'n anabl o ran print yn unig. Oni chaniateir gan gyfraith, ni ellir ei gopïo ymhellach, na'i roi i unrhyw berson arall, heb ganiatâd.

Nab Wrc

by Roald Dahl Quentin Blake Elin Meek

Mae Mr Hoppy'n dwlu ar Mrs Silver, ei gymdoges, ac mae Mrs Silver yn dwlu ar Alffi, ei chrwban. Un diwrnod mae Mrs Silver yn gofyn i Mr Hoppy sut mae gwneud i Alffu dyfu, ac yn sydyn mae Mr Hoppy yn gwybod sut mae ennill ei chalon. Gyda help swyn hudol ac ychydig o ddail bresych, a all Mr Hoppy fod yn hapus o'r diwedd? Addasiad Cymraeg o Esio Trot gan Elin Meek. [Mr Hoppy, a retired bachelor, harbours a secret passion for his neighbour, the lovely Mrs Silver, but she lavishes her affection on Alffie, her pet tortoise. Mr Hoppy's ingenious plot to defeat his rival and win his lady's love will delight and amaze, involving, as it does, a cryptic riddle and no fewer than 140 tortoises. A Welsh translation of Esio Trot by Elin Meek.] *Datganiad hawlfraint Gwneir y copi hwn dan dermau Rheoliadau (Anabledd) Hawlfraint a Hawliau mewn Perfformiadau 2014 i'w ddefnyddio gan berson sy'n anabl o ran print yn unig. Oni chaniateir gan gyfraith, ni ellir ei gopïo ymhellach, na'i roi i unrhyw berson arall, heb ganiatâd.

The Odyssey (Illustrated Stories)

by Homer Homer

A beautiful edition of Homer's classic tale from Ancient Greece, vividly retold to delight modern readers. Dramatic, stylish illustrations bring to life brave Odysseus' encounters with furious gods, bewitching goddesses, terrifying monsters and a man-eating Cyclops... A beautiful gift for any child who loves adventure stories.

Oxford Reading Tree, All Stars, Stage 9: An Adventure for Robo-dog (PDF)

by Pat Thomson

Book band 9 gold. Oxford level 9, pack 1. Ben's new toy, Robo-dog, takes two other toys on an adventure during his first night at Ben's home. Robo-dog is very confident that they will all be safe but when the doll, Jilly, gets into danger, who will come to her rescue?

Pnawn Gyda’r Saith Selog (Saith Selog)

by Enid Blyton

Bydd angen i'r saith ffrind ddatrys dirgelwch arian coll y tro hwn yn addasiad Cymraeg Manon Steffan Ros o An Afternoon with the Secret Seven, un o deitlau Enid Blyton o'i chyfres Secret Seven. Rhan o gyfres wych i blant 5 i 8 oed, yn berffaith i'w paratoi ar gyfer darllen cyfres Pump Prysur, addasiadau o straeon Famous Five, eto gan Enid Blyton. [The seven friends will have to solve the mystery of missing money in Manon Steffan Ros's Welsh adaptation of An Afternoon with the Secret Seven, one of Enid Blyton's titles from her Secret Seven series. Part of an excellent series for 5-8 year olds, perfect as a step towards reading Pump Prysur titles, adaptations of the Famous Five series.]

Read Write Inc. Phonics: Blue Set 6 Non-Fiction 2 How to Make a Peach Treat (PDF)

by Gill Munton

These decodable non-fiction books provide structured practice for children learning to read. Each set of books is carefully levelled to match childrens growing phonic knowledge so children can read them with accuracy and fluency. The books cover the teaching of the Read Write Inc. Sets 1, 2 and 3 sounds with topics including the seaside and bikes. The clear design helps children learn how to read non-fiction features including captions, labels and diagrams. The books are part of the Read Write Inc. Phonics programme, developed by Ruth Miskin. The programme is designed to create fluent readers, confident speakers and willing writers. It includes Handbooks, Sounds Cards, Word Cards, Storybooks, Non-fiction and Writing books and an Online resource for a fully integrated approach to teaching literacy. Read Write Inc. is fully supported by comprehensive professional development from Ruth Miskin Training to ensure its easy implementation.

Supertato hap-pea ever after (PDF)

by Sue Hendra

A super world book day book from the Sue Hendra's crime fighting superhero - Supertato! Supertato is back and facing his nemesis in a new adventure!

Achieve 100 Maths Practice Questions (PDF)

by Steph King

This series provides everthing children need to know to score 100 and get maximum marks in the National Tests. Practice questions are written in the style of the tests, helping children gain familiarity with what will be expected of them. The books can be used for whole class revision, booster classes, and homework.

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