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PSHE Education 2 (PDF)

by Fiona Young Lesley De Meza Julie Ball Stephen De Silva

This Key Stage 3 PSHE Education course provides a comprehensive and engaging programme of study which has been structured around the 2008 PSHE non-statutory Programme of Study to provide a progressive spiral approach to the teaching and learning of PSHE Education. PSHE Education 2 builds on the skills, knowledge and understanding of the first book and continues to support the Every Child Matters aims and outcomes:nbsp;Be healthy Stay safe Enjoy and achieve Make a positive contribution Achieve economic well-being.nbsp; Each topic: is broken down into a series of self-contained lessons which build in review and reflection opportunities progressively develops pupils skills and understanding of the key concepts within PSHE Education takes an active learning approach with a wide variety of classroom-friendly activities and stimulus material - allowing pupils to learn through doing offers opportunities for summative assessment. PSHE Education 2 pupils book is comprehensively supported by: PSHE Education 2 Teachers Resource Book which provides comprehensive guidance about each lesson in the pupil book, background information and worksheets PSHE Education 2 Dynamic Learning Network CD-ROM which provides all the resources from the Pupils Book and Teachers Resource Book, as well as additional resources, for use via an interactive whiteboard or data projector.

PSHE Education 2 (PDF)

by Fiona Young Lesley De Meza Julie Ball Stephen De Silva

This Key Stage 3 PSHE Education course provides a comprehensive and engaging programme of study which has been structured around the 2008 PSHE non-statutory Programme of Study to provide a progressive spiral approach to the teaching and learning of PSHE Education. PSHE Education 2 builds on the skills, knowledge and understanding of the first book and continues to support the Every Child Matters aims and outcomes:nbsp;Be healthy Stay safe Enjoy and achieve Make a positive contribution Achieve economic well-being.nbsp; Each topic: is broken down into a series of self-contained lessons which build in review and reflection opportunities progressively develops pupils skills and understanding of the key concepts within PSHE Education takes an active learning approach with a wide variety of classroom-friendly activities and stimulus material - allowing pupils to learn through doing offers opportunities for summative assessment. PSHE Education 2 pupils book is comprehensively supported by: PSHE Education 2 Teachers Resource Book which provides comprehensive guidance about each lesson in the pupil book, background information and worksheets PSHE Education 2 Dynamic Learning Network CD-ROM which provides all the resources from the Pupils Book and Teachers Resource Book, as well as additional resources, for use via an interactive whiteboard or data projector.

PSHE Education 1: Pupil's Book Level 1 (PDF)

by Lesley De Meza Stephen De Silva

This Key Stage 3 PSHE course provides a comprehensive and engaging programme of study which has been structured around the 2008 PSHE Framework learning outcomes to provide a progressive 'spiral' approach to the teaching and learning of PSHE. PSHE 1 lays the foundation of the course and introduces the pupil to key topics of the Every Child Matters aims and outcomes: Be healthy Stay safe Enjoy and achieve Make a positive contribution Achieve economic well-being.nbsp; Each topic is broken down into a series of self-contained lessons which build in review and reflection opportunities progressively develops pupils skills and understanding of the key concepts within PSHE takes an active learning approach with a wide variety of classroom-friendly activities and stimulus material - allowing pupils to learn through doing offers opportunities for summative assessment. PSHE 1 pupil's book is comprehensively supported by PSHE 1 Teacher's Resource Book which provides an overview of the course in relation to the PSHE framework and Every Child Matters outcomes, comprehensive guidance about each lesson in the pupil book, background information and worksheets. PSHE 1 Dynamic Learning Network CD-ROM which provides all the resources from the Pupil's Book and Teacher's Resource Book, as well as additional resources, for use via an interactive whiteboard or data projector.

PSHE Education 1: Pupil's Book Level 1 (PDF)

by Lesley De Meza Stephen De Silva

This Key Stage 3 PSHE course provides a comprehensive and engaging programme of study which has been structured around the 2008 PSHE Framework learning outcomes to provide a progressive 'spiral' approach to the teaching and learning of PSHE. PSHE 1 lays the foundation of the course and introduces the pupil to key topics of the Every Child Matters aims and outcomes: Be healthy Stay safe Enjoy and achieve Make a positive contribution Achieve economic well-being.nbsp; Each topic is broken down into a series of self-contained lessons which build in review and reflection opportunities progressively develops pupils skills and understanding of the key concepts within PSHE takes an active learning approach with a wide variety of classroom-friendly activities and stimulus material - allowing pupils to learn through doing offers opportunities for summative assessment. PSHE 1 pupil's book is comprehensively supported by PSHE 1 Teacher's Resource Book which provides an overview of the course in relation to the PSHE framework and Every Child Matters outcomes, comprehensive guidance about each lesson in the pupil book, background information and worksheets. PSHE 1 Dynamic Learning Network CD-ROM which provides all the resources from the Pupil's Book and Teacher's Resource Book, as well as additional resources, for use via an interactive whiteboard or data projector.

Progress in Geography: Key Stage 3 Workbook 2 (Units 6-10) (PDF)

by Eleanor Hopkins Catherine Owen Jo Coles

Reinforce and review pupils' knowledge throughout the Progress in Geography: Key Stage 3 course with this write-in Workbook. - Extend learning beyond lessons: every double-page spread in the Student Book has a corresponding Workbook page about the lesson content - Check and consolidate understanding: Workbook activities ensure that pupils have grasped the key concepts and skills in each lesson - Set meaningful homework tasks: the Workbook exercises are perfect for independent study, enabling students to continue learning at home

Progress In Geography Fieldwork: (PDF)

by Hayley Peacock

Help your students understand and conduct fieldwork enquiries in their local area with Progress in Geography Fieldwork: Key Stage 3. Nine ready-made fieldwork enquiries contain the instructions, data and activities your students need to successfully carry out, analyse and evaluate fieldwork in their local area or in the classroom. Save time planning and easily integrate fieldwork into your KS3 curriculum with enquiries such as how safe do people think my local area is for cyclists; how sustainable is my local community; and what are the different microclimates around my school. This book can be used flexibly throughout KS3, to gradually builds towards the skills needed for fieldwork at GCSE. Progress in Geography Fieldwork: Key Stage 3 will allow pupils to: - Experience primary and secondary data collection techniques, from traffic counts to quality of life questionnaires - Learn how to present and analyse data effectively - Develop skills of evaluation to judge the strengths and limitations of various techniques - Complete enquiries even if they are unable to leave school grounds, through the data provided in the book

Professor Gunning's Erudite Course of Fact Retrieval (How to revise) (Killer Exam Tips How to Revise) (PDF)

by Cgp Books

Offering a course in revision skills, this title is suitable for pupils at various levels, from KS3 to GCSE to A-level and beyond.

Prism (Cyfres yr Onnen)

by Manon Ros

Dyma bedwaredd nofel Manon Steffan Ros yng nghyfres yr Onnen. Enillodd Trwy'r Tonnau (dilyniant i Trwy'r Darlun) wobr Tir na nOg 2010. Mae Prism yn dilyn hynt a helynt Twm a Math sy'n dianc o'u cartref ac yn mynd i deithio o amgylch Cymru, gan aros ym Mhwllheli, Aberdaron, Porthmadog, Aberystwyth, Llangrannog a Thyddewi. Enillydd gwobr Tir na n-Og 2012. [Twm and Math are due to visit their father in his Cardiff flat during the summer holidays. Math is disabled and the father is unable to come to terms with that. The father sends his ex-wife an e-mail to eplain that he can't have the children, after all. Twm accidentally finds the message and deletes it before his mother reads it. Tir na n-Og Award winner 2012.] *Datganiad hawlfraint Gwneir y copi hwn dan dermau Rheoliadau (Anabledd) Hawlfraint a Hawliau mewn Perfformiadau 2014 i'w ddefnyddio gan berson sy'n anabl o ran print yn unig. Oni chaniateir gan gyfraith, ni ellir ei gopïo ymhellach, na'i roi i unrhyw berson arall, heb ganiatâd.

Presenting the Past (2) - Britain 1500-1750 (PDF)

by Keith Worral Andrew Wrenn

The second pupil book in a groundbreaking Key Stage 3 series designed to grab pupils' attention with its fresh approach to traditional contenPresenting the Past 2 includes:

Presenting the Past 1: BRITAIN 1066–1500 (PDF)

by Tony McAleavy

The first pupil book in a groundbreaking Key Stage 3 series designed to grab pupils' attention with its fresh approach to traditional content. Presenting the Past 1 includes * Interpreting the Battle of Hastings * Matilda's bid for power * Royal murder mysteries: the death of William Wallace The power of religion, includes * The heretic test: will you be burnt alive? * Holy journey or holiday: were all pilgrims religious? * Why were the Jews mistreated? Medieval people: did they have a hard life?, includes * Finding out more about medieval people * How smelly were medieval towns? * Death at the Tower of London


by Manon Steffan Ros

Mae bod yn Powell yn fraint yn Nhrefair, ac mae Elis Powell, 15 oed, yn falch o'i gyndaid a adeiladodd gymaint o'r dref. Ond pan aiff Elis a'i daid ar drip i'r Unol Daleithiaui hel achau, maen nhw'n dod i wybod llawer mwy am hanes eu teulu, ac mae bod yn Powell yn sydyn yn teimlo fel baich... Nofel am deulu, cyfeillgarwch a phwysigrwydd cydnabod y ffeithiau i gyd. [This novel about the relationship between a grandfather and his grandson touches on Wales's relationship with slavery, and discusses how to acknowledge the horrors of history in a sensitive way. After exploring the family's ancestry, Elis and Taid journey to Virginia, USA to tread in the footsteps of Edward Powell.]


by Manon Ros

Nofel i blant hŷn a phobl ifainc gan yr awdures boblogaidd Manon Steffan Ros, sy'n dilyn hanes Huw wrth iddo baratoi prosiect am yr Ail Ryfel Byd dros yr haf. Ond mae pethau rhyfedd yn digwydd pan mae'n dechrau ymchwilio i gyfrinach brawd ei nain, a hithau yn dioddef o dementia. Enillydd gwobr Tir na n-Og 2017. [A novel for older children and young adults by popular author Manon Steffan Ros, which follows Huw as he prepares his project on the Second World War during the summer holidays. Strange things happen as he begins to explore a secret relating to his grandmother's brother in this endearing story. Tir na n-Og Award Winner 2017.] *Datganiad hawlfraint Gwneir y copi hwn dan dermau Rheoliadau (Anabledd) Hawlfraint a Hawliau mewn Perfformiadau 2014 i'w ddefnyddio gan berson sy'n anabl o ran print yn unig. Oni chaniateir gan gyfraith, ni ellir ei gopïo ymhellach, na'i roi i unrhyw berson arall, heb ganiatâd.

The Play of Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol (PDF)

by David Holman

The Heinemann Plays series offers contemporary drama and classic plays in durable classroom editions. Many have large casts and an equal mix of boy and girl parts. This is an adaptation of Dickens's popular Christmas story for reading aloud and performing.

Play it Again: four one-act plays (PDF)

by Bill Tordoff

Four one-act comedies with parts for the whole class. In The Burger Bar a group of seventeenth-century English settlers get together with some Red Indians to open up a fast food restaurant; In Josephine and her Sisters and the Amazing Organically-dyed Fashion Collection the traditional Joseph story is turned on its head; Kaa! introduces us to the Gas family who try to exploit the rainforest for money; and in The Hole in the Wall the Roman emperor Hadrian is taught why he should value the Scots. This edition also contains notes and activities to increase your understanding and enjoyment of the plays.

Play it Again: four one-act plays

by Bill Tordoff

Four one-act comedies with parts for the whole class. In The Burger Bar a group of seventeenth-century English settlers get together with some Red Indians to open up a fast food restaurant; In Josephine and her Sisters and the Amazing Organically-dyed Fashion Collection the traditional Joseph story is turned on its head; Kaa! introduces us to the Gas family who try to exploit the rainforest for money; and in The Hole in the Wall the Roman emperor Hadrian is taught why he should value the Scots. This edition also contains notes and activities to increase your understanding and enjoyment of the plays.

Plant Mewn Panig

by Gwyneth Glyn

Nofel ddifyr am bum disgybl ysgol problemus yn eu harddegau sy'n gorfod cydweithio ar gywaith dros wyliau'r haf er mwyn ceisio codi 5,000 o bunnoedd ar gyfer apêl Plant Mewn Angen; i ddarllenwyr 11-13 oed. [An entertaining novel about five troublesome teenage pupils who have to cooperate on a project over the summer holidays to try to raise 5,000 pounds for the Children in Need appeal; for readers aged 11-13 years.] *Datganiad hawlfraint Gwneir y copi hwn dan dermau Rheoliadau (Anabledd) Hawlfraint a Hawliau mewn Perfformiadau 2014 i'w ddefnyddio gan berson sy'n anabl o ran print yn unig. Oni chaniateir gan gyfraith, ni ellir ei gopïo ymhellach, na'i roi i unrhyw berson arall, heb ganiatâd.

A Place Called Perfect

by Helena Duggan

Violet never wanted to move to Perfect. Who wants to live in a town where everyone has to wear glasses to stop them going blind? And who wants to be neat and tidy and perfectly behaved all the time? But Violet quickly discovers there's something weird going on in the town - she keeps hearing voices, her mam is acting strange and her dad has disappeared. When she meets Boy she realizes that her dad is not the only person to have vanished... and that the mysterious Watchers are guarding a perfectly creepy secret!

PIRA Summer 7

by AlphaPlus Consultancy

PIRA Summer 7

PIRA Autumn 7

by AlphaPlus Consultancy

PIRA Autumn 7

Picture Perfect (Geek Girl, Book 3) (PDF)

by Holly Smale

My name is Harriet Manners, and I'll always be a geek. It's the hilarious third book in the bestselling award-winning GEEK GIRL series!

Physics Now! 11-14 (PDF)

by Peter Riley

Physics Now! 11-14 is one of three Pupil's Books that cover the requirements of the National Curriculum for science at Key Stage 3, the Common Entrance Examination at 13+ syllabus and equivalent junior science courses. nbsp;Boxed sections are used to show how scientific ideas have developed and how they are applied in today's world. Throughout there are numerous questions that test a range of skills including comprehension, application, analysis and evaluation. These may be used as a basis for classwork or homework. There are also 'For discussion' sections to encourage group discussion. In this new edition, the Chapters have been reorganised to reflect the QCA Scheme of Work and there is additional information of fuses and circuit breakers, energy transfers and transmitting electricity, the effects of gravity and ways of measuring speed. There is also an expanded Chapter on the Solar System.nbsp;

Pedwar (Cyfres Mellt)

by Lleucu Roberts

Nofel gyffrous yn dilyn pedwar yn ffoi o'u cartref sy'n llawn problemau ond yn darganfod bod bywyd oddi cartref yn eu gorfodi i wynebu problemau gwaeth. [An exciting novel about four youngsters who run away from a troubled home, only to discover that they are forced to face greater problems.] Datganiad hawlfraint Gwneir y copi hwn dan dermau Rheoliadau (Anabledd) Hawlfraint a Hawliau mewn Perfformiadau 2014 i'w ddefnyddio gan berson sy'n anabl o ran print yn unig. Oni chaniateir gan gyfraith, ni ellir ei gopïo ymhellach, na'i roi i unrhyw berson arall, heb ganiatâd.

Pearson Education Education Baccalaureate Higher Level Mathematics Bundle for the IB Diploma 2012 (PDF)

by Ibrahim Wazir Tim Garry

Complete, interactive ebook containing interactive activities utilizing dynamic mathematics software, quizzes, extension and revision worksheets, full worked solutions and audio-visual calculator support. Clear explanations of key concepts and skills, accompanied by numerous worked examples. Chapter summaries to aid planning and revision. Complete flexibility over medium of study, with printed textbook, online ebook and downloadable versions of chapters to allow students to work offline. Practice questions with answers from past examination papers to help you with exam preparation. Helpful and skilful support for the new IA Mathematical Exploration continuously updated on the author website to address developments in the IA programme. Access to all Mathematics Higher Level Options chapters online (over 600 pages). Free online resources to support and extend study atwww.Pearson Education and on the authors website, containing even more regularly updated materials and support. A highly engaging Theory of Knowledge chapter, written by Ric Sims, a Deputy Chief Examiner for TOK and highly experienced TOK and Maths HL teacher.

Pearson Education Education Baccalaureate Francais B Teacher's Book for the IB Diploma (PDF)

by Amelie Nadeau Marie-Laure Delvallee

Schemes of work, to enable you to design the course in the best way for your students to achieve exam success Comprehensive lesson plans suggesting how best to use the book to develop students' receptive, productive and interactive skills Suggestions for how best to use each exercise, focusing on both oral and written responses. Answers to all exercises Assistance with time planning Practical advice and support with assessment Vocabulary lists

Pearson Education Education Baccalaureate Espanol B Teacher's Book for the IB Diploma (PDF)

by Concepcion Allende Maria Fuente-Zofio

Schemes of work, to enable you to design the course in the best way for your students to achieve exam success Comprehensive lesson plans suggesting how best to use the book to develop students' receptive, productive and interactive skills Suggestions for how best to use each exercise, focusing on both oral and written responses. Answers to all exercises Assistance with time planning Practical advice and support with assessment Vocabulary lists

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Showing 251 through 275 of 1,025 results