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Showing 201 through 225 of 1,028 results

Cyfrol Straeon Byrion 2

by Amrywiol Meinir Wyn Edwards

Cyfrol o straeon byrion ar gyfer Cyfnod Allweddol 3 (12-15 oed). Mae yma awduron fel Dylan Iorwerth, Caryl Lewis, Sian Northey, Cynan Llwyd a Llio Maddocks. [A collection of 15 short stories suitable for Key Stage 3 pupils (12-15 years old). Authors include Dylan Iorwerth, Caryl Lewis, Sian Northey, Cynan Llwyd and Llio Maddocks.]

Seren Wib a Straeon Eraill

by Amrywiol Meinir Wyn Edwards

Cyfrol o straeon byrion ar gyfer Cyfnod Allweddol 3 (12-15 oed). Bydd y gyfrol hon yn cynnwys straeon gan awduron profiadol a rhai newydd e.e. Jon Gower, Manon Steffan Ros, Miriam Elin a Gwennan Evans. [A volume of short stories for Key Stage 3 (12-15 years old) pupils comprising 10 stories written by experienced and new authors, e.g. Jon Gower, Manon Steffan Ros, Miriam Elin and Gwennan Evans.]

Yr Ynys (Cyfres Yma)

by Lleucu Roberts

Y nofel gyntaf mewn trioleg ar gyfer yr arddegau hŷn. Mae Gwawr a Cai yn paratoi ar gyfer taith yn ôl i'r Henwlad er mwyn darganfod mwy am fywyd eu hynafiaid cyn ffrwydriad dinistriol y Diwedd Mawr a gafodd effaith tyngedfennol ar y byd. [The first title in a trilogy for older teenagers. Gwawr and Cai prepare to journey back to the Henwlad where they hope to learn about the lives of their ancestors before a destructive explosion which had a fateful effect on the world.] *Datganiad hawlfraint Gwneir y copi hwn dan dermau Rheoliadau (Anabledd) Hawlfraint a Hawliau mewn Perfformiadau 2014 i'w ddefnyddio gan berson sy'n anabl o ran print yn unig. Oni chaniateir gan gyfraith, ni ellir ei gopïo ymhellach, na'i roi i unrhyw berson arall, heb ganiatâd.

Efa (Cyfres y Melanai)

by Bethan Gwanas

Y nofel gyntaf mewn trioleg ar gyfer yr arddegau cynnar. Mae Efa yn ddarpar frenhines gwlad Melanai ond mae hi'n gyndyn i ddilyn yr hen draddodiadau, gan gynnwys lladd ei mam, y frenhines, ar ei phen-blwydd yn 16 oed. Yn y stori, dilynwn Efa yn brwydro yn erbyn ei thynged ei hun. [The first title in a trilogy for the early teens. Efa is the queen -elect of Melanai, but does not wish to yield to following old customs, which include murdering her mother, the queen, when she is 16 years old. In this story, we follow Efa as she struggles against her own destiny.] Datganiad hawlfraint Gwneir y copi hwn dan dermau Rheoliadau (Anabledd) Hawlfraint a Hawliau mewn Perfformiadau 2014 i'w ddefnyddio gan berson sy'n anabl o ran print yn unig. Oni chaniateir gan gyfraith, ni ellir ei gopïo ymhellach, na'i roi i unrhyw berson arall, heb ganiatâd.

Cipio'r Llyw

by Awen Schiavone

Mae Hywel Dafydd, 15 oed, yn mynd ar ei fordaith gyntaf fel morwr. Daw yn gapten ar ei long ei hun gan fynd i drafferthion wrth gwrdd â môr-ladron. Mae'r stori'n mynd â ni i Sierra Leone ac ynysoedd Martinique a Barbados ymysg llefydd eraill. Nofel antur y bydd darllenwyr yn llwyr ymgolli ynddi. [Fifteen-year old Hywel Dafydd goes on his first voyage. Eventually he becomes captain of his own ship, and meets trouble when he meets pirates. The story takes us to Sierra Leone and to the Martinique and Barbados islands among other places. A great adventure novel.]

New National 5 Physics: SQA Exam Practice Workbook - includes Answers (PDF)

by Cgp Books

This superb N5 Physics Exam Practice Workbook is bursting with realistic exam-style questions and tips, all bang up to date for the latest SQA specification. We’ve included full answers for every question, plus helpful mark schemes for easy home-marking. What’s more it’s completely matched to our brilliant National 5 Physics (9781782949930) - they’re the perfect pair!

National 5 Physics: SQA Revision Guide with Online Edition (PDF)

by Cgp Books

There’s no better way to score top marks in National 5 Physics than with this fantastic CGP Revision Guide - bang up to date for the latest SQA specification! Every topic is explained with clear and concise language, plus we’ve thrown in plenty of helpful diagrams, examples and practice questions. Scientific and practical skills are fully covered, alongside handy techniques for using lab apparatus. We’ve also provided plenty of practice questions (with answers) to test understanding, plus revision summary questions at the end of each section. What’s more, a free Online Edition is included with each book - just use the unique access code printed inside the cover to access it on a PC, Mac, or tablet! For more crucial preparation for final exams why not check out the matching N5 Physics Exam Practice Workbook (9781782949947).

National 5 Biology: SQA Revision Guide with Online Edition (PDF)

by Cgp Books

Grow your knowledge of National 5 Biology with this fantastic CGP Revision Guide - bang up to date for the latest SQA specification! Every topic is explained with clear and concise language, plus we’ve thrown in plenty of helpful diagrams, examples and practice questions. Scientific and practical skills are fully covered, alongside handy techniques for using lab apparatus. We’ve also provided plenty of practice questions (with answers) to test understanding, plus revision summary questions at the end of each section. What’s more, a free Online Edition is included with each book - just use the unique access code printed inside the cover to access it on a PC, Mac, or tablet! For more crucial preparation for final exams why not check out the matching N5 Biology Exam Practice Workbook (9781782949923).

New CfE Higher Maths: SQA Exam Practice Workbook - includes Answers (PDF)

by Cgp Books

"We've knocked it out of the park with this Exam Practice Workbook for the SQA Higher Maths course. It's loaded with realistic exam-style questions on a wide range of Higher Maths topics – perfect practice for the tough new exams! Full answers are included at the back of the book. For more essential revision for Higher Maths, check out our brilliant Revision Guide."

13+ Science Practice Book for the Common Entrance Exams (exams up to June 2022)

by Cgp Books

This fantastic CGP Practice Book provides the most realistic practice in preparation for the Common Entrance 13+ Science exams. It’s packed full of hundreds of exam-style questions (with fully-worked answers at the back) to help students fine-tune their knowledge and skills. So that they feel confident walking into their exams, we’ve also included printable online Practice Papers and mark schemes - for Level 1, Level 2 and CASE. For complete study notes, don’t miss our matching 13+ Science Study Book (9781782941767). One final thing - if your final exams are in November 2022 or later, you can grab our new 13+ Science Exam Practice Workbook (9781789087949), which is perfectly matched to the new spec.

New KS3 Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar 10-Minute Tests (includes answers) (PDF)

by Cgp Books

"This splendid 10-Minute Tests book is bursting with essential SPaG practice for KS3. It contains 30 bite-sized tests, split into separate sections for Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar — plus a section of mixed practice to really put students' knowledge to the test. We've included a quick-fire question at the beginning of each test to get students warmed up, as well as some proofreading questions throughout. There are answers to everything and a handy progress chart at the back. Don't miss full KS3 SPaG study notes in our brilliant Study Guide or even more practice in the matching Workbook."

Key Stage Three: The Practice Workbook (PDF)

by Cgp Books

This CGP Workbook contains a huge range of test-style practice questions for Key Stage Three Maths. This edition is aimed at Foundation Level, which corresponds to Levels 3-6 in the pre-2014 curriculum.

Mathematics for Key Stage Three: Book One (PDF)

by Cgp Books

This Textbook contains hundreds of practice questions for Key Stage Three Maths (ages 11-14) - it's Book 1 in a range of three books that cover the entire KS3 Maths curriculum.

Mathematics for Key Stage Three: Book Two (PDF)

by Cgp Books

Mathematics for KS3, Book 2

Mathematics for Key Stage Three: Book Three (PDF)

by Cgp Books

This Textbook contains hundreds of practice questions for Key Stage Three Maths (ages 11-14) - it's Book 3 in a range of three books that cover the entire KS3 Maths curriculum.

KS3 Chemistry Study & Question Book - Foundation (PDF)

by Cgp Books

"This brilliant all-in-one book for KS3 Chemistry is packed with crystal-clear study notes and indispensable practice questions for every topic! It's ideal for students working at foundation level. In addition to the notes and questions, there’s a section covering everything students need to know about ‘Working Scientifically’. Answers to the practice questions are available in a separate book — see SFQA32."

KS3 Biology Study & Question Book - Foundation

by Cgp Books

This contains a combination of crystal-clear study notes and indispensable practice questions for every KS3 Biology topic — it’s ideal for students working at foundation level. In addition to the notes and questions, there’s a section covering everything students need to know about ‘Working Scientifically’. Answers to the practice questions are available in a separate book — see SFQA32.

Treasure At The Top Of The World (A Freddie Malone Adventure Ser.)

by Clive Mantle

Freddie receives an intriguing and unusual thirteenth birthday present from his Uncle Patrick. The ancient world map goes straight up on his wall, but Freddie fast discovers that the map is much more than just a decorative, historic artefact. Freddie, and his best friend, Connor, are soon plunged into a mountainous adventure on the paths of Everest, leading to a long-buried mystery, pursued by ruthless adversaries who will go to any lengths to get what they want.

Calon y Gwir

by Judy Waite

Mae gan Eli esgus perffaith am fod allan yn hwyr - fe geisiodd dyn ei herwgipio hi! Mae'r manylion i gyd ganddi. Mae'n chwip o stori dda. Dyw hi ddim yn wir, dyna i gyd. Felly pan fydd merch yn cael ei herwgipio go iawn, sut y gall Eli wneud yn siŵr nad yw ei chelwydd hi yn amddiffyn llofrudd? [Elsa has the perfect excuse for being out late - a man tried to kidnap her! She's got all the details. It's a really good story. It's just not true. So when a girl is kidnapped for real, how can Elsa make sure her lies don't protect a killer?]

Dwi'n Gwylio Ti!

by Lee Weatherly

'Ti'n meddwl bo ti'n glefer, on'd wyt ti. Ond ni'n gwylio pob symudiad. Cei di dy gosbi am beth wnest ti.' Gadawodd mam Sara saith mlynedd yn ôl. Nawr mae'n byw rhai milltiroedd i ffwrdd - ond mae hi'n osgoi Sara. Ond mae Sara'n gallu ei gweld hi. Yn fwy na hynny, mae Sara'n ei gwylio hi. Ac mae'n bwriadu talu'r pwyth ... ['You're not as clever as you think you are. We're watching your every move. You're going to be punished for what you did.' Sarah's mum walked out seven years ago. Now she lives just a few miles away - but she doesn't want to see Sarah. But Sarah can see her. In fact, Sarah's watching her. And she has plans to make her pay …]

Nes Ei Gael Yn Euog

by Nigel Hinton

Merch farw. Cyhuddiad o lofruddiaeth. Byd wedi ei chwalu. All Nathan brofi bod yr heddlu'n anghywir? Mae amser yn mynd yn brin ... [A dead girl. A murder charge. A world blown apart. Can Nathan prove that the police are wrong about it? Time is running out …]

Blwch yr Ysbryd

by Catherine Fisher

Mae Sara'n casáu ei llysfrawd newydd, Mat, sy'n Goth. Fyddai hi byth bythoedd yn dweud wrtho am ei breuddwydion rhyfedd. Am yr wyneb yn y goeden, y llygaid sy'n ei gwylio. Ac yn bendant ddywedai hi ddim gair am y blwch - gallai hynny olygu bod y breuddwydion yn rhai go iawn. Pwy sy'n gwau gwe o ofn o gwmpas Sara? Oes rhywun y gall hi ymddiried ynddo? [Sarah hates her new Goth step-brother, Matt. There's no way she'd tell him about her weird dreams. About the face in the tree, the eyes that watch her, and definitely not about the box that could mean the dreams are real. Who is spinning a web of fear around Sarah? And who can she trust to free her?]

Bechgyn y Bomio

by Thomas Bloor

Gwanwyn 1944 Yr Ail Ryfel Byd. Mae bomiau'n disgyn a chriwiau awyrennau'n mynd ar gyrchoedd awyr bob dydd. Fydd rhai byth yn dod 'nôl. Hyd yma, mae Len wedi dod adref bob tro. A nawr dyma Johnny, ei beilot newydd. Un golygus, hyderus sydd wedi dod â lwc i bob criw hyd yma. Dydy Len ddim mor siwr. Ond ar gyrch awyr i Berlin, mae Len yn dod i wybod sut un yw Johnny. [Spring 1944. It's World War Two. Bombs are dropping and flight crews leave on missions every day - and never come return. So far Len's made it back. Enter Johnny, his new pilot. Good-looking, cocky and a lucky charm for any crew he flies with. Len's not so sure. It's only on a mission to Berlin that Len finds out what Johnny's really like. Once and for all.]

Learning For Life And Work In Close-up Year 10

by Paula McCullough

Learning for Life and Work in Close-up Year 9

by Paula McCullough

This is the second in a series of 3 books written for Learning for Life and Work Key Stage 3. It covers the 3 main strands, Personal Development, Citizenship and Employability at a level appropriate for Year 9 students. Written in a clear and engaging style, it is suitable for a broad range of abilities, making complex issues accessible.

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