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Great Britain and Ireland July temperatures (UEB Uncontracted)

This is a multi-page image of Great Britain and Ireland July temperatures, set on two pages. There are locator dots shown, which will be at the top left of each page when the images are the right way up. Great Britain and Ireland map: This page shows a map of Great Britain and Ireland. It has a dashed line image border and a north arrow. The map is in the middle of the page and extends to the top and bottom of the page. Mainland Great Britain is to the right and separated from Ireland by the Irish Sea. The north arrow is in the top right corner of the page and is framed by an image border. Great Britain and Ireland July temperatures: This is a map of Great Britain and Ireland with a dashed line image border and a north arrow. Great Britain and Ireland are in the centre of the page extending to the top and bottom. Ireland is on the left and Britain on the right separated by the Irish Sea. There are six heavy dashed lines representing isotherms (lines of equal temperature) shown on the map. Most of these run from east to west, although two of the lines form closed loops; these are indicated by labels on the right. In the top right corner is a north arrow enclosed by a dashed line image border.

Green-skinned Gravy

by Elgan Davies

Nofel dditectif afaelgar yn llawn cyffro a thensiwn. Nofel swmpus ar gyfer oedran uwchradd - addas i fechgyn a merched. Un o chwe nofel dditectif a gyhoeddir gan CAA, wedi'u hysgrifennu gan awduron Cymraeg poblogaidd a blaenllaw. [A gripping detective novel, full of excitement and tension. This is a novel aimed at secondary school aged students - suitable for boys and girls. One of six detective novels published by CAA, written by prominent and popular Welsh authors.] Datganiad hawlfraint Gwneir y copi hwn dan dermau Rheoliadau (Anabledd) Hawlfraint a Hawliau mewn Perfformiadau 2014 i'w ddefnyddio gan berson sy'n anabl o ran print yn unig. Oni chaniateir gan gyfraith, ni ellir ei gopïo ymhellach, na'i roi i unrhyw berson arall, heb ganiatâd.

Gwaed y Gwanwyn

by Gareth Williams

Nofel dditectif afaelgar yn llawn cyffro a thensiwn. Nofel swmpus ar gyfer oedran uwchradd - addas i fechgyn a merched. Un o chwe nofel dditectif a gyhoeddir gan CAA, wedi'u hysgrifennu gan awduron Cymraeg poblogaidd a blaenllaw. [A gripping detective novel, full of excitement and tension. This is a novel aimed at secondary school aged students - suitable for boys and girls. One of six detective novels published by CAA, written by prominent and popular Welsh authors.] Datganiad hawlfraint Gwneir y copi hwn dan dermau Rheoliadau (Anabledd) Hawlfraint a Hawliau mewn Perfformiadau 2014 i'w ddefnyddio gan berson sy'n anabl o ran print yn unig. Oni chaniateir gan gyfraith, ni ellir ei gopïo ymhellach, na'i roi i unrhyw berson arall, heb ganiatâd.

Hadau (Cyfres Yma #2)

by Lleucu Roberts

Mae Hadau wedi ei gosod yn y dyfodol ar ôl i fom niwcliar ddinistrio gorllewin Ewrop. Roedd Cymry wedi sefydlu cymuned mewn ynys ger Norwy a Cai a Gwawr wedi eu magu yno. Maen nhw erbyn hyn wedi cyrraedd tref Aberystwyth yn yr henwlad (Cymru) ac yn dod o hyd i lwyth cyntefig sydd yn prysur rhedeg mas o fwyd a hadau i dyfu cnydau. [Seeds have been sown in the future after a nuclear bomb has devastated Western Europe. Some Welshmen had established a community on a Norwegian Island where Cai and Gwawr were brought up. The have now reached Aberystwyth where they discover a primitive tribe which is swiftly running out of food and seeds to grow crops.] *Datganiad hawlfraint Gwneir y copi hwn dan dermau Rheoliadau (Anabledd) Hawlfraint a Hawliau mewn Perfformiadau 2014 i'w ddefnyddio gan berson sy'n anabl o ran print yn unig. Oni chaniateir gan gyfraith, ni ellir ei gopïo ymhellach, na'i roi i unrhyw berson arall, heb ganiatâd.


by William Shakespeare and Collins GCSE Edited by Peter Alexander Introduction and notes by Lucy Toop

This edition of Hamlet is perfect for A-level students, with the complete play in an accessible format, on-page notes, introduction setting the context, timeline, character and theme indexes. Affordable high quality complete play for Hamlet Demystify vocabulary with notes on the page and concise commentary Set the scene with perfectly pitched introductions that introduce key contexts, concerns and stylistic features, and examine different performances and interpretations Recall plot summaries at the beginning of each scene Support A Level revision and essay writing with theme and character indexes Help with social, historical and literary context with the bespoke timeline of Shakespeare’s life and times

Hamlet (Cambridge School Shakespeare) (PDF)

by Rex Gibson William Shakespeare

An active approach to classroom Shakespeare enables students to inhabit Shakespeare's imaginative world in accessible and creative ways. Students are encouraged to share Shakespeare's love of language, interest in character and sense of theatre. Extended glossaries are aligned with the play text for easy reference. Expanded endnotes include extensive essay-writing guidance for 'Hamlet' and Shakespeare.nbsp;

Haralambos and Holborn: Sociology Themes and Perspectives (PDF)

by Martin Holborn Michael Haralambos

Sociology Themes and Perspectives is a favourite with students and teachers, selling over a million copies world-wide over 25 years. This seventh edition has been fully updated to give all the detail and depth needed to get students the best grades and prepare teachers for teaching.

The Haunting Of Tyrese Walker

by J. P. Rose

On a family visit to Jamaica, Tyrese starts experiencing impossibly strange and terrifying things - who can he trust when his memories start to fade?

Head Start to A-level Physics

by Cgp Books

Get ahead of the game in A-Level Physics with this brilliant Head Start book from CGP! It recaps all the crucial topics you’ll need to remember from GCSE, with crystal-clear study notes and examples, plus practice questions to test their understanding. We’ve also included introductions to some of the key topics you’ll meet at A-Level. It’s the perfect way to hit the ground running at the start of the course, and suitable for all exam boards!

Heb Law Mam

by Heiddwen Tomos

Doedd ei mam hi ddim adre. Doedd hi ddim wedi bod adre ers wythnos. Dyma stori Efa a'i mam. Cemo fel caead bedd. Nofel lawn hiwmor a thristwch ar gyfer yr arddegau. [Her mum was not at home. She hadn't been home for a week. This is the story of Efa and her mum. Chemo like a coffin lid. A humorous novel, tinged with sadness, aimed at teenagers.]

Help Llaw Gydag Astudio Ac Yna Clywodd Swn Y Môr

by Nona Breese Bethan Clement Eirian Jones Ceri Jones

Nodiadau astudio ar gyfer myfyrwyr sy'n astudio Testunau gosod TGAU llenyddiaeth Gymraeg. Mae'r nodiadau adolygu yn ymwneud â'r plot, y cymeriadau, y math o themâu a geir yn y nofel, a'r technegau arddull y mae'r nofelydd yn eu defnyddio. Mae hefyd cyfres o ymarferion a thasgau pwrpasol wedi'u cynnwys. *Datganiad hawlfraint Gwneir y copi hwn dan dermau Rheoliadau (Anabledd) Hawlfraint a Hawliau mewn Perfformiadau 2014 i'w ddefnyddio gan berson sy'n anabl o ran print yn unig. Oni chaniateir gan gyfraith, ni ellir ei gopïo ymhellach, na'i roi i unrhyw berson arall, heb ganiatâd.


by Rebecca Roberts

Mae colli'r bws i'r ysgol yn gallu newid dy fywyd di ... Penderfyna Rachel fynd ar antur yn nhre'r Rhyl yn hytrach na mynd adref (wedi'r cyfan, mae'r beili wedi mynd â char ei thad), gan ganfod ei hun mewn clwb nos ar lan y môr. [Rachel Ross spends much of her time outside school caring for her mother, who suffers from depression, and her younger sister; but the highlights of her week are the drama group sessions she belongs to. She feels safe there ... a different experience to school, where she is bullied because of her disability.]

High and low pressure belts (Large Print)

The image on this page is of the Earth and shows belts of high and low pressure and prevailing winds. There is a locator dot shown, which will be at the top left of the page when the image is the right way up. There are labels to the left of the page. In the centre there is a disc with horizontal bands of texture representing the planet Earth with high and low air pressure areas. On the disc, there are curved lines with arrowheads showing the directions of prevailing winds. There is also a heavy dashed horizontal straight line showing the Equator with horizontal dashed lines up and down the page from this showing the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. To the right of this are curved lines with arrowheads showing rising and descending air.

High and low pressure belts (UEB Contracted)

The image on this page is of the Earth and shows belts of high and low pressure and prevailing winds. There is a locator dot shown, which will be at the top left of the page when the image is the right way up. There are labels to the left of the page. In the centre there is a disc with horizontal bands of texture representing the planet Earth with high and low air pressure areas. On the disc, there are curved lines with arrowheads showing the directions of prevailing winds. There is also a heavy dashed horizontal straight line showing the Equator with horizontal dashed lines up and down the page from this showing the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. To the right of this are curved lines with arrowheads showing rising and descending air.

High and low pressure belts (UEB Uncontracted)

The image on this page is of the Earth and shows belts of high and low pressure and prevailing winds. There is a locator dot shown, which will be at the top left of the page when the image is the right way up. There are labels to the left of the page. In the centre there is a disc with horizontal bands of texture representing the planet Earth with high and low air pressure areas. On the disc, there are curved lines with arrowheads showing the directions of prevailing winds. There is also a heavy dashed horizontal straight line showing the Equator with horizontal dashed lines up and down the page from this showing the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. To the right of this are curved lines with arrowheads showing rising and descending air.

Higher Biology for CfE: Multiple Choice and Matching (PDF)

by James Torrance

The perfect practice book for multiple choice and matching exercises that make up 20% of the final CfE Higher exam paper. This book offers ideal material for either classroom or homework activities, and allows students to construct a glossary of terms essential to the course, while banks of multiple choice questions enable them to practise extensivelty for the examination.

Higher English for CfE: Critical Reading (PDF)

by Carolyn Cunningham

A comprehensive working guide to the Critical Reading section of Higher English for CfE - worth 40% of available marks in the exam. Critical Reading (made up of two sections: Scottish Text and Critical Essay) is a very significant element of the new Higher English qualification. This book provides you with the support and advice you will need to succeed in this vital area, with a top expert guiding you through the course and suggesting approaches to the exam, so that you achieve the best grades you can. By focusing on specific examples of Scottish texts, this book enables you to increase your knowledge and approach any text with greater skill. - Become more secure in your knowledge of texts - Develop your analysis and essay writing skills through studying specific examples of texts, with exam-style questions - Includes revision tips to help you approach the exam with confidence and succeed on the day

Higher GCSE 4-9 (Essential Maths (PDF))

by Michael White

Nowadays there is a wealth of enriching resources available to teachers, particularly on the internet. This book can be used alongside these to enable students to work at topics in a systematic way which helps to build up their confidence. ‘M’ sections cover the main part of the syllabus and ‘E’ sections cover the extended part of the syllabus. Constant revisiting of topics is essential for mathematical fluency and success. Throughout this book, ‘Can you still?’ sections encourage this continual reviewing process. This material is designed for short sessions within lessons to keep ideas fresh in students’ minds. Questions are provided at the end of each unit for students to test themselves against each learning objective stated at the start of the unit. These are then backed up with a selection of GCSE examination questions. ‘Use your maths’ sections are designed to encourage discussion and to highlight the maths required in a variety of situations. There are also two additional units devoted to raising students’ awareness of money matters.

Higher GCSE Homework Book

by Michael White

Higher GCSE Maths Homework Book

Higher GCSE Maths 4-9 (Essential Maths)

by Michael White

Higher GCSE Maths 4-9

Higher Geography: Revision Notes (PDF)

by Bill Dick

All changes from the recent National Qualification review are included in this course notes title to provide you and your students with fully relevant course support. Clear notes address the three mandatory course units and are accompanied by colour maps and diagrams to illustrate key concepts and bring the subject to life.

Higher Mathematics for AQA GCSE: Modular (PDF)

by David Alcorn Tony Banks

Offering a proven, high-quality step-by-step approach that builds students confidence, these texts give students the rigorous practice they need to get better results in the two-tier exams. These are resources you can trust at a price you can afford! Clearly organised, easy-to-use and carefully structured main texts provide thorough preparation for students on either a 1-year or 2-year course with clear, student-friendly language used throughout.

Higher Mathematics for AQA GCSE: Linear (PDF)

by David Alcorn Tony Banks

Offering a proven, high-quality, step-by-step approach that builds students confidence, these texts give students the rigorous practice they need to get better results in the two-tier exams. Clearly organised, easy-to-use and carefully structured main texts provide thorough preparation for students on either a 1-year or 2-year course with clear, student-friendly language used throughout.

Higher Modern Studies: International Issues (2nd Edition) (PDF)

by Frank Cooney Gary Hughes Steph O'Reilly Pauline Kelly

International Issues covers three of the world powers that students may choose to study in this unit of the course (the United States of America, the Republic of South Africa and the People's Republic of China), along with Development Issues in Africa and Global Security.

History: Study Guide (PDF)

by Alan Scadding

Written by examiners, this ultimate History study and revision guide is all you need for GCSE exam success. With in-depth course coverage, plenty of practice questions, model answers, examiners comments and advice, you'll be on your way to achieving the best results in your exams.

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