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Showing 1,326 through 1,350 of 1,798 results

Project X, Book Band 14, Blue, Hidden Depths: Operation Shipwreck (PDF)

by Anthony Mcgowan

Project X includes fiction and non-fiction, exciting adventure stories, lots of gadgets, and 21st-century illustrations. Developed based on research into what will really hook boys into reading and make them love books. Each book comes with notes for parent/teaching assistants that highlight tricky words or concepts in the books, prompt questions and suggest a range of follow-up activities.Team X find themselves in deep water when they try and stop the Collector stealing a valuable shipwreck!

Project X, Book Band 14, Blue, Top Secret: The Secret Diary of Danny Grower

by Joanna Nadin

Project X includes fiction and non-fiction, exciting adventure stories, lots of gadgets, and 21st-century illustrations. Developed based on research into what will really hook boys into reading and make them love books. Each book comes with notes for parent/teaching assistants that highlight tricky words or concepts in the books, prompt questions and suggest a range of follow-up activities.Danny Grower's hero is the famous movie spy, Jack Brown. The latest Jack Brown movie script goes missing at the same time as the actor who plays Jack Brown. Can Danny help solve the mystery?

Project X, Book Band 14, Blue, Top Secret: The Secret Diary of Danny Grower (PDF)

by Joanna Nadin

Project X includes fiction and non-fiction, exciting adventure stories, lots of gadgets, and 21st-century illustrations. Developed based on research into what will really hook boys into reading and make them love books. Each book comes with notes for parent/teaching assistants that highlight tricky words or concepts in the books, prompt questions and suggest a range of follow-up activities.Danny Grower's hero is the famous movie spy, Jack Brown. The latest Jack Brown movie script goes missing at the same time as the actor who plays Jack Brown. Can Danny help solve the mystery?

Project X, Book Band 14, Blue, Top Secret: Meteorite

by Chris Powling

Project X includes fiction and non-fiction, exciting adventure stories, lots of gadgets, and 21st-century illustrations. Developed based on research into what will really hook boys into reading and make them love books. Each book comes with notes for parent/teaching assistants that highlight tricky words or concepts in the books, prompt questions and suggest a range of follow-up activities.The Collector is trying to steal a powerful meteorite from the HI-SCI Institute in San Francisco. But when Team X are sent to help, they do not receive the warm welcome they are expecting ...

Project X, Book Band 14, Blue, Top Secret: Meteorite (PDF)

by Chris Powling

Project X includes fiction and non-fiction, exciting adventure stories, lots of gadgets, and 21st-century illustrations. Developed based on research into what will really hook boys into reading and make them love books. Each book comes with notes for parent/teaching assistants that highlight tricky words or concepts in the books, prompt questions and suggest a range of follow-up activities.The Collector is trying to steal a powerful meteorite from the HI-SCI Institute in San Francisco. But when Team X are sent to help, they do not receive the warm welcome they are expecting ...

Project X, Book Band 14, Grey, Top Secret: The Spy's Secret Handbook

by Jane Penrose

Project X includes fiction and non-fiction, exciting adventure stories, lots of gadgets, and 21st-century illustrations. Developed based on research into what will really hook boys into reading and make them love books. Each book comes with notes for parent/teaching assistants that highlight tricky words or concepts in the books, prompt questions and suggest a range of follow-up activities.Do you think that you've got what it takes to be a spy? Learn all you need to know in this top secret handbook.

Project X, Book Band 14, Grey, Top Secret: The Spy's Secret Handbook (PDF)

by Jane Penrose

Project X includes fiction and non-fiction, exciting adventure stories, lots of gadgets, and 21st-century illustrations. Developed based on research into what will really hook boys into reading and make them love books. Each book comes with notes for parent/teaching assistants that highlight tricky words or concepts in the books, prompt questions and suggest a range of follow-up activities.Do you think that you've got what it takes to be a spy? Learn all you need to know in this top secret handbook.

Project X, Book Band 15, Red, Extreme: The Lost City

by Martyn Beardsley

Project X includes fiction and non-fiction, exciting adventure stories, lots of gadgets, and 21st-century illustrations. Developed based on research into what will really hook boys into reading and make them love books. Each book comes with notes for parent/teaching assistants that highlight tricky words or concepts in the books, prompt questions and suggest a range of follow-up activities.Team X set off into the deepest, darkest jungle of Peru. They are in search of the Lost City of Ambatchi... but will the crook, Clyde Katch, find it first?

Project X, Book Band 15, Red, Extreme: The Lost City (PDF)

by Martyn Beardsley

Project X includes fiction and non-fiction, exciting adventure stories, lots of gadgets, and 21st-century illustrations. Developed based on research into what will really hook boys into reading and make them love books. Each book comes with notes for parent/teaching assistants that highlight tricky words or concepts in the books, prompt questions and suggest a range of follow-up activities.Team X set off into the deepest, darkest jungle of Peru. They are in search of the Lost City of Ambatchi... but will the crook, Clyde Katch, find it first?

Project X, Book Band 15, Red, Extreme: Swing

by Jan-Andrew Henderson

Project X includes fiction and non-fiction, exciting adventure stories, lots of gadgets, and 21st-century illustrations. Developed based on research into what will really hook boys into reading and make them love books. Each book comes with notes for parent/teaching assistants that highlight tricky words or concepts in the books, prompt questions and suggest a range of follow-up activities.One day Sammy builds a swing using an old tyre. When he tries out the swing, he is astonished to see bright lights streak across the night sky, heading straight towards him. Nothing will ever be the same again.

Project X, Book Band 15, Red, Extreme: Swing (PDF)

by Jan-Andrew Henderson

Project X includes fiction and non-fiction, exciting adventure stories, lots of gadgets, and 21st-century illustrations. Developed based on research into what will really hook boys into reading and make them love books. Each book comes with notes for parent/teaching assistants that highlight tricky words or concepts in the books, prompt questions and suggest a range of follow-up activities.One day Sammy builds a swing using an old tyre. When he tries out the swing, he is astonished to see bright lights streak across the night sky, heading straight towards him. Nothing will ever be the same again.

Project X, Book Band 15, Red, Extreme: Survival Handbook

by Claire Llewellyn

Project X includes fiction and non-fiction, exciting adventure stories, lots of gadgets, and 21st-century illustrations. Developed based on research into what will really hook boys into reading and make them love books. Each book comes with notes for parent/teaching assistants that highlight tricky words or concepts in the books, prompt questions and suggest a range of follow-up activities.Would you know what to do in an earthquake or a snowstorm? What if you came face to face with a crocodile? Read this essential guide to survival to find out.

Project X, Book Band 15, Red, Extreme: Survival Handbook (PDF)

by Claire Llewellyn

Project X includes fiction and non-fiction, exciting adventure stories, lots of gadgets, and 21st-century illustrations. Developed based on research into what will really hook boys into reading and make them love books. Each book comes with notes for parent/teaching assistants that highlight tricky words or concepts in the books, prompt questions and suggest a range of follow-up activities.Would you know what to do in an earthquake or a snowstorm? What if you came face to face with a crocodile? Read this essential guide to survival to find out.

Project X, Book Band 15, Red, Time: Time Capsules

by Deborah Chancellor

Project X includes fiction and non-fiction, exciting adventure stories, lots of gadgets, and 21st-century illustrations. Developed based on research into what will really hook boys into reading and make them love books. Each book comes with notes for parent/teaching assistants that highlight tricky words or concepts in the books, prompt questions and suggest a range of follow-up activities.What is a time capsule? What time capsules have been found from history? Why has a time capsule been sent into space? And what could you put in your own time capsule?

Project X, Book Band 15, Red, Time: Time Capsules (PDF)

by Deborah Chancellor

Project X includes fiction and non-fiction, exciting adventure stories, lots of gadgets, and 21st-century illustrations. Developed based on research into what will really hook boys into reading and make them love books. Each book comes with notes for parent/teaching assistants that highlight tricky words or concepts in the books, prompt questions and suggest a range of follow-up activities.What is a time capsule? What time capsules have been found from history? Why has a time capsule been sent into space? And what could you put in your own time capsule?

Project X, Book Band 15, Red, Time: The End of Time

by Joanna Nadin

Project X includes fiction and non-fiction, exciting adventure stories, lots of gadgets, and 21st-century illustrations. Developed based on research into what will really hook boys into reading and make them love books. Each book comes with notes for parent/teaching assistants that highlight tricky words or concepts in the books, prompt questions and suggest a range of follow-up activities.If you could have one super power, what would you choose? One day, Marley discovers he has the power to stop time. How will he use it?

Project X, Book Band 15, Red, Time: The End of Time (PDF)

by Joanna Nadin

Project X includes fiction and non-fiction, exciting adventure stories, lots of gadgets, and 21st-century illustrations. Developed based on research into what will really hook boys into reading and make them love books. Each book comes with notes for parent/teaching assistants that highlight tricky words or concepts in the books, prompt questions and suggest a range of follow-up activities.If you could have one super power, what would you choose? One day, Marley discovers he has the power to stop time. How will he use it?

Project X, Book Band 15, Red, Time: Icebreaker (PDF)

by Chris Powling

Project X includes fiction and non-fiction, exciting adventure stories, lots of gadgets, and 21st-century illustrations. Developed based on research into what will really hook boys into reading and make them love books. Each book comes with notes for parent/teaching assistants that highlight tricky words or concepts in the books, prompt questions and suggest a range of follow-up activities.When Dani gets a mysterious parcel--a journal written over forty years earlier--Team X find themselves on an adventure that takes them back in time.

Pst, Ti'n Grêt! (Cyfres Lolipop)

by Gwen Redvers Jones Eric Heyman Helen Flook

Roedd Sion yn drist oherwydd byddai symud i fferm yn fwy yn golygu y byddai'n gadael ei ffrind gorau ar ôl. Ond doedd Mam a Dad ddim yn gwybod am fodolaeth y 'ffrind' - ysbryd bach cyfeillgar a drygionus, o'r enw 'Pst', achos dyna'r unig air a ddywedai. Roedd Pst wedi cael Siôn mewn ac allan o drwbwl sawl gwaith ac roedden nhw'n cael tipyn o sbri. [Sion was sad because moving to a larger farm would mean leaving his best friend behind. But mam and dad did not know about the 'friend' - a friendly but naughty spirit. He was called 'Pst', because that was all he said. Pst had got Sion in and out of trouble many times, and they had lot's of fun.]

Pump Mewn Penbleth (Pump Prysur)

by Enid Blyton Manon Steffan Ros

Dyma eich cyfle i fwynhau mwy o anturiaethau Siôn, Dic, Jo, Ani a Twm - y Pump Prysur. Mae Jo yn gweld golau ar Ynys Curig yng nghanol y nos. Dyma'r cliw cyntaf fod pobl ddieithr wedi glanio ar yr ynys. Pwy yw'r ymwelwyr hyn, a pham maen nhw ar yr ynys o gwbl? [An original Enid Blyton short story with brand new full-colour illustrations. A perfect introduction for new readers, and an exciting way to enjoy classic Famous Five tales by Enid Blyton in Welsh.]

Pump yn Achub y Dydd (Pump Prysur)

by Enid Blyton Manon Steffan Ros

Addasiad Cymraeg Manon Steffan Ros o The Famous Five: Five To The Rescue. Stori fer gyda lluniau lliw newydd sbon. Pan mae'r Pump Prysur yn cael picnic ar lan y môr, maen nhw'n gweld oen mewn trafferth. Gyda neb arall wrth law i helpu, rhaid i'r Pump fynd ati i'w achub o'r tonnau. A fyddan nhw'n cyrraedd mewn pryd? [A Welsh adaptation by Manon Steffan Ros of The Famous Five: Five To The Rescue. A short story with brand new colour illustrations. When the Famous Five have a picnic at the seaside, they see a lamb in trouble. As there is no-one else around, the Five have to attempt to rescue him from the sea. Will they reach him in time?]

PUMA Test 3, Summer PK10: Progress in Understanding Mathematics Assessment (PDF)

by Colin Mccarty Caroline Cooke

This is the Year 3, Summer Test, Pack of 10 Progress in Understanding Mathematics (PUMA) is a standardised, curriculum-linked suite of tests designed for whole-class use and for pupils of all abilities. Uniquely, the series offers three tests for each primary school year, to monitor pupils' progress term by term, and provides reliable, predictive and diagnostic information. Or you can pick the test(s) you want, to give you maximum flexibility to assess just at the beginning, middle or end of each year, if you prefer. - simple and quick to administer and mark - taking less than an hour to assess a whole class - standardised scores, curriculum levels and maths ages, plus a diagnostic profile across the separate strands of mathematics, will give you a wealth of information and make you more effective in managing learning in your classroom - a decimalised PUMA scale score, based on the termly performance data of over 10,000 pupils nationally, lets you monitor small increments of progress and gives a reliable basis for predicting pupil progress and setting realistic targets - a separate test is available for autumn, spring and summer terms for Years 1-6 - attractively presented, to engage the children (the KS1 tests are printed in full colour) To view samples of all tests please visit:

PUMA Test 5, Spring PK10 :Progress in Understanding Mathematics Assessment (PDF)

by Colin Mccarty Caroline Cooke

This is the Year 5, Spring Test, Pack of 10 Progress in Understanding Mathematics (PUMA) is a standardised, curriculum-linked suite of tests designed for whole-class use and for pupils of all abilities. Uniquely, the series offers three tests for each primary school year, to monitor pupils' progress term by term, and provides reliable, predictive and diagnostic information. Or you can pick the test(s) you want, to give you maximum flexibility to assess just at the beginning, middle or end of each year, if you prefer. - simple and quick to administer and mark - taking less than an hour to assess a whole class - standardised scores, curriculum levels and maths ages, plus a diagnostic profile across the separate strands of mathematics, will give you a wealth of information and make you more effective in managing learning in your classroom - a decimalised PUMA scale score, based on the termly performance data of over 10,000 pupils nationally, lets you monitor small increments of progress and gives a reliable basis for predicting pupil progress and setting realistic targets - a separate test is available for autumn, spring and summer terms for Years 1-6 - attractively presented, to engage the children (the KS1 tests are printed in full colour) To view samples of all tests please visit:

PUMA Test 5, Summer PK10 :Progress in Understanding Mathematics Assessment (PDF)

by Colin Mccarty Caroline Cooke

This is the Year 5, Summer Test, Pack of 10 Progress in Understanding Mathematics (PUMA) is a standardised, curriculum-linked suite of tests designed for whole-class use and for pupils of all abilities. Uniquely, the series offers three tests for each primary school year, to monitor pupils' progress term by term, and provides reliable, predictive and diagnostic information. Or you can pick the test(s) you want, to give you maximum flexibility to assess just at the beginning, middle or end of each year, if you prefer. - simple and quick to administer and mark - taking less than an hour to assess a whole class - standardised scores, curriculum levels and maths ages, plus a diagnostic profile across the separate strands of mathematics, will give you a wealth of information and make you more effective in managing learning in your classroom - a decimalised PUMA scale score, based on the termly performance data of over 10,000 pupils nationally, lets you monitor small increments of progress and gives a reliable basis for predicting pupil progress and setting realistic targets - a separate test is available for autumn, spring and summer terms for Years 1-6 - attractively presented, to engage the children (the KS1 tests are printed in full colour) To view samples of all tests please visit:


by Barbara Henderson

Wrong place. Wrong time. A boy on the run. THE MARKET’S ON FIRE. FIRE!FIRE! THE BOY DID IT! Smoke belches out through the market entrance. And me? I turn and run. Inverness 1889. When 12-year-old Phin is accused of a terrible crime, his only option is to flee. In the unlikely company of an escaped prisoner and a group of travelling entertainers, he enters a new world of Punch and Judy shows and dancing bears. But will Phin clear his name? And what can he do when memories of a darker, more terrible crime begin to haunt him?

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