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Life Cycle of a frog 5 of 5 (Adult frog) (UEB Uncontracted)

This page is filled with the image of an adult frog stretched out to its full length. It is seen from above with its head at the top and back legs at the bottom. There is a locator dot shown, which will be at the top left of the page when the image is the right way up. To the left is a scale showing the approximate size of its body. In the top centre of the page is the frog's upper lip with two eyes slightly down from this. The frog's front legs, extending out to hand-like feet, can be found to either side. The frog's rounded body is in the centre of the page with two lines in the middle indicating the boney structure of its back. The lower half of the image shows the frog's two well-muscled rear legs extending down from its body and ending in three-toed feet at the bottom of the page.

The Lighthouse Keeper Tales (The\lighthouse Keeper Ser.)

by Ronda Armitage David Armitage

Will Mr Grinling ever learn to surf? And will the Grinlings escape their pirate captors? Find out in these two charming Lighthouse Keeper tales, now in one fantastic B-format bind-up.

Lighthouse Year 2, Gold: Grandpas Bright Ideas (PDF)

by Bob Wilson

This collection of infant reading books works as the skills-focused backbone of guided reading resources, with step-by-step skills coverage and the full range of genre. The scheme correlates to the NLS and the Scottish 5-14 Attainment targets for children. The readers in this scheme feature a wide range of genres (including non-fiction) and are levelled to Book Bands, the grading system recommended by the NLS. Within each Lighthouse band the books are organized in order of challenge, so each session moves children on. Each reader has an accompanying teaching notes booklet which gives guidance on teaching a range of reading skills.

The Lion and the Unicorn

by Shirley Hughes

As Lenny's father goes off to fight in the second world war he gives his son a brass badge with a lion and a unicorn on it. Lenny keeps it with him when bombs are dropped on his street and when he has to be evacuated to a big house in the country. He misses his parents a great deal and the other children there and at school are spiteful in teasing him. But he finds a secret walled garden to escape to with a stone unicorn. Here he meets the wounded soldier Mick and learns again how hard it is to be brave. It is the unicorn who finally rescues him from his sadness and loneliness and proves itself to be his guardian angel by bringing his mother to him.

The Lion and the Unicorn

by Shirley Hughes

As Lenny's father goes off to fight in the second world war he gives his son a brass badge with a lion and a unicorn on it. Lenny keeps it with him when bombs are dropped on his street and when he has to be evacuated to a big house in the country. He misses his parents a great deal and the other children there and at school are spiteful in teasing him. But he finds a secret walled garden to escape to with a stone unicorn. Here he meets the wounded soldier Mick and learns again how hard it is to be brave. It is the unicorn who finally rescues him from his sadness and loneliness and proves itself to be his guardian angel by bringing his mother to him.

Literacy Evolve: Invasion (PDF)

by June Crebbin

William, Duke of Normandy, has invaded England to conquer King Harold and take his crow. Can Rollo, his pageboy, help William win the battle and become King of England?

Llanast! (Cyfres Lolipop)

by Mari Lovgreen Helen Flook

Merch fach daclus iawn yw Anni Wyn, â phob blewyn yn ei le, ac mae hi wedi cael hen ddigon ar fyw gyda'i rhieni anhrefnus. Byddai'n llawer gwell ganddi fyw drws nesaf yng nghartref taclus ei ffrind gorau, Begw. Ond mae Anni'n cael syndod o glywed y byddai'n well gan Begw fyw yng nghartref bywiog Anni! [A novel for young readers, about Anni Wyn who always looks without a hair out of place, but has had enough of living with her disorganized parents. She would rather live next door, at her best friend, Begw's home, but is surprised to find that Begw would rather live at Anni's lively house!]

Llew Lletchwith (Cyfres Fflach Doniol)

by Gwyn Morgan

Stori ddifyr wedi ei darlunio'n llawn am Llew Lletchwith, y siryf lletchwith a Cen, ei ffrind o feddwyn yn llwyddo i gyflawni tasg amhosibl, sef achub eu pentref rhag dialedd y dihiryn Gwthgan Jenkins a'i ffrindiau creulon; i blant 7-9 oed. [A fully illustrated entertaining story about Llew Lletchwith the sheriff and Cen, his drunkard friend who succeed in an impossible task, namely saving their village from the vengeance of Gwthgan Jenkins and his cruel friends; for 7-9 year old children.] Datganiad hawlfraint Gwneir y copi hwn dan dermau Rheoliadau (Anabledd) Hawlfraint a Hawliau mewn Perfformiadau 2014 i'w ddefnyddio gan berson sy'n anabl o ran print yn unig. Oni chaniateir gan gyfraith, ni ellir ei gopïo ymhellach, na'i roi i unrhyw berson arall, heb ganiatâd.

Llyn y Fan Fach (Chwedlau Chwim)

by Meinir Edwards Morgan Tomos

Mae hud yn perthyn i'r stori hon am ferch hardd yn codi o Lyn y Fan Fach. Ond ar ôl iddi briodi a byw'n hapus am flynyddoedd ar fferm ger Myddfai, Sir Gâr, mae'n diflannu yn ôl i ganol y llyn yn sydyn, gan adael ei theulu yn hiraethu amdani. Ond daw'n ôl at ei meibion un diwrnod a chynnig pwerau arbennig i'r tri. [This is the tenth tale in a series aimed at children aged 7-9 years who are able to read independently. It tells the captivating legend of the girl who rose from the waters of Llyn y Fan Fach, and became a wife and mother, only to return to the murky waters years later.]

Longman Reading World, Level 5, Book 5: A Marvellous Mix (PDF)

by Pat Edwards Wendy Body

Twelve stories in one Marvellous Mix: 1. Marvellous Medicine No.4 - Roald Dahl; 2. Poor Doris - Max Fatchen; 3. Meet an author - Roald Dahl; 4. Fascinating facts - Folklore remedies; 5. The Training of a Champion - Morris Lurie; 6. What do you weigh?; 7. Lizzie Dripping and the Witch - Helen Cresswell; 8. Fancy That! Odd inscriptions on tombstones; 9. A Postcard from the Stars - Brian Ball; 10. Higgledy-piggledy and Topsy-turvy - Leila Berg; 11. Special days: Saint Andrew's Day; 12. Take 2 when feeling blue

Lonsdale Science: Revision Guide (Key Stage 2 Essentials) (PDF)

by Grace A Adams

This KS2 Science revision guide is for levels 3-5 inclusive and provides a concise summary of the work covered through Years 3-6 and covers all the skills which need to be demonstrated in Key Stage 2 assessments.

Lonsdale Science: Pupil Worksheets (Key Stage 2 Essentials) (PDF)

by Grace A Adams

These worksheets provide further practice to test and reinforce understanding of the material covered in the KS2 Science Revision Guide.nbsp;

The Lottie Project (PDF)

by Jacqueline Wilson

Hi! I'm Charlie (DON'T call me Charlotte - ever!). History is boring, right? Wrong! The Victorians weren't all deadly dull and drippy. Lottie certainly isn't. She's eleven - like me - but she's left school and has a job as a nursery maid. Her life is really hard, just work work work, but I bet she'd know what to do about my mum's awful boyfriend and his wimpy little son. I bet she wouldn't mess it all up like I do... Alternate ISBNs 9780440863663 9781407045122

Louis Braille

by Tessa Potter

Each title in this series tells the story of a man or woman whose dedication to their chosen cause led to changes that affect all our lives today. Each includes a vivid description of the world in which the famous person lived. This book describes how one blind French boy developed a system of reading, in the early part of the nineteenth century, that opened up the world to blind people everywhere. His development of a system of dots to represent letters was based on a military method of night communications. Through his story, the reader also learns what life was like for blind people then, and what a difference Braille made to them, while accurate drawings show how the Braille system works.

Louisa the Ballerina (PDF)

by Adele Geras

Louisa's Secret: When Louisa's ballet class have to choose partners, her new neighbour Tony is the perfect choice. But Tony thinks ballet lessons are for wimps! Louisa in the Wings: A Russian ballet company comes to town and Louisa is desperate to see them. She tries to raise the money for the tickets but it's all sold out! Can anyone help her? A Rival for Louisa: At first, Louisa doesn't like Phoebe, the new girl in her ballet class. But they soon find out they have more in common than they thought...

Louisa the Ballerina (PDF)

by Adele Geras

Louisa's Secret: When Louisa's ballet class have to choose partners, her new neighbour Tony is the perfect choice. But Tony thinks ballet lessons are for wimps! Louisa in the Wings: A Russian ballet company comes to town and Louisa is desperate to see them. She tries to raise the money for the tickets but it's all sold out! Can anyone help her? A Rival for Louisa: At first, Louisa doesn't like Phoebe, the new girl in her ballet class. But they soon find out they have more in common than they thought...

Macbeth (Shakespeare Stories) (PDF)

by Andrew Matthews William Shakespeare

This series gives young readers the chance to discover Shakespeare for themselves. The stories come originally from the highly successful gift collection The Orchard Book of Shakespeare Stories. Also included are useful notes on the themes within the stories and a background to the Globe theatre.

Mad About Monkeys (Owen Davey Animal Series #2)

by Owen Davey

Ever wondered what monkeys are and what makes them so special? With over 250 species inhabiting our planet, this book explores the many different types of monkeys from the smallest Pygmy Marmoset to the largest Mandrill as well as providing all the facts you wanted to know and more. Discover where monkeys come from, how they swing from tree to tree and why they fight and play with each other. After reading this beautifully illustrated book by Owen Davey, you'll soon be raving mad about monkeys!

Mae Gwallt Jo yn Rhy Hir (Pump Prysur)

by Enid Blyton

Teitl mewn cyfres newydd o straeon byrion gan Enid Blyton i ddarllenwyr ifanc sy'n gyflwyniad gwych i anturiaethau'r 'Famous Five' yn Gymraeg. Mae'r stori hon yn adrodd hanes Jo yn mynd i dorri ei gwallt, ond yn cael ei dal ynghanol lladrad. Addasiad Cymraeg gan Manon Steffan Ros ac arlunwaith bywiog newydd Jamie Littler. [One of the titles in a new series of Welsh-language short stories adapted by Manon Steffan Ros, and a perfect introduction to Enid Blyton's 'The Famous Five' books for young readers, available in Welsh for the very first time. In this story, Jo goes for a haircut, but is caught in the middle of a robbery.]

Maelgwn Gwynedd (Chwedlau Chwim)

by Meinir Edwards Gini Wade

Dyma'r pumed chwedl mewn cyfres o 5 llyfr, wedi eu hanelu at blant 7-9 oed sy'n medru darllen yn annibynnol. Stori am Faelgwn a ddaeth yn Frenin ar Wynedd mewn ffordd ddoniol a gwahanol i'r arfer! Mae'r hanes yn dechrau ar draeth Ynyslas ac yna cawn ddilyn ei helyntion o gwmpas Cymru. Mae'n ddyn creulon, cenfigennus, yn lofrudd ac yn 'ddraig o ddyn'. [This is the fifth tale in the series of 5 books, aimed at children aged 7-9 years who are able to read independently. The story of Maelgwn who became king of Gwynedd in a very funny and unconventional way! The tale starts on the beach at Ynyslas, then we follow his adventures through Wales. He was a cruel, envious person; a murderer and a 'dragon of a man'.]

Magic Belt Series with workbooks: (pdf)

by Tamar Reis-Frankfort Drew Wilson

12 books The Magic Belt series is an exciting quest phonics series for older, struggling readers ages 8-12. Twelve different books in the series combine step-by- step phonic progression and exciting stories and illustrations that will engage the older beginner reader. The Magic Belt series is an award-winning quest series for older, struggling readers ages 8-12. Twelve different books in the series combine step-by- step phonic progression with exciting stories and fantastic illustrations that will engage the older beginner reader. “I waited for the response -‘Uuggh do I have to read?’ But it didn’t come…..instead the boy’s eyes went wide, and he grabbed the book from my hand and started flipping through the pages. We had a bit of a chat about the cover, what he thought the book may be about and how the book was set out. Well, he couldn’t wait to get started with the reading….”

The Magic Dance (Magic Ballerina) (World Book Day edition)

by Darcey Bussell

Holly must find someone special to hand the magic ballet shoes to - could Jade the street dancing girl be the one? Meanwhile in Enchantia King Rat is up to mischief again. he's banished the First Cuckoo of summer and disguised himself as King Tristan to play havoc at the palace. Can Holly save her friends from his dastardly ways one more time?

The Magic Finger (Puffin, 1996 edition)

by Roald Dahl

... I put the Magic Finger on Mrs Winter good and strong, and almost at once ... whiskers began growing out of her face! The little girl in this story is very unusual. When someone makes her angry - and when she just can't stop herself - she zaps a punishment on them with a magic, flashing finger! The results are quite fantastic and very funny in this inventive story, perfectly complemented with illustrations by Quentin Blake.

The Magic Finger (Puffin, 1996 edition) (PDF)

by Roald Dahl

... I put the Magic Finger on Mrs Winter good and strong, and almost at once ... whiskers began growing out of her face! The little girl in this story is very unusual. When someone makes her angry - and when she just can't stop herself - she zaps a punishment on them with a magic, flashing finger! The results are quite fantastic and very funny in this inventive story, perfectly complemented with illustrations by Quentin Blake.

Magic Mates and the Battle of the Bullies (PDF)

by Jane West

The bullies of St Pingpong's think they're so big and tough... until they meet Meena's little cousin! With some smart thinking from Jo and Ginger, she's soon got them on the run! The Magic Mates series has been written specially to appeal to girls and to engage and motivate reading. The fictional, bite-sized chapter stories focus on a group of six best friends having fun and doing what girls do best! The unintimidating format and friendly design help motivate girls to pick up a book and enjoy reading. A non-fiction section at the back of the book features quizzes, jokes and fun facts so you can find out more about the Magic Mates and their secrets!

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