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Dragonfire 1: Dragonfire

by Anne Forbes

Dragonfire series. Well, I didn't ask to be a pigeon! ... I wanted to be an eagle, didn't I? ... Why couldn't we have been eagles instead of pigeons? What a life! Nothing but cooo, cooo and peck, peck, all the time. This is the High Street not the Highlands! We're no here to cause a sensation, and ... if it weren't for your stupidity, we wouldn't be here in the first place! Stroppy pigeons in Edinburgh's Old Town. It's not a normal part of daily life - but things are never going to be the same again. Clara and Neil have always known the MacArthurs, the little people who live under Arthur's Seat, in Holyrood Park, but they are not quite prepared for what else is living under the hill. Feuding faery lords, missing whisky, magic carpets, firestones and ancient spells ... where will it end? And how did it all start? Set against the backdrop of the Edinburgh Fringe and Military Tattoo this is a fast-paced comic adventure, full of magic, mayhem and mystery - and a dragon.

Dragonfire, Book 2: The Wings of Ruksh

by Anne Forbes

Strange as it may seem, as he came in to land at Edinburgh Airport last year, the captain of the London flight reported sighting a dragon .. A year on, and life has calmed down for Neil and Clara MacLean. A quiet meal in The Sultan's Palace restaurant. What could go wrong? But they hadn't counted on the mirror! How is it connected to the missing Sultan's Crown, and what secrets does the mysterious Black Tower hold?

Dramascripts: The Diary Of Anne Frank

by Frances Goodrich Albert Hackett

Anne Frank and her family were Jews. Having fled from Germany to Holland in 1933 to escape the Nazis, they were forced into hiding in 1940 when Holland itself was invaded. The play draws upon Anne's diary, which she documented her and her family's like in hiding in the attic above a factory.

Dramascripts: The Diary Of Anne Frank (PDF)

by Frances Goodrich Albert Hackett

Anne Frank and her family were Jews. Having fled from Germany to Holland in 1933 to escape the Nazis, they were forced into hiding in 1940 when Holland was invaded. This play draws heavily from the Diary that Anne left behind which she documented her and her family's life in their hiding place the attic above a factory.


by Alastair Chisholm Llyr Titus Eric Deschamps

Does dim dreigiau fan hyn, meddai pawb wrth Tomos. Un diwrnod, mae dieithryn yn ei wahodd i fod yn brentis glerc, ond yn fuan iawn daw Tomos i ddeall mai prentisiaeth lawer mwy cyffrous na dysgu bod yn glerc sydd o'i flaen - dysgu cadw a hyfforddi ei ddraig ei hun! Cenhaearn ydi ei henw hi, ac mewn dim o dro mae hi a Tomos yn brwydro i achub y bobl sydd agosaf atyn nhw. [The first book in a thrilling, magical, and action-packed new fantasy series, illustrated throughout and perfect for 9-11 year olds! In the land of Draconis, there are no dragons. Once, there were. Once, humans and dragons were friends, and created the great city of Rivven together. But then came the Dragon Storm, and the dragons retreated from the world of humans. Or have they...]

Drone Racer

by Andy Briggs

With races taking place in empty car parks, warehouses and old factories, drone racing is a rapidly growing underground sport. But it's also gone above ground with international championships beckoning from Los Angeles to Dubai, offering by huge prizes. Twelve-year-old Carson Lox thinks he has the potential to be a champion ... except his drone is not powerful enough, and he can't afford anything better. Desperate to make their mark, Trix (Tracy to her friends, and the team's engineer) and Eddie (or Edward as he hates being called, the team manager) help Carson break into an old Air Force scrapyard to salvage spare parts. They find the remains of a hi-tech drone that needs patching up and use it to enter the league. But there is something unusual about their new drone - it has a mind of its own.

The Dungeon (PDF)

by Lynne Reid Banks

A medieval tragedy and tale of retribution - The Dungeon is a powerful story from a writer of great skill and potency. The setting is medieval Scotland, a land dominated by skirmishes and battles on the borders, a land of fortresses and castles in Scotland, England and Wales. We meet Bruce McLennan, a Scottish laird, a man sorely-changed by a terrible family tragedy. He is a domineering master, an uncaring landlord, a cruel man, who has his heart set on building himself a castle and a Dungeon in which to punish his enemies in the future.

Dwyn Cân y Byd (Cyfres Swigod)

by Hefin Jones

Nofel wyddonias, wedi ei lleoli yn y flwyddyn 2056; mae'r ymerawdwr creulon wedi gwahardd cerddoriaeth drwy wenwyno pob nodyn cerddorol. Yn wyneb hynny mae Dafydd a chymeriadau eraill yn mynd ati i chwilio am y nodau coll. Addas i blant 9-11 oed. [A science-fiction novel set in the year 2056; the evil emperor has banned music by poisoning every musical note. Dafydd and his new friends must find all the lost notes. Suitable for children aged 9-11.] *Datganiad hawlfraint Gwneir y copi hwn dan dermau Rheoliadau (Anabledd) Hawlfraint a Hawliau mewn Perfformiadau 2014 i'w ddefnyddio gan berson sy'n anabl o ran print yn unig. Oni chaniateir gan gyfraith, ni ellir ei gopïo ymhellach, na'i roi i unrhyw berson arall, heb ganiatâd.

Dydd Gwener am Byth (Cyfres yr Hebog)

by Eiry Miles Annie Dalton

Ydych chi'n deffro weithiau ar fore Llun ac yn dyheu am brynhawn Gwener? Dyna'n union beth mae Lenni Dafis yn ei wneud. Mae pawb yn ei boeni ar hyn o bryd - ei rieni, ei athrawon a'i ffrindiau - ac mae e dan straen difrifol. Ond yna un diwrnod, trwy ddamwain, mae Lenni'n gwneud dymuniad ac mae pethau'n newid - am byth! Addasiad o Friday Forever. [It's Friday and Lenni Dafis has had a pretty good day at school and wishes every day could be like this! But when he wakes the next morning, it's not Saturday, but Friday again and he has to re-live it again and again. He gradually begins to see that changing his actions can produce positive effects. A Welsh adaptation of Friday Forever.] * *Datganiad hawlfraint Gwneir y copi hwn dan dermau Rheoliadau (Anabledd) Hawlfraint a Hawliau mewn Perfformiadau 2014 i'w ddefnyddio gan berson sy'n anabl o ran print yn unig. Oni chaniateir gan gyfraith, ni ellir ei gopïo ymhellach, na'i roi i unrhyw berson arall, heb ganiatâd.

Dyddiadur Dripsyn

by Jeff Kinney Owain Sion

Mae'r llipryn Greg Heffley yn cadw dyddiadur doniol gyda lluniau digri yn cofnodi ei ymdrechion i brofi ei aeddfedrwydd ar gychwyn blwyddyn newydd mewn ysgol uwchradd newydd. Wrth i boblogrwydd ei ffrind gorau, Roli, gynyddu, defnyddia Greg hyn er mantais iddo'i hun, gyda chanlyniadau smala iawn. [Greg Heffley the wimp keeps a diary full of fun with amusing pictures recording his attempts to prove his maturity in a new year at a new school. When his best friend Rowley's star begins to rise, Greg tries to use his friend's popularity to his own advantage, with hilarious results.] *Datganiad hawlfraint Gwneir y copi hwn dan dermau Rheoliadau (Anabledd) Hawlfraint a Hawliau mewn Perfformiadau 2014 i'w ddefnyddio gan berson sy'n anabl o ran print yn unig. Oni chaniateir gan gyfraith, ni ellir ei gopïo ymhellach, na'i roi i unrhyw berson arall, heb ganiatâd.

Eagle of the Ninth, Book 1: The Eagle of the Ninth

by Rosemary Sutcliff

The Ninth Legion marched into the mists of northern Britain - and they were never seen again. Four thousand men disappeared and their eagle standard was lost. It's a mystery that's never been solved, until now . . . Marcus has to find out what happened to his father, who led the legion. So he sets out into the unknown, on a quest so dangerous that nobody expects him to return. The Eagle of the Ninth is heralded as one of the most outstanding children's books of the twentieth century and has sold over a million copies worldwide. Rosemary Sutcliff writes with such passion and attention to detail that Roman Britain is instantly brought to life and stays with the reader long after the last page has been turned. The book is also now the subject of a major film.

Eagle of the Ninth, Book 2: The Silver Branch

by Rosemary Sutcliff

Violence and unrest are sweeping through Roman Britain. Justin and Flavius find themselves caught up in the middle of it all when they discover a plot to overthrow the Emperor. In fear for their lives they gather together a tattered band of men and lead them into the thick of battle, to defend the honour of Rome. But will they be in time to save the Emperor? Rosemary Sutcliff's books about Roman Britain have won much acclaim and the first in the trilogy, The Eagle of the Ninth, has now sold over a million copies worldwide. The author writes with such passion and with such attention to detail that the Roman age is instantly brought to life and stays with the reader long after the last page has been turned.

Eagle of the Ninth, Book 4: The Lantern Bearers

by Rosemary Sutcliff

The last of the Roman army have set sail and left Britain for ever, abandoning it to civil war and the threat of a Saxon invasion. Aquila deserts his regiment to return to his family, but his home and all that he loves are destroyed. Years of hardship and fighting follow and in the end there is only one thing left in Aquila's life - his thirst for revenge...

Easy Learning, Maths: Age 9-10 (PDF)

by Collins Easy Learning

Collins Easy Learning Maths Age 9-10 develops numeracy skills, gives support, practice and guidance for year-by-year school learning.

Eating Chips With Monkey (PDF)

by Mark Lowery

Ten-year-old Daniel is never happier than when he is eating chips. Especially during his family's annual Chip Shop Championships, the highlight of his year. And especially when he can also eat chips with Monkey, his beloved soft toy and trusty companion. But one terrible November day, the lives of Daniel and his family are changed forever when an accident renders Daniel a shadow of his former self. As Daniel retreats into himself, his family slowly begin to fall apart, without this bright boy at the heart of their lives. When an impromptu trip to a chip shop seems to briefly engage Daniel with the real world, the family decide to revisit their Chip Shop Championships, on a quest to find the best chip shop in the country. Along the way, as they attempt to rebuild their family and regain Daniel, they must contend with hungry giraffes, nouveau cuisine, the loss of Monkey, the theft of Grandma, and lots of chips. Winner of the Sheffield Children's Book Award (shorter novel category) Nominated for the CILIP CARNEGIE MEDAL 2021 Shortlisted for the Calderdale Children's Book of the Year 2021

Eco (Cyfres Blodyn Haf #1)

by Emily Huws

Nofel yn portreadu'r tensiynau ym mywyd merch 9 oed sydd â mam sy'n rhyfelwraig eco frwd a gweithgar, gan awdures boblogaidd; i ddarllenwyr 8-12 oed. Enillydd Gwobr Tir na n-Og 2005. [A novel portraying the tensions in the life of a 9 year old girl whose mother is an enthusiastic and active warrior, by a prizewinning, popular author. Tir na n-Og Award winner 2005.] *Datganiad hawlfraint Gwneir y copi hwn dan dermau Rheoliadau (Anabledd) Hawlfraint a Hawliau mewn Perfformiadau 2014 i'w ddefnyddio gan berson sy'n anabl o ran print yn unig. Oni chaniateir gan gyfraith, ni ellir ei gopïo ymhellach, na'i roi i unrhyw berson arall, heb ganiatâd.

Ein Rhyfel Ni

by Mair Hughes Jac Jones

Stori sy'n sôn am hynt ffoaduriaid yr Ail Ryfel Byd a ddaeth i Sir Fôn yn y 1940au. Enillydd Gwobr Tir na n-Og 2007. [A story about what happened to Second World War evacuees who came to Anglesey in the 1940s. Tir na n-Og Award winner 2007.] *Datganiad hawlfraint Gwneir y copi hwn dan dermau Rheoliadau (Anabledd) Hawlfraint a Hawliau mewn Perfformiadau 2014 i'w ddefnyddio gan berson sy'n anabl o ran print yn unig. Oni chaniateir gan gyfraith, ni ellir ei gopïo ymhellach, na'i roi i unrhyw berson arall, heb ganiatâd.

Element, Compound and Mixture (Diagram PDF)

by Katie Walker

I have created this resource for a year 7 student with Achromatopsia. This diagram enables the student to identify the difference between an element (1 type of atom), a compound (more than 1 atom chemically bonded) and a mixture (more than one substance). I hope this helps with resource helps.

The Eleventh Orphan (PDF)

by Joan Lingard

Mr and Mrs Bigsby of the Pig and Whistle, Stoke Newington already look after ten children. When Constable O'Dowd brings her an 11th orphan he found on the streets, Ma Bigsby is reluctant to take her. But there's something about Elfie, it's the first day of a new century and Ma loves a mystery.

The Enchanted Horse (PDF)

by Magdalen Nabb

A little toy horse is about to change Irina's life forever. Award-winning classic young fiction, beautifully illustrated. Bella was real. Dreams don't eat hay and drink water. Dreams don't leave footprints in the snow. When Irina sees a tatty horse in a junk-shop window, she thinks it looks sad and lonely. Irina is an only child and wants nothing more than to take care of this horse. Little does she know how special Bella is or that magical journeys lie in wait for them!

End Game on Earth (PDF)

by Tommy Donbavand

End Game on Earth

English: Revision Guide (PDF)

by Christine Moorcroft

Complete support for thorough test preparation, this KS2 English revision guide provides a concise summary of the work covered through Years 3-6 and covers all the Reading and Writing skills which may be tested in the National Curriculum Tests (SAT'S) in English for levels 3-5 inclusive.

English: Pupil Worksheets (PDF)

by Christine Moorcroft

These worksheets provide further practice to test and reinforce understanding of the material covered in the KS2 English Revision Guide.

Ergyd Drwy Amser (Cyfres yr Onnen)

by Elgan Davies

Mae'r stori'n dechrau'n gyffrous gyda llofruddiaeth Juan Borgia cyn y datgelir i'r darllenydd gael ei dwyllo a bod Alun, y prif gymeriad, mewn gwirionedd yn chwarae gêm gyfrifiadurol o'r enw Assassin's Creed. Cyflwynir y berthynas gyfeillgar a chwareus rhwng Alun a'i ddat-cu (y mae'n rhannu ei enw ag ef). [Grandad's words ring in Alun's ears every time he does something wrong or doesn't do it the way Grandad used to do it. But then, suddenly, Alun is transported bach through time to the year 1960, when Grandad was his age. This is his chance to see how Grandad lived.] *Datganiad hawlfraint Gwneir y copi hwn dan dermau Rheoliadau (Anabledd) Hawlfraint a Hawliau mewn Perfformiadau 2014 i'w ddefnyddio gan berson sy'n anabl o ran print yn unig. Oni chaniateir gan gyfraith, ni ellir ei gopïo ymhellach, na'i roi i unrhyw berson arall, heb ganiatâd.

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