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4th IFAC/IFIP International Conference on Digital Computer Applications to Process Control: Zürich, Switzerland, March 19–22, 1974 Part I (Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems #93)

by M. Mansour W. Schaufelberger

Digital computers have been used more and more to control different industrial processes during the last decade. As of today, many sy­ stems are designed to include a process control computer as a vital part. The use of computers has created a need for sophisticated me­ thods for the operation and supervision of complex industrial proces­ ses. To summarize the state of the art from the practical as well as from the theoretical point of view, the 4th IFACIIFIP International Conference on "Digital Computer Applications to Process Control" will be held at Zurich from March 19 to 22, 1974. The first two vo­ lumes of the proceedings contain the accepted papers submitted to the conference mentioned above. The papers are arranged according to the topics of the conference. A third volume will include the six follow­ ing survey papers: 1. Digital Control Algorithms Prof. A. P. Sage, Dallas Texas I USA 2. Interface Problems for Process Control Prof. T. J. Williams, Lafayette Indiana I USA 3. Software for Process Computers Dr. J. Gertler, Budapest I Hungary Dr. J. Sedlak, Prague I CSSR 4. Digital Computer Applications in Metallurgical Processes Mr. W. E. Miller, Salem I USA Mr. W. G. Wright, Schenectady I USA 5. Digital Computer Applications in Power Systems Mr. D. Ernst, Erlangen / FRG 6. Digital Computer Applications in Chemical and Oil Industries Dr. H.

4th IFAC/IFIP International Conference on Digital Computer Applications to Process Control: Zürich, Switzerland, March 19–22, 1974 (Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems #94)

by M. Mansour W. Schaufelberger

Digital computers have been used more and more to control different industrial processes during the last decade. As of today, many sy­ stems are designed to include a process control computer as a vital part. The use of computers has created a need for sophisticated me­ thods for the operation and supervision of complex industrial proces­ ses. To summarize the state of the art from the practical as well as from the theoretical point of view, the 4th IFAC/IFIP International Conference on "Digital Computer Applications to Process Control" will be held at Zurich from March 19 to 22, 1974. The first two vo­ lumes of the proceedings contain the accepted papers submitted to the conference mentioned above. The papers are arranged according to the topics of the conference. A third volume will include the six follow­ ing survey papers: 1. Digital Control Algorithms Prof. A. P. Sage, Dallas Texas / USA 2. Interface Problems for Process Control Prof. T. J. Williams, Lafayette Indiana / USA 3. Software for Process Computers Dr. J. Gertler, Budapest / Hungary Dr. J. Sedlak, Prague / CSSR 4. Digital Computer Applications in Metallurgical Processes Mr. W. E. Miller, Salem / USA Mr. W. G. Wright, Schenectady / USA 5. Digital Computer Applications in Power Systems Mr. D. Ernst, Erlangen / FRG 6. Digital Computer Applications in Chemical and Oil Industries Dr. H. Amrehn, Marl / FRG We hope, that the publication of these papers from specialists.

Annals of Life Insurance Medicine 5: Special Edition Proceedings of the 11th International Congress of Life Assurance Medicine Mexico City 1973

by E. Tanner Swiss Reinsurance Swiss Reinsurance Company

In the preface to Volume 1 of the 'Annals of Life Insurance Medicine' Dr. MAX E. EISENRING described the goal of this publication as follows: "Any project which aims at contributing substantially to the modern science of medical underwriting can do so only if the many people preoccupied with these problems throughout the world join forces to the ultimate benefit of those most in need of life assurance." In an endeavour to keep the life insurance medical directors all over the world informed of the developments in the field of life insurance medicine, we have decided to publish the papers which were presented at the 11 th International Congress of Life Assurance Medicine in Mexico in 1973 in Volume 5 of the 'Annals'. We are most grateful to Dr. J. REN06N, President of the Organizing Commit­ tee of the Congress in Mexico for having consented to our publishing the proceed­ ings of the Congress in a special edition of the 'Annals'. It is a source of great satisfaction to us that in this way a much larger circle of life insurance medical directors can be reached than would have been the case if only the participants themselves were to receive the proceedings of the Congress. Dissemination of the results of medical research on an international basis, in particular those findings that have a bearing on life insurance medicine, is one of our foremost aims.

Soziale und Angewandte Psychiatrie (Psychiatrie der Gegenwart #3)

by H. Argelander

Die erste Auflage dieses Bandes "Soziale und angewandte Psychiatrie" er­ schien 1961. Seither wurden die Wechselwirkungen zwischen dem gesellschaft­ lichen Feld und der Psychiatrie intensiver und weiter. Die Sozietiit fordert und uberfordert die Psychiatrie, und umgekehrt scheint es iihnlich zu sein. Der Be­ griff "Sozialpsychiatrie" wird strapaziert, indem er fiir soziologische und epide­ miologische Forschung, aber auch fiir moderne gemeindenahe Therapieformen verwandt wird. Diesseits von klinischem und soziologischem Dogmatismus ist Psychiatrie sozial, wenn sie in ihre Theorie und Praxis die Beziehung zwischen Individuellem und Transindividuellem (soweit dieses nicht rein biologisch be­ stimmt ist) aufnimmt. Sozialpsychiatrie ist keine modische Rivalin einer klinischen Psychiatrie, die mit ihr nun zu wetteifern hiitte. Sie ist auch keine Gegen­ Psychiatrie sondern Psychiatrie in gesellschaftlicher Perspektive. Daher halten die Herausgeber mit Bedacht am alten Titel des Buches fest: Psychiatrie wird, wo sie vollen Sinn gewinnt, notwendig eine "soziale" und "ange­ wandte" sein. Wir wollen die Psychiatrie nicht als eine Bindestrich-Disziplin an zeitgebundene Stromungen der Theorie oder Praxis der Sozialwissenschaften knupfen. Dieser Band legt einerseits das Gewicht auf Methoden und Ergebnisse gesellschaftsbezogener empirischer Forschung in der Psychiatrie, andererseits auf die institutionellen und therapeutischen Dienste in der gesellschaftsbezogenen psychiatrischen Praxis. Es wurde einmal gesagt, soziale Psychiatrie sei nichts anderes als umfassend verstandene klinische und poliklinische Psychiatrie. In solchem Sinne steht dieser Band III der Psychiatrie der Gegenwart in engem Zusammenhang zu den klinischen Biinden I und II der Zweitauflage.

Differential Geometry and Complex Analysis: A Volume Dedicated to the Memory of Harry Ernest Rauch

by I. Chavel H. M. Farkas

This volume is dedicated to the memory of Harry Ernest Rauch, who died suddenly on June 18, 1979. In organizing the volume we solicited: (i) articles summarizing Rauch's own work in differential geometry, complex analysis and theta functions (ii) articles which would give the reader an idea of the depth and breadth of Rauch's researches, interests, and influence, in the fields he investigated, and (iii) articles of high scientific quality which would be of general interest. In each of the areas to which Rauch made significant contribution - pinching theorems, teichmiiller theory, and theta functions as they apply to Riemann surfaces - there has been substantial progress. Our hope is that the volume conveys the originality of Rauch's own work, the continuing vitality of the fields he influenced, and the enduring respect for, and tribute to, him and his accom­ plishments in the mathematical community. Finally, it is a pleasure to thank the Department of Mathematics, of the Grad­ uate School of the City University of New York, for their logistical support, James Rauch who helped us with the biography, and Springer-Verlag for all their efforts in producing this volume. Isaac Chavel . Hershel M. Farkas Contents Harry Ernest Rauch - Biographical Sketch. . . . . . . . VII Bibliography of the Publications of H. E. Rauch. . . . . . X Ph.D. Theses Written under the Supervision of H. E. Rauch. XIII H. E. Rauch, Geometre Differentiel (by M. Berger) . . . . . . . .

Third International Conference on System Science in Health Care: Troisième Conférence Internationale sur la Science des Systèmes dans le Domaine de la Santé (Health Systems Research)

by Wilhelm Van Eimeren Rolf Engelbrecht Charles D. Flagle

In the early stages of planning the Third International Conference in System Science in Health Care, the steering committee members, most of whom had participated in the first conference in Paris (1976) and the second in Montreal (1980), made some basic decisions about organization of subject matter. The earlier meetings had been very successful in bringing together specialists from the health professions and the traditional sciences. In addition to physicians and nurses, these were representatives of the disciplines of the behavioral sciences, system theory, economics, engineering, and the emergency fields of management science and informatics -all concerned with the development of health resources in a broad system context. The reported research and experience of the many disciplines represented had dealt with one or more of three concerns: 1) a major health problem, such as cardiovascular disease, or an important popUlation at risk, such as the elderly or children or workers; 2) some generic aspect of organization and decision making, including trial and evaluation ofinnovative health strategies; and 3) the methodology of research and analysis in system of health service. The challenge to the conference organizers lay in the eliciting and arranging of experiences in such a way that the health services could be seen as purposeful,living, evolving systems.

Reproductive Biology and Plant Breeding: Biologie de la Reproduction et Amélioration des Plantes

by Yvette Dattee Christian Dumas Andre Gallais

This volume has been produced for the XI 11th EUCARPIA Congress. EUCARPIA (the European Association for Plant breeding) currently has 1.200 members, including scientists and staff of both publ ic and private organizations. Its aim is to promote scientific and technical research and cooperation In the field of plant breeding, and thereby to contribute to the development of agriculture. Every three years, EUCARPIA organizes a scientific congress. In 1992, the Xilith EUCARPIA Congress will be held In ANGERS (Fran­ ce) and the theme Is "Reproductive biology and plant breeding". Reproduction of plant material Is central to selection. The geneti­ cist, the plant breeder and the seed grower all use sexual and ve­ getative reproduction during the various stages of plant breeding and creation of variety. The possibility of unlimited interspecific reproduction, the use of gametogenesis dysfunction, the creation of auto and allogamy, and the cloning of the best genotypes are the challenges before the plant breeder. To understand how the reproductive system conditions the genetic structure of a population, and to Investigate the relation­ ships between the reproductive mode and the organization of varia­ bility Is a central key to genetic progress. The articles presented In this book review the current state of knowledge of reproductive biology, and Its impact on variety crea­ tion.

The Significance of Zoochromes (Zoophysiology #3)

by A.E. Needham

As the title indicates, the theme of this book is the functions of biochromes in animals. Recent works on zoochromes, such as those of D. L. Fox (1953), H. M. Fox and VEVERS (1960) and VUILLAUME (1969), have been concerned primarily with the chemical nature and the taxonomic distribution of these materials, and although function has been considered where relevant this has not been the centre of interest and certainly not the basis for the arrangement of the subject matter. Functional significance is a profitable focus of interest, since it is the one theme which can make biochromatology a discrete and integral subject, and because it is the main interest in all biological fields. At present chromatology seems to be a particularly schizoid subject since it is clear that in metabolic functions biochromes are acting in a chemical capacity whereas integumental pigments function mainly biophysically, in neurological and behavioural contexts. It is profitable to attempt an integration by studying the functions of as many chromes as possible, from all aspects.

Turbulent Shear-Layer/Shock-Wave Interactions: IUTAM Symposium, Palaiseau, France September 9–12, 1985 (International Trends in Manufacturing Technology)

by J. Delery

It was on a proposal of the late Professor Maurice Roy, member of the French Academy of Sciences, that in 1982, the General Assembly of the International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics decided to sponsor a symposium on Turbulent Shear-Layer/Shock-Wave Interactions. This sympo­ sium might be arranged in Paris -or in its immediate vicinity-during the year 1985. Upon request of Professor Robert Legendre, member of the French Academy of Sciences, the organization of the symposium might be provided by the Office National d'Etudes et de Recherches Aerospatiales (ONERA). The request was very favorably received by Monsieur l'Ingenieur General Andre Auriol, then General Director of ONERA. The subject of interactions between shock-waves and turbulent dissipative layers is of considerable importance for many practical devices and has a wide range of engineering applications. Such phenomena occur almost inevitably in any transonic or supersonic flow and the subject has given rise to an important research effort since the advent of high speed fluid mechanics, more than forty years ago. However, with the coming of age of modern computers and the development of new sophisticated measurement techniques, considerable progress has been made in the field over the past fifteen years. The aim of the symposium was to provide an updated status of the research effort devoted to shear­ layer/shock-wave interactions and to present the most significant results obtained recently.

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