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Time and Narrative, Volume 1

by Paul Ricoeur

Time and Narrative builds on Paul Ricoeur's earlier analysis, in The Rule of Metaphor, of semantic innovation at the level of the sentence. Ricoeur here examines the creation of meaning at the textual level, with narrative rather than metaphor as the ruling concern. Ricoeur finds a "healthy circle" between time and narrative: time is humanized to the extent that it portrays temporal experience. Ricoeur proposes a theoretical model of this circle using Augustine's theory of time and Aristotle's theory of plot and, further, develops an original thesis of the mimetic function of narrative. He concludes with a comprehensive survey and critique of modern discussions of historical knowledge, understanding, and writing from Aron and Mandelbaum in the late 1930s to the work of the Annales school and that of Anglophone philosophers of history of the 1960s and 1970s. "This work, in my view, puts the whole problem of narrative, not to mention philosophy of history, on a new and higher plane of discussion."—Hayden White, History and Theory "Superb. . . . A fine point of entrance into the work of one of the eminent thinkers of the present intellectual age."—Joseph R. Gusfield, Contemporary Sociology

The Time of the Landscape: On the Origins of the Aesthetic Revolution

by Jacques Ranciere

The time of the landscape is not the time when people started describing gardens, mountains and lakes in poems or representing them in works of art: it is the time when the landscape imposed itself as a specific object of thought. It is the time when both the harmony of arranged gardens and the disharmony of wild nature led to a revolution in the criteria of the beautiful and in the meaning of the word &“art.&” It coincided with the birth of aesthetics, understood as a regime for shaping how art is seen and thought, and also with the French Revolution, understood as a revolution in the very idea of what binds together a human community. The time of the landscape is the time when the conjunction of these two upheavals brought into focus, however hazily, a common horizon: that of a revolution that no longer concerns only the laws of the state or the norms of art, but the very forms of sensible experience. This brilliant and wide-ranging book will be of interest to students and scholars in philosophy, literature, the visual arts, and the humanities generally, and to anyone interested in critical theory and philosophy.

The Time of the Landscape: On the Origins of the Aesthetic Revolution

by Jacques Ranciere

The time of the landscape is not the time when people started describing gardens, mountains and lakes in poems or representing them in works of art: it is the time when the landscape imposed itself as a specific object of thought. It is the time when both the harmony of arranged gardens and the disharmony of wild nature led to a revolution in the criteria of the beautiful and in the meaning of the word &“art.&” It coincided with the birth of aesthetics, understood as a regime for shaping how art is seen and thought, and also with the French Revolution, understood as a revolution in the very idea of what binds together a human community. The time of the landscape is the time when the conjunction of these two upheavals brought into focus, however hazily, a common horizon: that of a revolution that no longer concerns only the laws of the state or the norms of art, but the very forms of sensible experience. This brilliant and wide-ranging book will be of interest to students and scholars in philosophy, literature, the visual arts, and the humanities generally, and to anyone interested in critical theory and philosophy.

To Save the Phenomena: An Essay on the Idea of Physical Theory from Plato to Galileo

by Pierre Duhem

Duhem's 1908 essay questions the relation between physical theory and metaphysics and, more specifically, between astronomy and physics–an issue still of importance today. He critiques the answers given by Greek thought, Arabic science, medieval Christian scholasticism, and, finally, the astronomers of the Renaissance.

To Save the Phenomena: An Essay on the Idea of Physical Theory from Plato to Galileo

by Pierre Duhem

Duhem's 1908 essay questions the relation between physical theory and metaphysics and, more specifically, between astronomy and physics–an issue still of importance today. He critiques the answers given by Greek thought, Arabic science, medieval Christian scholasticism, and, finally, the astronomers of the Renaissance.

Topics in Invariant Theory: Séminaire d'Algèbre Paul Dubreil et M.-P. Malliavin 1989-1990 (40éme Année) (Lecture Notes in Mathematics #1478)

by Marie-Paule Malliavin

These proceedings reflect the main activities of the Paris Séminaire d'Algèbre 1989-1990, with a series of papers in Invariant Theory, Representation Theory and Combinatorics. It contains original works from J. Dixmier, F. Dumas, D. Krob, P. Pragacz and B.J. Schmid, as well as a new presentation of Derived Categories by J.E. Björk and as introduction to the deformation theory of Lie equations by J.F. Pommaret. J. Dixmier: Sur les invariants du groupe symétrique dans certaines représentations II.- B.J. Schmid: Finite groups and invariant theory.- J.E. Björk: Derived categories.- P. Pragacz: Algebro-Geometric applications of Schur S- and Q-polynomials.- F. Dumas: Sous-corps de fractions rationnelles des corps gauches de séries de Laurent.- D. Krob: Expressions rationnelles sur un anneau.- J.F. Pommaret: Deformation theory of algebraic and Geometric structures.- M. van den Bergh: Differential operators on semi-invariants for tori and weighted projective spaces.

Topie Impitoyable: The Corporeal Politics of the Cloth, the Wall, and the Street / Les politiques corporelles du vêtement, du mur et la rue

by Léopold Lambert

Qu’est-ce qu’un corps? Ce livre s’attache d’avantage à se poser cette question qu’à y répondre. L’ouvrage propose de complexifier quelques lieux communs à diverses échelles de proximité de cet assemblage matériel qu’est le corps. Ceci permet d’intégrer pleinement les objets, atmosphères et autres corps environnant celui-ci afin de proposer une lecture politique de leurs relations volontaires et fortuites. Du sweatshirt à capuche porté par Trayvon Martin lorsqu’il se fit tuer dans la banlieue de Miami Gardens, Florida, aux rues new-yorkaises durant Occupy Wall Street, en passant par le mur d’apartheid en Palestine, ce livre progresse par une succession d’exemples illustrant l’hypothèse selon laquelle les corps et les objets de toutes tailles entretiennent nécessairement des rapports politiques entre eux. What is a body? This book is more attached to raising the question than in offering a definitive answer. Instead, Lambert proposes to make more complex certain commonplaces located at various degrees of proximity to the body’s material assemblage, allowing a better integration of the surrounding objects, atmosphere and other bodies and proposing a political reading of their relationship to the body, whether deliberate or accidental. From the hoodie that Trayvon Martin wore when he was killed in the suburbs of Miami Gardens, Florida, to the streets of New York City during Occupy Wall Street and the apartheid wall in Palestine, this book moves through a series of episodes that illustrate how bodies and objects of all sizes are enmeshed in deeply entangled political relationships.

Topologia: Lectures given at a Summer School of the Centro Internazionale Matematico Estivo (C.I.M.E.) held in Varenna (Como), Italy, August 26-September 3, 1955 (C.I.M.E. Summer Schools #6)

by G. Scorza Dragoni

Lectures: K. Kuratowski: Théorie de la dimension.- G. Scorza Dragoni: Traslazioni piane generalizzate.- E. Sperner: 1. Generalizzazioni del teorema di Brouwer sul punto unito. 2. Il problema dei colori sulle superificie chiuse.- Seminars: G. Darbo: Grado topologico e punti uniti in trasformazioni plurivalenti.- M. Dolcher: Alcuni risultati della geometria delle trasformazioni continue.- M. Vaccaro: Sulle rappresentazioni localmente biunivoche delle varietà topologiche sopra i poliedri.

Topologia differenziale: Lectures given at a Summer School of the Centro Internazionale Matematico Estivo (C.I.M.E.) held in Urbino (Pesaro), Italy, July 2-12, 1962 (C.I.M.E. Summer Schools #26)

by E. Vesentini

J. Cerf: Invariants des paires d´espaces. Applications à la topologie differentielle.- A. Häfliger: Variétés feuilletées.- M.A. Kervaire: La méthode de Pontryagin pour la classification des applications sur une sphère.- S. Smale: Stable manifolds for differential equations and diffeomorphisms.

Topologie algébrique: Chapitres 1 à 4

by N. Bourbaki

Ce livre des Éléments de mathématique est consacré à la Topologie algébrique. Les quatre premiers chapitres présentent la théorie des revêtements d'un espace topologique et du groupe de Poincaré. On construit le revêtement universel d'un espace connexe pointé délaçable et on établit l'équivalence de catégories entre revêtements de cet espace et actions du groupe de Poincaré. On démontre une version générale du théorème de van Kampen exprimant le groupoïde de Poincaré d'un espace topologique comme un coégalisateur de diagrammes de groupoïdes. Dans de nombreuses situations géométriques, on en déduit une présentation explicite du groupe de Poincaré.

Topologie générale: Chapitres 5 à 10

by N. Bourbaki

Ce deuxième volume du Livre de Topologie générale décrit de nombreux outils fondamentaux en topologie et en analyse, tels que le théorème d’Urysohn, le théorème de Baire ou les espaces polonais. Il comprend les chapitres : 1. Groupes à un paramètre ; 2. Espaces numériques et espaces projectifs ; 3. Les groupes additifs Rn ; 4. Nombres complexes ; 5. Utilisation des nombres réels en topologie générale ; 6. Espaces fonctionnels.

Topologie générale: Chapitres 1 à 4

by N. Bourbaki

Ce premier volume du Livre de Topologie générale, troisième Livre du traité, est consacré aux structures fondamentales en topologie, qui constituent les fondements de l’analyse et de la géométrie. Il comprend les chapitres : 1. Structures topologiques ; 2. Structures uniformes ; 3. Groupes topologiques ; 4. Nombres réels.

Topos anneles et schemas relatifs (Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete. 2. Folge #64)

by Monique Hakim

This monograph is devoted to the problems of modules in scheme theory; the main purpose is to develop relative scheme theory over a ringed space. The exposition contains 8 chapters. Chapters I and II are devoted to the necessary information about 2-categories which simplifies the utilization of toposes. 2-category is a category in which the sets Hom are categories and where maps between Hom's have functorial nature. One studies U-toposes by means of this notion in chapter II, U being a fixed universimum. One introduces the notion of ringed U-toposand studies U-toposes ringed by local and strict local rings in chapter III. In the same chapter one solves the corresponding universal problem and as a result introduces the spectrum of ringed U-topos in chapter IV, what makes it possible to define the category of relative schemes over a ringed topos. In chapter V-VII the theory of relative S-schemes is developed where S is a ringed topos; then this theory applies to studying of the algebraic-analytic equivalence in chapter VIII. A. A. Bel'skii.

Total Performance Scorecard: Réconcilier l'homme et l'entreprise

by Hubert K. Rampersad

Le tableau de bord de la performance totale vise le développement maximum de tous les collaborateurs de l'entreprise et l'utilisation optimale de leurs talents en vue de la meilleure performance de l'entreprise. Cette approche diffère sur des points essentiels des concepts de gestion traditionnels. Le TBPT prend comme point de départ la connaissance de soi de l'individu pour ensuite mettre celle-ci en synergie avec la stratégie de l'entreprise. Cette manière de procéder favorise la durabilité des actions d'amélioration et de changement qui seront mises en oeuvre par la suite. En fin de compte, l'amélioration et le changement véritables au niveau de l'entreprise ne peuvent être réalisés que si l'individu opère un changement intérieur.

Traité de nutrition de la personne âgée: Nourrir L'homme Malade

by Xavier Hébuterne Emmanuel Alix Agathe Raynaud-Simon Bruno Vellas

Ce traité réunit près de 50 scientifiques francophones rassemblés autour de la SFNEP, parmi lesquels des médecins, pharmaciens, chercheurs ou diététiciens qui font autorité dans le domaine de la nutrition et du métabolisme de la personne âgée. Les modifications des grands métabolismes, l’obésité de la personne âgée ainsi que le diagnostic et la prise en charge forment les trois parties de cet ouvrage. Véritable outil de référence, d’enseignement et de formation, il permettra au lecteur d’actualiser ses connaissances sur des sujets comme la sarcopénie, les relations entre la nutrition et les fonctions cognitives, la prise en charge nutritionnelle du patient atteint de la maladie d’Alzheimer ou d’une affection néoplasique. Certains chapitres font le point sur les derniers domaines de la recherche et d’autres, permettront une conduite de la prise en charge nutritionnelle (en ambulatoire, à l’hôpital ou en institutions) selon les recommandations les plus récentes.

Trajectories of Artificial Celestial Bodies as Determined from Observations / Trajectoires des Corps Celestes Artificiels Déterminées D’après les Observations: Proceedings of a Symposium Held in Paris, April 20–23, 1965

by J. Kovalevsky

In May 1962 the International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (IUTAM) organized a symposium in Paris on the theory of the movement of the Earth's artificial satellites designated to confront the results of the first spatial experiences with the mechanical point of view. The papers submitted during this meeting have been published in 1963 in a collection entitled "Dynamics of Satellites" by Springer­ Verlag. During the last three years the importance of studies pertaining to the dynamics of artificial satellites has continued to increase, and many results due to observations have led to a deeper knowledge of the field of forces in which these objects move, particularly the field of gravitation of the Earth, the forces due to pressure of radiation, friction of the atmosphere, etc . . . A new symposium seemed therefore suitable to determine these recent advances. However, this time it appeared appropriate to consider it more from the point of view of the interpretation obtained from the results of observations (determination of orbits and forces existing) than from the point of view of the theory of motion. For this reason the complete title of the second symposium is as follows: "Trajectories of Artificial Celestial Bodies, as Determined from Observations".

Trees: Workshop in Versailles, June 14–16 1995 (Progress in Probability #40)

by Brigitte Chauvin Serge Cohen Alain Rouault

For the first time, the very different aspects of trees are presented here in one volume. Articles by specialists working in different areas of mathematics cover disordered systems, algorithms, probability, and p-adic analysis. Researchers and graduate students alike will benefit from the clear expositions.

Truth and Historicity / Vérité et Historicité (Institut International de Philosophie #2)

by Hans-Georg Gadamer

Symposium in Heidelberg/Entretiens de Heidelberg, 12-16 September/septembre 1969

Tumeurs endocrines thoraciques et digestives

by Éric Baudin Michel Ducreux

Il y a peu d’ouvrages sur les tumeurs endocrines digestives et thoraciques. La complexité de leur prise en charge, souvent confiée à différents spécialistes, la multiplicité des terminologies utilisées pour les désigner, la diversité de leurs localisations et de leur caractérisation expliquent cette absence de travaux. Une synthèse des connaissances cliniques relatives à ces pathologies était donc nécessaire; exigence renforcée par l’arrivée de nouvelles techniques d’imagerie et de nouveaux traitements. Cet ouvrage fait le pari d’une approche transversale de l’étude de ces tumeurs tout en insistant sur leurs caractéristiques communes; une fois énoncées les caractéristiques cliniques et pronostiques, les auteurs étudient les différentes armes thérapeutiques. Cet ouvrage, fondé sur une approche multidisciplinaire, est un outil indispensable pour tout médecin non spécialiste cherchant à acquérir une base de connaissances dans ce domaine. Le lecteur sera, de plus, conquis par l’intérêt communicatif que portent les auteurs à l’étude de ces tumeurs si particulières.

Turbulent Shear-Layer/Shock-Wave Interactions: IUTAM Symposium, Palaiseau, France September 9–12, 1985 (International Trends in Manufacturing Technology)

by J. Delery

It was on a proposal of the late Professor Maurice Roy, member of the French Academy of Sciences, that in 1982, the General Assembly of the International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics decided to sponsor a symposium on Turbulent Shear-Layer/Shock-Wave Interactions. This sympo­ sium might be arranged in Paris -or in its immediate vicinity-during the year 1985. Upon request of Professor Robert Legendre, member of the French Academy of Sciences, the organization of the symposium might be provided by the Office National d'Etudes et de Recherches Aerospatiales (ONERA). The request was very favorably received by Monsieur l'Ingenieur General Andre Auriol, then General Director of ONERA. The subject of interactions between shock-waves and turbulent dissipative layers is of considerable importance for many practical devices and has a wide range of engineering applications. Such phenomena occur almost inevitably in any transonic or supersonic flow and the subject has given rise to an important research effort since the advent of high speed fluid mechanics, more than forty years ago. However, with the coming of age of modern computers and the development of new sophisticated measurement techniques, considerable progress has been made in the field over the past fifteen years. The aim of the symposium was to provide an updated status of the research effort devoted to shear­ layer/shock-wave interactions and to present the most significant results obtained recently.

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