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Showing 226 through 250 of 1,352 results
Title Author ISBN Copyright Features Action
Séminaire de Théorie du Potentiel Paris, 1977-1978, No. 4 (Lecture Notes in Mathematics #713) 4832279 M. Brelot F. Hirsch G. Choquet G. Mokobodzki J. Deny 9783540353089 1979
Séminaire de Théorie du Potentiel, Paris, 1978-1979, No. 5 (Lecture Notes in Mathematics #814) 4679689 M. Brelot F. Hirsch G. Choquet G. Mokobodzki J. Deny 9783540381891 1980
Séminaire de Théorie du Potentiel, Paris, No. 6 (Lecture Notes in Mathematics #906) 4833211 M. Brelot F. Hirsch G. Choquet G. Mokobodzki J. Deny 9783540389712 1982
Sminaire de Theorie du Potentiel Paris, No. 7 (Lecture Notes in Mathematics #1061) 4672090 M. Brelot F. Hirsch G. Choquet G. Mokobodzki J. Deny 9783540388661 1984
Initiation aux Probabilités: et aux chaînes de Markov 4755925 Pierre Brémaud 9783540684022 2009
Ecole d'Ete de Probabilites: Processus Stochastiques (Lecture Notes in Mathematics #307) 4798538 J. L. Bretagnolle S. D. Chatterji P.-A. Meyer 9783540383215 1973
Abord clinique en obstétrique (Abord clinique) 5942280 Florence Bretelle Marianne Capelle 9782287757266 2008
Polynomes Orthogonaux et Applications: Proceedings of the Laguerre Symposium held at Bar-le-Duc, October 15-18, 1984 (Lecture Notes in Mathematics #1171) 4682795 C. Brezinski A. Draux A. P. Magnus P. Maroni A. Ronveaux 9783540397434 1985
Acceleration de la convergence en analyse numerique (Lecture Notes in Mathematics #584) 4803195 Claude Brezinski 9783540373735 1977
Fortschritte der Chemie organischer Naturstoffe / Progress in the Chemistry of Organic Natural Products / Progrés Dans la Chimie des Substances Organiques Naturelles (Fortschritte der Chemie organischer Naturstoffe Progress in the Chemistry of Organic Natural Products #18) 4770885 P. W. Brian H. Brockmann J. F. Grove M. Heidelberger A. Kjaer J. Macmillan M. Pailer J. Roche N. Van Thoai O. Völker J. W. Williams L. Zechmeister 9783709171592 1960
Oncology of the Eye and Adnexa / Oncologie de l’Œil et des Annexes / Onkologische Diagnostik in der Ophthalmologie: Atlas of Clinical Pathology / Atlas Anatomo-Clinique / Vergleichender Klinisch-Pathologischer Atlas (Monographs in Ophthalmology #13) 4806915 A. Brini A. Dhermy J. Sahel 9789400904613 1990
Diverses questions de mecanique et de thermodynamique classiques et relativistes: Edition etablie d'apres un manuscrit inedit de Louis de Broglie, edite et preface par Georges Lochak, Michel Karatchentzeff et Daniel Fargue, Fondation Louis de Broglie (Lecture Notes in Physics Monographs #32) 4824705 Louis de Broglie 9783540492672 1995
A Comparative Look at Regulation of Corporate Tax Avoidance (Ius Gentium: Comparative Perspectives on Law and Justice #12) 4836293 Karen B. B. Brown 9789400723429 2012 Contains images
La réanimation neurochirurgicale (Le point sur ...) 5941357 Nicolas Bruder Patrick Ravussin Bruno Bissonnette 9782287681998 2007
Pade Approximation and its Applications, Amsterdam 1980: Proceedings of a Conference Held in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, October 29-31, 1980 (Lecture Notes in Mathematics #888) 4747243 M. G. De Bruin H. Van Rossum 9783540386063 1981
Variation Totale d'une Fonction (Lecture Notes in Mathematics #413) 4827778 M. Bruneau 9783540379058 1974
Theorie des Matroides: Rencontre Franco-Britannique, Actes 14-15 Mai 1970 (Lecture Notes in Mathematics #211) 4685169 C. P. Bruter 9783540368779 1971
Elements de Theorie des Matroides (Lecture Notes in Mathematics #387) 4712296 C.P. Bruter 9783540383970 1974
Cohomologie l-adique et Fonctions L: Séminaire de Géométrie Algébrique du Bois-Marie 1965-66, SGA 5 (Lecture Notes in Mathematics #589) 4631491 Ionel Bucur Alexander Grothendieck Christian Houzel Luc Illusie Jean-Pierre Jouanolou Jean-Pierre Serre 9783540373599 1977
Ring Theory: Proceedings of a Conference held in Granada, Spain, September 1-6, 1986 (Lecture Notes in Mathematics #1328) 4810908 Jose L. Bueso Pascual Jara Blas Torrecillas 9783540392781 1988
Optimization and Optimal Control: Proceedings of a Conference held at Oberwolfach, November 17-23, 1974 (Lecture Notes in Mathematics #477) 4621381 R. Bulirsch W. Oettli J. Stoer 9783540375913 1975
Physiology of Movements / Physiologie der Bewegungen: Part 1 Movements due to Mechanical and Electrical Stimuli and to Radiations / Teil 1 Bewegungen durch Einflüsse Mechanischer und Elektrischer Natur Sowie durch Strahlungen (Handbuch der Pflanzenphysiologie Encyclopedia of Plant Physiology #17/1) 2696757 E. Bünning 9783642947551 1959
Physiology of Movements / Physiologie der Bewegungen: Part 2: Movements due to the Effects of Temperature, Gravity, Chemical Factors and Internal Factors / Teil2: Bewegungen durch Einflüsse der Temperatur, Schwerkraft, Chemischer Faktoren und aus Inneren Ursachen (Handbuch der Pflanzenphysiologie Encyclopedia of Plant Physiology #17/2) 4625279 E. Bünning 9783642948527 1962
Ecole d'Ete de Probabilites de Saint-Flour XIX - 1989 (Lecture Notes in Mathematics #1464) 4833690 Donald L. Burkholder Etienne Pardoux Alain-Sol Sznitman 9783540463191 1991
Singularites d'Applications Differentiables: Seminaire sur les Singularites d'Applications Differentiables Plans-Sur-Bex 1975 (Lecture Notes in Mathematics #535) 4600294 O. Burlet F. Ronga 9783540381822 1976

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