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Human Sciences and the Problem of Values / Les Sciences Humaines et le Problème des Valeurs (Institut International de Philosophie #3)

by K. Kuypers

K. Kuypers: HUMAN SCIENCES AND THE PROBLEM OF VALUES 1 H. G. Gadamer: DAS ONTOLOGISCHE PROBLEM DES WERTES 17 Manfred Moritz: AXIOLOGY AND ANALYSIS 33 Ch. Perelman: LA JUSTIFICATION DES NORMES 47 Max Black: THE "FACTUAL" AND THE "NORMATIVE" 55 P. Lorenzen: ON JUSTIFYING NORMS 65 Richard McKeon: FACTS, VALUES AND ACTIONS 73 N. Rotenstreich: "FREEDOM FROM VALUES" EXAMINED 87 PREFACE In accordance with a suggestion made in the preceding assembly of the Institute in Helsinki (1970), as theme of the Entretiens in Amsterdam was chosen: Human sciences and the problem of values. As usual the organization of the Entretiens was committed to a local committee in close collaboration with the office of the Institute in Paris. The confer­ ence was held from 8 till II September 1971 in the so called Trippenhuis (house where lived the family Trip in the 17th and 18th century), seat of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences and Letters. The sessions were attended by about 70 people, not only members but also some invited colleagues and assistants representing the philosophers in the Dutch universities. The papers were multiplied and distributed to the participants some time before the beginning of the conference. By so doing each speaker (rapporteur) could restrict himself to a short summary of the main points of his paper or a short comment as introduction, immediately followed by a general discussion.

Ideaux de fonctions différentiables (Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete. 2. Folge #71)

by Jean-Claude Tougeron

This book contains background materials and recent results in the study of germs of C∞ and real analytic functions.

Problems in the Theory of Knowledge / Problèmes de la théorie de la connaissance (Institut International de Philosophie #1)

by G. H. Wright

Symposium in Helsinki, 24-27 August 1970 / Entretiens de Helsinki, 24-27 août 1970

Seminaire Banach (Lecture Notes in Mathematics #277)

by C. Houzel

The Scientific View of Sport: Perspectives, Aspects, Issues

by H. Baitsch H. E. Bock M. Bolte W. Bokler O. Grupe H. W. Heidland F. Lotz

progress and happiness - however these terms may be understood in detail - as a significant and constitutive element of scientific inquiry. In this sense the question of the way in which sport really benefits people and contributes to their happiness, and under which individual and social conditions, is a scientific question. It assumes special significance when the fact is taken into account that in the field of sport science a general scepticism is shown towards those dogmas and pedagogical theses which take such an interpretation for granted in the absence of a firm empirical foundation and a critically evolved theory. Sport and Sport Science Sport and exercise, physical culture and education in sport (physical training), gymnastics and touring combined with some form of sport are-as the present report distinctly shows-all over the world among the most striking social phenom­ ena of today. At first sight they seem to be uncomplicated, clear and comprehensible for everybody; they stand for a type of solidarity which is independent of differences in ideological-political outlook, and sometimes exhibit an almost archaic intensity and attraction; they are supported by the active participation or at least the interest of very many people in many parts of the world and are endued with specific func­ tions, varying in importance, of a medical (therapeutical, prophylactic, rehabilitative), pedagogical, psychological and social character.

Topos anneles et schemas relatifs (Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete. 2. Folge #64)

by Monique Hakim

This monograph is devoted to the problems of modules in scheme theory; the main purpose is to develop relative scheme theory over a ringed space. The exposition contains 8 chapters. Chapters I and II are devoted to the necessary information about 2-categories which simplifies the utilization of toposes. 2-category is a category in which the sets Hom are categories and where maps between Hom's have functorial nature. One studies U-toposes by means of this notion in chapter II, U being a fixed universimum. One introduces the notion of ringed U-toposand studies U-toposes ringed by local and strict local rings in chapter III. In the same chapter one solves the corresponding universal problem and as a result introduces the spectrum of ringed U-topos in chapter IV, what makes it possible to define the category of relative schemes over a ringed topos. In chapter V-VII the theory of relative S-schemes is developed where S is a ringed topos; then this theory applies to studying of the algebraic-analytic equivalence in chapter VIII. A. A. Bel'skii.

Truth and Historicity / Vérité et Historicité (Institut International de Philosophie #2)

by Hans-Georg Gadamer

Symposium in Heidelberg/Entretiens de Heidelberg, 12-16 September/septembre 1969

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