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La lengua que heredamos: Curso de Espanol para Bilingues

by Sarah Marques

The 7th edition of La lengua que heredamos, "The language we inherit," is geared towards a lower- to upper-intermediate level user. Its proven literacy-building approach provides the tools necessary to use Spanish more effectively in personal and professional situations. All four skills - reading, writing, speaking,listenting- are stressed throughout the text. This new edition includes twenty-two chapters, plus a Leccion preliminar, a Repasos section, and a Spanish-English glossary. The ultimate goal of the text is to guide students towards mastery of advanced Spanish grammar and vocabulary. Special emphasis is placed on reading comprehension and written communication.

The Spanish Language in the Digital Age (White Paper Series)

by Georg Rehm Hans Uszkoreit

This white paper is part of a series that promotes knowledge about language technology and its potential. It addresses educators, journalists, politicians, language communities and others. The availability and use of language technology in Europe varies between languages. Consequently, the actions that are required to further support research and development of language technologies also differ for each language. The required actions depend on many factors, such as the complexity of a given language and the size of its community. META-NET, a Network of Excellence funded by the European Commission, has conducted an analysis of current language resources and technologies. This analysis focused on the 23 official European languages as well as other important national and regional languages in Europe. The results of this analysis suggest that there are many significant research gaps for each language. A more detailed expert analysis and assessment of the current situation will help maximise the impact of additional research and minimize any risks. META-NET consists of 54 research centres from 33 countries that are working with stakeholders from commercial businesses, government agencies, industry, research organisations, software companies, technology providers and European universities. Together, they are creating a common technology vision while developing a strategic research agenda that shows how language technology applications can address any research gaps by 2020.

Las 15 Leyes Indispensables Del Crecimiento: Vívalas y alcance su potencial

by John C. Maxwell

LAS 15 LEYES INDISPENSABLES DEL CRECIMIENTO John Maxwell lleva más de cincuenta años apasionado por el desarrollo personal. Ahora, por primera vez, comparte todo lo que ha cosechado acerca del autodesarrollo, para que usted tenga las mayores posibilidades de llegar a ser la persona que fue diseñada a ser cuando se creó. De la manera que solo él puede comunicar, John enseña:· La Ley del Espejo: Usted debe ver el valor que tiene en sí mismo para darse mayor valor.· La Ley de la Conciencia: Usted debe conocerse a sí mismo para poder crecer.· La Ley del Modelo: Es difícil superarse cuando usted no tiene a quien seguir sino a usted mismo.· La Ley de la Banda Elástica: El crecimiento se detiene cuando usted pierde la tensión entre donde está y donde podría estar.· La Ley de la Contribución: Desarrollarse a sí mismo lo capacita para desarrollar a otros.Este tercer libro de la serie Leyes de John Maxwell (después de Las 21 leyes irrefutables del liderazgo, con ventas de dos millones de ejemplares, y de Las 17 leyes incuestionables del trabajo en equipo, con un millón de ventas), lo ayudará a convertirse en un aprendiz de por vida, cuyo potencial aumenta continuamente y nunca se "agota."

A Veces se Gana - A Veces Aprende: Las grandes lecciones de la vida se aprenden de nuestras perdidas

by John C. Maxwell

John Maxwell cree que las mayores lecciones que aprendemos en la vida son de nuestras pérdidas. Todo el mundo experimenta pérdida, pero no todos aprenden de la misma. En veces se gana - A veces se aprende, el Dr. Maxwell explora las lecciones más comunes que aprendemos cuando experimentamos la pérdida. A continuación, explica cómo convertir un revés en un paso adelante mediante el examen de los once rasgos que conforman el ADN de los que aprenden:1. Humildad - El Espíritu de Aprendizaje2. Realidad - La Fundación del Aprendizaje3. Responsabilidad - el primer paso del aprendizaje4. Mejora - El Enfoque de Aprendizaje5. Esperanza - La motivación del aprendizaje6. Enseñabilidad - El Camino del Aprendizaje7. Adversidad - The Catalyst de Aprendizaje8. Problemas - Las Oportunidades de Aprendizaje9. Malas experiencias - La perspectiva para el Aprendizaje10. Cambio - el precio del aprendizaje11. Madurez - el valor del aprendizajeEl aprendizaje no es fácil en los tiempos muertos, se necesita disciplina para hacer las cosas bien cuando todo anda mal. Este libro proporciona una guía para hacer precisamente eso. Como John Maxwell a menudo señala - no experiencia es la mejor maestra, la experiencia es evaluada.

Cómo Formar Buenos Hábitos y Romper Malos Hábitos: 14 Nuevas Conductas que Vigorizarán su vida

by Joyce Meyer

Casi todo lo que hacemos en la vida es el resultado de nuestros hábitos; quizá sea ese el motivo por el que la mayoría de las resoluciones del Año Nuevo se tratan de formar hábitos buenos y romper hábitos malos.En este libro, Joyce Meyer explica por qué es tan importante ser conscientes de nuestros hábitos, y luego nos guía por el proceso de abandonar aquellos que roban nuestra paz y nos quitan la energía, y de adoptar hábitos que harán nuestras vidas más productivas, satisfactorias y gozosas.

!Con brio!: Beginning Spanish

by María C. Lucas Murillo Laila M. Dawson

Con brío 3e celebrates the rich diversity of the Spanish-speaking world, including as manifest in the United States. A twelve chapter Introductory Spanish program, Con brío 3e addresses the needs and life circumstances of a broad audience through a highly practical approach. It focuses on useful vocabulary, functional grammar of high-frequency usage, and cultural content relevant to everyday interactions. Con brío 3e retains the hallmarks of the previous edition, helping students gain the confidence and skills they need to use Spanish in class, in their lives, and in their communities. Students become culturally proficient, so they can be at ease interacting with Hispanics. The program highlights useful high-interest cultural information about Latino culture in the United States as well as the strong connections between the U.S. and Hispanic countries.

Edexcel International GCSE Spanish Student Book (2nd Edition) (PDF)

by Mike Thacker Tony Weston Simon Barefoot Timothy Guilford Mónica Morcillo Laiz José Antonio García Sánchez

Exam Board: Edexcel Level: IGCSE Subject: Languages First Teaching: September 2017 First Exam: June 2019 Develop independent, culturally-aware students with this grammar-led approach and extensive exam preparation written to match the latest Edexcel International GCSE specification. - Develop students' abilities to use Spanish effectively through extensive exposure to the language - Provide insight into and encourage a positive attitude towards other cultures, with engaging stimulus material on Hispanic countries - Build the skills needed for exam success with targeted advice and exam-style tasks integrated throughout - Monitor students' progress throughout the course, ensuring support and challenge for all students with levels of difficulty marked on each spread

Una historia de Dios y de todos nosotros edición juvenil: Una novela basada en la épica miniserie televisiva La Biblia

by Roma Downey Mark Burnett

A STORY OF GOD AND ALL OF US is a sweeping narrative that dramatizes some of the most important events and characters in the Bible. The young reader's edition of the novel contains abridged action-packed versions of the Bible's most fascinating stories, featuring Moses, David, Daniel, John the Baptist and Jesus.This edition includes an exclusive introduction by author Roma Downey and a photo insert including images from the companion epic TV miniseries "The Bible."

Lecturas Diarias Tomadas De Cada Día es Viernes: 90 Devocionales para ser feliz los 7 días de la semana

by Joel Osteen

The title comes from research that shows people are happiest on Fridays. Pastor Joel Osteen writes how we can generate this level of contentment and joy every day of the week. Known as a man who maintains a constant positive outlook in spite of circumstances, Osteen has described this message as a core theme of his ministry. Combining his personal experiences with scriptural insights and principles for true happiness, he shows readers how every day can hold the same promise and opportunities for pure joy that they experience at five o'clock on Friday.

Medizinisches Wörterbuch/Diccionario de Medicina/Dicionário de termos médicos: deutsch — spanisch — portugiesisch/español — alemán — portugués/português — alemão — espanhol

by Irmgard Nolte-Schlegel Joan José González Soler

In unveränderter 3. Auflage ist das bewährte Medizinische Wörterbuch Deutsch -  Spanisch – Portugiesisch wieder verfügbar. Es enthält für jede Sprache über 4300 Begriffe und ihre Übersetzungen in die beiden anderen Sprachen. Der ganze Grundwortschatz medizinischer Fachbegriffe ist enthalten, aber auch umgangssprachliche Begriffe sind berücksichtigt. Auch die Besonderheiten des brasilianischen Portugiesisch sind aufgenommen. Für Ärzte, Fachberufe im Gesundheitswesen und Medizinstudenten, aber auch für Übersetzer medizinischer Texte eine unerlässliche Hilfe!

El Poder de Creer Correctamente: 7 Factores Clave para ser Libre del Temor, la Culpa y la Adicción

by Joseph Prince

What you believe is everything!Believing the right things is the key to a victorious life. In THE POWER OF RIGHT BELIEVING, Joseph Prince, international bestselling author and a leading voice in proclaiming the gospel of grace, unveils seven practical and powerful keys to help you find freedom from every fear, guilt, and addiction. These keys come alive in the precious testimonies you'll read from people across America and around the world who have experienced breakthroughs and freedom from all kinds of bondages-from alcoholism to chronic depression-all through the power of right believing.God intends for you to live with joy overflowing, peace that surpasses understanding, and an unshakable confidence in what He has done for you. Get ready to be inspired and transformed and learn how to win the battle for your mind by developing habits for right believing.

QlikView 11 para Desarrolladores

by Miguel Angel Garcia Barry Harmsen

In DetailLas tecnologias de Inteligencia de Negocios son parte fundamental de un negocio ya que apoyan el proceso de toma de decisiones con informacion clave y permiten a las empresas mantenerse alineados con la constante evolucion de los mercados. La tecnologia disruptiva de QlikView hace de este un lider en la industria; con su flexibilidad y plataforma de anAlisis altamente poderosa, la construccion de aplicaciones QlikView estA al alcance tanto de usuarios de negocio como de desarrolladores.Este libro le ayudarA a aprender los conceptos de desarrollo en QlikView desde un nivel bAsico hasta un nivel que le permitirA construir por completo sus propias aplicaciones. El metodo con que los autores han desarrollado el material hace de cada capitulo una experiencia de aprendizaje completamente prActico, y le ayudan a conocer y aplicar recomendaciones prActicas en cada tema.A lo largo del libro, se contruye una aplicacion QlikView basada en datos reales sobre operacion de aerolineas, y se plantea un caso prActico con el cual se pretende ayudar a "Aerolineas HighCloud" a tomar decisiones informadas y estrategias guiadas por un anAlisis del mercado. Los ejecutivos de Aerolineas HighCloud estAn evaluando si ingresar al mercado de Estados Unidos es una buena estrategia y, de ser asi, desean determinar en que linea de negocio deberian enfocar sus esfuerzos. Para tomar la mejor decision, necesitan QlikView.La aplicacion que se crea irA evolucionando capitulo a capitulo, al mismo tiempo que sus habilidades y conocimientos irAn desarrollAndose tambien, yendo de una prueba de concepto simple hasta crear un modelo de datos, estilizar el documento, crear cuadros de mando, asi como manejar y manipular datos fuente por medio de script. Cubriremos los requerimientos de "Aerolineas highCloud" usando una variedad de objetos de visualizacion y tecnicas de desarrollo.Toda la aplicacion utiliza datos reales tomados del Buro de Estadisticas de Transportacion de Estados Unidos, y comprende operacion de aerolineas tanto domesticas como internacionales. Con tres anos de datos historicos, el lector podrA ayudar a Aerolineas HighCloud a descubrir cuAles son los principales destinos, que aerolineas tienen la mayor participacion de mercado, cuAl es el factor de ocupacion promedio por aerolinea, que aeronave es la mAs usada en los vuelos, cuAles son los aeropuertos mAs activos, y un universo de nuevos descubrimientos.ApproachLos ejercicios de este libro tienen un enfoque de tutorial paso a paso y en los que al mismo tiempo se van presentando mejores prActicas de desarrollo. El libro estA estructurado de forma que puede ser leido de inicio a fin o leer solamente partes del mismo.Who this book is forEste libro va dirigido a desarrolladores y usuarios que quieren aprender a crear aplicaciones de Inteligencia de Negocios con QlikView. Desarrolladores que ya hayan usado QlikView por un tiempo podrAn encontrar recomendaciones útiles y mejores prActicas para hacer uso mAs efectivo de QlikView.Este libro solamente cubre QlikView Desktop. Implementaciones en QlikView Server y Publisher estnan fuera del alcance de este libro. Este libro no va enfocado a administradores de servidores QlikView.

Último día cada día: Y otro escrito sobre cine y filosofía

by Adrian Martin

Where is the film analysis today? What are you doing, in the dark, the theory of cinema? This field, as it has been professionally defined (at least in the Anglo-American academic world), is currently divided between historians interested in the social context that examine the great formations of modernity, and experts in the style that They demand the return of outmoded things such as authorial vision, tone, and staging. But there are also other currents, vital and inventive, of which we are hardly hearing anything in any of the official channels. Last day each day , which for this edition has been extended with the essay “Avatars of the meeting”, shines a light on one of these new and exciting ways.

Yeats's Mask - Yeats Annual No. 19

by Margaret Harper Warwick Gould

Yeats’s Mask, Yeats Annual No. 19 is a special issue in this renowned research-level series. Fashionable in the age of Wilde, the Mask changes shape until it emerges as Mask in the system of A Vision. Chronologically tracing the concept through Yeats’s plays and those poems written as ‘texts for exposition’ of his occult thought which flowers in A Vision itself (1925 and 1937), the volume also spotlights ‘The Mask before The Mask’ numerous plays including Cathleen Ni-Houlihan, The King’s Threshold, Calvary, The Words upon the Window-pane, A Full Moon in March and The Death of Cuchulain. There are excurses into studies of Yeats’s friendship with the Oxford don and cleric, William Force Stead, his radio broadcasts, the Chinese contexts for his writing of ‘Lapis Lazuli’. His self-renewal after The Oxford Book of Modern Verse, and the key occult epistolary exchange ‘Leo Africanus’, edited from MSS by Steve L. Adams and George Mills Harper, is republished from the elusive Yeats Annual No. 1 (1982). The essays are by David Bradshaw, Michael Cade-Stewart, Aisling Carlin, Warwick Gould, Margaret Mills Harper, Pierre Longuenesse, Jerusha McCormack, Neil Mann, Emilie Morin, Elizabeth Müller and Alexandra Poulain, with shorter notes by Philip Bishop and Colin Smythe considering Yeats’s quatrain upon remaking himself and the pirate editions of The Land of Heart’s Desire. Ten reviews focus on various volumes of the Cornell Yeats MSS Series, his correspondence with George Yeats, and numerous critical studies. Yeats Annual is published by Open Book Publishers in association with the Institute of English Studies, University of London.

Aprendamos de los Gigantes: Lecciones Tomadas de la Biblia Acerca de la Vida y el Liderazgo

by John C. Maxwell

If you could spend a few minutes with the giants of faith in the Old Testament in person, what lessons would they share with you? In LEARNING FROM THE GIANTS John C. Maxwell draws on fifty years of studying the Bible to share the stories of Elijah, Elisha, Job, Jacob, Deborah, Isaiah, Jonah, Joshua and Daniel. These people fought and won epic battles, served kings, and endured great hardships for God to come out on the other side transformed through His grace. Through them Maxwell explores timeless lessons we can learn about leadership, ourselves, and our relationship with God.

Aprendamos de los Gigantes: Lecciones Tomadas de la Biblia Acerca de la Vida y el Liderazgo (Giants of the Bible)

by John C. Maxwell

If you could spend a few minutes with the giants of faith in the Old Testament in person, what lessons would they share with you? In Learning From the Giants John C. Maxwell draws on fifty years of studying the Bible to share the stories of Elijah, Elisha, Job, Jacob, Deborah, Isaiah, Jonah, Joshua and Daniel. These people fought and won epic battles, served kings, and endured great hardships for God to come out on the other side transformed through His grace. Through them Maxwell explores timeless lessons we can learn about leadership, ourselves, and our relationship with God.

Buena Salud, Buena Vida: Doce Claves para Disfrutar de Bienestar Físico y Espiritual

by Joyce Meyer

El cuerpo que Dios creó es el instrumento para el hombre experimentar una vida plena en la tierra, hacer las buenas obras, y desarrollar su vida espiritual. Para hacer el trabajo que está destinado a hacer, nuestro cuerpo necesita mantenerse en forma. Debemos mantener una mente, cuerpo y alma sanos. Sin embargo, en el mundo moderno, es muy fácil dejar que una, dos, o los tres de estos se pasen por alto. En esta lectura compacta, Joyce presenta su plan de doce claves para hacer frente a la "sequía de autoestima" que perpetúa los hábitos que causan la mala salud. A medida que explora cada una de las doce claves para una buena salud, ella ofrece cinco métodos para la mejora de nuestro bienestar físico y espiritual. Además, Joyce ofrece recursos útiles, como la "Lista de Más Vale Prevenir" para el propio mantenimiento.

Cada día con Jesús: 365 Devociones interactivas

by Aaron Tabor

Basado en los temas principales que se encuentran en la página de Facebook más activa en la historia, CADA DÍA CON JESÚS es un devocionario interactivo de 365 días que va más allá incluso de la página de fans para crear una experiencia más profunda y un movimiento cultural que celebra su rescate en Cristo. CADA DÍA CON JESÚS es un devocionario que además le desafía a responder a cada una de las reflexiones diarias usando una variedad de recursos de los medios sociales. CADA DÍA CON JESÚS es una revolución mundial en el modo de conectarse, compartir y adorar al Padre individualmente y con otros creyentes.

El cerrador: Mi vida

by Mariano Rivera

The greatest relief pitcher of all time shares his extraordinary story of survival, love, and baseball. Mariano Rivera, the man who intimidated thousands of batters merely by opening a bullpen door, began his incredible journey as the son of a poor Panamanian fisherman. When first scouted by the Yankees, he didn't even own his own glove. He thought he might make a good mechanic. When discovered, he had never flown in an airplane, had never heard of Babe Ruth, spoke no English, and couldn't imagine Tampa, the city where he was headed to begin a career that would become one of baseball's most iconic. What he did know: that he loved his family and his then girlfriend, Clara, that he could trust in the Lord to guide him, and that he could throw a baseball exactly where he wanted to, every time. With astonishing candor, Rivera tells the story of the championships, the bosses (including The Boss), the rivalries, and the struggles of being a Latino baseball player in the United States and of maintaining Christian values in professional athletics. The thirteen-time All-Star discusses his drive to win; the secrets behind his legendary composure; the story of how he discovered his cut fastball; the untold, pitch-by-pitch account of the ninth inning of Game 7 in the 2001 World Series; and why the lowest moment of his career became one of his greatest blessings. In The Closer, Rivera takes readers into the Yankee clubhouse, where his teammates are his brothers. But he also takes us on that jog from the bullpen to the mound, where the game -- or the season -- rests squarely on his shoulders. We come to understand the laserlike focus that is his hallmark, and how his faith and his family kept his feet firmly on the pitching rubber. Many of the tools he used so consistently and gracefully came from what was inside him for a very long time -- his deep passion for life; his enduring commitment to Clara, whom he met in kindergarten; and his innate sense for getting out of a jam. When Rivera retired, the whole world watched -- and cheered. In The Closer, we come to an even greater appreciation of a legend built from the ground up.

El cerrador: Mi vida

by Mariano Rivera

The greatest relief pitcher of all time shares his extraordinary story of survival, love, and baseball. Mariano Rivera, the man who intimidated thousands of batters merely by opening a bullpen door, began his incredible journey as the son of a poor Panamanian fisherman. When first scouted by the Yankees, he didn't even own his own glove. He thought he might make a good mechanic. When discovered, he had never flown in an airplane, had never heard of Babe Ruth, spoke no English, and couldn't imagine Tampa, the city where he was headed to begin a career that would become one of baseball's most iconic. What he did know: that he loved his family and his then girlfriend, Clara, that he could trust in the Lord to guide him, and that he could throw a baseball exactly where he wanted to, every time. With astonishing candor, Rivera tells the story of the championships, the bosses (including The Boss), the rivalries, and the struggles of being a Latino baseball player in the United States and of maintaining Christian values in professional athletics. The thirteen-time All-Star discusses his drive to win; the secrets behind his legendary composure; the story of how he discovered his cut fastball; the untold, pitch-by-pitch account of the ninth inning of Game 7 in the 2001 World Series; and why the lowest moment of his career became one of his greatest blessings. In The Closer, Rivera takes readers into the Yankee clubhouse, where his teammates are his brothers. But he also takes us on that jog from the bullpen to the mound, where the game -- or the season -- rests squarely on his shoulders. We come to understand the laserlike focus that is his hallmark, and how his faith and his family kept his feet firmly on the pitching rubber. Many of the tools he used so consistently and gracefully came from what was inside him for a very long time -- his deep passion for life; his enduring commitment to Clara, whom he met in kindergarten; and his innate sense for getting out of a jam. When Rivera retired, the whole world watched -- and cheered. In The Closer, we come to an even greater appreciation of a legend built from the ground up.

Collins Gem Latin American Spanish Phrasebook and Dictionary (Collins Gem)

by Collins Dictionaries

The market's most indispensable phrasebook and dictionary has been reinvented for ereaders and is better than ever. With the most up-to-date travel information, easy-to-read page design and simple navigation, Gem Latin American Spanish will give you the right word at the right time – every time.

Collins Very First Spanish Dictionary (Collins Primary Dictionaries)

by Collins Dictionaries

An ideal first Spanish dictionary for kids aged 5+ and above, designed to introduce Spanish vocabulary to children in a fun, easy and memorable way.

Cómo las Personas Exitosas Crecen: 15 Maneras de Salir Adelante en la Vida

by John C. Maxwell

Are there tried and true principles that are always certain to help a person grow? John Maxwell says the answer is yes. He has been passionate about personal development for over fifty years, and here, he teaches everything he has gleaned about what it takes to reach our potential. In the way that only he can communicate, John teaches . . . The Law of the Mirror: You Must See Value in Yourself to Add Value to Yourself The Law of Awareness: You Must Know Yourself to Grow Yourself The Law of Modeling: It's Hard to Improve When You Have No One But Yourself to Follow The Law of the Rubber Band: Growth Stops When You Lose the Tension Between Where You are and Where You Could Be The Law of Contribution: Developing Yourself Enables You to Develop Others This compact read will help readers become lifelong learners whose potential keeps increasing and never gets "used up."

Cómo las Personas Exitosas Dirigen: Lleve su Influencia al Próximo Nivel

by John C. Maxwell

In this perfectly compact read, #1 New York Times bestselling author John C. Maxwell explains how true leadership works. It is not generated by your title. In fact, being named to a position is the lowest of the five levels every effective leader achieves. To be more than a boss people are required to follow, you must master the ability to inspire and invest in people. You need to build a team that produces not only results, but also future leaders. By combining the advice contained in these pages with skill and dedication, you can reach the pinnacle of leadership-where your influence extends beyond your immediate reach for the benefit of others. Derived from material previously published in the Wall Street Journal bestseller The 5 Levels of Leadership.

Cómo las personas exitosas ganan: Convierta cada revés en un paso adelante (Successful People)

by John C. Maxwell

#1 New York Times bestselling author John C. Maxwell can teach you how to turn any situation into a winning experience. No one wins at everything they try. But any setback, whether professional or personal, can become a step forward with the right tools and mindset to turn loss into a gain. Drawing on nearly 50 years of leadership experience, Maxwell provides a roadmap for winning by examining the eleven elements that constitute the "DNA" of people who succeed in the face of problems, failure, and losses. Learning is not easy during down times. It takes discipline to do the right thing when something goes wrong. As John Maxwell often points out, experience itself isn't the best teacher; evaluating, understanding, and growing from your experience is. By examining how that process works, you can learn how to take risks and tackle challenges with a successful person's outlook. Derived from material previous published in Sometime You Win -- Sometimes You Learn.

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