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Showing 451 through 475 of 600 results

Vacíate de lo negativo: Haz espacio para más gozo, mayor confianza y nuevos niveles de influencia

by Joel Osteen

Libera esos pensamientos y sentimientos negativos que te agobian y haz lugar para las cosas buenas que deberías disfrutar con el autor número uno del New York Times, Joel Osteen.Fuiste creado para estar lleno de alegría, paz, confianza y creatividad. Pero fácilmente pasas por la vida y te aferras a las cosas que te agobian: culpa, resentimiento, duda, preocupación. Cuando le das cabida a estas emociones negativas, ellas ocupan el espacio que necesitas para las cosas buenas que te mueven hacia tu destino.¿Cuánto espacio le estás dando a la vergüenza, al remordimiento, a estar en tu contra? Sea lo que sea, es en exceso. La vida es demasiado corta como para vivirla amargado, desanimado y dejando que las circunstancias te detengan. Cada mañana tienes que vaciarte de todo lo negativo del día anterior y adoptar una nueva actitud. Recárgate y enfoca tu mente en la dirección correcta, y abraza todo lo nuevo que Dios tiene reservado para ti.Release the negative thoughts and feelings that are weighing you down and make room for the good things you should have in your life with #1 New York Times bestselling author Joel Osteen.You were created to be filled with joy, peace, confidence, and creativity. But it&’s easy to go through life holding on to things that weigh you down—guilt, resentment, doubt, worry. When you give space to these negative emotions, they take up space that you need for the good things that move you toward your destiny.How much room are you giving to shame, to regret, to being against yourself? Whatever it is, it&’s too much. Life is too short for you to live bitter, discouraged, and letting your circumstances hold you back. Every morning you have to empty out anything negative from the day before and put on a fresh new attitude. Power up and get your mind going in the right direction, and you&’ll step into all the new things God has in store for you.

Lingüística de corpus en español / The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Corpus Linguistics (Routledge Spanish Language Handbooks)

by Giovanni Parodi Pascual Cantos-Gómez Chad Howe Manel Lacorte Javier Muñoz-Basols

Lingüística de corpus en español/The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Corpus Linguistics muestra el modo en que ha cambiado el panorama de la denominada lingüística de corpus en español y cómo en la actualidad ha llegado a concitar un espacio disciplinar independiente, y, al mismo tiempo, integrar estos conocimientos en cualquier programa de estudios, investigación o diseño curricular en educación superior. Este volumen lo componen 36 capítulos que ofrecen un panorama amplio, diverso y comprehensivo de los avances en lingüística de corpus de y en español, abarcando un vasto repertorio de conceptos esenciales y de aspectos teóricos y metodológicos desde una conceptualización de la lingüística contemporánea tanto inter como transdisciplinaria. Los ámbitos que se cubren no son ni estancos, ni definitivos, ni, mucho menos, los únicos. Son perfectamente susceptibles de revisión, de mejora y/o de cambio. El objetivo último de esta obra no es el limitar o fijar, sino todo lo contrario, es el de motivar y provocar a los lectores y lectoras para que no cesen las avenidas de propuestas innovadoras en el ámbito de la lingüística de corpus del español y seguir así profundizando en el conocimiento de esta lengua. Lingüística de corpus en español / The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Corpus Linguistics shows how the landscape of corpus linguistics in Spanish has changed and how it has become an independent discipline while incorporating this knowledge into any syllabus, research or curriculum design in higher education. This volume comprises 36 chapters that provide a broad, diverse and comprehensive overview of advances in corpus linguistics of and in Spanish, covering a vast repertoire of essential concepts as well as theoretical and methodological aspects from a conceptualization of contemporary linguistics that is both inter- and transdisciplinary. The fields covered are not definitive, or even the only ones. They are entirely open to revision, improvement and/or change. The goal of this work is not to fix or limit these topics. On the contrary, it is intended to motivate and provoke the readers to continue exploring new avenues of innovative proposals in the field of Spanish corpus linguistics and thus deepen their knowledge of this language.

Lingüística de corpus en español / The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Corpus Linguistics (Routledge Spanish Language Handbooks)

by Giovanni Parodi Pascual Cantos-Gómez Chad Howe

Lingüística de corpus en español/The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Corpus Linguistics muestra el modo en que ha cambiado el panorama de la denominada lingüística de corpus en español y cómo en la actualidad ha llegado a concitar un espacio disciplinar independiente, y, al mismo tiempo, integrar estos conocimientos en cualquier programa de estudios, investigación o diseño curricular en educación superior. Este volumen lo componen 36 capítulos que ofrecen un panorama amplio, diverso y comprehensivo de los avances en lingüística de corpus de y en español, abarcando un vasto repertorio de conceptos esenciales y de aspectos teóricos y metodológicos desde una conceptualización de la lingüística contemporánea tanto inter como transdisciplinaria. Los ámbitos que se cubren no son ni estancos, ni definitivos, ni, mucho menos, los únicos. Son perfectamente susceptibles de revisión, de mejora y/o de cambio. El objetivo último de esta obra no es el limitar o fijar, sino todo lo contrario, es el de motivar y provocar a los lectores y lectoras para que no cesen las avenidas de propuestas innovadoras en el ámbito de la lingüística de corpus del español y seguir así profundizando en el conocimiento de esta lengua. Lingüística de corpus en español / The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Corpus Linguistics shows how the landscape of corpus linguistics in Spanish has changed and how it has become an independent discipline while incorporating this knowledge into any syllabus, research or curriculum design in higher education. This volume comprises 36 chapters that provide a broad, diverse and comprehensive overview of advances in corpus linguistics of and in Spanish, covering a vast repertoire of essential concepts as well as theoretical and methodological aspects from a conceptualization of contemporary linguistics that is both inter- and transdisciplinary. The fields covered are not definitive, or even the only ones. They are entirely open to revision, improvement and/or change. The goal of this work is not to fix or limit these topics. On the contrary, it is intended to motivate and provoke the readers to continue exploring new avenues of innovative proposals in the field of Spanish corpus linguistics and thus deepen their knowledge of this language.

Replanteando la acción social por la música

by Geoffrey Baker

Replanteando la acción social por la música

by Geoffrey Baker

¿Cómo podemos comprender mejor el pasado, el presente y el futuro de la Acción Social por la Música (ASPM)? <p><p> Este libro pionero examina el desarrollo de La Red de Escuelas de Música de Medellín, una red de 27 escuelas fundada en 1996 en la segunda ciudad principal de Colombia como respuesta a su reputación como la ciudad más peligrosa en la Tierra. Inspirada en El Sistema, el programa venezolano fundacional de educación musical, La Red es, no obstante, notablemente diferente: su historia es una de múltiples reinvenciones y de una búsqueda continua para mejorar su oferta educativa y alcanzar mejor sus objetivos sociales. Sus reflexiones internas e intentos de transformación arrojan luz valiosa sobre el pasado, el presente y el futuro de ASPM. <p> Basado en un año de trabajo de campo intensivo en Colombia y escrito por Geoffrey Baker, autor de El Sistema: Orchestrating Venezuela’s Youth (2014), este importante volumen ofrece nuevas perspectivas sobre ASPM y su evolución tanto en el ámbito académico como en la práctica. Será de interés para un público muy variado: empleados y líderes de programas ASPM; educadores musicales; patrocinadores y responsables políticos; y estudiantes y académicos de campos como ASPM, la educación musical, la etnomusicología y otros campos relacionados.

Getting Started with Cockroachdb: A Guide to Implementing a Modern Cloud-nativeand Distributed Sql Database for Your Data-intensive Apps (PDF)

by Kishen Das Kondabagilu Rajanna

Getting Started with CockroachDB will introduce you to the inner workings of CockroachDB and help you to understand how it provides faster access to distributed data through a SQL interface. The book will also uncover how you can use the database to provide solutions where the data is highly available. Starting with CockroachDB's installation, setup, and configuration, this SQL book will familiarize you with the database architecture and database design principles. You'll then discover several options that CockroachDB provides to store multiple copies of your data to ensure fast data access. The book covers the internals of CockroachDB, how to deploy and manage it on the cloud, performance tuning to get the best out of CockroachDB, and how to scale data across continents and serve it locally. In addition to this, you'll get to grips with fault tolerance and auto-rebalancing, how indexes work, and the CockroachDB Admin UI. The book will guide you in building scalable cloud services on top of CockroachDB, covering administrative and security aspects and tips for troubleshooting, performance enhancements, and a brief guideline on migrating from traditional databases. By the end of this book, you'll have gained sufficient knowledge to manage your data on CockroachDB and interact with it from your application layer.

La Refundación de la Atención Primaria

by Vicente Ortún

Los misterios del Sistema Nacional de Salud en España son del alma, pero la Atención Primaria es el libro en el que se leen. Cuando la componente sanitaria del Estado de Bienestar, y particularmente su Atención Primaria, parece estar enferma, , tanto o más que un diagnóstico se precisa un pronóstico. Este libro pretende contribuir a ambos. La población, los profesionales, la industria suministradora necesita saber cómo se mantendrán unos servicios sanitarios resolutivos financiados públicamente. La obra se enfrenta a dos problemas clave: la huída de los médicos de la Medicina de familia y el que la carga de enfermedad asociada al uso y abuso de medicamentos quede tan solo por detrás de las enfermedades cardiovasculares y del cáncer. Se realizan propuestas tan detalladas como viables para tratar de solucionar ambos problemas. Los 7 capítulos identifican vías de avance de fácil y necesaria implementación para la muy conveniente refundación de la Atención Primaria

Cálculo Científico con MATLAB y Octave

by A. Quarteroni F. Saleri

Este libro de texto es una introducción al Cálculo Científico, que ilustra varios métodos numéricos para la solución con computador de ciertas clases de problemas matemáticos. Los autores muestran cómo calcular los ceros o las integrales de funciones continuas, resolver sistemas lineales, aproximar funciones por polinomios y construir aproximaciones precisas para la solución de ecuaciones diferenciales. Para hacer la presentación concreta y atractiva, se ha adoptado el entorno de programación MATLAB como un fiel compañero. Se muestran todos los algoritmos introducidos a través del libro, suministrando de este modo una evaluación cuantitativa inmediata de sus propiedades teóricas como son la estabilidad, la precisión y la complejidad. El libro también contiene la solución de varios problemas planteados a través de ejercicios y ejemplos, a menudo surgidos de aplicaciones específicas. Se dedica una sección específica a temas que no fueron tratados en el libro y se indican algunas referencias bibliográficas para un tratamiento más completo de la materia.

International Law of Victims

by Carlos Fernández de Casadevante Romani

After having ignored victims, only recently both domestic and international law have begun to pay attention to them. As a consequence, different international norms related to victims have progressively been introduced. These are norms generally characterized by a certain concept from the perspective of victims, as well as by the enumeration of a list of rights to which they are entitle to; rights upon which the international statute of victims is built. In reverse, these catalogues of rights are the states’ obligations. Most of these rights are already existent in the international law of human rights. Consequently, they are not new but consolidated rights. Others are strictly linked to victims, concerning the following categories: victims of crime, victims of abuse of power, victims of gross violations of international human rights law, victims of serious violations of international humanitarian law, victims of enforced disappearance, victims of violations of international criminal law and victims of terrorism.

Annals of Life Insurance Medicine: 1964 Volume II

by Swiss Reinsurance Swiss Reinsurance Company

One thousand unselected patients with bronchial asthma have been followed up for an average period of 11 years, with extremes of 33 years and three years. The average period from the first symptoms to the date of follow-up was 20.6 years in the 562 males and 22.3 years in the 438 females, with extremes of 72 years and three years. Since throughout the analysis no differences were found between the sexes, they have been grouped together. Terms used, such as asthma, chronic bronchitis, childhood bronchitis, age of onset, etc., have been carefully defined, as have the descriptions of intermittent and continuous asthma. The present state of the patients has been classified as A (good), B (fair), C (poor), and D (dead). Early age of onset (before 16) and intermittent asthma were associated and had a more favourable prognosis, while the childhood bronchitic had a better outlook than the adult bronchitic. Intermittent and continuous asthma have been compared. The incidence of bronchitis initially was higher in the continuous group, and the tendency to develop bronchitis over the years (present in all asthmatics) was also greater in the continuous group. Those with bronchitis were in much poorer health on follow-up than those without.

Bueno y Barato: Alimentate Bien a $4 al Dia

by Leanne Brown

COMPRA UNO, DONA UNO: ¿CÓMO FUNCIONA?Con cada ejemplar de Bueno y Barato que se compre, le daremos un ejemplar gratuito a una persona o familia necesitada. Los libros donados se distribuirán a través de organizaciones benéficas, organizaciones sin ánimo de lucro y otras organizaciones. Así que puedes sentirte orgulloso o orgullosa de que con la compra de este libro apoyas a las personas que más lo necesitan, dándoles las herramientas para preparar alimentos sanos y deliciosos.

Medical Dictionary/Diccionario de Medicina/Dicionário de termos médicos: English-Spanish-Portuguese/Español-Inglés-Portugués/Português-Inglês-Espanhol (Springer-Wörterbuch)

by Irmgard Nolte-Schlegel Joan J. González Soler

The proven concept of the first edition has been continued in the second edition Including many new entries and completely revised  A trilingual dictionary with more than 4300 entries Offering an indispensable vocabulary of basic medical terminologyFor physicians, medical students and everybody connected with the medical professionContains important expressions and phrases, essential for professional success in foreign countriesEnabling communication with patients of different nationalities as well as medical report writing in foreign languagesAcknowledges the particularities within intricacies of Brazilian Portuguese

Evaluación económica de medicamentos y tecnologías sanitarias: Principios, métodos y aplicaciones en política sanitaria

by Javier Soto Álvarez

The ultimate purpose of this book on economic evaluation is to be a text for consultation and inspiration to anyone who wishes to design, carry out and analyse an economic evaluation of a drug or health technology, in order to obtain valid and quality results and thus serve to make better health-related decisions in our country. Unfortunately, the resources available in our National Health System to cover all the healthcare needs of our society are ever more limited; therefore, it is absolutely necessary to prioritise the allocation of resources and to use these resources to finance the therapeutic options that are most efficacious, safe and cost-effective (that will achieve the best health results in patients with the monetary investment carried out). Economic evaluations will be instruments of invaluable help for healthcare professionals and other decision-making agents of the system when it comes to making a more efficient use of existing resources, maximising the therapeutic benefit.

Annals of Life Insurance Medicine 6: Proceedings of the 13th International Congress of Life Assurance Medicine Madrid 1979

by Swiss Reinsurance Swiss Reinsurance Company E. Tanner M. L. Hefti

Today, the integration of life insurance medicine into the framework of general medicine goes without saying. On the one hand, the diagnostic therapeutic knowledge of clinical medical science forms the tools of the insurance medical adviser for the evaluation of life insurance applications. On the other hand, life insurance medicine has been able to pro­ vide valuable statistical data for long-term prognosis which have become an essential part of the daily medical practice and prognostic appraisal. This mutual engagement and en­ richment has again distinctly manifested itself in the scientific program of the 13th Con­ gress of Life Assurance Medicine held in Madrid. Among the broad and varied data available, the insurance problem of cancer and ma­ lignant diseases of the haematopoietic system were extensively dealt with for the first time. Diagnostic therapeutic progress increasingly allows valuable insurance cover to be granted to formerly uninsurable risks, a group which is particularly in need of, and re­ quires, life insurance cover. The number of risks which are uninsurable becomes smaller and smaller.

Glossary of Neurotraumatology: About 200 Neurotraumatological Terms and Their Definitions in English, German, Spanish, and French (Acta Neurochirurgica Supplement #25)

by E. S. Gurdjian A. De Vasconcellos Marques R. P. Vigouroux J. Brihaye J. C. Christensen R. A. Frowein S. Lindgren W. Luyendijk G. Norlen A. K. Ommaya I. Oprescu

The Committee of Neurotraumatology of the World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies decided to elaborate a Glossary of Neuro­ traumatology, and for this purpose appointed a subgroup of members of this Committee, headed by Dr. E. S. Gurdjian, whose report follows this preface. The main reason for the Committee's decision was the hope that the diffusion of the Glossary through "Acta Neurochirurgica" may bring about a better understanding of neurotraumatological terminology on a worldwide scale. The Glossary should facilitate the classification and the comparison of traumatic lesions of the Nervous System. It will consequently be easier to compile statistics and correctly interpret the informations thus obtained. The very commendable initiative of the Congress of Neurological Surgeons in revising the terminology of head injuries and in publishing this work in Vol. 12 (1966) of "Clinical Neurosurgery" constitutes an important contribution. In 1977 the Glossary now presented endeav­ ours to complete and bring up to date the definitions of anatomical or physiological modifications in the neurotraumatological field. We wish to express our thanks to Dr. Gurdjian and to the other members of the Neurotraumatological Committee who were responsible for the elaboration of this Glossary and whose efforts to standardise, as much as possible, the language used by scientists of different nationalities, have resulted in a better understanding between neurosurgeons.

Atlas and Glossary of Primary Sedimentary Structures

by F. J. Pettijohn P. E. Potter

Inadequate observation of sedimentary TRUSHKovA and KUKHARENKO'S "Atlas of structures has been responsible for incorrect Placer Minerals." The most comprehensive interpretation of the order of superposition atlas is the "Atlas of Textures and Struc­ in deformed beds and this has led, in turn, tures of Sedimentary Rocks" edited by A. to gross errors in stratigraphy and structure. V. KHABAKOV (1962). Failure to recognize and utilize those Our Atlas is an outgrowth of our work on structures which indicate direction of cur­ "Paleocurrents and Basin Analysis," a book rent flow has also led to incorrect, or at in which directional sedimentary structures least incomplete, understanding of basin are described and interpreted with special development. reference to the evolution of sedimentary We believe, therefore, that there is need for basins. That work, however, contains mini­ a work which constitutes a field guide to the mal photographic material - just enough study of these structures - a book in to give the reader some concept of the sedi­ which these structures, so difficult to mentary structures described.

La Encrucijada: Donde Confluyen el Amor y el Abandono

by Wm. Paul Young

Anthony Spencer es egoísta y despiadado. Una hemorragia cerebral lo deja en coma, para "despertar" en un mundo surrealista, un paisaje aterrador que refleja la desolación de su alma y las terribles dimensiones de su vida terrenal. Es en ese sitio donde tiene vívidas interacciones con Jesús, cuyas instrucciones sigue, ante la posibilidad de que lo conduzcan a la redención. ¿Esta inesperada conjunción de sucesos provocará que Tony examine su vida? ¿Tendrá el valor de tomar una decisión crítica que pueda resarcir la grave injusticia que puso en marcha antes de entrar en coma? Paul Young, author of the international bestseller, The Shack, tells a story of the incremental transformation of a man caught in the torments of his own creation, somewhere between heaven and earth. Anthony Spencer is egotistical, proud of being a self-made business success at the peak of his game, even though the cost of winning was painfully high. A cerebral hemorrhage leaves Tony comatose in a hospital ICU. He 'awakens' to find himself in a surreal world, a 'living' landscape that mirrors dimensions of his earthly life, from the beautiful to the corrupt. It is here that he has vivid interactions with others he assumes are projections of his own subconscious, but whose directions he follows nonetheless with the possibility that they might lead to authenticity and perhaps, redemption. The adventure draws Tony into deep relational entanglements where he is able to 'see' through the literal eyes and experiences of others, but is "blind" to the consequences of hiding his personal agenda and loss that emerge to war against the processes of healing and trust. Will this unexpected coalescing of events cause Tony to examine his life and realize he built a house of cards on the poisoned grounds of a broken heart? Will he also have the courage to make a critical choice that can undo a major injustice he set in motion before falling into a coma?

Incentivos a la I+D+i de medicamentos

Los incentivos para la innovación son especialmente relevantes en el sector farmacéutico, en el que no todas las necesidades sociales proporcionan las mismas oportunidades de beneficio y en el que la mayoría de los países de la OCDE intentan aplicar diferentes medidas que fomenten la investigación en estos campos que generan menos beneficios. La falta de incentivos para la innovación resulta especialmente dramática si tenemos en cuenta las enfermedades que afectan principalmente a países de renta baja, y también las enfermedades que afectan a grupos pequeños de pacientes.

Medizinisches Wörterbuch/Diccionario de Medicina/Dicionério de termos médicos: deutsch — spanisch — portugiesisch/español — alemán — portugués/português — alemão — espanhol (Springer-Wörterbuch)

by Irmgard Nolte-Schlegel Joan J. González Soler

Nie mehr sprachlos in Rio, Madrid oder Lissabon!Mit diesem Wörterbuch ist Kommunikation einfach. Es umfasst den kompletten medizinischen Grundwortschatz, den Sie bei Ihrem Auslandsaufenthalt als Arzt, Medizinstudent oder medizinische Fachkraft benötigen.- Rund 4300 medizinische Fachbegriffe in Deutsch-Spanisch-Portugiesisch- Redewendungen für das Patientengespräch und den Arbeitsalltag- Berücksichtigt zusätzlich das brasilianische Portugiesisch

Corporate Criminal Liability: Emergence, Convergence, and Risk (Ius Gentium: Comparative Perspectives on Law and Justice #9)

by Mark Pieth and Radha Ivory

With industrialization and globalization, corporations acquired the capacity to influence social life for good or for ill. Yet, corporations are not traditional objects of criminal law. Justified by notions of personal moral guilt, criminal norms have been judged inapplicable to fictional persons, who ‘think’ and ‘act’ through human beings. The expansion of new corporate criminal liability (CCL) laws since the mid-1990s challenges this assumption. Our volume surveys current practice on CCL in 15 civil and common law jurisdictions, exploring the legal conditions for liability, the principles and options for sanctioning, and the procedures for investigating, charging and trying corporate offenders. It considers whether municipal CCL laws are converging around the notion of ‘corporate culture’, and, in any case, the implications of CCL for those charged with keeping corporations, and other legal entities, out of trouble.

Último día cada día: Y otro escrito sobre cine y filosofía

by Adrian Martin

Where is the film analysis today? What are you doing, in the dark, the theory of cinema? This field, as it has been professionally defined (at least in the Anglo-American academic world), is currently divided between historians interested in the social context that examine the great formations of modernity, and experts in the style that They demand the return of outmoded things such as authorial vision, tone, and staging. But there are also other currents, vital and inventive, of which we are hardly hearing anything in any of the official channels. Last day each day , which for this edition has been extended with the essay “Avatars of the meeting”, shines a light on one of these new and exciting ways.

The Spanish Language in the Digital Age (White Paper Series)

by Georg Rehm Hans Uszkoreit

This white paper is part of a series that promotes knowledge about language technology and its potential. It addresses educators, journalists, politicians, language communities and others. The availability and use of language technology in Europe varies between languages. Consequently, the actions that are required to further support research and development of language technologies also differ for each language. The required actions depend on many factors, such as the complexity of a given language and the size of its community. META-NET, a Network of Excellence funded by the European Commission, has conducted an analysis of current language resources and technologies. This analysis focused on the 23 official European languages as well as other important national and regional languages in Europe. The results of this analysis suggest that there are many significant research gaps for each language. A more detailed expert analysis and assessment of the current situation will help maximise the impact of additional research and minimize any risks. META-NET consists of 54 research centres from 33 countries that are working with stakeholders from commercial businesses, government agencies, industry, research organisations, software companies, technology providers and European universities. Together, they are creating a common technology vision while developing a strategic research agenda that shows how language technology applications can address any research gaps by 2020.

Medizinisches Wörterbuch / Diccionario de Medicina / Dicionário de termos médicos: deutsch — spanisch — portugiesisch / español — alemán — portugués / português — alemão -espanhol (Springer-Wörterbuch)

by Irmgard Nolte-Schlegel Joan J. González Soler

Nie mehr sprachlos in Rio, Madrid oder Lissabon!Mit diesem Wörterbuch ist Kommunikation einfach. Es umfasst den kompletten medizinischen Grundwortschatz, den Sie bei Ihrem Auslandsaufenthalt als Arzt, Medizinstudent oder medizinische Fachkraft benötigen.- Rund 4300 medizinische Fachbegriffe in Deutsch-Spanisch-Portugiesisch- Redewendungen für das Patientengespräch und den Arbeitsalltag- Berücksichtigt zusätzlich das brasilianische Portugiesisch

Entre las sombras del Sueño Americano: Mi historia real de cómo siendo una inmigrante indocumentada llegué a ser una ejecutiva de Wall Street

by Julissa Arce

'Qué aspecto tiene una inmigrante indocumentada? 'De qué tipo de familia proviene? 'Cómo consigue entrar a este país? 'Cuál es el verdadero precio que debe pagar para quedarse en los Estados Unidos? Julissa Arce sabe por experiencia propia que las respuestas más comunes y preconcebidas a esas preguntas son con frecuencia demasiado sencillas, y a veces totalmente erróneas.A primera vista, Arce ha alcanzado el sueño americano: al conseguir finalmente un empleo muy codiciado en Wall Street después de años de esfuerzo académico. Pero en esta valiente autobiografía, Arce revela el costo físico, económico y emocional del asombroso secreto que ella, al igual que muchos otros individuos en los Estados Unidos que logran mucho a pesar de sus circunstancias, se había visto obligada a ocultar no solo de sus jefes sino también de sus amigos más cercanos. Desde el momento en que sus padres la trajeron a este país cuando era una niña, Arce, la ganadora de una beca, la graduada universitaria con honores, la joven que finalmente llegó a ser vicepresidenta en Goldman Sachs, había vivido en secreto como inmigrante indocumentada. En esta historia personal desgarradora e inspiracional de lucha, tristeza y redención final, Arce lleva a los lectores a las profundidades de un mundo poco entendido de una nueva generación de inmigrantes indocumentados que están actualmente en los Estados Unidos.Al sincerarse sobre la historia de su largo viaje de lucha para llegar a ser ciudadana estadounidense, Arce nos muestra el verdadero costo de alcanzar el sueño americano, desde la perspectiva de una mujer que tuvo que superar muros invisibles e inimaginables para llegar hasta ahí.

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