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Showing 1,176 through 1,200 of 1,350 results

World and Worldhood / Monde et Mondanéité (Philosophical Problems Today #3)

by Peter Kemp Institut International de Philosoph

In this book philosophers try to answer the following question: What is globalization and what does "globe" or "world" (monde) signify? Rémi Brague returns to the Greek idea of the cosmos in order to track the worldhood (mondanéité) of the world, that is, the process by which the idea of the world is formed. Don Ihde shows how a world has developed, in which technologies are no longer considered neutral means serving the ends of human action, but become the very means by which people exist in the world. Vittorio Mathieu describes the economical world at two levels – that of the individual and that of society. Tomonobu Imamichi analyses the capacity of aesthetic experience to disclose a world other than the world of technological efficiency. Francisco Miró Quesada C. emphasises that the great political questions are not solvable without worldviews that express value systems. David Rasmussen describes sensus communis as a cosmopolitan concept, which founds a political globalization of the world. And Peter Kemp attempts to grasp the meaning of that globalization upon which the destiny of our planet depends.

The Grothendieck Festschrift, Volume I: A Collection of Articles Written in Honor of the 60th Birthday of Alexander Grothendieck (Modern Birkhäuser Classics Ser.)

by Pierre Cartier Luc Illusie Nicholas M. Katz Gérard Laumon Yuri I. Manin Kenneth A. Ribet

This three-volume work contains articles collected on the occasion of Alexander Grothendieck’s sixtieth birthday and originally published in 1990. The articles were offered as a tribute to one of the world’s greatest living mathematicians. Many of the groundbreaking contributions in these volumes contain material that is now considered foundational to the subject. Topics addressed by these top-notch contributors match the breadth of Grothendieck’s own interests, including: functional analysis, algebraic geometry, algebraic topology, number theory, representation theory, K-theory, category theory, and homological algebra.

Mathématiques et Technologie (Springer Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics and Technology)

by Christiane Rousseau Yvan Saint-Aubin

Ce livre introduit de nombreux concepts mathématiques élégants dans le cadre d'applications réelles, pour la plupart modernes. Les divers sujets sont présentés avec clarté et les mathématiques toujours discutées à partir de connaissances de base. À de rares exceptions près, les chapitres sont indépendants et peuvent être lus dans n'importe quel ordre. Chacun suggère de nombreux exercices, certains élémentaires pour renforcer la compréhension, d'autres plus avancés pour explorer de nouvelles problématiques. Une mise en contexte historique de certains concepts mathématiques ou de l'évolution d'une technologique enrichit le texte. Mathématiques et Technologie s'adresse aux étudiants en mathématiques du premier cycle universitaire (undergraduates du système nord-américain) et aux futurs maîtres du secondaire. Enfin, deux qualités le rendent accessible à un grand éventail de lecteurs curieux : le calcul différentiel et intégral n'y joue pas un rôle de premier plan et les chapitres indiquent clairement lorsque des outils mathématiques plus avancés sont utilisés (ceci ne se produit que dans les dernières sections de quelques chapitres).

One Hundred and One Poems by Paul Verlaine: A Bilingual Edition

by Paul Verlaine

French poet Paul Verlaine, a major representative of the Symbolist Movement during the latter half of the nineteenth century, was one of the most gifted and prolific poets of his time. Norman Shapiro's superb translations display Verlaine's ability to transform into timeless verse the essence of everyday life and make evident the reasons for his renown in France and throughout the Western world. "Shapiro's skillfully rhymed formal translations are outstanding." —St. Louis Post-Dispatch "Best Book of 1999" "Paul Verlaine's rich, stylized, widely-variable oeuvre can now be traced through his thirty years of published volumes, from 1866 to 1896, in a set of luminous new translations by Norman Shapiro. . . . [His] unique translations of this whimsical, agonized music are more than adequate to bring the multifarious Verlaine to a new generation of English speakers." —Genevieve Abravanel, Harvard Review "Shapiro demonstrates his phenomenal ability to find new rhymes and always follows Verlaine's rhyme schemes." —Carrol F. Coates, ATA Chronicle

Insiders' French: Beyond the Dictionary (Nature Of Human Society Ser.)

by Eleanor Levieux Michel Levieux

If you had been living in France in the 1990s, the language you would have heard on the radio and television or seen in the newspapers would be far removed from the French language of ten or twenty years ago. The country and its language have changed tremendously in a relatively short period of time, and, as a result, English speakers with a grounding in French can still find themselves struggling to understand terms commonly encountered in contemporary French society. Luckily, Eleanor and Michel Levieux now bring us up to date with their Insiders' French, an utterly entertaining and informative guide to the language of the "new France." This "new France" is a country poised to experience the European single currency but uncertain about being part of Europe. It is hooked on fast food but ambivalent about the country where it originated. France today has record unemployment and an increasingly controversial immigrant population. Clearly, given the rapidly changing conditions and lifestyles, conventional French dictionaries alone cannot completely inform readers and visitors. Insiders' French offers a solution to the incomprehension, a unique handbook in which you'll find the language of European union, the space program, abortion and women's rights, high-tech industries, and health care, among other topics. Entries proceed by association of ideas and related terms, with extensive cross-referencing, while still being alphabetized for easy reference like a standard dictionary. Cartoons from major French journals add to your understanding and enjoyment. Insiders' French opens up the secret territory of French politics and culture that is often not understood by visitors or students, and it does so with wit and verve—qualities that remain in the French language despite its recent changes.

Cultural Misunderstandings: The French-American Experience

by Raymonde Carroll

Raymonde Carroll presents an intriguing and thoughtful analysis of the many ways French and Americans—and indeed any members of different cultures—can misinterpret each other, even when ostensibly speaking the same language. Cultural misunderstandings, Carroll points out, can arise even where we least expect them—in our closest relationships. The revealing vignettes that Carroll relates, and her perceptive comments, bring to light some fundamental differences in French and American presuppositions about love, friendship, and raising children, as well as such everyday activities as using the telephone or asking for information.

Margins of Philosophy

by Jacques Derrida

"In this densely imbricated volume Derrida pursues his devoted, relentless dismantling of the philosophical tradition, the tradition of Plato, Kant, Hegel, Nietzsche, Husserl, Heidegger—each dealt with in one or more of the essays. There are essays too on linguistics (Saussure, Benveniste, Austin) and on the nature of metaphor ("White Mythology"), the latter with important implications for literary theory. Derrida is fully in control of a dazzling stylistic register in this book—a source of true illumination for those prepared to follow his arduous path. Bass is a superb translator and annotator. His notes on the multilingual allusions and puns are a great service."—Alexander Gelley, Library Journal

On Monsters and Marvels

by Ambroise Pare

Ambroise Paré, born in France around 1510, was chief surgeon to both Charles IX and Henri III. In one of the first attempts to explain birth defects, Paré produced On Monsters and Marvels, an illustrated encyclopedia of curiosities, of monstrous human and animal births, bizarre beasts, and natural phenomena. Janice Pallister's acclaimed English translation offers a glimpse of the natural world as seen by an extraordinary Renaissance natural philosopher.

Cultural Misunderstandings: The French-American Experience

by Raymonde Carroll

Raymonde Carroll presents an intriguing and thoughtful analysis of the many ways French and Americans—and indeed any members of different cultures—can misinterpret each other, even when ostensibly speaking the same language. Cultural misunderstandings, Carroll points out, can arise even where we least expect them—in our closest relationships. The revealing vignettes that Carroll relates, and her perceptive comments, bring to light some fundamental differences in French and American presuppositions about love, friendship, and raising children, as well as such everyday activities as using the telephone or asking for information.

Insiders' French: Beyond the Dictionary (Nature Of Human Society Ser.)

by Eleanor Levieux Michel Levieux

If you had been living in France in the 1990s, the language you would have heard on the radio and television or seen in the newspapers would be far removed from the French language of ten or twenty years ago. The country and its language have changed tremendously in a relatively short period of time, and, as a result, English speakers with a grounding in French can still find themselves struggling to understand terms commonly encountered in contemporary French society. Luckily, Eleanor and Michel Levieux now bring us up to date with their Insiders' French, an utterly entertaining and informative guide to the language of the "new France." This "new France" is a country poised to experience the European single currency but uncertain about being part of Europe. It is hooked on fast food but ambivalent about the country where it originated. France today has record unemployment and an increasingly controversial immigrant population. Clearly, given the rapidly changing conditions and lifestyles, conventional French dictionaries alone cannot completely inform readers and visitors. Insiders' French offers a solution to the incomprehension, a unique handbook in which you'll find the language of European union, the space program, abortion and women's rights, high-tech industries, and health care, among other topics. Entries proceed by association of ideas and related terms, with extensive cross-referencing, while still being alphabetized for easy reference like a standard dictionary. Cartoons from major French journals add to your understanding and enjoyment. Insiders' French opens up the secret territory of French politics and culture that is often not understood by visitors or students, and it does so with wit and verve—qualities that remain in the French language despite its recent changes.

Insiders' French: Beyond the Dictionary

by Eleanor Levieux Michel Levieux

If you had been living in France in the 1990s, the language you would have heard on the radio and television or seen in the newspapers would be far removed from the French language of ten or twenty years ago. The country and its language have changed tremendously in a relatively short period of time, and, as a result, English speakers with a grounding in French can still find themselves struggling to understand terms commonly encountered in contemporary French society. Luckily, Eleanor and Michel Levieux now bring us up to date with their Insiders' French, an utterly entertaining and informative guide to the language of the "new France." This "new France" is a country poised to experience the European single currency but uncertain about being part of Europe. It is hooked on fast food but ambivalent about the country where it originated. France today has record unemployment and an increasingly controversial immigrant population. Clearly, given the rapidly changing conditions and lifestyles, conventional French dictionaries alone cannot completely inform readers and visitors. Insiders' French offers a solution to the incomprehension, a unique handbook in which you'll find the language of European union, the space program, abortion and women's rights, high-tech industries, and health care, among other topics. Entries proceed by association of ideas and related terms, with extensive cross-referencing, while still being alphabetized for easy reference like a standard dictionary. Cartoons from major French journals add to your understanding and enjoyment. Insiders' French opens up the secret territory of French politics and culture that is often not understood by visitors or students, and it does so with wit and verve—qualities that remain in the French language despite its recent changes.

Perspektiven auf Mehrsprachigkeit im Fremdsprachenunterricht – Regards croisés sur le plurilinguisme et l’apprentissage des langues (Literatur-, Kultur- und Sprachvermittlung: LiKuS)

Der Sammelband bündelt aktuelle Arbeiten zu Mehrsprachigkeit und Mehrkulturalität aus fremdsprachendidaktischer Perspektive. Die Beiträge beleuchten neuere Fragestellungen, empirische Forschungsansätze und Unterrichtsmaterialien aus Deutschland, Frankreich und der Schweiz. Zentral ist die kritische Auseinandersetzung mit dem Konzept mehrsprachiger und mehrkultureller Kompetenz, wie es der Gemeinsame Europäische Referenzrahmen für Sprachen des Europarates entwirft. Die Texte in deutscher und französischer Sprache sind aus einer internationalen Tagung an der Universität Göttingen hervorgegangen. Der Band richtet sich an Leserinnen und Leser aus Fremdsprachenforschung und Unterrichtspraxis.

French Grammar in Context: Analysis And Practice (Languages in Context)

by Margaret Jubb Annie Rouxeville

Now in its fifth edition, French Grammar in Context presents a unique and exciting approach to learning grammar. Authentic texts from a rich variety of sources, literary and journalistic, are used as the starting point for the illustration and explanation of key areas of French grammar. Each point is consolidated with a wide range of written and spoken exercises. Grammar is presented not as an end in itself, but as a tool essential to enjoying French, understanding native speakers and communicating effectively with them. Literary texts and poems are taken from renowned French authors such as Albert Camus, Zola, André Malraux, Alain Robbe-Grillet, Stendhal and Jacques Prévert. News sources include Libération, Le Point, Marianne, and Le Monde Diplomatique, in addition to articles from regional papers such as Ouest-France and La Voix du Nord. Lifestyle articles are included from magazines such as Elle. This fifth edition has been updated to include new texts for Chapters 24 and 25 and two new revision texts. In addition, this new edition is supported by a revised and extended companion website that offers a wealth of additional interactive exercises to practise and reinforce the material covered. French Grammar in Context is aimed at intermediate and advanced students and is ideal for both independent and class-based study.

French Grammar in Context (Languages in Context)

by Margaret Jubb Annie Rouxeville

Now in its fifth edition, French Grammar in Context presents a unique and exciting approach to learning grammar. Authentic texts from a rich variety of sources, literary and journalistic, are used as the starting point for the illustration and explanation of key areas of French grammar. Each point is consolidated with a wide range of written and spoken exercises. Grammar is presented not as an end in itself, but as a tool essential to enjoying French, understanding native speakers and communicating effectively with them. Literary texts and poems are taken from renowned French authors such as Albert Camus, Zola, André Malraux, Alain Robbe-Grillet, Stendhal and Jacques Prévert. News sources include Libération, Le Point, Marianne, and Le Monde Diplomatique, in addition to articles from regional papers such as Ouest-France and La Voix du Nord. Lifestyle articles are included from magazines such as Elle. This fifth edition has been updated to include new texts for Chapters 24 and 25 and two new revision texts. In addition, this new edition is supported by a revised and extended companion website that offers a wealth of additional interactive exercises to practise and reinforce the material covered. French Grammar in Context is aimed at intermediate and advanced students and is ideal for both independent and class-based study.

Cohomologie non abelienne (Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften #179)

by Jean Giraud

Now a common tool and object of study, stacks were introduced in this book as a framework for the study of non-abelian cohomology classes in degrees 1 and 2 on an arbitrary topos. The book shows that these cohomology classes can be represented by geometric objects called torsors and gerbes, and provides a detailed study of their basic properties. Since their introduction in this book, gerbes have become a widespread tool in geometry and topology. A timeless classic, this French language book remains to this day a key reference for fibred categories, stacks, torsors, gerbes and topos.

p-adic Hodge Theory (Simons Symposia #210)

by Bhargav Bhatt Martin Olsson

This proceedings volume contains articles related to the research presented at the 2017 Simons Symposium on p-adic Hodge theory. This symposium was focused on recent developments in p-adic Hodge theory, especially those concerning integral questions and their connections to notions in algebraic topology. This volume features original research articles as well as articles that contain new research and survey some of these recent developments. It is the first of three volumes dedicated to p-adic Hodge theory.

Big Barrels: Pétrole et Gaz africains et la Quête de la Prospérité

by NJ Ayuk

Big Barrels s’attaque à l’idée reçue qu’en Afrique le pétrole et le gaz ne peuvent être bénéfques. Durant des décennies, les riches ressources de l’Afrique subsaharienne ont été synonymes de corruption et de dysfonctionnement. La réalité est bien plus complexe et, généralement, plus encourageante. Dans une série de huit études de cas, Big Barrels se penche sur ce que les nations africaines accomplissent. Emplois et entreprises au Nigéria, bonne gouvernance au Ghana, développement économique en Tanzanie, gestion environnementale au Gabon, et autres – voilà autant d’exemples de succès présents dans les industries pétrolières des nations africaines aujourd’hui. Les tendances positives du secteur africain de l’énergie, ainsi que ses challenges/défs, y sont présentés. Big Barrels établit comment le pétrole et le gaz peuvent constituer une force au service du bien du Continent-Mère.

Leelo: Au Zoo (Leelo Ser. #2)

by Gaetane Montrieul

Les aventures de Leelo continuent dans ce deuxième roman sur un curieux petit prince venu du royaume des Angélus et de ses jeunes compagnons. Lorsque Leelo eu la permission de retourner sur Terre il put avec Marco se joindre au groupe de sa classe pour une visite au zoo. Ils ont vécus une aventure qui leur ont appris que la compassion et le respect ne sont pas destinés seulement aux humains mais aussi ? toutes les créatures qui partagent notre planète .

Collins French Visual Dictionary (Collins Visual Dictionaries Ser.)

by Collins Dictionaries

A photographic guide to the key words and phrases in French. This attractive ebook is a perfect travel companion and provides a practical guide to France and French language and culture.

Love Parisienne: The French Woman's Guide To Love And Passion

by Florence Besson Eva Amor Claire Steinlen

‘The possibilities for romance are endless’ Irish Daily Mail ‘The French woman’s secrets.. .in and out of the boudoir’ Mail on Sunday Secrets in seduction from the city of love…

Easy Learning French Conversation

by Collins Dictionaries

A unique guide to communicating in French. It will help you to find out more about French culture and to practise your spoken French with a free downloadable audio file.

Love Parisienne: The French Woman's Guide To Love And Passion

by Florence Besson Eva Amor Claire Steinlen

‘The possibilities for romance are endless’ Irish Daily Mail ‘The French woman’s secrets.. .in and out of the boudoir’ Mail on Sunday Secrets in seduction from the city of love…

Unlocking French with Paul Noble: Use What You Know Already

by Paul Noble

Ever tried to learn French and found it too hard? Bestselling language coach Paul Noble has a quick and easy way to get you back on track with his unique tried-and-tested method.

Collins Very First French Words (Collins Primary Dictionaries)

by Collins Dictionaries

The perfect first dictionary for learners of French aged 3 to 6. Packed full of fun and useful everyday vocabulary, this beautifully illustrated dictionary will capture the imagination of young children and encourage a love for learning French.

Easy Learning French Verbs (Collins Easy Learning Ser.)

by Collins Dictionaries

Perfect for French revision offering beginners a clear and easy-to-understand guide to French verbs.

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