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Fir an Diùraidh

by Alistair Paul

We are in a small boat in the company of six Arran men on their way to sit on the Jury at the Court of Session in Inverary. No sooner has the boat left Brodick in Arran than things start to go wrong and in the conflict that arises the men begin to reveal their own sins.Travelling through the South-west corner of the Gealtacht in the early 19th century we get a flavour of life in the area before it would be altered for ever under the influence of the great changes happening in the wider world. Each character's fate is bound in different ways to these changes and how they deal with them together.Will the group manage reach the court in Inverary and if the do will they be competent to judge their fellow men with clear consciences?

A’ Fàgail an Eilein

by Mòrag Law

Saoil càit an d’ fhuair a màthair am prògram seo? Cha b' ann bhuaipse a thàinig e...Air latha gruamach, geamhradail ann an 1997, am measg leabhraichean a màthar nach maireann, tha Màiri a’ lorg prògram airson cuirm shònraichte a ghabh àite ann an Glaschu, 1965. Fhad ’s a tha i a’ cur sùil air, tha cuimhneachain làidir a’ tilleadh thuice air na h-atharrachaidhean uile a thachair anns an teaghlach agus na beatha fhèin nuair a bha i air stairsneach inbheachd. Ciad ghaol. Tinneas. Imrich, an-fhois, dìomhaireachd is dùbhlain. Agus a’ fàs neo-eisimeileach ann an dòigh nach robh dùil idir aice.Seo a’ chiad nobhail bho ùghdar Dìleab Cholbhasach, agus Cuibhle an Fhortain a bha air geàrr-liosta Duais Chomann Gàidhealach Lunnainn 2020 airson an leabhar ficsein as fheàrr.On a bleak winter’s day in 1997, Màiri finds an old concert-programme amongst her late mother’s effects. As she turns the pages it rekindles powerful memories of events in her own life – and that of her family – at that particular time, when she was twelve years old and still living on Skye. First love. Uncertainty. Illness. Secrecy. Changes and challenges. And finally, finding a new independence which she could never have foreseen. This is the first novel for the author of ‘Dìleab Cholbhasach’, and ‘Cuibhle an Fhortain’ shortlisted in the best fiction category for the Gaelic Society of London prize.

Far na Slighe

by Shelagh Chaimbeul

Bho bhuannaiche Duais Ghàidhlig nan Sgrìobhadairean Ùra Samhraidh san Ògmhios, 2004. Tha ceathrar deugairean a' coiseachd air Slighe Chladach Fìobha faisg air Cill Rìmhinn nuair a gheibh tè dhiubh, Amy, lorg ai bann-làimhe eireachdail. 20 bliadhna an dèidh sin tha sreath ùr a' nochdadh, Fuasgladh Cheist, anns am bithear a' dèanamh sgrùdadh air bàsan amharasach. Sa chiad phrògram, tha Art Dawson a' feuchainn ri freagairtean a lorg mu bàs a pheathar, Joni, a thuit far Slighe Chladach Fìobha san Ògmhios 2004. Cha robh esan a-riamh a' creidsinn gum b' e tubaist a bh' ann: dè thachair dhi, agus càit an deach am bann-làimhe prìseil a bh' oirre? Cho luath 's a chì Amy dealbh den bhann-làimhe air Fuasgladh Cheist, tha i ga aithneachadh. Cha robh for aice gum b' ann ceangailte ri bàs nighinn òig a bha am pìos seudraidh, agus chan eil for aice dè nì e leis a-nis, is daoine a' coimhead air a shon. A bheil fios aig na triùir eile a bha còmhla ri Amy ann an 2004 dè thachair do Joni? Carson nach eil iad airson bruidhinn rithe mu dheidhinn an turais aca? Agus carson a tha cuideigin airson dèanamh cinnteach nach tèid am bann-làimhe a lorg idir? From the winner of the Gaelic New Writers Award 2023. A summer's day in June 2004. Four teenagers are walking on the Fife Coastal Path near St Andrews when one of them, Amy, finds an unusual bracelet. 20 years later a new true crime series begins, Fuasgladh Cheist, which investigates suspicious and unexplained deaths. In the first program, Art Dawson is trying to find answers about the death of his sister, Joni, who fell while walking the Fife Coastal Path in June 2004. He has never believed the official verdict that it was an accident – what happened to her, and where is the priceless bracelet she was wearing? As soon as Amy sees a picture of the bracelet on Fuasgladh Cheist, she recognises it. She had no idea that the jewellery was connected to the death of a young girl, and has no idea what to do with it now, especially with so many people looking for it. Do the three others that were with Amy in 2004 know what happened to Joni? Why are they so reluctant to speak to her about their trip? And why is someone trying to make sure that the bracelet will never be found?

An Nighean air an Aiseag (The Girl on the Ferryboat #1)

by Aonghas Padraig Caimbeul

S dòcha dìreach gur e ceist ùine, neo tìm, a bha sin: nam biodh barrachd ùine air a bhith againn, na bhiodh sinn air a dhèanamh ʼs a choilionadh còmhla. An saoghal a bhiodh sinn air a dhealbh. Nam biodh gràdh da-rìreabh againn air a chèile, cha bhiodh sinn air dealachadh. B’ e samhradh fada teth a bh’ ann... chunnaic iad a chèile air aiseag, ach bho nach do bhruidhinn iad, tha cianalas is aithreachas a’ gabhail greim. Ann an sgrìobhadh àlainn ealanta tha An Nighean air an Aiseg gar toirt air ais gu samhraidhean gaoil ann am Muile, an Uibhist is eile.

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