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Showing 101 through 125 of 600 results

Responde a Mi Clamo: Aprenda a comunicarse con un Dios que se preocupa por usted

by Charles R. Swindoll

Charles R. Swindoll is the award-winning author of more than ninety books that together have sold more than 20 million copies. Chuck serves as the senior pastor of Stonebriar Community Church in Frisco, Texas. He was named by Christianity Today as one of the twenty-five influential pastors of the past twenty-five years. His radio program, Insight for Living, which was named Program of the Year by National Religious Broadcasters, airs daily on more than 2,000 radio stations around the world. He and his wife, Cynthia, live in Frisco, Texas. They have four grown children, ten grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.

Chol (Mayan) Folktales: A Collection of Stories from the Modern Maya of Southern Mexico

by Nicholas A. Hopkins J. Kathryn Josserand

Chol (Mayan) Folktales deftly combines high-quality and thoughtfully edited transcriptions of oral storytelling with translation and narrative analysis, documenting and analyzing a trove of Chol folklore. The work provides a look into the folktale culture of the contemporary Maya presented with a rare and innovative theoretical framework. The rich Chol oral narrative tradition is represented by eleven stories, each printed in the original language of the storytellers with parallel English translations and accompanied by a brief introduction that provides the relevant cultural and mythological background. Included with eight of the stories is a link to an audio clip of the tale told aloud in the Chol language. In addition, Chol (Mayan) Folktales introduces a model for the analysis of narratives that can be used to demonstrate the existence of a tradition of storytelling applicable to other Maya lore, including Classic period hieroglyphic texts. Creating a nuanced sense of the Mayan oral tradition and revealing a highly structured literary style, this collection provides insight into contemporary Maya culture as well as a greater understanding of Classic period society. It will be of interest to students and scholars of folklore and literature and to anthropologists and linguists.

Guerra Contra Todos los Puertorriqueños: Revolución y Terror en la Colonia Americana

by Nelson A Denis

&“Prepárese para ser enfurecido. Una lectura obligada y reveladora.&” —Robert Domínguez, New York Daily NewsEn 1950, después de cincuenta años de ocupación militar y gobierno colonial, el Partido Nacionalista de Puerto Rico montó una fallida revolución armada contra Estados Unidos. La violencia arraso con la isla: comandos nacionalistas fueron enviados a Washington a ajusticiar al presidente Harry Truman, se desataron tiroteos en ocho municipios, se incendiaron cuarteles policiacos y oficinas de correo. Para sofocar esta insurrección, el Ejército de Estados Unidos desplegó miles de tropas y ametralló dos pueblos desde el aire, marcando la primera vez en su historia que el gobierno estadounidense atacó de esta forma a sus propios ciudadanos.Por medio de narraciones orales, entrevistas personales, relatos de testigos oculares, testimonios del Congreso de Estados Unidos y archivos recientemente liberados al público por el FBI, Guerra Contra Todos los Puertorriqueños nos relata la historia de una revolución olvidada y su contexto en la historia grande de Puerto Rico, desde la invasión estadounidense de 1898 hasta la lucha actual por la plena autodeterminación de los puertorriqueños.

Guerra Contra Todos los Puertorriqueños: Revolución y Terror en la Colonia Americana

by Nelson A Denis

"Prepárese para ser enfurecido. Una lectura obligada y reveladora.” -Robert Domínguez, New York Daily NewsEn 1950, después de cincuenta años de ocupación militar y gobierno colonial, el Partido Nacionalista de Puerto Rico montó una fallida revolución armada contra Estados Unidos. La violencia arraso con la isla: comandos nacionalistas fueron enviados a Washington a ajusticiar al presidente Harry Truman, se desataron tiroteos en ocho municipios, se incendiaron cuarteles policiacos y oficinas de correo. Para sofocar esta insurrección, el Ejército de Estados Unidos desplegó miles de tropas y ametralló dos pueblos desde el aire, marcando la primera vez en su historia que el gobierno estadounidense atacó de esta forma a sus propios ciudadanos.Por medio de narraciones orales, entrevistas personales, relatos de testigos oculares, testimonios del Congreso de Estados Unidos y archivos recientemente liberados al público por el FBI, Guerra Contra Todos los Puertorriqueños nos relata la historia de una revolución olvidada y su contexto en la historia grande de Puerto Rico, desde la invasión estadounidense de 1898 hasta la lucha actual por la plena autodeterminación de los puertorriqueños.

El poder de su liderazgo: Haga la diferencia con otros

by John C. Maxwell

Todos queremos vivir una vida que importe y hacer una diferencia en el mundo en que vivimos. Pero, ¿cómo logramos eso? En EL PODER DE SU LIDERAZGO, John Maxwell demuestra lo que puede suceder al combinar la pasión personal y el liderazgo de una manera que va más allá del mero éxito. Al encontrar personas con ideas afines y poner a la gente en primer lugar, usted puede hacer una diferencia en la vida de los demás y crear un esfuerzo unido que deje un impacto positivo duradero. Aprenda cómo atraer gente a su causa, articular su visión, y agregar valor utilizando sus capacidades. Utilizando su historia personal de cómo se convirtió en uno de los expertos en liderazgo más reconocidos del mundo, John Maxwell le muestra cómo conducir a otros de acuerdo a su propio propósito y crear un legado duradero.

El poder de su potencial: Cómo romper con sus limitaciones

by John C. Maxwell

Learn how to maximize your potential in minimal time with this compact how-to book derived from No Limits by #1 New York Times bestselling author John Maxwell.Many of us hold ourselves back because we firmly believe our abilities are finite. But what if our supposed limitations are just an illusion? In The Power of Your Potential John Maxwell identifies and examines the seventeen key capacities each of us possesses. Some we are born with, such as how we think or how we naturally relate to other people. The rest are choices, often unconscious, including our attitude or personal disciplines. All are expandable.Maxwell gives clear and actionable advice on what we can do to improve in each of these areas. From learning to manage your emotions and increase your energy, to conquering procrastination and becoming more comfortable with taking risks, you will surpass your own expectations to become a better you than you ever thought possible.

Devocionario sanidad para el alma de una mujer: 90 inspiraciones que le ayudan a superar sus heridas emocionales

by Joyce Meyer

Reciba la sanidad para sus heridas emocionales y descubra su destino como hija de Dios con este devocionario de 90 días por Joyce Meyer, maestra de la Biblia de renombre internacional.Sanidad para el alma de una mujer profundizó en la historia personal de Joyce Meyer y en una jornada de curación para todas las mujeres. A pesar de haber sufrido años de abuso, abandono y traición por parte de quienes eran cercanos a ella, Joyce cree firmemente que una mujer que ha sido profundamente herida por las circunstancias de la vida puede ser sanada, del corazón y del alma. Su afirmación constante proviene de vivir su propia jornada de sanidad y de ver a tantas mujeres que no creen que puedan superar su dolor, o incluso no saben por dónde empezar, a que encuentren la dirección que necesitan de la sabiduría que proviene de la Biblia.Ahora, en este devocionario complementario, Joyce la guiará a través de 90 lecturas diarias para alentarla a través de los obstáculos que le impiden encontrar su verdadero destino. Dios puede sanar su dolor, y Él quiere hacerlo en usted. Permita que el DEVOCIONARIO SANIDAD PARA EL ALMA DE UNA MUJER sea de inspiración en su jornada hacia ese futuro maravilloso y radiante que Dios ha planeado para usted.

Devocionario sanidad para el alma de una mujer: 90 inspiraciones que le ayudan a superar sus heridas emocionales

by Joyce Meyer

Reciba la sanidad para sus heridas emocionales y descubra su destino como hija de Dios con este devocionario de 90 días por Joyce Meyer, maestra de la Biblia de renombre internacional.Sanidad para el alma de una mujer profundizó en la historia personal de Joyce Meyer y en una jornada de curación para todas las mujeres. A pesar de haber sufrido años de abuso, abandono y traición por parte de quienes eran cercanos a ella, Joyce cree firmemente que una mujer que ha sido profundamente herida por las circunstancias de la vida puede ser sanada, del corazón y del alma. Su afirmación constante proviene de vivir su propia jornada de sanidad y de ver a tantas mujeres que no creen que puedan superar su dolor, o incluso no saben por dónde empezar, a que encuentren la dirección que necesitan de la sabiduría que proviene de la Biblia.Ahora, en este devocionario complementario, Joyce la guiará a través de 90 lecturas diarias para alentarla a través de los obstáculos que le impiden encontrar su verdadero destino. Dios puede sanar su dolor, y Él quiere hacerlo en usted. Permita que el DEVOCIONARIO SANIDAD PARA EL ALMA DE UNA MUJER sea de inspiración en su jornada hacia ese futuro maravilloso y radiante que Dios ha planeado para usted.

No tires el micrófono: El poder de tus palabras puede cambiar el mundo

by T. D. Jakes

Communicate boldly and effectively like never before with #1 New York Times bestselling author Bishop T.D. Jakes!In Don't Drop the Mic, Bishop Jakes speaks to readers about communication and how the ways we speak and interact with others can be part of our everyday ministries. He helps readers understand: Why the way we speak and the words we use matterHow speaking well, no matter your topic or audience, improves your chances of getting the result you wantHow to craft your message, whether it's a simple email or a speech under the spotlights, to connect with listenersWhy good communication is important for building connection and communityHow sharing God's Word produces abundant fruitDrawing lessons from Scripture and his own life, Jakes gives career advice for those who have or want to grow into a speaking career, but he also provides clear direction and insight for everyone who gives presentations, writes emails, or talks to other people in their job or home life.There will be practical advice about how to craft insightful and meaningful communications, but the heart of this book is really about how we can communicate more clearly to build community and share the hope of Christ in our everyday lives. The more adept we become at using all available resources to convey our message, the greater our impact. From lovers to litigators, entrepreneurs to entertainers, and bloggers to board members, we all want to communicate more effectively, intimately, and efficiently. Whether you're interviewing for a new position, proposing a new business plan, auditioning for a performance, delivering a report for your committee, teaching Sunday school, or sharing your heart with a loved one, this book will help.

Momentos de quietud con Dios: 365 inspiraciones diarias

by Joyce Meyer

Start your day with peaceful meditations, soulful inspirations, and encouraging Bible verses in this 365-day devotional from bestselling author Joyce Meyer -- and grow spiritually as you spend time with God.Life is busy and often uncertain, but you can live in the full peace of God with this easy-to-understand devotional designed to encourage you each day of the year. This includes a daily Bible verse followed by a devotional reading and power thought to meditate upon.With the constant demands and pressures, it can be hard to regularly take time to unplug and simply be with God. But Joyce's practical teaching format in Quiet Times with God will encourage you to discipline yourself so that you can receive the fullness of God's healing, revitalizing peace.

El poder del favor: The Force That Will Take You Where You Can't Go on Your Own

by Joel Osteen

El Creador del universo ha puesto una distinción en su vida.Lo que Dios tiene en su futuro, usted solo no lo puede lograr. Donde quiera que vaya, usted lleva una ventaja, un empoderamiento divino y una llave para abrir las puertas correctas. Se llama favor.Dios está obrando en su vida entre bastidores. Él lo está preparando para un endoso, equipándolo para algo que nunca ha visto: promoción, influencia, relaciones que lo llevarán a un nuevo nivel. Cuando se dé cuenta de que ha sido marcado para recibir sus bendiciones, sentirá la fuerza del favor de Dios y superará los desafíos que no hubiera podido enfrentar por sí mismo.En El poder del favor, Joel lo alienta a ver cómo el poderoso favor de Dios está en usted siempre. Dios desea que alcance nuevos niveles de satisfacción, nuevos niveles de aumento, nuevos niveles de victoria. ¡Usted ha sido llamado, separado y escogido para vivir una vida claramente favorecida!There is a distinction on your life that is put there by the Creator of the universe.What God has in your future you can&’t accomplish on your own. Everywhere you go, you have an advantage, a divine empowerment, and a key to open up the right doors. It is called favor.God is working behind the scenes in your life. He is setting you up for an endorsement, setting you up for something you&’ve never seen—promotion, influence, relationships that will catapult you to a new level. When you realize you have been marked for blessings, you will feel the force of His favor and overcome challenges that you couldn&’t on your own.In The Power of Favor, Joel encourages you to see how God&’s powerful favor is on you every day. God wants you to reach new levels of fulfillment, new levels of increase, new levels of victory. You have been called out, set apart, and chosen to live a distinctively favored life!

El poder del favor: The Force That Will Take You Where You Can't Go on Your Own

by Joel Osteen

Learn how declaring God's love will bless you with favor and fulfillment in this uplifting book--perfect for anyone who is determined to find success and spiritual inspiration. p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px 'Helvetica Neue'; color: #454545} God helps you accomplish what you couldn't manage on your own. With His blessings, you stand out in the crowd and get breaks that you didn't deserve. The psalmist said, "God's favor surrounds us like a shield." That means that everywhere you go, you have an advantage, a divine empowerment, and a key to open up the right doors. With Joel's encouragement, you'll see how God's goodness uplifts you every day. He wants you to reach new levels of fulfillment, new levels of increase, new levels of promotion, new levels of victory. You have been called out, set apart, and chosen to live a distinctively favored life.When you realize you have been marked for blessings, you will feel the force of His favor and overcome challenges that you can't face on your own.

Quebrantamiento: Cuando Dios convierte la presión en poder

by T. D. Jakes

Follow God's process for growth and find hope in life's darkest moments with Bishop T.D. Jakes' uplifting stories and advice from his own faith journey.In this insightful book, #1 New York Times bestselling author T.D. Jakes wrestles with age-old questions: Why do the righteous suffer? Where is God in all the injustice?In his most personal offering yet, Bishop Jakes tells crushing stories from his own journey -- the painful experience of learning his young teenage daughter was pregnant, the agony of watching his mother succumb to Alzheimer's, and the shock and helplessness he felt when his son had a heart attack.Bishop Jakes wants to show you how God uses difficult, crushing experiences to prepare you for unexpected blessings. If you are faithful through suffering, you will be surprised by God's joy, comforted by His peace, and fulfilled with His purpose.Crushing will inspire you to have hope, even in your most difficult moments. If you trust in God and lean on Him during setbacks, He will lead you through.

Sus batallas son del Señor: Conozca a su enemigo y sea más que un vencedor

by Joyce Meyer

Put on the armor of God, conquer your problems, and know your real enemy with renowned Bible teacher and New York Times bestselling author, Joyce Meyer.Have you ever felt you tried every solution on earth to solve a problem, but nothing worked? Have you ever wondered where the difficulties you face are coming from? Joyce Meyer has answers.In Your Battles Belong to the Lord, Meyer explains that while some problems may result from a person's choices or circumstances, others are rooted in the spiritual realm. Once you recognize the devil--who is real and active in the world today--as your true enemy and the source of many of your struggles, you can overcome them and live a life of peace, freedom, faith and victory. When facing life's battles, there are certain things you must do for yourself, such as: Diligently studying and applying God's WordTrusting HimPrayingMaintaining a positive attitude and thankful heartBut there are other things only God can do. When you do your part, God does His-and He is always ready and eager to defend you and help you.Each chapter of the book helps you understand how the enemy operates and learn to counter his schemes and strategies so you can live at a new level of strength. Chapter titles include: "Know Your Enemy," "Eliminate Fear," "How the Devil Tries to Deceive People," "Hold Your Peace," "The Power of a Thankful Life," and "Internal Rest."In this fresh approach to the subject of spiritual warfare, Meyer focuses not only on the nature and strategies of the enemy, but also on the power and love of God, who always defeats the enemy and leads you to triumph. No matter how difficult your challenges are, if you have God with you, you have all you need to win every battle.

¡Eres excepcional!: 7 maneras de vivir alentadas, empoderadas, e intencionadas

by Victoria Osteen

¡Conviértete en la persona excepcional que Dios creó!¿Cómo estás viviendo tu vida? ¿Te levantaste esta mañana esperando hacer algo importante o te despertaste cansada, preocupada y frustrada? En su reciente libro, ¡Eres excepcional!, Victoria Osteen declara que Dios no quiere que vivas el día tediosamente, ni evites los desafíos de la vida. Si te armas con el conocimiento de que Dios está contigo, Él te dará las ideas, las palabras y la energía que necesitas para hacer que cada día sea excepcional.A través de historias personales y enseñanzas bíblicas, Victoria te mostrará cómo adoptar una nueva forma de pensar sobre ti misma y tu vida que fortalecerá tu fe, aumentará tu confianza y sacará a la persona extraordinaria que realmente eres a través de siete prácticas:Ten la certeza de que eres escogidaAlza tu vistaMantén llena tu caja de recuerdosViaja ligeraAma de verdadVive el presenteEmpodérate¡No esperes ni un minuto más para que descubras que eres excepcional! Become the exceptional person God has called you to be with these seven practices for living a fulfilled and plentiful life from Lakewood Church co-pastor and bestselling author Victoria Osteen.In her latest book, Exceptional You! Victoria Osteen shares seven ways to become the exceptional person God has called you to be. She says, "If you're going reach your highest potential in life, you're going to have to develop the ability to see beyond where you are right now."Through empowering, uplifting stories and biblical teachings, Victoria will encourage you to set your mind and intent towards the important things in life with seven exceptional practices:Keep your memory box full of encouragementLift up your eyesKnow that you are chosenLove wellKeep your accounts shortLive in your space of gratitudeStart your day off rightLive encouraged, live empowered, and live intentional, and see the new and exciting things God has in store for you.

¡Eres excepcional!: 7 maneras de vivir alentadas, empoderadas, e intencionadas

by Victoria Osteen

¡Conviértete en la persona excepcional que Dios creó!¿Cómo estás viviendo tu vida? ¿Te levantaste esta mañana esperando hacer algo importante o te despertaste cansada, preocupada y frustrada? En su reciente libro, ¡Eres excepcional!, Victoria Osteen declara que Dios no quiere que vivas el día tediosamente, ni evites los desafíos de la vida. Si te armas con el conocimiento de que Dios está contigo, Él te dará las ideas, las palabras y la energía que necesitas para hacer que cada día sea excepcional.A través de historias personales y enseñanzas bíblicas, Victoria te mostrará cómo adoptar una nueva forma de pensar sobre ti misma y tu vida que fortalecerá tu fe, aumentará tu confianza y sacará a la persona extraordinaria que realmente eres a través de siete prácticas:Ten la certeza de que eres escogidaAlza tu vistaMantén llena tu caja de recuerdosViaja ligeraAma de verdadVive el presenteEmpodérate¡No esperes ni un minuto más para que descubras que eres excepcional!Become the exceptional person God has called you to be with these seven practices for living a fulfilled and plentiful life from Lakewood Church co-pastor and bestselling author Victoria Osteen.In her latest book, Exceptional You! Victoria Osteen shares seven ways to become the exceptional person God has called you to be. She says, "If you're going reach your highest potential in life, you're going to have to develop the ability to see beyond where you are right now." Through empowering, uplifting stories and biblical teachings, Victoria will encourage you to set your mind and intent towards the important things in life with seven exceptional practices:Keep your memory box full of encouragementLift up your eyesKnow that you are chosenLove wellKeep your accounts shortLive in your space of gratitudeStart your day off rightLive encouraged, live empowered, and live intentional, and see the new and exciting things God has in store for you.

Más allá de toda bendición: El plan perfecto de Dios para superar todo estrés financiero

by Robert Morris

Reach your financial goals and reduce the stress in your life with this book of biblical principles by the bestselling author of The Blessed Life.Who doesn't want to eliminate financial stress? Who doesn't want to get out of debt, reach their financial goals, experience the joy that God intends for us, and be free to bless others with their resources?In The Blessed Life, Pastor Robert Morris teaches that generosity is a key component to being in God's favor. Now, in BEYOND BLESSED, he shares the importance of being a good steward, not only with your finances, but with every part of your life. Pastor Morris will motivate you to become a better manager of your money, and provide practical lessons on taking your finances to the next level. Through Biblical principles, personal stories, and incredible testimonies, you will learn how to be a good steward, and that when you properly manage your finances, blessings will pour into all areas of your life. Here is a guide to increasing and going further with what God has given you, and living beyond blessed.

Tómese el día libre: Reciba el regalo del descanso de Dios

by Robert Morris

Rest your mind, body, and spirit and focus on God's principles for keeping the Sabbath with this helpful guide from bestselling author Robert Morris.A constant stream of busyness can slowly wear away at us over time: physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Yet believers often forget that taking a day of rest is one of the Ten Commandments! When we don't give our minds and emotions a break, our will to make good choices can often become compromised. Resting is also important to those around you. If you have a weary soul, you can't pour yourself into others at home, work, or wherever you are. It's vital--you must take the day off.In TAKE THE DAY OFF, Pastor Morris explains why rest is central to your wellbeing, how to do it, and how helpful it can be. You will be inspired to experience true rest and make it a priority in the rhythm of your weekly schedule. Don't wait and delay God's blessings in your life. Start implementing the principle of rest in your life and you will see eternal benefits.

Tómese el día libre: Reciba el regalo del descanso de Dios

by Robert Morris

Rest your mind, body, and spirit and focus on God's principles for keeping the Sabbath with this helpful guide from bestselling author Robert Morris.A constant stream of busyness can slowly wear away at us over time: physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Yet believers often forget that taking a day of rest is one of the Ten Commandments! When we don't give our minds and emotions a break, our will to make good choices can often become compromised. Resting is also important to those around you. If you have a weary soul, you can't pour yourself into others at home, work, or wherever you are. It's vital--you must take the day off. p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px 'Helvetica Neue'; color: #454545} In TAKE THE DAY OFF, Pastor Morris explains why rest is central to your wellbeing, how to do it, and how helpful it can be. You will be inspired to experience true rest and make it a priority in the rhythm of your weekly schedule. Don't wait and delay God's blessings in your life. Start implementing the principle of rest in your life and you will see eternal benefits.

Lecturas diarias tomadas de todas las cosas les ayudan a bien

by Joel Osteen

Learn how God can bring joy to the dark times in your life with this daily devotional from #1 New York Times bestselling author and Lakewood Church pastor Joel Osteen.All of us will go through dark times that we don't understand: a difficulty with a friend, an unfair situation at work, a financial setback, an unexpected illness, a divorce, or the loss of a loved one. Those types of experiences are part of the human journey, but in his book All Things Are Working for Your Good, Joel Osteen teaches that if we stay in faith and keep a good attitude when we go through challenges, we will not only grow, but we will see how all things work together for our good. Now, Joel Osteen offers this companion devotional, that will provide motivation with daily readings and inspirational prayers that will encourage you through the darkness, as you seek the light in God's will.If we will go through the dark place in the valley trusting, believing, and knowing that God is still in control, we will come to the table that is already prepared for us, where our cup runs over.

Confianza inquebrantable: Descubra el gozo de confiar en Dios en todo momento, para todas las cosas

by Joyce Meyer

In her new book, New York Times bestselling author Joyce Meyer explores a life lived in complete and total dependence on God. Drawing on her own experiences and inspiration from the Word of God, Joyce makes the case that in every area of your life -- spiritually, relationally, emotionally, financially -- you can trust that God has your very best in store.With each new chapter, Joyce unveils a sovereign and trustworthy God who longs to be in a relationship with his people, and inspires you to tear down the walls of self-reliance. This book will both equip and encourage, as you learn how to "trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding." Regardless of your past pain, your present circumstances, or your future uncertainty, when you learn to trust God each day, you'll experience the joy-filled life Jesus came to give you. Others may have let you down . . . but God never will!

Hágalo con miedo: Ármese de valor frente al temor

by Joyce Meyer

Recognize, confront, and conquer the fears holding you back from living boldly and freely with renowned Bible teacher and New York Times bestselling author, Joyce Meyer.Fear is the devil's favorite tool in the toolbox of schemes he uses to destroy God's good plan for you. He uses it to hold you back and prevent progress in your relationships, career, and more.In Do It Afraid, Joyce Meyer explains that fear is everywhere and affects everyone. It rules many people, but it doesn't have to rule you any longer. She will teach you how to:Understand fear and recognize how it works in your life.Confront those fears that are holding you back.Change your mindset for lasting freedom from some of the most common fears people face.Remember, courage isn't the absence of fear; it is learning how to move forward in the presence of fear. Courageous people do what they believe in their hearts they should do, no matter how they feel or what doubts fill their minds. When you take ownership of your problems and open your heart to God, He will help bring light into darkness so that you can be free.

Estar en paz a propósito: El poder de permanecer tranquilo, firme y seguro en cualquier circunstancia

by Joel Osteen

Viva desde un lugar de paz abundante en medio de las preocupaciones y el estrés cotidiano de la vida con el autor número uno del New York Times y pastor de la Lakewood Church, Joel Osteen. Lo opuesto a la paz es la preocupación y el estrés. Ambos son ladrones que le roban el sueño, la alegría, la creatividad y las buenas decisiones. Si los deja entrar en su mente, incluso pueden mantenerlo alejado de su destino. Pero si aprende a cambiar sus respuestas automáticas a estas luchas y le entrega sus problemas a Dios, Él puede obrar en su vida. Si está cansado de vivir en tensión y ansiedad, entonces es hora de cambiar. En Estar en paz a propósito, descubrirá que usted no está diseñado para llevar la carga pesada por sí mismo: dé un paso atrás y deje que Dios intervenga. Encuentre la paz para que pueda dejar de preocuparse por su salud, su trabajo, sus finanzas o sus relaciones. La vida puede ser caótica a su alrededor, pero puede vivir arraigado en un espíritu tranquilo al recurrir a ejemplos de las Escrituras y las perspicaces experiencias personales de Joel para encontrar satisfacción. Aprenda cómo entregársela a Dios para que pueda superar sus expectativas.Live from a place of abundant peace in the midst of life's everyday worries and stress with #1 New York Times bestselling author and Lakewood Church pastor Joel Osteen. The opposite of peace is worry and stress. Both are thieves that rob you of your sleep, joy, creativity, and good decisions. If you allow them into your mind, they can even keep you from your destiny. But if you learn how to change your automatic responses to these struggles and give your problems to God, He can go to work in your life. If you're tired of living in tension and anxiety, then it's time to change. In Peaceful on Purpose, you will discover that you weren't designed to carry the heavy load yourself: step back to let God step in. Find peace so that you can stop worrying about your health, job, finances, or relationships. Life may be chaotic all around you, but you can live grounded in a calm spirit by drawing on scriptural examples and Joel's insightful personal experiences to find fulfillment. Learn how to give it to God so that He can exceed your expectations.

Tienes que atreverte: Abraza la vida con pasión

by Joyce Meyer

¿Para qué estoy aquí? ¿Cuál es mi propósito?A través de los siglos, millones de personas se han hecho estas preguntas. La respuesta, aunque no todos estén dispuestos a aceptarla, es: Estamos aquí para servir a Dios y hacer su voluntad. Muchos desean saber qué Dios va a hacer por ellos, pero lo que deberían preguntarse es qué Dios va a hacer a través de ellos.Nacemos, vivimos y morimos. No podemos hacer nada sobre el nacer y morir, pero podemos hacer mucho sobre cómo vivimos. A través de las páginas de Tienes que atreverte, Joyce Meyer invita a abrazar la vida con pasión. No obstante, esa pasión tiene que tener un propósito. Ella te ayuda a determinar tu propósito y descubrir la pasión que lo enciende. Encontrarás la razón por lo que estás en la tierra y el papel que te toca ejercer, así como los factores que te desvían del propósito.Tienes que atreverte identifica ocho maneras que distraen a las personas de su propósito:PreocupaciónCulpaTratar de controlar lo que sólo Dios puedeQuejasEnojoTemorReprocheComparaciónJoyce Meyer ofrece puntos de acción como: "Verifique sus motivos", "Haga lo que ama", y ¡Sueñe en grande!. Al descubrir lo que vigoriza e inspira tu mente, tu cuerpo y espíritu, y encontrar dirección y enfoque para tus finanzas, emociones y energías, recibirás la determinación para realizar cabalmente tu potencial.

Su mejor vida ahora: Siete pasos para vivir a su máximo potencial

by Joel Osteen

Lo que crea de sí mismo hoy puede determinar lo que será mañana...para bien o para mal. Bajo esta premisa, el pastor Osteen reta a los cristianos en su libro Tu mejor vida ahora, a cambiar sus inseguridades por la imagen propia de Dios. Descubra las fuerzas y habilidades innatas y cómo avanzar para obtener salud, abundancia, importancia y éxito. En este libro, Osteen revela siete pasos para mejorar nuestra vida en donde se podrá vivir con alegría, paz y entusiasmo, no sólo por un día o una semana, pero por el resto de nuestra vida. Dios nos llevará a lugares donde nunca hemos pensado y empezaremos a vivir nuestra mejor vida ahora. ¿Qué nos enseña Joel Osteen en su libro? Nos muestra siete pasos que nos ayudarán a tener una vida mejor:Uno: Ensanchar nuestra visiónDos: Desarrollar una autoestima saludableTres: Descubrir el poder de sus pensamientos y sus palabrasCuatro: Dejar ir el pasadoCinco: Encontrar fortaleza en medio de la adversidadSeis: Vivir para darSiete: Escoger ser felizPuntos claves:El autor es un pastor reconocido de una de las iglesias más grandes en los EE.UU. y donde Marcos Witt es el pastor principal de la iglesia hispana de Lakewood ChurchEstá diseñado para todo aquel que quiera vivir una vida cristiana plenaNos enseña a poder desarrollar nuestro potencial a toda capacidad si estamos dispuestos

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