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Showing 126 through 150 of 602 results

Presencia Terapéutica y Patrones Relacionales: Conceptos y Práctica de la Psicoterapia Integrativa

by Richard G. Erskine

La introduccion y los veintiun capitulos de este libro reflejan el continuo desarrollo y perfeccionamiento de Psicoterapia Relacional e Integrativa. Cada capitulo fusiona las ideas de varios marcos teoricos: terapia centrada en cliente, terapia gestalt, analisis transaccional, el psicoanalisis contemporaneo, y psicoterapia auto-psicologia, asi como las perspectivas inter-subjetivas y co-creativo.La teoria de la "Guion de Vida" sirve como un tema unificador para la elaboracion de los conceptos de la experiencia inconsciente, el apego y patrones relacionales, la esencialidad de contacto en la relacion, y la centralidad de las necesidades relacionales en la practica de la psicoterapia. Este libro comienza con ocho supuestos filosoficos, esenciales en la practica de una psicoterapia relacional. Integrado a lo largo de los capitulos es una sensibilidad a los procesos normales del desarrollo y las compensaciones psicologicas que se producen cuando ha habido abandono prolongado y el trauma psicologico. Varias presentaciones de casos ilustran el uso de la investigacion fenomenologica e historica, la sintonia y del desarrollo ritmica, y la importancia de la presencia terapeutica.

Presencia Terapéutica y Patrones Relacionales: Conceptos y Práctica de la Psicoterapia Integrativa

by Richard G. Erskine

La introduccion y los veintiun capitulos de este libro reflejan el continuo desarrollo y perfeccionamiento de Psicoterapia Relacional e Integrativa. Cada capitulo fusiona las ideas de varios marcos teoricos: terapia centrada en cliente, terapia gestalt, analisis transaccional, el psicoanalisis contemporaneo, y psicoterapia auto-psicologia, asi como las perspectivas inter-subjetivas y co-creativo.La teoria de la "Guion de Vida" sirve como un tema unificador para la elaboracion de los conceptos de la experiencia inconsciente, el apego y patrones relacionales, la esencialidad de contacto en la relacion, y la centralidad de las necesidades relacionales en la practica de la psicoterapia. Este libro comienza con ocho supuestos filosoficos, esenciales en la practica de una psicoterapia relacional. Integrado a lo largo de los capitulos es una sensibilidad a los procesos normales del desarrollo y las compensaciones psicologicas que se producen cuando ha habido abandono prolongado y el trauma psicologico. Varias presentaciones de casos ilustran el uso de la investigacion fenomenologica e historica, la sintonia y del desarrollo ritmica, y la importancia de la presencia terapeutica.

Quebrantamiento: Cuando Dios convierte la presión en poder

by T. D. Jakes

Follow God's process for growth and find hope in life's darkest moments with Bishop T.D. Jakes' uplifting stories and advice from his own faith journey.In this insightful book, #1 New York Times bestselling author T.D. Jakes wrestles with age-old questions: Why do the righteous suffer? Where is God in all the injustice?In his most personal offering yet, Bishop Jakes tells crushing stories from his own journey -- the painful experience of learning his young teenage daughter was pregnant, the agony of watching his mother succumb to Alzheimer's, and the shock and helplessness he felt when his son had a heart attack.Bishop Jakes wants to show you how God uses difficult, crushing experiences to prepare you for unexpected blessings. If you are faithful through suffering, you will be surprised by God's joy, comforted by His peace, and fulfilled with His purpose.Crushing will inspire you to have hope, even in your most difficult moments. If you trust in God and lean on Him during setbacks, He will lead you through.

Rocks & Minerals (National Geographic Readers)

by National Geographic Kids Kathleen Weidner Zoehfeld

Desde gemas brillantes a cristales deslumbrantes, este libro impresionantemente ilustrado les presenta a los niños al mundo emocionante de las piedras y los minerales, incluyendo tanto las bases de su construcción como su brillo. ¡Este libro de nivel dos, escrito con texto fácil de comprender, ayudará a cultivar a los geólogos de mañana!

Santiago: Comentario bíblico (Serie Vida profunda)

by Joyce Meyer

Joyce Meyer, maestra de la Biblia de renombre internacional, ofrece comentarios a fondo sobre la Epístola de Santiago y presenta valiosas lecciones sobre la conducta cristiana, además de cómo poner en práctica su fe a diario.Santiago tiene mucho que decir acerca de vivir una vida cristiana exitosa. La carta aborda una variedad de temas importantes para el crecimiento de su fe, y enseña que no solo necesita leer la Palabra de Dios y saber lo que dice, sino que también debe actuar en consecuencia. En este comentario bíblico integral, Joyce Meyer le ofrece recursos de estudio con espacio para la reflexión personal que lo ayudarán a profundizar más en la Palabra de Dios, identificar verdades clave y comprender mejor la voluntad de Dios para su vida.Como parte de su nueva serie, el comentario de Joyce sobre la Epístola de Santiago estimulará su fe en Dios y le inspirará a vivirla de manera práctica, debido a su amor por Él y al deseo de glorificarlo en su vida.Internationally renowned Bible teacher Joyce Meyer provides in-depth commentary on James, and offers valuable lessons in Christian behavior and putting your faith into practice on a daily basis.James has so much to say about living a successful Christian life. The book addresses a variety of topics important to growing your faith, and teaches that you not only need to read the Word of God and know what it says, but you also need to act on it. In this comprehensive study tool, Joyce Meyer takes a deep dive into the principles of James, identifying key truths and incorporating room for personal reflection. Part of her new series, Joyce's commentary on James will stir your faith in God, and inspire you to live righteously in practical ways because of your love for Him and desire to glorify Him in your life.

Santiago: Comentario bíblico

by Joyce Meyer

Put your faith into practice on a daily basis and grasp the practical truths of God's Word with this in-depth commentary on James from Internationally renowned Bible teacher.James has so much to say about living a powerful and effective life in Christ. The book addresses a variety of topics important to growing your faith and teaches that you not only need to read the Word of God and know what it says, but you also need to act on it. In this comprehensive biblical commentary, Joyce Meyer offers you practical insights for studying the book of James, with room for personal reflections that will help you grasp the truths in God's Word. You'll discover how to identify life-changing wisdom and get a better understanding of God's plan and purpose for your life.Part of her first-ever biblical commentary series, Joyce's book on James will stir your faith in God and inspire you to live it out in practical ways because of your love for Him and desire to glorify Him in your life.

Sonia Sotomayor (National Geographic Readers)

by National Geographic Kids Barbara Kramer

Conoce a una de las personas más reconocidas en Norteamérica hoy en día con esta biografía de la jueza de la Corte Suprema, Sonia Sotomayor.

Su mejor vida ahora: Siete pasos para vivir a su máximo potencial

by Joel Osteen

Lo que crea de sí mismo hoy puede determinar lo que será mañana...para bien o para mal. Bajo esta premisa, el pastor Osteen reta a los cristianos en su libro Tu mejor vida ahora, a cambiar sus inseguridades por la imagen propia de Dios. Descubra las fuerzas y habilidades innatas y cómo avanzar para obtener salud, abundancia, importancia y éxito. En este libro, Osteen revela siete pasos para mejorar nuestra vida en donde se podrá vivir con alegría, paz y entusiasmo, no sólo por un día o una semana, pero por el resto de nuestra vida. Dios nos llevará a lugares donde nunca hemos pensado y empezaremos a vivir nuestra mejor vida ahora. ¿Qué nos enseña Joel Osteen en su libro? Nos muestra siete pasos que nos ayudarán a tener una vida mejor:Uno: Ensanchar nuestra visiónDos: Desarrollar una autoestima saludableTres: Descubrir el poder de sus pensamientos y sus palabrasCuatro: Dejar ir el pasadoCinco: Encontrar fortaleza en medio de la adversidadSeis: Vivir para darSiete: Escoger ser felizPuntos claves:El autor es un pastor reconocido de una de las iglesias más grandes en los EE.UU. y donde Marcos Witt es el pastor principal de la iglesia hispana de Lakewood ChurchEstá diseñado para todo aquel que quiera vivir una vida cristiana plenaNos enseña a poder desarrollar nuestro potencial a toda capacidad si estamos dispuestos

Sus batallas son del Señor: Conozca a su enemigo y sea más que un vencedor

by Joyce Meyer

Put on the armor of God, conquer your problems, and know your real enemy with renowned Bible teacher and New York Times bestselling author, Joyce Meyer.Have you ever felt you tried every solution on earth to solve a problem, but nothing worked? Have you ever wondered where the difficulties you face are coming from? Joyce Meyer has answers.In Your Battles Belong to the Lord, Meyer explains that while some problems may result from a person's choices or circumstances, others are rooted in the spiritual realm. Once you recognize the devil--who is real and active in the world today--as your true enemy and the source of many of your struggles, you can overcome them and live a life of peace, freedom, faith and victory. When facing life's battles, there are certain things you must do for yourself, such as: Diligently studying and applying God's WordTrusting HimPrayingMaintaining a positive attitude and thankful heartBut there are other things only God can do. When you do your part, God does His-and He is always ready and eager to defend you and help you.Each chapter of the book helps you understand how the enemy operates and learn to counter his schemes and strategies so you can live at a new level of strength. Chapter titles include: "Know Your Enemy," "Eliminate Fear," "How the Devil Tries to Deceive People," "Hold Your Peace," "The Power of a Thankful Life," and "Internal Rest."In this fresh approach to the subject of spiritual warfare, Meyer focuses not only on the nature and strategies of the enemy, but also on the power and love of God, who always defeats the enemy and leads you to triumph. No matter how difficult your challenges are, if you have God with you, you have all you need to win every battle.

Tienes que atreverte: Abraza la vida con pasión

by Joyce Meyer

¿Para qué estoy aquí? ¿Cuál es mi propósito?A través de los siglos, millones de personas se han hecho estas preguntas. La respuesta, aunque no todos estén dispuestos a aceptarla, es: Estamos aquí para servir a Dios y hacer su voluntad. Muchos desean saber qué Dios va a hacer por ellos, pero lo que deberían preguntarse es qué Dios va a hacer a través de ellos.Nacemos, vivimos y morimos. No podemos hacer nada sobre el nacer y morir, pero podemos hacer mucho sobre cómo vivimos. A través de las páginas de Tienes que atreverte, Joyce Meyer invita a abrazar la vida con pasión. No obstante, esa pasión tiene que tener un propósito. Ella te ayuda a determinar tu propósito y descubrir la pasión que lo enciende. Encontrarás la razón por lo que estás en la tierra y el papel que te toca ejercer, así como los factores que te desvían del propósito.Tienes que atreverte identifica ocho maneras que distraen a las personas de su propósito:PreocupaciónCulpaTratar de controlar lo que sólo Dios puedeQuejasEnojoTemorReprocheComparaciónJoyce Meyer ofrece puntos de acción como: "Verifique sus motivos", "Haga lo que ama", y ¡Sueñe en grande!. Al descubrir lo que vigoriza e inspira tu mente, tu cuerpo y espíritu, y encontrar dirección y enfoque para tus finanzas, emociones y energías, recibirás la determinación para realizar cabalmente tu potencial.

Tómese el día libre: Reciba el regalo del descanso de Dios

by Robert Morris

Rest your mind, body, and spirit and focus on God's principles for keeping the Sabbath with this helpful guide from bestselling author Robert Morris.A constant stream of busyness can slowly wear away at us over time: physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Yet believers often forget that taking a day of rest is one of the Ten Commandments! When we don't give our minds and emotions a break, our will to make good choices can often become compromised. Resting is also important to those around you. If you have a weary soul, you can't pour yourself into others at home, work, or wherever you are. It's vital--you must take the day off. p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px 'Helvetica Neue'; color: #454545} In TAKE THE DAY OFF, Pastor Morris explains why rest is central to your wellbeing, how to do it, and how helpful it can be. You will be inspired to experience true rest and make it a priority in the rhythm of your weekly schedule. Don't wait and delay God's blessings in your life. Start implementing the principle of rest in your life and you will see eternal benefits.

Tómese el día libre: Reciba el regalo del descanso de Dios

by Robert Morris

Rest your mind, body, and spirit and focus on God's principles for keeping the Sabbath with this helpful guide from bestselling author Robert Morris.A constant stream of busyness can slowly wear away at us over time: physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Yet believers often forget that taking a day of rest is one of the Ten Commandments! When we don't give our minds and emotions a break, our will to make good choices can often become compromised. Resting is also important to those around you. If you have a weary soul, you can't pour yourself into others at home, work, or wherever you are. It's vital--you must take the day off.In TAKE THE DAY OFF, Pastor Morris explains why rest is central to your wellbeing, how to do it, and how helpful it can be. You will be inspired to experience true rest and make it a priority in the rhythm of your weekly schedule. Don't wait and delay God's blessings in your life. Start implementing the principle of rest in your life and you will see eternal benefits.

Yuli: A Cuban Dancer’s Story

by Carlos Acosta


La abolición del tormento: El inédito Discurso sobre la injusticia del apremio judicial (c. 1795), de Pedro García del Cañuelo (North Carolina Studies in the Romance Languages and Literatures #314)

by José Manuel Pereiro Otero

Junto a la erradicacion de la esclavitud y de la pena capital, la abolicion del tormento configura durante el siglo XVIII una de las disputas intelectuales mas incisivas de la Europa continental. Una importante e inedita pieza de esta controversia juridica, politica y social en la Espana de la epoca es el Discurso sobre la injusticia del apremio judicial, donde se argumenta a favor de prohibir este y otros metodos legales de coercion fisica y mental. A mediados de la ultima decada del setecientos, su autor, el abogado Pedro Garcia del Canuelo, trata de publicarlo y busca la mediacion de Manuel Godoy. Sin embargo, el futuro Principe de la Paz rechaza proteger el manuscrito y advierte al autor sobre posibles repercusiones si continua examinando dicho asunto. En consecuencia, aunque el titulo ha pasado al registro historico en contadas referencias indirectas, su contenido se creia perdido. La abolicion del tormento no solamente rescata la figura y el trabajo de su autor, sino que analiza, transcribe y reproduce el texto. Ademas, aparte de estudiar las repercusiones de este debate intelectual en ensayos, dramas, textos narrativos y articulos periodisticos, examina los fundamentos filosoficos y legales de la controversia sobre la tortura juridica en Europa y, particularmente, en Espana. La disputa en la que participa el Discurso sobre la injusticia del apremio judicial refleja las tensiones politicas, juridicas y sociales de la epoca, ya que el debate sobre la legitimidad de la tortura implica considerar planteamientos cuya relevancia no se limita al siglo XVIII. Entre ellos se encuentran, por ejemplo, como se puede articular la relacion entre legalidad y justicia, que criterios se usan para definir a un ser humano, que principios establecen el valor intrinseco de la existencia individual, asi como que circunstancias condicionan la igualdad ante la ley, y cuales son los limites del poder legitimo cuando este suspende los derechos naturales, politicos y civiles del ciudadano. Ampliamente documentado, este estudio es de particular interes para quienes reflexionen sobre los cambios en los procesos legales y en las practicas politicas durante la transicion entre el Antiguo Regimen y el liberalismo moderno.

Aprender a aprender en la era digital: Tecnopedagogía crítica para la enseñanza del español LE/L2

by Esperanza Román-Mendoza

Aprender a aprender en la era digital provides a comprehensive, state-of-the-art account that empowers readers to leverage learning technologies to promote second language learner autonomy. Written entirely in Spanish, the book covers a breadth of innovative topics in the teaching of Spanish via and with technology, such as emerging pedagogies, autonomous and participatory learning, learner agency and identity, teacher development, and post-communicative curriculum design. Key features: a novel and unique approach, combining the latest research on learning autonomy and instructional technologies in language learning; an emphasis on the connections between theory and practice, with concrete suggestions for using technology in the classroom; an extensive selection of curricular and pedagogical tools that can be easily adapted to various teaching and learning environments and needs; a broad selection of bibliographical references for further reading and research; a bilingual glossary of key techno-pedagogical terms; a catalogue with over 250 tools for second language learning and teaching, with contextualized examples of their practical application; a comprehensive eResource with a wealth of additional materials, including access to a database of technological tools and best practices in teaching Spanish with technology. Written in a clear and accessible manner, Aprender a aprender en la era digital is ideal for instructors of Spanish at all educational levels. The book will also be of great interest to teachers of languages other than Spanish, as well as graduate students pursuing a degree in Spanish, Educational Technology or Language Education.

Aprender a aprender en la era digital: Tecnopedagogía crítica para la enseñanza del español LE/L2

by Esperanza Román-Mendoza

Aprender a aprender en la era digital provides a comprehensive, state-of-the-art account that empowers readers to leverage learning technologies to promote second language learner autonomy. Written entirely in Spanish, the book covers a breadth of innovative topics in the teaching of Spanish via and with technology, such as emerging pedagogies, autonomous and participatory learning, learner agency and identity, teacher development, and post-communicative curriculum design. Key features: a novel and unique approach, combining the latest research on learning autonomy and instructional technologies in language learning; an emphasis on the connections between theory and practice, with concrete suggestions for using technology in the classroom; an extensive selection of curricular and pedagogical tools that can be easily adapted to various teaching and learning environments and needs; a broad selection of bibliographical references for further reading and research; a bilingual glossary of key techno-pedagogical terms; a catalogue with over 250 tools for second language learning and teaching, with contextualized examples of their practical application; a comprehensive eResource with a wealth of additional materials, including access to a database of technological tools and best practices in teaching Spanish with technology. Written in a clear and accessible manner, Aprender a aprender en la era digital is ideal for instructors of Spanish at all educational levels. The book will also be of great interest to teachers of languages other than Spanish, as well as graduate students pursuing a degree in Spanish, Educational Technology or Language Education.

Big Barrels: El Petróleo y el Gas de África y la Búsqueda de Prosperidad

by NJ Ayuk

Big Barrels apunta a la percepción de que, en África, el petróleo y el gas no son benefciosos. Durante décadas, la riqueza de recursos en el África Subsahariana ha sido sinónimo de corrupción y disfunción. La realidad es mucho más compleja y generalmente más alentadora. En una serie de estudios de ocho casos, Big Barrels examina lo que las naciones africanas están haciendo bien. El empleo y la iniciativa de Nigeria, la buena gobernanza de Ghana, el desarrollo económico de Tanzania, la administración medioambiental de Gabón y más – todos ellas son muestras del éxito actual de las industrias petrolíferas en las naciones africanas. Aquí se presentan tanto las tendencias positivas en el sector energético africano, como sus desafíos. Big Barrels expone los hechos sobre cómo el petróleo y el gas pueden suponer una fuerza para el benefcio del Continente Madre.

Introducción y aplicaciones contextualizadas a la lingüística hispánica

by Kimberly L. Geeslin Manuel Diaz-Campos Laura Gurzynski-Weiss

Introducción y aplicaciones contextualizadas a la lingüística hispánica provides a contemporary introduction to the study of Spanish, helping students apply linguistics analysis to the study of language. It encourages the reader to analyze language in action and understand how linguistic components interact to convey conceptual and social meaning. A contemporary introduction to the study of Spanish that encourages both Spanish and semi-proficient non-native Spanish speaking students to see language in action and understand how linguistic components interact to convey conceptual and social meaning Addresses the core sub-fields of linguistics (phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics) as they relate to the study of the Spanish language Uses second language acquisition as a foundation upon which linguistic analysis can be built Supplementary companion website includes exercises, comprehension questions, cutting-edge research highlights, lists of key terms, and analytical mini-projects designed to help the user and encourage students to apply learned theoretical knowledge to real-world language use contexts Instructors will also have access to a sample 16-week semester syllabus and corresponding task-based lesson plans (in PowerPoint format) as well as assignments which they can edit for use in their own learning context.

Introducción y aplicaciones contextualizadas a la lingüística hispánica

by Kimberly L. Geeslin Manuel Diaz-Campos Laura Gurzynski-Weiss

Introducción y aplicaciones contextualizadas a la lingüística hispánica provides a contemporary introduction to the study of Spanish, helping students apply linguistics analysis to the study of language. It encourages the reader to analyze language in action and understand how linguistic components interact to convey conceptual and social meaning. A contemporary introduction to the study of Spanish that encourages both Spanish and semi-proficient non-native Spanish speaking students to see language in action and understand how linguistic components interact to convey conceptual and social meaning Addresses the core sub-fields of linguistics (phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics) as they relate to the study of the Spanish language Uses second language acquisition as a foundation upon which linguistic analysis can be built Supplementary companion website includes exercises, comprehension questions, cutting-edge research highlights, lists of key terms, and analytical mini-projects designed to help the user and encourage students to apply learned theoretical knowledge to real-world language use contexts Instructors will also have access to a sample 16-week semester syllabus and corresponding task-based lesson plans (in PowerPoint format) as well as assignments which they can edit for use in their own learning context.

Lecturas diarias tomadas de todas las cosas les ayudan a bien

by Joel Osteen

Learn how God can bring joy to the dark times in your life with this daily devotional from #1 New York Times bestselling author and Lakewood Church pastor Joel Osteen.All of us will go through dark times that we don't understand: a difficulty with a friend, an unfair situation at work, a financial setback, an unexpected illness, a divorce, or the loss of a loved one. Those types of experiences are part of the human journey, but in his book All Things Are Working for Your Good, Joel Osteen teaches that if we stay in faith and keep a good attitude when we go through challenges, we will not only grow, but we will see how all things work together for our good. Now, Joel Osteen offers this companion devotional, that will provide motivation with daily readings and inspirational prayers that will encourage you through the darkness, as you seek the light in God's will.If we will go through the dark place in the valley trusting, believing, and knowing that God is still in control, we will come to the table that is already prepared for us, where our cup runs over.

Lingüística hispánica actual: guía didáctica y materiales de apoyo

by Javier Munoz-Basols Manel Lacorte

Lingüística hispánica actual provides step-by-step instructions on how to plan, design, and teach introductory Hispanic Linguistics courses. It is a versatile resource, which can be used in conjunction with Introducción a la lingüística hispánica actual: teoría y práctica. It contains an answer key for all the activities in the main textbook. It also includes additional activities, with clear and accessible explanations for students and instructors, and can accompany other existing texts and courses on Hispanic Linguistics. Features include: • A comprehensive selection of materials which gradually introduce students to the main areas of Hispanic Linguistics: General Linguistics, Phonology and Phonetics, Morphology, Syntax, Semantics and Pragmatics, History of the Spanish Language, Language Variation, and Second Language Acquisition and Language Teaching. • A wide range of carefully-crafted classroom and homework activities, essay questions and research projects to engage students and enrich their learning of Hispanic Linguistics. • Detailed guidance on how to successfully implement each activity in the classroom, suggestions for how to expand and adapt activities for different needs, and a full annotated answer key for instructors to save time planning and implementing lessons. • An extensive bilingual glossary of terms for each of the disciplines covered in the guide helps teachers introduce key concepts and terms in the classroom. Lingüística hispánica actual provides a wealth of activities specially designed to make learning Hispanic Linguistics more dynamic and enjoyable for students.

Lingüística hispánica actual: guía didáctica y materiales de apoyo

by Javier Munoz-Basols Manel Lacorte

Lingüística hispánica actual provides step-by-step instructions on how to plan, design, and teach introductory Hispanic Linguistics courses. It is a versatile resource, which can be used in conjunction with Introducción a la lingüística hispánica actual: teoría y práctica. It contains an answer key for all the activities in the main textbook. It also includes additional activities, with clear and accessible explanations for students and instructors, and can accompany other existing texts and courses on Hispanic Linguistics. Features include: • A comprehensive selection of materials which gradually introduce students to the main areas of Hispanic Linguistics: General Linguistics, Phonology and Phonetics, Morphology, Syntax, Semantics and Pragmatics, History of the Spanish Language, Language Variation, and Second Language Acquisition and Language Teaching. • A wide range of carefully-crafted classroom and homework activities, essay questions and research projects to engage students and enrich their learning of Hispanic Linguistics. • Detailed guidance on how to successfully implement each activity in the classroom, suggestions for how to expand and adapt activities for different needs, and a full annotated answer key for instructors to save time planning and implementing lessons. • An extensive bilingual glossary of terms for each of the disciplines covered in the guide helps teachers introduce key concepts and terms in the classroom. Lingüística hispánica actual provides a wealth of activities specially designed to make learning Hispanic Linguistics more dynamic and enjoyable for students.

Manual de fonética y fonología españolas

by J. Halvor Clegg Willis C. Fails

Written entirely in Spanish, Manual de fonética y fonología españolas has a comprehensive scope that touches on all aspects of phonetics and phonology—including acoustic and auditory phonetics, phonotactics, and suprasegmentals, which most often remain untreated. The book provides students with a detailed and accurate yet accessible introduction to Spanish phonetics and phonology. It includes introductory chapters which place these disciplines within the general field of linguistics and which emphasize the role of sounds and their representation in human communication. Key features: Written by trained phoneticians and informed by the current science of phonetics. No prior knowledge of linguistics assumed, as a foundation is laid throughout for all linguistic terms and concepts. Each chapter contains a summary, a list of concepts and terminology, review questions, and pedagogically relevant pronunciation exercises keyed to the specific hints and suggestions provided in the chapters. Chapters dealing with the physical production of sounds contain sections with “Pedagogical Hints,” “Practical Suggestions,” and “Pronunciation Exercises” to link theory to the practical aspects of improving pronunciation. A wealth of graphic material to illustrate each concept clearly. Models of how to pronounce the sounds, sentences and exercises presented in the text, are available online at Manual de fonética y fonología españolas is a comprehensive introduction designed to be clear and accessible to advanced students of Spanish to help them understand how to improve their pronunciation. It will serve as an excellent book for graduate students as well as a valuable resource for teachers, linguists and language professionals.

Manual de fonética y fonología españolas

by J. Halvor Clegg Willis C. Fails

Written entirely in Spanish, Manual de fonética y fonología españolas has a comprehensive scope that touches on all aspects of phonetics and phonology—including acoustic and auditory phonetics, phonotactics, and suprasegmentals, which most often remain untreated. The book provides students with a detailed and accurate yet accessible introduction to Spanish phonetics and phonology. It includes introductory chapters which place these disciplines within the general field of linguistics and which emphasize the role of sounds and their representation in human communication. Key features: Written by trained phoneticians and informed by the current science of phonetics. No prior knowledge of linguistics assumed, as a foundation is laid throughout for all linguistic terms and concepts. Each chapter contains a summary, a list of concepts and terminology, review questions, and pedagogically relevant pronunciation exercises keyed to the specific hints and suggestions provided in the chapters. Chapters dealing with the physical production of sounds contain sections with “Pedagogical Hints,” “Practical Suggestions,” and “Pronunciation Exercises” to link theory to the practical aspects of improving pronunciation. A wealth of graphic material to illustrate each concept clearly. Models of how to pronounce the sounds, sentences and exercises presented in the text, are available online at Manual de fonética y fonología españolas is a comprehensive introduction designed to be clear and accessible to advanced students of Spanish to help them understand how to improve their pronunciation. It will serve as an excellent book for graduate students as well as a valuable resource for teachers, linguists and language professionals.

Nuestra mejor vida juntos: Un devocionario para parejas

by Joel Osteen Victoria Osteen

Ya sea que hayan estado casados unos meses o décadas, las parejas necesitan momentos tranquilos regularmente para renovar su amor y compromiso mutuo y con Dios. En NUESTRA MEJOR VIDA JUNTOS, Joel y Victoria Osteen quieren alentarles en su matrimonio y recordarles que Dios los unió para ayudarse mutuamente a tener éxito y convertirse en todo lo que Él diseñó que fueran. No hay mejor manera de experimentar el matrimonio realizado que Dios se propuso para ustedes que reservar un tiempo de devoción juntos cada día, y enfocarse en la dirección correcta para tener un matrimonio positivo, feliz y lleno de fe. Cuando viven juntos en unidad, honran a Dios y abren la puerta para que sus bendiciones fluyan en cada área de sus vidas. ¡Si ustedes hacen su parte, Dios hará la que le corresponde a Él y podrán vivir en amor!

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