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Beneficial Co-Utilization of Agricultural, Municipal and Industrial by-Products

by Sally L. Brown J. Scott Angle Lee W. Jacobs

Co-utilization or blending of residuals offers a unique opportunity to develop products with particular characteristics that are able to target specific customer needs. The very notion of deliberately blending by-products suggests that the recycling and beneficial reuse industries are taking a quantitative step forward towards developing products rather than simply reusing residuals. At the same time that this step provides unique opportunities, it also presents unique challenges. The science associated with the beneficial use of one product may not apply when that product is mixed with another residual. Blending of materials may alter the chemistry of the components of the mixture. This may offer additional benefits, as in the case of disease suppression in composts, or present unexpected problems, as the use of lime-stabilized biosolids has done in Maryland. This book consists of the proceedings of the Beltsville Symposium. The organizers of the Symposium attempted to structure a meeting that would outline both the potential benefits of co-utilization as well as concerns. The editors have divided the proceedings into sections that describe the practical basis for co-utilization of residuals as well as the potential benefits. Specific considerations are described. Finally, case studies include descriptions of successful operations and data that detail results of research involving co-utilization materials. Blending of materials for specific objectives needs to be the focus of any successful co-utilization effort. The scientific implications of the mix need to be determined before a product can be used properly.

Beneficial Effects of Endotoxins

by Alois Nowotny

The study of endotoxins has undergone cycles of enthusiastic research followed by neglect and revival again due to newly described biological effects attributed to endotoxins. It is almost a generally applicable rule that both extremes in such fluctuations in the popularity of certain re­ search fields are unjustified. It is obvious that exaggerated expectations will lead to disappointments, and complete neglect of a once-exciting field is to be followed by renewed attention, if the scientific basis of earlier interest was solid and remained so throughout. The healing ef­ fect of fever was praised as nature's blessed cure, until it was discov­ ered that it is caused by bacteria. When it became evident that by careful application one can arrive at therapeutic doses without intro­ ducing shock and hypotension, the era of fever therapy began. During this time, indiscriminate use of pyrogens was so widespread that the high expectations had to be followed by disillusionment. Since then, in­ terest in endotoxins experienced a few more oscillations, with varying wavelengths and amplitudes, the latest being triggered by the mitotic effect of endotoxin. This led to justified excitement among researchers who study the activation of the cells of the lymphatic system and the consequences thereof, including the release of important mediator mol­ ecules. Fever therapy is passe, but the healing that often followed the ap­ plication of endotoxins remains a well-documented fact.

Beneficial Effects of Fish Oil on Human Brain

by Akhlaq A. Farooqui

It is becoming increasingly evident that the deficiency of n-3 fatty acids in diet is not only associated with cardiovascular diseases, but also involved in stroke, epilepsy and other neurological and neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer disease, Parkinson disease, and peroxisomal diseases. In his newest book, Beneficial Effects of Fish Oil on Human Brain, Dr. Akhlaq A. Farooqui expands on the status and therapeutic importance of n-3 fatty acids (major components of fish oil) and their mediators in normal brain and those with neurodegenerative and neuropsychiatric diseases. Farooqui presents the benefits of n-3 fatty acids on Western diet, which is enriched in n-6 fatty acids (major components of vegetable oil) and may promote the above neurological disorders. The book will present readers with cutting edge and comprehensive information on metabolism and roles of neural membrane n-3 fatty acids.

Beneficial Insects

by David V. Alford

Insects are key components of life on our planet, and their presence is essential for maintaining balanced terrestrial ecosystems. Without insects humans would struggle to survive, and on a world scale food production would be severely compromised. Many plants and animals depend directly or indirectly on insects for their very survival, and this is particularly so in the case of insectivorous birds and other such creatures. The beneficial role of insects is often overlooked or misunderstood, and in farming circles their very presence on crops is often seen to be unwelcome. In reality, however, many insects are genuinely beneficial, as in the case of parasitic and predacious species. The use of chemical pesticides to control crop pests is becoming more tightly regulated and environmentally undesirable, and low-input farming, in which natural enemies of pests are encouraged to survive or increase, is becoming far more prevalent. Accordingly, Integrated Pest Management (IPM) and Integrated Pest Management (ICM) strategies are increasingly being developed, advocated and adopted. Features: Highlights information on many groups of insects and mites that act as natural enemies or biological control agents of phytophagous insects and mites, including plant pests. Profusely illustrated with high-quality colour photographs. Focuses mainly on insects and mites as natural enemies of plant pests, including parasitic and predacious species that have been accidentally or deliberately introduced in classical biological control programmes. Reviews the role of phytophagous European insects and mites in controlling or managing European plants that have become invasive weeds in other parts of the world, notably North America, Australia and New Zealand.

Beneficial Insects

by David V. Alford

Insects are key components of life on our planet, and their presence is essential for maintaining balanced terrestrial ecosystems. Without insects humans would struggle to survive, and on a world scale food production would be severely compromised. Many plants and animals depend directly or indirectly on insects for their very survival, and this is particularly so in the case of insectivorous birds and other such creatures. The beneficial role of insects is often overlooked or misunderstood, and in farming circles their very presence on crops is often seen to be unwelcome. In reality, however, many insects are genuinely beneficial, as in the case of parasitic and predacious species. The use of chemical pesticides to control crop pests is becoming more tightly regulated and environmentally undesirable, and low-input farming, in which natural enemies of pests are encouraged to survive or increase, is becoming far more prevalent. Accordingly, Integrated Pest Management (IPM) and Integrated Pest Management (ICM) strategies are increasingly being developed, advocated and adopted. Features: Highlights information on many groups of insects and mites that act as natural enemies or biological control agents of phytophagous insects and mites, including plant pests. Profusely illustrated with high-quality colour photographs. Focuses mainly on insects and mites as natural enemies of plant pests, including parasitic and predacious species that have been accidentally or deliberately introduced in classical biological control programmes. Reviews the role of phytophagous European insects and mites in controlling or managing European plants that have become invasive weeds in other parts of the world, notably North America, Australia and New Zealand.

Beneficial Microbes in Fermented and Functional Foods

by Ravishankar Rai V Jamuna A. Bai

In recent years, the potential health benefits of fermented and functional foods have made them increasingly popular among consumers. A complete overview of the physiology and functional aspects of microbes present in fermented foods and used as functional foods, Beneficial Microbes in Fermented and Functional Foods explores recent advances and pro

Beneficial Microorganisms in Agriculture (Environmental and Microbial Biotechnology)

by Ram Prasad Shi-Hong Zhang

This book discusses genetic engineering of both plants and microbes for making agricultural practices more productive and sustainable. It chapters explore the understanding of the interaction between plants and microbes, and genomic information to modify the metabolism of plants or microbes to further enhance the beneficial interaction. The book covers the development of commercial inoculants including selection of appropriate plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria/ phosphate solubilize bacteria based on target host plant, soil type, indigenous microbial communities, environmental conditions, inoculant density, suitability of carriers and compatibility with integrated crop management. This is a relevant content for scientists and researchers working on soil biology, sustainable agricultural and plant physiology. Also, this book is a useful read for graduate and post graduate students of agriculture, botany and microbiology.

Beneficial Microorganisms in Agriculture, Aquaculture and Other Areas (Microbiology Monographs #29)

by Min-Tze Liong

This book focuses on the use of microorganisms in relation to agriculture, aquaculture and related fields, ranging from biofertilizers to poultry production. The latest innovations are also included to provide insights into the unlimited potentials of microorganisms in these areas.Individual chapters explore topics such as probiotics in poultry, biopurification of wastewater, converting agrowastes into value-added applications and products, rice cultivation, surfactants and bacteriocin as biopreservatives, bioplastics, crop productivity, biofloc, and the production of natural antibiotics. This volume will be of particular interest to scientists, policymakers and industrial practitioners working in the fields of agriculture, aquaculture and public health.

Beneficial Microorganisms in Food and Nutraceuticals (Microbiology Monographs #27)

by Min-Tze Liong

This book discusses the use of microorganisms for improving nutrient quality and producing healthier foods. Conventional roles of microbes in food preservation and in producing more readily digestible nutrients via natural fermentation processes are also examined.Individual chapters explore topics such as bio-preservation, incorporation of lactic acid bacteria, traditional fermented Mongolian foods, fermented fish products of Sudan, probiotics in China, fermented soymilk, food colorants, and the effect of food on gut microbiota. Readers will gain insights into current trends and future prospects of functional foods and nutraceuticals. This volume will be of particular interest to scientists working in the fields of food sciences, microbiology, agriculture and public health.

Beneficial Microorganisms in Medical and Health Applications (Microbiology Monographs #28)

by Min-Tze Liong

This volume is devoted to the application of microorganisms in medical treatment and health protection. Topics discussed include the role of probiotics in immune modulation, in prevention of influenza, and in atopic dermatitis. Further chapters cover aspects such as the relation of the gut microbiome and stress, the immune system, the regulation of inflammation, the benefits of Bifidobacterium for infants, and bacteriocin in medical applications, as well as the use of in vitro models of the gastrointestinal tract, omics approaches for targeting microbial health potential and the production of hepatitis B vaccines.This volume will be of particular interest to scientists working in the fields of clinical medicine, applied microbiology, pharmacy and public health.

Beneficial Microorganisms in Multicellular Life Forms

by Eugene Rosenberg and Uri Gophna

All animals and plants form associations with hundreds or thousands of different beneficial microorganisms. These symbiotic microbes play an important role in the development, adaptation, health and evolution of their hosts. This book brings together a group of diverse biologists to discuss microbial interactions with multicellular life forms including insects, corals, plants, and mammals, including humans. The various mechanisms by which microorganisms benefit their hosts are discussed, including providing essential nutrients, preventing disease, inducing the immune system, and combating stress. Since the microbiota can be transferred from parent to offspring, it plays an important role in the origin and evolution of animal and plant species. This book should be of interest to the widest range of biological scientists, merging the studies of host and microbial physiology, symbiosis, and the ecology and evolution of symbiotic partners.

Beneficial Ownership: Basic and Federal Indian Law Aspects of a Concept

by Matthias Reinhard-DeRoo

The hunt for beneficial owners is on. Like an elephant, the beneficial owner hides in the jungle of complex legal structures, waiting to be discovered by eager prosecutors. But what lies behind this metaphor? What is a Beneficial Owner? Is beneficial ownership a right? What does this right encompass? What is the value of this right compared to other rights? And if beneficial ownership is not a right, is it still a legally relevant relation? How do courts, namely the U.S. Supreme Court deal with the concept? When do Anglo-American judges and European scholars resort to the concept?This book approaches these questions from two perspectives: legal fundamentals and the field of U.S. federal Indian law. Both legal theories and case law are scrutinized with the aim to find a better understanding of the basic conception and characteristics of beneficial ownership. Federal Indian law has been chosen for the study of the concrete implications of the beneficial ownership concept in what Roscoe Pound referred to as “the law in action.” To some, this choice of legal field might seem somewhat unusual. What answers could federal Indian law possibly offer with regard to pressing questions from the financial industry? As always, there is a short and a long answer. The short answer is that the analysis of an equally sophisticated field of law can open new perspectives on a given field of law. For example, not only potential criminals and tax evaders but also members of an older civilization are beneficial owners. The long answer can be found in this very book.

Beneficial Ownership and Legal Responsibility: Concealment, Avoidance and Impunity (The Law of Financial Crime)

by Paul Beckett

This book explores the connection between ownership, on one hand, and immunity from legal responsibility, on the other. It presents a definition of the concept of beneficial ownership, the reasons for its concealment, and failures in international legal structures and arrangements. Globally, States confront complex criminality, such as corruption, tax evasion, doctrinal fanaticism, trafficked slaves, terrorism and, war. At the personal level, men and women may seek to escape their creditors, to disinherit unwanted heirs, to cheat divorced partners, and to appear straightforward when this is not the case. The response of politicians and regulators has been a global State initiative to identify beneficial owners via public registers to promote transparency and accountability. Yet, at the same time, there is an equally powerful global and personal counter-initiative to promote beneficial ownership avoidance. Where there is no owner, there is no accountability. This book examines what “ownership” means in legal terms across multiple legal systems and explains why singling out “ownership” as being pivotal to State and personal accountability is a strategy both flawed and disingenuous. It is argued that an apparent lack of political will coupled with shape-shifting definitions of “ownership” have resulted in tokenism. Particular attention is paid to those “orphan” structures which have evolved from standard models, or which have been designed for the purpose in each case of facilitating ownership concealment and avoidance. The author explains how the virtual world of the blockchain, crypto-assets and cryptocurrency, and virtual entities such as the Decentralised Autonomous Organisation (DAO), all of which elude legal classification, have opened a new world of possibilities. Applicable across all jurisdictions and legal systems, the book will be a valuable resource for academics, researchers, and policy-makers working in the areas of Financial Crime, Regulation, Compliance, Business, and Accountancy.

Beneficial Ownership and Legal Responsibility: Concealment, Avoidance and Impunity (The Law of Financial Crime)

by Paul Beckett

This book explores the connection between ownership, on one hand, and immunity from legal responsibility, on the other. It presents a definition of the concept of beneficial ownership, the reasons for its concealment, and failures in international legal structures and arrangements. Globally, States confront complex criminality, such as corruption, tax evasion, doctrinal fanaticism, trafficked slaves, terrorism and, war. At the personal level, men and women may seek to escape their creditors, to disinherit unwanted heirs, to cheat divorced partners, and to appear straightforward when this is not the case. The response of politicians and regulators has been a global State initiative to identify beneficial owners via public registers to promote transparency and accountability. Yet, at the same time, there is an equally powerful global and personal counter-initiative to promote beneficial ownership avoidance. Where there is no owner, there is no accountability. This book examines what “ownership” means in legal terms across multiple legal systems and explains why singling out “ownership” as being pivotal to State and personal accountability is a strategy both flawed and disingenuous. It is argued that an apparent lack of political will coupled with shape-shifting definitions of “ownership” have resulted in tokenism. Particular attention is paid to those “orphan” structures which have evolved from standard models, or which have been designed for the purpose in each case of facilitating ownership concealment and avoidance. The author explains how the virtual world of the blockchain, crypto-assets and cryptocurrency, and virtual entities such as the Decentralised Autonomous Organisation (DAO), all of which elude legal classification, have opened a new world of possibilities. Applicable across all jurisdictions and legal systems, the book will be a valuable resource for academics, researchers, and policy-makers working in the areas of Financial Crime, Regulation, Compliance, Business, and Accountancy.

Beneficial Ownership in International Tax Law (Series on International Taxation)

by Angelika Meindl-Ringler

In international tax law, the term ‘beneficial ownership’ refers to which parties involved in a cross-border transaction are entitled to tax treaty benefits. However, determining beneficial ownership is a complex and often disputed issue, subject to different meanings in different countries. Archival research on its early use in tax treaties and in the developing OECD Model reveals that its meaning has changed dramatically over the decades, leading to new interpretations significantly affecting current tax practice and scholarship. This book, dedicated to establishing how beneficial ownership should ideally be interpreted, compares the use and interpretation of benefi-cial ownership, both current and historical, in a wide range of national jurisdictions as well as the EU, ultimately shedding a clearer light than has heretofore been available on the meaning of the term. In her very thorough analysis of the application of beneficial ownership, the author touches on such aspects as the following: – historical development of the beneficial ownership requirement as used in tax treaties and in the OECD Model Tax Convention on Income and on Capital; – rules of double taxation conventions; – application of the OECD’s Action Plan on Base Erosion and Profit-Shifting (BEPS); – the problem of so-called ‘white income’; – use of the substance-over-form principle; – attribution-of-income rules; and – the role of agents, nominees, and conduit companies. Specific analysis of the use and interpretation of beneficial ownership in a domestic law and treaty context in numerous jurisdictions – with particular emphasis on the United Kingdom, Australia, the United States, and Germany – is a major feature of the presentation. As a thorough guide to determining whether a person claiming tax treaty benefits is the true owner – and which parties are excluded from treaty benefits and to what extent – this book will be of immeasurable value to lawyers, tax authorities, policymakers, and other professionals working with taxable international transactions of any kind.

Beneficial Ownership in International Taxation (Elgar Tax Law and Practice series)

by Błażej Kuźniacki

This authoritative book provides a structural, global view of evolving judicial and doctrinal trends in the understanding of beneficial ownership in international taxation. Despite attempts by the OECD to clarify the concept, it remains ambiguous to tax authorities, courts and scholars alike, which has detrimental effects on the functioning of tax treaties. Blazej Kuzniacki presents a route towards an international autonomous meaning of beneficial ownership in international taxation, while also offering a comprehensive explanation of the divergent understandings and tax policy arguments underpinning its continuing ambiguity.Key Features:Guidance towards solving definitional disputes between taxpayers and tax authoritiesDiscussion of ground-breaking judgments in cases on beneficial ownership from various jurisdictions across the worldComprehensive reflection of tax law in action, particularly in respect of outbound investments that trigger transborder payments of dividends, interest and royaltiesClear demarcation between appropriate and inappropriate usage of beneficial ownership by authorities and courts when addressing the issue of abuse of tax treaties and EU DirectivesBeneficial Ownership in International Taxation will be a crucial resource for lawyers specialising in international taxation, tax practitioners and accountants, along with officials at tax authorities and judges hearing cases in this area. It will also be useful for policy makers working on cross-border taxation, and scholars and students researching international tax law.

Beneficial Ownership in Tax Law and Tax Treaties

by Pablo A González-Barreda

This book explores the concept of beneficial ownership in equity law, the domestic tax laws of the United Kingdom, Canada and the United States, as well as its varied and increasing uses in international tax law. By analysing the evolution of beneficiary rights in equity and the use of beneficial ownership wording in tax law, the book draws a roadmap for dealing with beneficial ownership in both national and international tax law. This approach highlights those common misconceptions that can be avoided by understanding the origins of the concept and its engagement with equity, as well as the differences with tax law. However, the book does not limit itself to dealing with theoretical discussion, but also offers an instructive and detailed practical case study. Offering both academic commentary and a practitioner focus, the book will be of the utmost interest to scholars and practitioners from common and civil law countries dealing with tax and estate law, particularly given beneficial ownership's increasing relevance.

Beneficial Ownership in Tax Law and Tax Treaties

by Pablo A González-Barreda

This book explores the concept of beneficial ownership in equity law, the domestic tax laws of the United Kingdom, Canada and the United States, as well as its varied and increasing uses in international tax law. By analysing the evolution of beneficiary rights in equity and the use of beneficial ownership wording in tax law, the book draws a roadmap for dealing with beneficial ownership in both national and international tax law. This approach highlights those common misconceptions that can be avoided by understanding the origins of the concept and its engagement with equity, as well as the differences with tax law. However, the book does not limit itself to dealing with theoretical discussion, but also offers an instructive and detailed practical case study. Offering both academic commentary and a practitioner focus, the book will be of the utmost interest to scholars and practitioners from common and civil law countries dealing with tax and estate law, particularly given beneficial ownership's increasing relevance.

Beneficial Plant-Bacterial Interactions

by Bernard R. Glick

This monograph provides an overview of beneficial plant-bacterial interactions in a straightforward and easy-to-understand format, and includes a wealth of unique illustrations elaborating every major point. Study questions that emphasize the key points are provided at the end of each chapter.One way to feed all of the people in the world’s growing population is through the increased use of plant-growth-promoting bacteria in agriculture. These bacteria not only directly promote growth but also protect plants against a wide range of biotic and abiotic stresses. Moreover, they can be used to support procedures for biologically cleaning up the environment. Plant-growth-promoting bacteria are already being used successfully on a small scale in several countries, and as this technology matures, the world may witness a major paradigm shift in agricultural practice.

Beneficial Plant-Bacterial Interactions

by Bernard R. Glick

This book provides a straightforward and easy-to-understand overview of beneficial plant-bacterial interactions. It features a wealth of unique illustrations to clarify the text, and each chapter includes study questions that highlight the important points, as well as references to key experiments. Since the publication of the first edition of Beneficial Plant-Bacterial Interactions, in 2015, there has been an abundance of new discoveries in this area, and in recent years, scientists around the globe have begun to develop a relatively detailed understanding of many of the mechanisms used by bacteria that facilitate plant growth and development. This knowledge is gradually becoming an integral component of modern agricultural practice, with more and more plant growth-promoting bacterial strains being commercialized and used successfully in countries throughout the world. In addition, as the world’s population continues to grow, the pressure for increased food production will intensify, while at the same time, environmental concerns, mean that environmentally friendly methods of food production will need to replace many traditional agricultural practices such as the use of potentially dangerous chemicals. The book, intended for students, explores the fundamentals of this new paradigm in agriculture, horticulture, and environmental cleanup.

Beneficial Plant-microbial Interactions: Ecology and Applications

by M. Belén Rodelas González Jesús Gonzalez-López

Beneficial Plant-microbial Interactions: Ecology and Applications provides insight into the mechanisms underlying the interactions of plants and microbes, the ecological relevance and roles of these symbioses, the adaptive mechanisms of plant-associated microorganisms to abiotic stress and their contribution to plant stress tolerance, and the poten

Beneficial Property Taxation for Emerging Market Countries: Addressing Climate Change and Post-Pandemic Recovery

by Ehtisham Ahmad Giorgio Brosio

This book presents a new approach to recurrent property taxation based on occupancy, size, and location, that will strengthen local governments. Reflecting on the concept of “beneficial property taxation” first proposed by Alfred Marshall, the political economy constraints faced by traditional property taxation are examined and compared with evidence for beneficial property tax seen in China, Mexico, and sub-Saharan Africa. The benefits of this form of taxation are highlighted in relation to the financing of local public services and infrastructure that are required for sustainable development. This book provides a policy-oriented look at property taxation that engages with the sustainable development goals and lay the foundations for a post-pandemic recovery. It will be relevant to researchers and policymakers interested in development economics and the governance of taxation.

Benefit-cost Analysis: A Political Economy Approach

by A. Allan Schmid

Choice is the name of the game. Government sets the size of the public budget and decides which public projects it will invest in and which transfers and regulations it will implement. To do this systematically the government must have a procedure that displays the consequences of the alternatives. This book is an exposition of benefit-cost analysis (BCA), an analytic framework for organizing thoughts, listing the pros and cons of alternatives, and determining values for all relevant factors so that the alternatives can be ranked. A major question illuminated by this text is whether the results of such an analysis can instruct government--in the sense of telling it what it must do to avoid being labelled stupid, corrupt, irrational, and/or inefficient. How and when, we will ask, can the benefit-cost analyst label a particular governmental investment, policy, or regulation as political (in the pejorative sense) as opposed to economic (in the laudatory sense of being economically justified)? This book will argue that BCA is much like a consumer information system. Consumer information neither tells consumers what to do nor tells them what they should want. However, it does tell them which products will perform in selected ways and at what costs. And this information, together with the independently arrived at wants, helps the consumer make intelligent choices.

Benefit-cost Analysis: A Political Economy Approach

by A. Allan Schmid

Choice is the name of the game. Government sets the size of the public budget and decides which public projects it will invest in and which transfers and regulations it will implement. To do this systematically the government must have a procedure that displays the consequences of the alternatives. This book is an exposition of benefit-cost analysis (BCA), an analytic framework for organizing thoughts, listing the pros and cons of alternatives, and determining values for all relevant factors so that the alternatives can be ranked. A major question illuminated by this text is whether the results of such an analysis can instruct government--in the sense of telling it what it must do to avoid being labelled stupid, corrupt, irrational, and/or inefficient. How and when, we will ask, can the benefit-cost analyst label a particular governmental investment, policy, or regulation as political (in the pejorative sense) as opposed to economic (in the laudatory sense of being economically justified)? This book will argue that BCA is much like a consumer information system. Consumer information neither tells consumers what to do nor tells them what they should want. However, it does tell them which products will perform in selected ways and at what costs. And this information, together with the independently arrived at wants, helps the consumer make intelligent choices.

Benefit-Cost Analysis of Data Used to Allocate Funds (Lecture Notes in Statistics #3)

by Bruce Spencer

This monograph treats the question of determining how much to spend for the collection and analysis of public data. This difficult problem for government statisticians and policy-makers is likely to become even more pressing in the near future. The approach taken here is to estimate and compare the benefits and costs of alternative data programs. Since data are used in many ways, the benefits are hard to measure. The strategy I have adopted focuses on use of data to determine fund allocations, particularly in the General Revenue Sharing program. General Revenue Sharing is one of the largest allocation programs in the United States. That errors in population counts and other data cause sizable errors in allocation has been much publicized. Here we analyze whether the accuracy of the 1970 census of population and other data used by General Revenue Sharing should be improved. Of course it is too late to change the 1970 census program, but the method and techniques of analysis will apply to future data programs. In partic­ ular, benefit-cost analyses such as this are necessary for informed decisions about whether the expense of statistical programs is justi­ fied or not. For example, although a law authorizing a mid-decade census was enacted in 1976, there exists great doubt whether funds will be provided so a census can take place in 1985. (The President's Budget for 1981 allows no money for the mid-decade census, despite the Census Bureau's request for $1. 9 million for planning purposes.

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