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Showing 5,851 through 5,875 of 8,078 results

Pseudology: The Science of Lying

by Marcel Danesi

In an age where fake news, conspiracy theories, and outright lies by political and cultural leaders are commonplace, we may be becoming accustomed to lying, or worse, even immune to it. Pseudology unravels the reasons for this by describing a “science of lying” that looks at various aspects of this trait, from how it affects the brain to how it distorts perception.Interest in lying goes back to antiquity and writing and debate has only increased in the present day, but what is missing is a treatment that synthesizes the work from linguists, political scientists, anthropologists, psychologists, neuroscientists, and sociologists, tying them to the philosophical and literary views of lying throughout history. Such a treatment can be called "pseudology": an interdisciplinary science for classifying, collating, and assessing ideas about lying. This book is a comprehensive treatment of pseudology, emphasising the importance of studying lying in our current climate. Pseudology addresses questions such as:• What is a lie?• Why do we lie?• Why are we so susceptible to lying?• How does lying activate false beliefs and generate hatred of others?• How has lying shaped the course of history (at least to some extent)?• How has lying been adopted as a basic thematic element in literature and the arts?Synthesising research from a broad range of disciplines and from the perspective of a leading cognitive linguist, this text weaves ideas and theories about lying cohesively into an overall interdisciplinary science. This landmark book is vital for students and scholars of language as well as anyone interested in politics, sociology, or psychology.

Pseudology: The Science of Lying

by Marcel Danesi

In an age where fake news, conspiracy theories, and outright lies by political and cultural leaders are commonplace, we may be becoming accustomed to lying, or worse, even immune to it. Pseudology unravels the reasons for this by describing a “science of lying” that looks at various aspects of this trait, from how it affects the brain to how it distorts perception.Interest in lying goes back to antiquity and writing and debate has only increased in the present day, but what is missing is a treatment that synthesizes the work from linguists, political scientists, anthropologists, psychologists, neuroscientists, and sociologists, tying them to the philosophical and literary views of lying throughout history. Such a treatment can be called "pseudology": an interdisciplinary science for classifying, collating, and assessing ideas about lying. This book is a comprehensive treatment of pseudology, emphasising the importance of studying lying in our current climate. Pseudology addresses questions such as:• What is a lie?• Why do we lie?• Why are we so susceptible to lying?• How does lying activate false beliefs and generate hatred of others?• How has lying shaped the course of history (at least to some extent)?• How has lying been adopted as a basic thematic element in literature and the arts?Synthesising research from a broad range of disciplines and from the perspective of a leading cognitive linguist, this text weaves ideas and theories about lying cohesively into an overall interdisciplinary science. This landmark book is vital for students and scholars of language as well as anyone interested in politics, sociology, or psychology.

Psybersecurity: Human Factors of Cyber Defence

by Mohiuddin Ahmed Craig Speelman Oliver Guidetti

Psybersecurity: Human Factors of Cyber Defence is a clarion call to action in the face of a stark reality: over 90% of cyberattacks exploit human vulnerabilities, as highlighted by the 2022 Global Risks Report from the World Economic Forum. This gap between the rapid advancement of cyber security technologies and the slower pace of development in human-centric defences poses a formidable challenge to national security and personal safety. Amidst the dazzling progress of AI technologies like ChatGPT and Microsoft Security Co-Pilot, the human element of cyber security remains critically underdeveloped.Set against the backdrop of the Australian government's ambitious goal to become the world's most cybersecure nation by 2030, this book embarks on a mission to address the overlooked human factors in cyber defence. It advocates for a balanced approach that not only relies on technological advancements but also significantly enhances the human aspects of cyber security.Through an interdisciplinary exploration, Psybersecurity delves into how cyberthreats exploit human vulnerabilities and offers innovative solutions for building resilience against these vulnerabilities. It examines the necessity for cyber security strategies that encompass psychological insights, systemic resilience, and the mitigation of human errors, particularly within critical infrastructures and cyber-physical systems (CPS).Furthermore, this work critiques existing cyber security education frameworks, proposing a comprehensive curriculum that equips individuals with technical skills and the behavioural competencies needed to navigate the cyber landscape ethically and effectively. It also addresses AI's ethical dilemmas and psychological impacts, offering a forward-looking perspective on combating AI-driven harassment and endorsing a new field of study: "Psybersecurity."Psybersecurity: Human Factors of Cyber Defence aims to bridge the gap between cyber security and human sciences, ignite a transformation in understanding, and fortify our digital world. It is an essential read for academics, professionals, and anyone committed to building a safer, more resilient cyber future in alignment with Australia's 2030 vision.

Psybersecurity: Human Factors of Cyber Defence

by Mohiuddin Ahmed Craig Speelman Oliver Guidetti

Psybersecurity: Human Factors of Cyber Defence is a clarion call to action in the face of a stark reality: over 90% of cyberattacks exploit human vulnerabilities, as highlighted by the 2022 Global Risks Report from the World Economic Forum. This gap between the rapid advancement of cyber security technologies and the slower pace of development in human-centric defences poses a formidable challenge to national security and personal safety. Amidst the dazzling progress of AI technologies like ChatGPT and Microsoft Security Co-Pilot, the human element of cyber security remains critically underdeveloped.Set against the backdrop of the Australian government's ambitious goal to become the world's most cybersecure nation by 2030, this book embarks on a mission to address the overlooked human factors in cyber defence. It advocates for a balanced approach that not only relies on technological advancements but also significantly enhances the human aspects of cyber security.Through an interdisciplinary exploration, Psybersecurity delves into how cyberthreats exploit human vulnerabilities and offers innovative solutions for building resilience against these vulnerabilities. It examines the necessity for cyber security strategies that encompass psychological insights, systemic resilience, and the mitigation of human errors, particularly within critical infrastructures and cyber-physical systems (CPS).Furthermore, this work critiques existing cyber security education frameworks, proposing a comprehensive curriculum that equips individuals with technical skills and the behavioural competencies needed to navigate the cyber landscape ethically and effectively. It also addresses AI's ethical dilemmas and psychological impacts, offering a forward-looking perspective on combating AI-driven harassment and endorsing a new field of study: "Psybersecurity."Psybersecurity: Human Factors of Cyber Defence aims to bridge the gap between cyber security and human sciences, ignite a transformation in understanding, and fortify our digital world. It is an essential read for academics, professionals, and anyone committed to building a safer, more resilient cyber future in alignment with Australia's 2030 vision.

Psychedelischer Realismus: Halluzination, Neurodiversität und Phantastik in Prosatexten (1900–1950)

by Jan Kruse

Das vorliegende Buch liefert ein neues literaturwissenschaftliches Analyseverfahren, mit dem veränderte Bewusstseinszustände in Texten analysiert werden können. Dabei werden auch Erkenntnisse aus anderen Wissenschaftsrichtungen, wie der Bewusstseins- bzw. Neurophilosophie und der Sozialpsychiatrie, miteinbezogen und zu einer interdisziplinären und intermedialen Verfahrensweise verwoben, die anschließend auf literarische Texte angewandt wird. Im Mittelpunkt der Analyse steht die Konzeption einer neuen Textsorte im Bereich der Prosa, die als Psychedelischer Realismus bezeichnet wird. Untersuchungsgegenstand sind deutschsprachige Texte aus der ersten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts, in denen veränderte Bewusstseinszustände ästhetisch dargestellt sind. Bei der ausgewählten Literatur handelt es sich sowohl um nicht-kanonische Texte (beispielsweise von Oscar A. H. Schmitz, Salomo Friedlaender, Hanns Heinz Ewers) als auch kanonische (etwa von Thomas Mann, Hermann Hesse, Ernst Jünger). Der Autor geht davon aus, dass Texte, in denen veränderte Bewusstseinszustände vorkommen, gemeinsame inhaltliche und formale Merkmale aufweisen.

Psychoanalyse, Politik und Dekonstruktion: Textanalysen zum Werk von Frank Witzel (Lettre)

by Bärbel Lücke

Frank Witzels Werk umfasst nicht nur Romane, sondern auch Erzählungen, Hörspiele, Essays und Tagebücher. Bärbel Lücke zeigt in ihren eingehenden Textanalysen die Vielfalt der literarischen Themen und Formen sowie der poetischen Verfahren auf: Sie reichen vom unzuverlässigen Erzähler über Komik und surreal anmutende Traumlandschaften bis hin zu symbolisch-allegorischen Annäherungen an die Nachkriegszeit. Die vielfältigen Analyseverfahren erlauben einen Blick in die Literaturtheorie der Postmoderne und enthüllen Frank Witzel als Meister der literarischen Psychoanalyse sowie der Traumabewältigung.

Psychoanalysis and the Unspoken (Psychoanalysis in a New Key Book Series)

by Joyce Slochower

What do therapists not talk about? What do we ignore/miss/sidestep? What factors—personal, social, political—inform our areas of blindness? This book names and explores what psychoanalytic theory often skips over or simplifies—how, when, and why we fail to uphold the professional ideal. Turning a critical eye on her own theory, Slochower reflects on how it, she, and the field have evolved and what remains unspoken. In so doing, she pushes us to do the same. With its sharp focus on both theory and clinical work, this book is essential reading for psychoanalysts and psychotherapists.

Psychoanalytic Principles in Psychiatric Practice: A Remedy by Truth

by Mark Kinet

In this approachable book, Mark Kinet offers a unique methodology for integrating psychoanalytic work in the psychiatric setting.Acknowledging the systemic rupture between psychoanalysis and psychiatric treatment, Kinet seeks to bridge the gap and offer a pathway for integrating the disciplines to provide integrative therapy for patients experiencing issues like personality problems, depression, anxiety and trauma. Integrating Freudian, Kleinian, Bionian, Winnicottian, Bowlbyan and Lacanian thought, Kinet provides an overview of psychoanalytic thinking and its benefits in a psychiatric setting. Kinet turns to philosophy, science, art and ethics to encourage a symbiotic relationship between the two disciplines.Written in Kinet's trademark accessible and personable manner, Psychoanalytic Principles in Psychiatric Practice will inspire the training psychiatrist and psychotherapist, as well as the more experienced practitioner, to consider a more panoptic approach to working with patients.

Psychoanalytic Sociology: A New Theory of the Social Bond

by Dr Duane Rousselle

Singularities are isolated social bonds. They lack a common language with one another and express themselves with certainty. Strangeness is therefore no longer constitutive to the social bond. It has become elevated to the very principle of social order. Our social world has become strange. Duane Rousselle explores this new theory of the social bond while accounting for recent developments in the cultural logic of capitalism. Each chapter offers a different and compelling perspective on broader phenomena and notions of estrangement within civilization through explorations of the evil empire, rogue states, the master-slave dialectic, and the new status of knowledge that is at stake in the era of singularities. This book offers enriched and novel dialogues across Freudian and Lacanian psychoanalysis, Marxist and anarchist theory, and theoretical sociology with illustrative contemporary examples. Psychoanalytic Sociology argues that our current social crises are exemplified by the way social groups project their own inhumanity onto others. Written in Russia during the outbreak of the Ukrainian crisis, it prophesied new uncompromising and aggressive wars, the confluence of 'foreign agent' laws and 'cancel culture.' The war among singularities runs very deep and exists on every scale (e.g., interpersonal, institutional, and cultural). This book navigates this strange new social world and invents a language capable of articulating it.

Psychoanalytic Sociology: A New Theory of the Social Bond

by Dr Duane Rousselle

Singularities are isolated social bonds. They lack a common language with one another and express themselves with certainty. Strangeness is therefore no longer constitutive to the social bond. It has become elevated to the very principle of social order. Our social world has become strange. Duane Rousselle explores this new theory of the social bond while accounting for recent developments in the cultural logic of capitalism. Each chapter offers a different and compelling perspective on broader phenomena and notions of estrangement within civilization through explorations of the evil empire, rogue states, the master-slave dialectic, and the new status of knowledge that is at stake in the era of singularities. This book offers enriched and novel dialogues across Freudian and Lacanian psychoanalysis, Marxist and anarchist theory, and theoretical sociology with illustrative contemporary examples. Psychoanalytic Sociology argues that our current social crises are exemplified by the way social groups project their own inhumanity onto others. Written in Russia during the outbreak of the Ukrainian crisis, it prophesied new uncompromising and aggressive wars, the confluence of 'foreign agent' laws and 'cancel culture.' The war among singularities runs very deep and exists on every scale (e.g., interpersonal, institutional, and cultural). This book navigates this strange new social world and invents a language capable of articulating it.

Psychocinema (Theory Redux)

by Helen Rollins

Psychocinema reexamines the connection between psychoanalysis and film, arguing for a return to the universalist core of both cinema and subjectivity. It traces the history of the influence of psychoanalysis on cinema and shows how the detour into ideologies of identity and difference eclipses the premise of the first and the emancipatory power of the second.The book argues that psychoanalysis does not simply help us elucidate what we see on screen: rather, there is a fundamental relationship between the structure of psychoanalysis and that of cinema. Cinema acts upon the viewer like psychoanalysis upon the analysand and can expose them to the universal Lack inherent in their desire. This process undermines the unconscious logic of capitalism, which relies on a promise in fulfilment.Rollins, a filmmaker, shows how reductive interpretations of psychoanalytic film theory have permeated film education and film practice and have affected the way films are made and watched, to the detriment of contemporary philosophy and politics. Psychocinema urges filmmakers, theorists and audiences to embrace the truly radical and emancipatory potential of cinema: its capacity to confront us with the universal Lack in our desire.

Psychodynamic Counselling in Action (Counselling in Action series)

by Michael Jacobs

This classic text demonstrates psychodynamic theory and practices across the counselling process beginning – middle - end. This revised sixth edition includes a new preface, updated further reading sections and a new chapter covering contemporary issues including online working, the application of a social justice and DEI agenda within the field of psychodynamic theory and practice. Counselling in Action is a bestselling series of practical introductions designed for trainees and practitioners. Each book introduces one of the main theoretical approaches and provides a guide to the process of counselling from beginning to end. Covering theory and practice, they are trusted companions for many courses in counselling and psychotherapy and other professions such as nursing, social work and teaching.

Psychodynamic Counselling in Action (Counselling in Action series)

by Michael Jacobs

This classic text demonstrates psychodynamic theory and practices across the counselling process beginning – middle - end. This revised sixth edition includes a new preface, updated further reading sections and a new chapter covering contemporary issues including online working, the application of a social justice and DEI agenda within the field of psychodynamic theory and practice. Counselling in Action is a bestselling series of practical introductions designed for trainees and practitioners. Each book introduces one of the main theoretical approaches and provides a guide to the process of counselling from beginning to end. Covering theory and practice, they are trusted companions for many courses in counselling and psychotherapy and other professions such as nursing, social work and teaching.

Psychodynamic Counselling in Action (Counselling in Action series)

by Michael Jacobs

This classic text demonstrates psychodynamic theory and practices across the counselling process beginning – middle - end. This revised sixth edition includes a new preface, updated further reading sections and a new chapter covering contemporary issues including online working, the application of a social justice and DEI agenda within the field of psychodynamic theory and practice. Counselling in Action is a bestselling series of practical introductions designed for trainees and practitioners. Each book introduces one of the main theoretical approaches and provides a guide to the process of counselling from beginning to end. Covering theory and practice, they are trusted companions for many courses in counselling and psychotherapy and other professions such as nursing, social work and teaching.

Psychologie des Strafverfahrens

by Roland Graßberger

Die freundliche Aufnahme, die die erste Auflage dieses Buches in der Kritik gefunden hat, war dafiir maBgebend, daB sein einer streng en Systematik folgender Aufbau in der Neuauflage beibehalten wurde. Nur so sehe ich mich imstande, psychologische Bildung zu verbreiten und ein bloBes Anlesen von Einzelkenntnissen zu erschweren. Fiir mein Vorgehen war die Erwagung maBgebend, daB bei der hohen Komplexitat aller psychischen Vorgange die bloBe Routine und das Handeln nach Gebrauchs­ anweisung iiber kurz oder lang in die Irre fiihren. Es ist daher unerlaB­ lich, bei der Anwendung psychologischer Erfahrungssatze den Blick auf das Ganze zu wahren. Das aber setzt ein Vertrautsein mit der die Dar­ stellung beherrschenden Systematik voraus, in der jede Aussage den ihr im Rahmen des Ganzen zukommenden Platz hat. Dariiber hinaus war ich bemiiht, durch eine Vermehrung der Beispiele eine erhohte Anschaulichkeit der Darstellung zu erzielen und durch ein verstarktes Eingehen auf die durch den Verkehrsunfall ausgelosten viel­ schichtigen Probleme einem dringenden Gegenwartsbediirfnis Rechnung zu tragen. Dank der reichen Literatur, die in den letzten Jahren zur Aussage von Kindern und Jugendlichen erschienen ist, wurde das Kapitel iiber die Priifung der Glaubwiirdigkeit der Zeugenaussage entsprechend erweitert. Einem in den Besprechungen der ersten Auflage geauBerten Wunsch folgend, wurde in den Hinweisen auf die Vorschriften des ProzeB­ rechtes neben dem osterreichischen Recht nach Moglichkeit auch die Rechtslage in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland beriicksichtigt.

A Psychologist’s guide to EEG: The electric study of the mind

by Michiel Spapé

Do you want to learn to read people′s minds? In this student-friendly, practice-focussed textbook on EEG and biosignal analysis, you will learn how to: Implement your experiment in E-Prime or OpenSesame; Run your study in the psychophysiological laboratory; Analyse data in MATLAB by following simple steps. This textbook follows a unique approach by guiding you through a single EEG study, each part introducing the relevant core knowledge and commonly available software. Practical exercises help you master the skills to independently implement every aspect of an experiment, from setting up the lab to analysing the data. Suitable for developing both basic levels of skill for undergraduates as well as advancing towards a stronger command of analysis and understanding at postgraduate level. Michiel Spapé is a Lecturer and Researcher in Psychology at the University of Helsinki.

A Psychologist’s guide to EEG: The electric study of the mind

by Michiel Spapé

Do you want to learn to read people′s minds? In this student-friendly, practice-focussed textbook on EEG and biosignal analysis, you will learn how to: Implement your experiment in E-Prime or OpenSesame; Run your study in the psychophysiological laboratory; Analyse data in MATLAB by following simple steps. This textbook follows a unique approach by guiding you through a single EEG study, each part introducing the relevant core knowledge and commonly available software. Practical exercises help you master the skills to independently implement every aspect of an experiment, from setting up the lab to analysing the data. Suitable for developing both basic levels of skill for undergraduates as well as advancing towards a stronger command of analysis and understanding at postgraduate level. Michiel Spapé is a Lecturer and Researcher in Psychology at the University of Helsinki.

Psychology in Organizations

by S. Alexander Haslam

Alex Haslam has thoroughly revised and updated his ground-breaking original text with this new edition. While still retaining the highly readable and engaging style of the best-selling first edition, he presents extensive reviews and critiques of major topics in organizational psychology - including leadership, motivation, communication, decision making, negotiation, power, productivity and collective action - but with much more besides. Key features of this 2nd Edition: · An entirely new chapter on organizational stress which deals with highly topical issues of stress appraisal, social support, coping and burnout. · New, wider textbook format and design making the entire book much more accessible for students. · Wide range of pedagogical features included - suggestions for further reading included at the end of each chapter; comprehensive glossaries of social identity, social psychological and organizational terms.

The Psychology of Covid-19: Building Resilience for Future Pandemics (SAGE Swifts)

by Joel Vos

The Psychology of Covid-19 explores how the coronavirus is giving rise to a new order in our personal lives, societies and politics. Rooted in systematic research on Covid-19 and previous pandemics, including SARS, Ebola, HIV and the Spanish Flu, this book describes how Covid-19 has impacted a broad range of domains, including self-perception, lifestyle, politics, mental health, media, and meaning in life. Building on this, the book then sets out how we can improve our psychological and social resilience, to safeguard ourselves against the psychological effects of future pandemics.

The Psychology of Covid-19: Building Resilience for Future Pandemics (SAGE Swifts)

by Joel Vos

The Psychology of Covid-19 explores how the coronavirus is giving rise to a new order in our personal lives, societies and politics. Rooted in systematic research on Covid-19 and previous pandemics, including SARS, Ebola, HIV and the Spanish Flu, this book describes how Covid-19 has impacted a broad range of domains, including self-perception, lifestyle, politics, mental health, media, and meaning in life. Building on this, the book then sets out how we can improve our psychological and social resilience, to safeguard ourselves against the psychological effects of future pandemics.

The Psychology of Great Teaching: (Almost) Everything Teachers Ought to Know

by Pedro De Bruyckere Casper Hulshof Liese Missinne

This is your essential teaching companion that offers a broad understanding of modern psychology and how ideas from psychological theory and research can be relevant to any classroom. Explore robust, current ideas and contemporary findings from different psychological disciplines, such as cognitive psychology, developmental psychology, social psychology, personality theory and systems theory, and learn new insights to enhance your teaching. Deepen your knowledge of how students and young people develop as individuals and how a greater understanding of human behaviour can make you a more effective teacher. Each chapter includes ‘teacher takeaways’ offering practical advice on how to translate up-to-date psychological ideas into effective teaching techniques. The perfect read for teachers and those training to teach school students of any age. Pedro De Bruyckere is an educational scientist at the Artevelde University College of Applied Sciences and Leiden University. Casper Hulshof is a psychologist who teaches Educational Science at Utrecht University. Liese Missinne is an educational scientist and teacher trainer at the Artevelde University College of Applied Sciences.

The Psychology of Great Teaching: (Almost) Everything Teachers Ought to Know

by Pedro De Bruyckere Casper Hulshof Liese Missinne

This is your essential teaching companion that offers a broad understanding of modern psychology and how ideas from psychological theory and research can be relevant to any classroom. Explore robust, current ideas and contemporary findings from different psychological disciplines, such as cognitive psychology, developmental psychology, social psychology, personality theory and systems theory, and learn new insights to enhance your teaching. Deepen your knowledge of how students and young people develop as individuals and how a greater understanding of human behaviour can make you a more effective teacher. Each chapter includes ‘teacher takeaways’ offering practical advice on how to translate up-to-date psychological ideas into effective teaching techniques. The perfect read for teachers and those training to teach school students of any age. Pedro De Bruyckere is an educational scientist at the Artevelde University College of Applied Sciences and Leiden University. Casper Hulshof is a psychologist who teaches Educational Science at Utrecht University. Liese Missinne is an educational scientist and teacher trainer at the Artevelde University College of Applied Sciences.

Psychology of the Digital Age: Humans Become Electric

by null John R. Suler

Based on two decades of participant-observation field research in diverse online environments, this engaging book offers insights for improving lifestyles and enhancing wellbeing in the digital age. John R. Suler, a founder of the field of cyberpsychology, explains its fundamental principles across a wide variety of topics, including online identity management, disinhibition, communication via text and photographs, intimacy and misunderstandings in online relationships, conflicting attitudes toward social media, addiction, deviant behavior, virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and media overload. He provides a new framework, the 'Eight Dimensions of Cyberpsychology Architecture', which researchers, students, and general readers interested in cyberpsychology can apply as a valuable tool for creating and understanding different digital realms. Psychology of the Digital Age focuses on the individual, shedding new light on our conscious as well as subconscious reactions to online experiences and our intrinsic human need to self-actualize.

The Psychology of Thinking: Reasoning, Decision-Making and Problem-Solving

by John Paul Minda

The Psychology of Thinking is an engaging, interesting and easy-to-follow guide into the essential concepts behind our reasoning, decision-making and problem-solving. Clearly structured into 3 sections, this book will; Introduce your students to organisation of thought including memory, language and concepts; Expand their understanding of reasoning including inference and induction as well as motivation and the impact of mood; Improve their thinking in action, focusing on decision-making and problem-solving. Suitable for any course in which students need to develop their judgement and decision-making skills, this book uses clever examples of real-world situations to help them understand and apply the theories discussed to their everyday thinking.

The Psychology of Thinking: Reasoning, Decision-Making and Problem-Solving

by John Paul Minda

The Psychology of Thinking is an engaging, interesting and easy-to-follow guide into the essential concepts behind our reasoning, decision-making and problem-solving. Clearly structured into 3 sections, this book will; Introduce your students to organisation of thought including memory, language and concepts; Expand their understanding of reasoning including inference and induction as well as motivation and the impact of mood; Improve their thinking in action, focusing on decision-making and problem-solving. Suitable for any course in which students need to develop their judgement and decision-making skills, this book uses clever examples of real-world situations to help them understand and apply the theories discussed to their everyday thinking.

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