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Showing 7,101 through 7,125 of 8,793 results

Resurrection: The powerful new story of hope in dark times

by Danielle Steel

Resurrection is a powerful story of family, survival and hope, from billion-copy bestselling author Danielle Steel.Darcy Gray leads a charmed life. A wildly successful blogger and influencer, she has spent twenty happy years with her husband, Charlie Gray, the equally high-powered head of a fashion retail empire. Together with their twin daughters, who are both studying abroad for college, they form one of New York’s most successful families.But, when a shocking betrayal leaves Darcy reeling, she flees to Paris, devastated and nursing a broken heart. As she struggles to rebuild her sense of self, rumours of a dangerous virus begin to circulate, forcing Darcy to take refuge at the home of eccentric retired actress Sybille Carton, along with a fellow lodger, the handsome and enigmatic Bill Thompson.As the world enters a terrifying period of global lockdown, the Gray family are torn apart, scattered across two continents and three different countries. They must find ways to cope in the toughest of circumstances, letting go of old dreams and working towards new, unexpected futures.In times of terrible crisis, hope and resilience are what carry us through . . .

Second Act: A powerful story of downfall and redemption

by Danielle Steel

FAME. POWER. SUCCESS. HAPPINESS.In this compelling novel from billion copy bestseller Danielle Steel, a top Hollywood movie mogul seeks a new beginning in England when his career takes an unplanned turn . . .As the head of a prestigious movie studio for nearly two decades, Andy Westfield has had every professional luxury: a stunning office, a loyal assistant who can all but read his mind, access to a private jet and company cars. Andy always put his career before his marriage, and now, besides his daughter and young grandchildren, it’s the only thing he truly loves.But then Andy’s world is upended. The studio is sold, and the buyer’s son demands the top seat. Out of a job and humiliated, Andy knows he needs to get as far away from Los Angeles as possible until the dust settles and he can find a new way forward.Andy signs a six-month rental agreement for a luxurious home in a small town on the south coast of England. When he arrives, he hires a local woman to help get his affairs in order. A former journalist, Violet Smith is at a crossroads as well. But when Violet leaves the manuscript of her unfinished novel behind after work one day, Andy is captivated by a story that begs to be adapted for the big screen. Could this be the miracle they’ve both been looking for?In Second Act, Danielle Steel presents a heartening tale of how challenging times give way to opportunities and an original outline does not always contain the perfect ending.

The Price She Pays: Confronting the Hidden Mental Health Crisis in Women's Sports—from the Schoolyard to the Stadium

by Katie Steele Tiffany Brown

Two experts in mental health and sport lift the veil on the crisis in women&’s athletics, offering parents and coaches urgently needed advice and support and showing how female athletes can find joy in whatever sport they choose, at whatever level they compete. No matter the sport, the message to girls and women is the same: Be aggressive, but not too aggressive. Win at all costs, but be polite while doing it. Get strong, but not too big. Female athletes have long been conditioned to perform under these standards, gracefully and without complaints. Yet, behind the scenes, female athletes are suffering from disordered eating and substance use; depression and anxiety; emotional and sexual abuse; racism and discrimination; self-harm, and even suicide ideation. When global tennis star Naomi Osaka and gymnastics world champion Simone Biles took breaks from competing to tend to their mental health, many were compelled to ask: What is causing this mental health crisis in women&’s sports? In this urgent yet &“hopeful roadmap for systemic change.&” (Jessica Mendoza, Olympic medalist), Katie Steele and Dr. Tiffany Brown illuminate where we are going wrong—and how we can correct course. Through first-hand accounts, research, and reporting, they reveal the deep layers of trauma and mistreatment women experience in their pursuit of excellence in sport. They show parents, coaches, and athletes how to recognize the signs of mistreatment and mental health issues, and reveal how, by focusing on the wellbeing of the whole person—not just the athlete—we can provide women and girls with the support they need to thrive, in whatever sport they choose, at whatever level they compete.

Quantum Mechanics for Material Science: An Introduction

by Gianluca Stefanucci

This book is based on the course "Elements of Theoretical Physics," which the author has been teaching at the University of Rome Tor Vergata since 2017. It serves as an introduction to quantum mechanics, providing students with essential concepts and tools for future lessons, while still maintaining a comprehensive approach without relying heavily on the level of abstraction and mathematical rigor typically found in Physics programs. Understanding this book only requires knowledge of the mathematical concepts taught in the first two years of basic courses. The bachelor's degree program in Materials Science aims to train students with an interdisciplinary background in physics, chemistry, and engineering. While the study of quantum mechanics is essential, the same level of depth, abstraction, and mathematical rigor as in a Physics degree program is not a requirement. Unfortunately, most textbooks on Quantum Mechanics are geared toward Physics students, making it difficult to find suitable resources for Materials Science students. To make learning easier, the author has chosen not to refer students to various textbooks for different topics. Instead, he has created handouts that have evolved into a condensed textbook on quantum mechanics specifically tailored to the needs of the Materials Science program.

Social Impact, Organizations and Society: The Contemporary Role of Corporate Social Responsibility (Routledge Studies in Management, Organizations and Society)

by Magdalena Stefańska Katarzyna Bachnik Magdalena Kaźmierczak Magdalena Rojek-Nowosielska Justyna Szumniak-Samolej

Social Impact, Organizations and Society represents endeavors to comprehensively explore the essence of social impact. The editors aim to elucidate its definition, scope, measurement and implementation. Delving into how organizations integrate social impact into their core missions, decision-making processes and operational frameworks, this monograph strives to identify avenues for enhancing social impact generation. Furthermore, its focus lies on fostering effective relationships with diverse stakeholder groups and providing empirical evidence of social impact practices across industries and sectors. Through an in-depth examination of the latest research, this monograph sheds light on the evolving role of corporate social responsibility and its significance amidst contemporary challenges.

Konsumverhalten verstehen, beeinflussen und messen: Die Psychologie hinter effektivem Marketing

by Manuel Stegemann

Wie entscheiden wir, was wir kaufen? Dieses Buch präsentiert faszinierende und wissenschaftlich fundierte Erkenntnisse zum Konsumverhalten und vermittelt anschaulich deren Anwendbarkeit im Marketingalltag von Unternehmen. Jahrzehntelange psychologische Forschung hat zu einem tiefgehenden Verständnis geführt, wie Menschen in Konsumsituationen wahrnehmen und handeln. Die oft verblüffenden Ergebnisse zeigen, wie wir systematisch irrationale Kaufentscheidungen treffen. Denn wir alle folgen bestimmten Wahrnehmungs- und Verhaltensmustern, die uns empfänglich für Beeinflussungen machen.Mit einer anschaulich-bildhaften Darstellung und einem klaren Blick für die Praxis offenbart dieses Buch, wie Forschungserkenntnisse im Marketingalltag Anwendung finden. Manuel Stegemann liefert dabei ein spannendes Leseerlebnis voller Aha-Momente und Empfehlungen für Fachkräfte im Marketing, Handel und Vertrieb, für Studierende und alle, die das eigene Konsumverhalten besser verstehen möchten.Neben den Möglichkeiten zur gezielten Beeinflussung zeigt dieses Buch auch auf, wie der Erfolg messbar gemacht werden kann. Dazu sind empirische Methoden nötig, die im Buch anhand spannender Fallstudien erläutert und angewendet werden.Aus dem InhaltEinführung in die Konsumentenpsychologie und in methodische GrundlagenZahlreiche psychologische Phänomene und Beeinflussungsmöglichkeiten entlang der Wahrnehmungs-, Entscheidungsfindungs- und nachträglichen Bewertungsphase15 inspirierende Fallstudien zur Anwendung der Techniken und empirischen Überprüfung der EffekteÜber 180 Abbildungen und noch mehr lebensnahe PraxisbeispieleEthische Grenzen der Beeinflussung sowie Hinweise zum Schutz vor Beeinflussungsversuchen

Einführung in die Humanernährung: Physiologische Grundlagen, Nährstoffe, Ernährungsformen

by Peter Stehle Sabine Ellinger

Zum Lernen, Lesen, Schmökern und Reinschnuppern! Dieses innovative Lehrbuch richtet sich an Studierende der Ernährungswissenschaften, Ökotrophologie und verwandter Studiengänge sowie an Ernährungsfachkräfte, die sich umfassend und wissenschaftlich fundiert über grundlegende und angewandte Aspekte der Humanernährung informieren wollen. Die Konzeption orientiert sich an den Modulbeschreibungen einschlägiger Studiengänge, mit einem inhaltlichen Schwerpunkt auf den Modulen Humanernährung, Ernährung des Menschen, Ernährungslehre und Ernährungsphysiologie. Folgende Themengebiete werden im Detail behandelt: Ernährungsphysiologische Grundlagen der Energiegewinnung und NährstoffverwertungMakro- und Mikronährstoffe sowie weitere präventiv bedeutsame LebensmittelinhaltsstoffeReferenzwerte für die NährstoffzufuhrLebensmittelbasierte ErnährungsempfehlungenGängige Ernährungsformen Erfassung des Ernährungsverhaltens sowie des ErnährungsstatusAktuelle Themen wie die Planetary Health Diet und der Themenkomplex Ernährung, Mikrobiom und GesundheitJedes Kapitel beginnt mit einem in unterhaltsamer Sprache formulierten Trailer, der Neugierde erweckt und zum Weiterlesen motiviert. Der systematische Aufbau, mehr als 100 Abbildungen sowie optisch hervorgehobene Elemente erleichtern das Erlernen von Schlüsselinformationen. Über 150 digitale Übungsfragen (SN Flashcards) ermöglichen eine Selbstüberprüfung des gelernten Wissens und unterstützen die Klausurvorbereitung. Insgesamt eignet sich dieses Lehrbuch als idealer Begleiter während des Studiums – sowohl für Bachelor- als auch für Masterstudierende.

Every Day is To-Day: Essential Writings

by Gertrude Stein

A new collection of Gertrude Stein's most enrapturing and essential short writings, selected by Francesca Wade'A Stein-shaped sentence is a very bespoke thing-you need an espresso martini to recover' Deborah LevyIn this collection, readers will rediscover Gertrude Stein as the bearer of a joyfully radical literary vision. A bold experimenter, her writing sparks with vitality, relishing in rhythm, repetition, sound and colour in its central vision: to prise apart language and association and find thrilling new ways to express the true essence of her subject with charming joie de vivre.Stein considered her shorter writings to be the truest expressions of her enrapturing style. Her fascination with people and personalities can be located in expressive portraits of close friends such as Pablo Picasso, Henri Matisse and Juan Gris, whilst her decades-long relationship with Alice B. Toklas is immortalised with shimmering eroticism. There are also playful meditations on her unique writing process, conveying her serious delight in meddling with conventions of grammar and composition.

The Marqu?s, the Divas, and the Castrati: Gaspar de Haro y Guzm?n and Opera in the Early Modern Spanish Orbit

by Louise K. Stein

This is an open access title available under the terms of a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International licence. It is free to read on the Oxford Academic platform and offered as a free PDF download from OUP and selected open access locations. During a crucial period in opera's development as a genre and as a business, the flamboyantly libertine Spanish aristocrat Gaspar de Haro y Guzm?n (1629-87), Marqu?s de Heliche and del Carpio, influenced operatic practices and productions for both Italian and Hispanic operas. A voracious collector of books and antiquities and famed connoisseur of visual art, the marqu?s financed operas in both Spain and Italy and further shaped them through his ideas, energy, and politics. His legacy also brought forth the first operas of the Americas, as posthumous revivals of the operatic genres he nurtured appeared in the Americas less than fifteen years after his death. In this book, author Louise K. Stein follows the trajectory of this first operatic producer to have shaped opera in two different worlds--Europe and the Americas--and in doing so, advances our musical and historical understanding of seventeenth- and early eighteenth-century opera and cultural encounter. Each chapter focuses on different productions spearheaded by the Marqu?s in Madrid, Rome, and Naples during his lifetime, with the final chapter considering how his influence continued in operatic productions in Lima, Mexico City, and other regions of New Spain after his death. Alongside this portrait of the distinguish patron of the arts, Stein shows how conventions of musical dramaturgy for both private and commercial opera were developed within a consistent politics of production across the far-flung administrative centers of the Spanish empire in the years 1650-1730. She reveals the place of opera within the siglo de oro (Golden Age) of Hispanic theatre and delves deeply into how the Marqu?s became the principal patron of Alessandro Scarlatti in Italy after his time in Rome, sparking a reliable production system for Italian opera in Naples. Stein also addresses gendered performance--how beliefs about female fertility conditioned listeners and shaped the operatic genre--and advances the concept of the "womanly voice" in the first extant Hispanic operas, the Italian operas produced in Naples between 1683 and 1687, and the first operas of the Americas from 1701 to 1730.

The Marqu?s, the Divas, and the Castrati: Gaspar de Haro y Guzm?n and Opera in the Early Modern Spanish Orbit

by Louise K. Stein

This is an open access title available under the terms of a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International licence. It is free to read on the Oxford Academic platform and offered as a free PDF download from OUP and selected open access locations. During a crucial period in opera's development as a genre and as a business, the flamboyantly libertine Spanish aristocrat Gaspar de Haro y Guzm?n (1629-87), Marqu?s de Heliche and del Carpio, influenced operatic practices and productions for both Italian and Hispanic operas. A voracious collector of books and antiquities and famed connoisseur of visual art, the marqu?s financed operas in both Spain and Italy and further shaped them through his ideas, energy, and politics. His legacy also brought forth the first operas of the Americas, as posthumous revivals of the operatic genres he nurtured appeared in the Americas less than fifteen years after his death. In this book, author Louise K. Stein follows the trajectory of this first operatic producer to have shaped opera in two different worlds--Europe and the Americas--and in doing so, advances our musical and historical understanding of seventeenth- and early eighteenth-century opera and cultural encounter. Each chapter focuses on different productions spearheaded by the Marqu?s in Madrid, Rome, and Naples during his lifetime, with the final chapter considering how his influence continued in operatic productions in Lima, Mexico City, and other regions of New Spain after his death. Alongside this portrait of the distinguish patron of the arts, Stein shows how conventions of musical dramaturgy for both private and commercial opera were developed within a consistent politics of production across the far-flung administrative centers of the Spanish empire in the years 1650-1730. She reveals the place of opera within the siglo de oro (Golden Age) of Hispanic theatre and delves deeply into how the Marqu?s became the principal patron of Alessandro Scarlatti in Italy after his time in Rome, sparking a reliable production system for Italian opera in Naples. Stein also addresses gendered performance--how beliefs about female fertility conditioned listeners and shaped the operatic genre--and advances the concept of the "womanly voice" in the first extant Hispanic operas, the Italian operas produced in Naples between 1683 and 1687, and the first operas of the Americas from 1701 to 1730.

Young People Leaving Care: Supporting Pathways to Adulthood

by Mike Stein

An authoritative text highlighting the key issues affecting young people taking the step from leaving care to adulthood. Covers relevant research, policy and practice, and advises on how best to understand, prepare and support young people.

Adolescent Neglect: Research, Policy and Practice (Safeguarding Children Across Services)

by Mike Stein Gwyther Rees Leslie Hicks Sarah Gorin

This book outlines how adolescent neglect differs from child neglect, the context of why it is overlooked, how it is defined, the causes and consequences of neglect, young people's views, and what professionals can do. Based on original research, the book establishes an evidence base and considers the implications for policy and practice.

Arbeitsgesundheit und Beziehungsqualität durch Mediation: Leitfaden zu Mediation als Soziale Heilkunde für Organisationen mit Praxisanleitung (essentials)

by Thomas Stein

Manchmal verstehen wir am Arbeitsplatz die Welt nicht mehr. Je besser wir es meinen, desto schwieriger scheint sich oft paradoxerweise das menschliche Miteinander zu entwickeln: Stress und lähmende Blockaden (Konflikte) im Miteinander saugen Energie, die dringend anderweitig gebraucht wird. Dem wirkt Mediation als professionell bewährtes und kulturübergreifend praktiziertes Konfliktlösungsverfahren gezielt entgegen. Denn: Mediation ist zukunftsgerichtet und kann kreative Lösungsansätze zeigen, die bislang kaum vorstellbar waren. Was das mit Arbeitsgesundheit und Beziehungsqualität zu tun hat, lernen Sie in diesem essential.

Machine Learning-based Prediction of Missing Parts for Assembly (Findings from Production Management Research)

by Fabian Steinberg

Manufacturing companies face challenges in managing increasing process complexity while meeting demands for on-time delivery, particularly evident during critical processes like assembly. The early identification of potential missing parts at the beginning assembly emerges as a crucial strategy to uphold delivery commitments. This book embarks on developing machine learning-based prediction models to tackle this challenge. Through a systemic literature review, deficiencies in current predictive methodologies are highlighted, notably the underutilization of material data and a late prediction capability within the procurement process. Through case studies within the machine industry a significant influence of material data on the quality of models predicting missing parts from in-house production was verified. Further, a model for predicting delivery delays in the purchasing process was implemented, which makes it possible to predict potential missing parts from suppliers at the time of ordering. These advancements serve as indispensable tools for production planners and procurement professionals, empowering them to proactively address material availability challenges for assembly operations.

Inside Transracial Adoption: Strength-based, Culture-sensitizing Parenting Strategies for Inter-country or Domestic Adoptive Families That Don't "Match", Second Edition

by Gail Steinberg Beth Hall

Inside Transracial Adoption is an accessible, authoritative guide on how to navigate the challenges that parents can face with the adoption of a child from a different race and culture. It is an invaluable guide for parents - whether considering transracial adoption for the first time or experienced veterans - or the people who support them.

The Road to Martyrs' Square: A Journey into the World of the Suicide Bomber

by Paul F. Steinberg Anne Marie Oliver

Don't expect to find here the usual clich?s about suicide bombers and what drives them. In this unique study, Anne Marie Oliver and Paul Steinberg render the story of two intertwining, often clashing journeys. The authors lived for six months with a Palestinian refugee family in Gaza at the beginning of the intifada, and offer a gritty, poetic portrait of the time. They also provide an unrivalled documentary of the underground media they collected during the course of six years in the area. Although they could not have surmised as much at the beginning, they soon found themselves led through these media into the world of the suicide bomber. Their early study, notably, anticipated the spread of suicide missions years in advance. Dispensing with the platitudes and dogma that typify discourse on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the authors show that the suicide bomber is a complex, contradictory construction, and can be explained neither in terms of cold efficacy nor sheer evil. Theirs is the only book on the subject to illustrate the ecstatic, intoxicating aspects of suicide missions, and provide extensive access to materials that have remained largely unseen in the West despite the fact that they have served as indispensable tools in the construction and propagation of the suicide bomber. The book contains 86 illustrations drawn from the authors' archive as well as numerous conversations with leaders and followers of Hamas, including a rare interview with a suicide bomber whose bomb failed to explode on an Israeli bus in Jerusalem. Here is an important and timely work that will challenge the way we think about the intifada, suicide bombers, and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Life Before Birth: The Moral and Legal Status of Embryos and Fetuses, Second Edition

by Bonnie Steinbock

Life Before Birth provides a coherent framework for addressing bioethical issues in which the moral status of embryos and fetuses is relevant. It is based on the "interest view" which ascribes moral standing to beings with interests, and connects the possession of interests with the capacity for conscious awareness or sentience. The theoretical framework is applied to ethical and legal topics, including abortion, prenatal torts, wrongful life, the crime of feticide, substance abuse by pregnant women, compulsory cesareans, assisted reproduction, and stem cell research. Along the way, difficult philosophical problems, such as identity and the non-identity problem are thoroughly explored. The book will be of interest not only to philosophers, but also physicians, lawyers, policy makers, and anyone perplexed by the many difficulties surrounding the unborn. "Bonnie Steinbock's excellent book is . . . consistent, thoroughgoing, and intelligible." --Nature "Steinbock's book is valuable for all interested in the ethical/legal issues surrounding abortion, prenatal injury and liability, maternal-fetal conflict, and fetal/embryo research. The author provides an excellent historical overview of these issues, but she also addresses the issues from the stance of a particular theory of moral status, namely, interest theory. This gives coherence to her discussion as well as allowing testing of the viability of interest theory." --Choice "A focused, lucid, analytically fine-grained discussion of a wide variety of problems. . . extremely useful as a survey of the current state of the debate." --Religious Studies Review "Merits serious consideration by physicians. Steinbock's interests-based approach treats all questions as open -- another and most welcome breath of fresh air." -New England Journal of Medicine "An extremely valuable contribution to the literature. The author carefully identifies the many bioethical issues to which the status of embryos and fetuses is relevant....She thoroughly reviews the extensive medical, bioethical, and legal literature on all of these issues, offering well-developed critiques of many standard positions. She articulates and thoughtfully defends interesting positions on all of theses topics. Anyone with an interest in these issues will learn a great deal from her knowledgeable and judicious treatment of them." -- The Journal of Clinical Ethics

Verhüllung und Entblößung: Vom erzählenden Text:il zur filmischen Haut als Erfahrungsraum affektiver Identitätsentfaltung

by Anke Steinborn

Dieses Buch enthält eine interdisziplinäre Betrachtung zum identitätsbildenden Wechselspiel von Text, Textilem und der Haut im und über den Film. Kernthese ist die Überlegung, dass sich im Film über den Wechsel zwischen Textilem und nackter Haut ikonische Verdichtungen zugunsten eines assoziativen Erfahrungsraums entfalten. Dabei weicht der Stoff – der erzählerische gleichermaßen wie der textile – dem Sinnlichen, der Affizierung über die Haut. Die Untersuchung beleuchtet den Zusammenhang zwischen filmischer Rezeption und Selbstreflexion der Zuschauenden, aber auch einer Gesellschaft sowie des Films selbst im jeweils zeitlichen Kontext. Die Filmsehenden erfahren nicht nur das Geschehen und die Protagonist*innen, sondern vor allem auch sich selbst im Spiegel des Anderen – der anderen Figur, der anderen Geschichte, der anderen, filmischen Welt. Ziel der Untersuchung ist es, unter symbolische Hüllen zu schauen und das Wesentliche darunter zu entdecken. Durch die Interdisziplinarität der Arbeit werden nicht nur Interessierte der Film-, Medien- und Kulturwissenschaft, sondern auch der Soziologie, der Psychologie, des (Mode-)Designs, der Kunstgeschichte und der Architektur angesprochen. Das Buch regt zu Perspektivwechseln und interdisziplinärem Austausch auf der Basis der für uns alle existenziellen Haut an. Mit diesem Alleinstellungsmerkmal werden Grenzen überwunden und Kollaborationen angeregt.

Online-Assessment: Grundlagen und Anwendung von Online-Tests in der Unternehmenspraxis

by Heinke Steiner

Immer mehr Unternehmen nutzen Online-Assessments, um Potenziale von Bewerbern oder Mitarbeitern via Internet zu testen. Online-Tests sind effizient und mittlerweile auch für mittelständische Unternehmen erschwinglich - doch sie haben auch ihre Grenzen. In diesem Buch zeigen erfahrene Personaler, was bei der Planung und dem Einsatz zu beachten ist und in welchen konkreten Bereichen Online-Tests sinnvoll eingesetzt werden können: Von der Vorselektion und dem Personalmarketing, über die Personalauswahl und -entwicklung, bis hin zu besonderen Einsatzgebieten wie Karriereberatung und Erfassung interkultureller Kompetenzen. Diese Darstellung wird eingerahmt von wissenschaftlichen und technischen Grundlagen sowie einem Überblick über neueste Entwicklungen und Trends. Fallbeispiele aus führenden Unternehmen, Checklisten zu Erfolgskriterien sowie eine kommentierte Übersicht über Anbieter von Online-Tests machen dieses Buch zu einem unverzichtbaren Leitfaden für alle, die Online-Assessments einsetzen möchten, aber auch für jene, die sich einen ersten Überblick über die Thematik verschaffen wollen.

On Becoming a Jungian Sandplay Therapist: The Healing Spirit of Sandplay in Nature and in Therapy

by Lenore Steinhardt

This book discusses the deep inner process of becoming a sandplay therapist, addressing important creative aspects of understanding and practising sandplay. It describes the current theory behind the Jungian approach, the roles of the therapist and the client, and explores the healing potential of nature and the numinous in art and sandplay.

Reformers in the Wings: From Geiler von Kaysersberg to Theodore Beza

by David C. Steinmetz

This book offers portraits of twenty of the secondary theologians of the Reformation period. In addition to describing a particular theologian, each portrait explores one problem in 16th-century Christian thought. Catholic, Lutheran, Reformed, and Radical thinkers are all represented in this volume, which serves as both an introduction to the field and a handy reference for scholars.

Legal Stories: Narrative-Based Property Development in the Modern Copyright Era

by Gregory Steirer

Tracing the emergence of what the media industries today call transmedia, story worlds, and narrative franchises, Legal Stories provides a dual history of copyright law and narrative-based media development between the Copyright Act of 1909 and the Copyright Act of 1976. Drawing on archival material, including legal case files, and employing the principles of actor-network theory, Gregory Steirer demonstrates how the meaning and form of narrative-based property in the twentieth century was integral to the letter and practice of intellectual property law during this time. Steirer’s expansive view of intellectual property law encompasses not only statutes and judicial opinions, but also the everyday practices and productions of authors, editors, fans, and other legal laypersons. The result is a history of the law as improvisatory and accident-prone, taking place as often outside the courtroom as inside, and shaped as much by laypersons as lawyers. Through the examination of influential legal disputes involving early properties such as Dashiell Hammett’s Sam Spade, H. P. Lovecraft’s Cthulhu Mythos, and Robert E. Howard’s Conan the Barbarian, Steirer provides a ground’s eye view of how copyright law has operated and evolved in practice.

Heroic Acts in Humble Shoes: America's Nurses Tell Their Stories

by Irene Stemler

They are compassionate voices, they are dedicated professionals, they are critical players in the health care system with worn pairs of shoes that have miles of stories to tell. They are America’s nurses.Heroic Acts in Humble Shoes: America’s Nurses Tell Their Stories is more than just a quick glance into the trials, tribulations, joys and rewards of nursing. It is a gateway to understanding what today’s nurses are challenged with everyday. Irene Stemler, RN, BSN, goes beyond the research and gives a voice to the millions of nurses who directly or indirectly make a difference in the lives of patients. Each story opens with a photograph of the nurse’s shoes and offers a unique, passionate, personal, and sometimes controversial perspective on nursing in today’s health care environment. Inside you’ll find: • Over 40 interview-style stories • Each story accompanied by a photo of the featured nurse’s shoes • Stories that reflect the breadth and diversity of today’s nursing practice Heroic Acts in Humble Shoes also looks to be a springboard for spirited discussion about the future of nursing. When nurses read these reflections of the daily battle to provide quality health care to ordinary people, they are encouraged to act, taking a leadership position in transforming their profession and nurses’ role in health care delivery as a whole.Do you consider your work to be heroic? The often surprising answer to this question makes Heroic Acts in Humble Shoes: America’s Nurses Tell Their Stories a must-read for all nurses across the U.S. and those who know them.

Ocular Manifestations of Systemic Diseases

by Alexandr Stepanov Jan Studnicka

This book focuses on ocular manifestations of general human diseases with chapters divided according to the human organ system. Specialists in each field detail individual illnesses and ophthalmologists present an overview of ocular complications of these diseases. Manifestations of vascular, endocrine, autoimmune, rheumatological, pulmonary, gastrointestinal, hematological, infectious, skin, neurological, sexually transmitted and cancer diseases are discussed in detail throughout the book. Ocular Manifestations of Systemic Diseases is a highly illustrated guide with the basic data presented in clear tables and graphs with a further reading lists included for each topic. Ophthalmologists and experts in other fields, including general practitioners, will find this book to be an essential resource for their clinical and academic activities.

The Resilient Culture: How Collective Resilience Leads to Business Success

by Liane Stephan Silke Rupprecht Chris Tamdjidi Michael Mackay Richards

The ideal business is productive, collaborative and innovative. But how can you bring these qualities into your organization? The solution is to build a resilient culture.This is a groundbreaking guide to lasting success through practical and original frameworks for building resilience at work. It draws upon the authors' experiences of working with leading organizations such as HSBC, Ikea and a leading F1 team to demonstrate the impact of resilient cultures.Featuring insights on resilient habits, team dynamics and workplace wellbeing, The Resilient Culture draws upon decades of corporate and academic expertise to offer the insights you need to reach new heights of business performance.

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