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Computational Science – ICCS 2024: 24th International Conference, Malaga, Spain, July 2–4, 2024, Proceedings, Part VI (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #14837)

by Valeria V. Krzhizhanovskaya Jack J. Dongarra Peter M. A. Sloot Maciej Paszynski Clélia De Mulatier Leonardo Franco

The 7-volume set LNCS 14832 – 14838 constitutes the proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Computational Science, ICCS 2024, which took place in Malaga, Spain, during July 2–4, 2024. The 155 full papers and 70 short papers included in these proceedings were carefully reviewed and selected from 430 submissions. They were organized in topical sections as follows: Part I: ICCS 2024 Main Track Full Papers; Part II: ICCS 2024 Main Track Full Papers; Part III: ICCS 2024 Main Track Short Papers; Advances in High-Performance Computational Earth Sciences: Numerical Methods, Frameworks and Applications; Artificial Intelligence and High-Performance Computing for Advanced Simulations; Part IV: Biomedical and Bioinformatics Challenges for Computer Science; Computational Health; Part V: Computational Optimization, Modelling, and Simulation; Generative AI and Large Language Models (LLMs) in Advancing Computational Medicine; Machine Learning and Data Assimilation for Dynamical Systems; Multiscale Modelling and Simulation; Part VI: Network Models and Analysis: From Foundations to Artificial Intelligence; Numerical Algorithms and Computer Arithmetic for Computational Science; Quantum Computing; Part VII: Simulations of Flow and Transport: Modeling, Algorithms and Computation; Smart Systems: Bringing Together Computer Vision, Sensor Networks, and Artificial Intelligence; Solving Problems with Uncertainties; Teaching Computational Science

A Decade in Sino-Soviet Diplomacy: The Diaries of Liu Zerong, 1940–49

by David Brophy

This book will illuminate Xinjiang studies as never before, publishing for the first time the complete diaries of Liu Zerong, governor of Xinjiang during World War II, illuminating the origin of contemporary policies for smaller ethnic groups in the new China that emerged in 1949. The diaries are introduced with a biographical study of Liu, and a discussion of the historical context of World War II and the post-war situation in Xinjiang, which was divided into rival spheres of KMT control, and the Soviet-aligned East Turkistan Republic. Both in the Moscow embassy, and in the provincial administration of Ürümchi, Liu Zerong was Republican China’s chief Russian-speaking representative, whose task it was to engage on a daily basis with his Soviet counterparts. His extensive diaries therefore offer a unique insight into this tense decade of Sino-Soviet diplomacy, and will be of interest to a wide range of scholars in fields of Chinese and international history. The accompanying set of essays by the world's leading Xinjiang scholars confirm this volume's status as a key text for scholars, policymakers and others seeking to understand Chinese policies in Xinjiang.

Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie: Eine Einführung – kompakt, prägnant und anwendungsorientiert (Angewandte Psychologie Kompakt)

by Peter Michael Bak

Dieses prägnante Lehrbuch aus der Lehrbuchreihe Angewandte Psychologie kompakt enthält die wichtigsten psychologischen Theorien und Konzepte rund um die Themen der Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie. Es ist speziell für Studierende konzipiert, die sich einen schnellen und eingängigen Überblick über die Thematik sowie einen starken Praxisbezug wünschen.Die sorgfältige Didaktik, Klausurfragen, digitale Zusatzmaterialien und Zusammenfassungen stellen eine optimale Grundlage für das Verstehen des Lehrstoffes und die Prüfungsvorbereitung im Bereich der Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie dar.Durch zahlreiche Anwendungsbeispiele, Reflexionsfragen, eingebundene Audioclips und Online-Zusatzmaterialien ist es in einzigartiger Weise anwendungsorientiert und weckt dadurch Lust, das Gelernte gedanklich weiterzuentwickeln und in verschiedensten Kontexten umzusetzen.Zusätzlich sind Fragen und Antworten zum Selbsttest über die SN Flashcards Lern-App inkludiert. Der Zugangscode befindet sich im gedruckten Buch.Die ZielgruppenStudierende sowie Lehrende der Psychologie und angrenzender Disziplinen, die Grundlegendes in kompakter, übersichtlicher und praxisnaher Form verstehen und anwenden wollen.

Spatial Networking in the United Physical, Virtual, and Mental World (Studies in Systems, Decision and Control #533)

by Peter S. Sapaty

The current book chooses graphs and networks as primary and global research objectives after reviewing different types and areas of networking and existing works on graph and network operations. The ideas of this book originate from the WAVE approach which allowed us, more than half a century ago, to implement citywide heterogeneous computer networks and solve distributed problems on them in flexible and mobile way. The invented management paradigm evolved into Spatial Grasp Technology resulted in European patent and nine previous books oriented on concrete applications in social and defense systems, security, crises management, collective robotics, space research, and others. Many obtained results were dealing with graph and network structures and problems which were extremely important in the researched areas. It aims at development of higher-level social infrastructures effectively integrating different types of networking under the same universal approach, also application of networking in new areas like organoids and brain research. This book is oriented toward system scientists, application programmers, industry managers, university students, philosophers, psychologists, and United Nations personnel too.

2024 Stuttgart International Symposium on Automotive and Engine Technology: Teil 2 (Proceedings)

by Franziska Liedecke

In einer sich rasant verändernden Welt sieht sich die Automobilindustrie fast täglich mit neuen Herausforderungen konfrontiert: Der problematischer werdende Ruf des Dieselmotors, verunsicherte Verbraucher durch die in der Berichterstattung vermischte Thematik der Stickoxid- und Feinstaubemissionen, zunehmende Konkurrenz bei Elektroantrieben durch neue Wettbewerber, die immer schwieriger werdende öffentlichkeitswirksame Darstellung, dass ein großer Unterschied zwischen Prototypen, Kleinserien und einer wirklichen Großserienproduktion besteht. Dazu kommen noch die Fragen, wann die mit viel finanziellem Einsatz entwickelten alternativen Antriebsformen tatsächlich einen Return of Invest erbringen, wer die notwendige Ladeinfrastruktur für eine Massenmarkttauglichkeit der Elektromobilität bauen und finanzieren wird und wie sich das alles auf die Arbeitsplätze auswirken wird. Für die Automobilindustrie ist es jetzt wichtiger denn je, sich den Herausforderungen aktiv zu stellen und innovative Lösungen unter Beibehaltung des hohen Qualitätsanspruchs der OEMs in Serie zu bringen. Die Hauptthemen sind hierbei, die Elektromobilität mit höheren Energiedichten und niedrigeren Kosten der Batterien voranzutreiben und eine wirklich ausreichende standardisierte und zukunftssichere Ladeinfrastruktur darzustellen, aber auch den Entwicklungspfad zum schadstofffreien und CO2-neutralen Verbrennungsmotor konsequent weiter zu gehen. Auch das automatisierte Fahren kann hier hilfreich sein, weil das Fahrzeugverhalten dann – im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes - kalkulierbarer wird. Dabei ist es für die etablierten Automobilhersteller strukturell nicht immer einfach, mit der rasanten Veränderungsgeschwindigkeit mitzuhalten. Hier haben Start-ups einen großen Vorteil: Ihre Organisationsstruktur erlaubt es, frische, unkonventionelle Ideen zügig umzusetzen und sehr flexibel zu reagieren. Schon heute werden Start-ups gezielt gefördert, um neue Lösungen im Bereich von Komfort, Sicherheit, Effizienz undneuen Kundenschnittstellen zu finden. Neue Lösungsansätze, gepaart mit Investitionskraft und Erfahrungen, bieten neue Chancen auf dem Weg der Elektromobilität, der Zukunft des Verbrennungsmotors und ganz allgemein für das Auto der Zukunft.

The Nordic Peace and Northeast Asia: Approaches, Solutions, and Principles of Conflict Transformation (Palgrave Studies in Comparative Global History)

by Gunnar Rekvig

This book offers a new analysis of the Nordic Peace after its onset in 1814, the year that marks the end to centuries of warfare between the Nordic countries, and the applicability of the Nordic solutions and principles for North East Asian conflicts. Through an analysis of three key post-1814 conflicts that the Nordic region resolved peacefully - the Union of Norway and Sweden (1814-1905), the issue on the duchies of Schleswig-Holstein between Denmark and Germany (1864-1920 & 1955), and the Aaland Islands problem between Finland and Sweden (1809-1922), the book examines how the solutions that underlie the Nordic Peace transcended causes for conflict, and if there is universal potential in the Nordic solutions for similar conflicts in North East Asia

Performative Representation of Working-Class Laborers: They Work Hard for the Money

by Colin Gardner Jennifer Vanderpool

Performative Representation of Working-Class Laborers: They Work Hard for the Money is a transdisciplinary anthology intersecting art theory praxis, comparative literature, film & media studies, performance art, ethnic studies, gender studies, age & aging, geography, and labor studies. The book investigates and analyzes artwork created by artists or collectives working within the dialogue of Postmodernism and current global arts production. The focus on performative aspect of labor as art and affect becomes more sensate and less about the exploited body of labourers, liberating the representation of waged bodies and further diversifying the field of Working-Class Studies.

Strategisches Management: Grundlagen – Prozess – Implementierung

by Martin K. Welge Marc Eulerich Andreas Al-Laham

Die achte, überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage des renommierten Lehrbuches führt in das gesamte Spektrum des Strategischen Managements ein. Nach einem Überblick über theoretische Ansätze wird der Prozess des Strategischen Managements mit seinen Aufgabenbereichen ausführlich beschrieben. Aktuelle Themengebiete, wie beispielsweise Nachhaltigkeit/ESG oder Digitalisierungsstrategien, wurden hinzugenommen. Zu den Besonderheiten des Lehrbuches zählen die Integration ressourcenorientierter und wertorientierter Aspekte der strategischen Unternehmensführung sowie die Berücksichtigung empirischer Forschungsergebnisse der internationalen Strategieforschung.

Smart and Secure Embedded and Mobile Systems: Selected Papers from the First International Conference on Embedded and Mobile Systems (ICTA-EMOS), 24-25th November 2022, Arusha, Tanzania (Progress in IS)

by Jorge Marx Gómez Anael Elikana Sam Devotha Godfrey Nyambo

This book gathers a selection of research papers that delve into the field of smart systems, covering a wide range of applications in transportation, agriculture, healthcare, energy management, and more. Emphasizing the fusion of intelligence and security, they reveal how advanced embedded and mobile systems are paving the way for a smarter and safer future. The book presents peer-reviewed research articles from the First International Conference on Embedded and Mobile Systems (ICTA-EMOS), which was held on November 24th – 25th, 2022, in Arusha, Tanzania. The book showcases the remarkable potential of advanced technologies in shaping a smarter and more secure world, addressing topics such as transportation and mobility solutions, smart manufacturing and agriculture, ICT infrastructure and resource management, healthcare and energy management, system integration and control, and solutions for innovation and monitoring.

Proceedings of the 30th International Laser Radar Conference (Springer Atmospheric Sciences)

by Sara Tucker John T. Sullivan Thierry Leblanc Belay Demoz Edwin Eloranta Chris Hostetler Shoken Ishii Lucia Mona Fred Moshary Alexandros Papayannis Krishna Rupavatharam

This volume presents papers from the biennial International Laser Radar Conference (ILRC), the world’s leading event in the field of atmospheric research using lidar. With growing environmental concerns to address such as air quality deterioration, stratospheric ozone depletion, extreme weather events, and changing climate, the lidar technique has never been as critical as it is today to monitor, alert, and help solve current and emerging problems of this century. The 30th occurrence of the ILRC unveils many of the newest results and discoveries in atmospheric science and laser remote sensing technology. The 30th ILRC conference program included all contemporary ILRC themes, leveraging on both the past events’ legacy and the latest advances in lidar technologies and scientific discoveries, with participation by young scientists particularly encouraged. This proceedings volume includes a compilation of cutting-edge research on the following themes: new lidar techniques and methodologies; measurement of clouds and aerosol properties; atmospheric temperature, wind, turbulence, and waves; atmospheric boundary layer processes and their role in air quality and climate; greenhouse gases, tracers, and transport in the free troposphere and above; the upper mesosphere and lower thermosphere; synergistic use of multiple instruments and techniques, networks and campaigns; model validation and data assimilation using lidar measurements; space-borne lidar missions, instruments and science; ocean lidar instrumentation, techniques, and retrievals; and past, present and future synergy of heterodyne and direct detection lidar applications. In addition, special sessions celebrated 50 years of lidar atmospheric observations since the first ILRC, comprising review talks followed by a plenary discussion on anticipated future directions.

Molecular Biomarkers for Cancer Diagnosis and Therapy

by Ranbir Chander Sobti Aastha Sobti Haruhiko Sugimura

This book presents recent advancements, challenges, and clinical implications of molecular biomarkers in various cancers. This book highlights the clinical applications of biomarkers are extensive for cancer risk assessment, screening and early detection of cancer, accurate diagnosis, patient prognosis, prediction of response to therapy, and cancer surveillance and monitoring response. It also explores the progress of predictive biomarkers as an adjunctive tool to tumor immunotherapy in effectively identifying the efficacy of immune checkpoint inhibitors and discusses their future directions in achieving precision immuno-oncology. Further, the book examines the combination of next-generation sequencing and advanced computational data analysis approaches in the understanding of the genomic underpinnings of cancer development and progression. Towards the end, the chapter discusses the role of some commonly investigated phytochemicals and their epigenetic targets that are of particularinterest in cancer prevention and cancer therapy. It is a must for researchers as well as advanced students and physicians in the field of cancer and clinical oncologists.

Feature Models: AI-Driven Design, Analysis and Applications (SpringerBriefs in Computer Science)

by Alexander Felfernig Andreas Falkner David Benavides

This open access book provides a basic introduction to feature modelling and analysis as well as to the integration of AI methods with feature modelling. It is intended as an introduction for researchers and practitioners who are new to the field and will also serve as a state-of-the-art reference to this audience. While focusing on the AI perspective, the book covers the topics of feature modelling (including languages and semantics), feature model analysis, and interacting with feature model configurators. These topics are discussed along the AI areas of knowledge representation and reasoning, explainable AI, and machine learning.

Anxiety as Vibration: A Psychosocial Cartography (Studies in the Psychosocial)

by Ana C. Minozzo

This open access book draws on the work of Deleuze and Guattari alongside Lacan and Freud to offer a radical psychosocial survey of the status of anxiety. Taking a multidisciplinary approach, the book examines key issues in contemporary diagnosis and points towards possibilities for forging a more creative clinic. Departing from a feminist, non-Oedipal positioning towards psychoanalytic texts, the author invites art theory, medical humanities and philosophy into a conversation that seeks to answer the question: What can anxiety do? Here, Ana Minozzo explores the possibilities of an encounter with the Real as a sphere of excessive affect in psychoanalysis, and terms this meeting a ‘vibration’. Situating this enquiry within the art practice of Lygia Clark, the book utilises vibration as a conceptual artifice when considering affects, their ethical horizons and a psychoanalytic possibility for creating new ways of living. This book offers exciting new perspective on anxiety for students, clinical trainees, art and humanities researchers and practitioners and those interested in psychoanalytic ideas in general.

Introduction into Diplomacy (Contributions to International Relations)

by Sabri Kiçmari

The textbook is a rarity as it explores the functions of diplomacy from a practical perspective on diplomatic activity. This in-depth study redefines diplomacy, distinguishing it from conventional definitions. While the historical context of diplomacy is briefly discussed, the spotlight then turns to six diplomatic classics: Niccolo Machiavelli, Hugo Grotius, Ernest Satow, Harold Nicolson, Henry Kissinger, and Geoff R. Berridge. Thus, their brief biographies and core diplomatic tenets are revealed. Many aspects of the theories of international relations are covered, including liberalism, realism, neoliberal institutionalism, and constructivism. Diplomatic protocol is analysed as an instrument, guiding the position of political and diplomatic representatives according to the ranking system. Practical examples abound, with illustrations of protocol rules from the United States, the United Kingdom, Japan, Australia, France, Germany, China, and Kosovo. The pivotal role of language in diplomacy is discovered as a communication tool, alongside an examination of its specific significance. It also delves into public diplomacy, exploring its evolution over the three two decades, heavily influenced by media developments. The book also focuses on the establishment of sociology of diplomacy as a new independent discipline. It sheds light on the necessary scientific research procedures, both theoretical and empirical, grounded in descriptive methodologies, understanding, and sociological explanations of the diplomatic phenomena. A crucial part of the book examines the connection between diplomacy and ethics and asserts that while states naturally pursue their interests, adherence to ethical principles must remain steadfast. Finally, gain insights into the traits and characteristics of a modern diplomat as the book draws to a close.

Echinococcus: Control and Elimination of Echinococcosis with a Focus on China and Europe (Parasitology Research Monographs #19)

by Jian Li Wei Wang Heinz Mehlhorn

This volume provides a comprehensive overview of human echinococcosis, a zoonotic disease caused by tapeworm parasites of the genus Echinococcus. Both cystic- (hydatid disease) and alveolar echinococcosis are included, covering the most important disease forms of medical and public health relevance. Presented findings focus China and Europe and are at the same time of global significance for clinical management and control programs under the One Health approach.Echinococcosis is a relevant neglected tropical disease (NTD) and targeted for elimination by the WHO as a public health problem. The present book aids the critical actions for understanding the disease and its surveillance. In addition to fundamental information on tapeworm epidemiology, biology and immunopathogenesis, the chapters spotlight details on ultrasound diagnosis and staging, CT and MRI imaging. Moreover, molecular diagnostic tools, novel chemotherapeutics, and current vaccine research are discussed.The book is a valuable resource for human and veterinary medicine considering the Sustainable Development Goals research (SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being). Scientists, students, and medical professionals will find significant content on animal reservoirs, parasite transmission, prevention and treatment options.

Plant Production for Sustainable Society as a Semi-closed Ecosystem

by Yoshiaki Kitaya

This book introduces the concept of a semi-closed ecosystem, which is necessary for the social implementation of plant production, such as agriculture, in harmony with the environment. While aiming at achieving a sustainable balance of human activities and environmental protection, this book focuses on the material cycle within each semi-closed system listed below. 1) Mangrove forests as semi-closed systems in coastal ecosystems 2) Environmental control in facility-based plant production systems as semi-closed systems 3) Control of the gaseous environment in the root zone as a semi-closed system 4) Controlled ecological life support system as a completely closed ecosystem in space 5) A sustainable balance of human activities and environmental conservation in urban ecosystems. Developing efficient food production with less environmental loads is an important issue. Plant production is vital to human health and welfare, especially in urban areas as semi-closed ecosystems. Producing food efficiently under consideration of environmental protection is necessary with material-cycling systems, especially in semi-closed ecosystems. Establishing a resource recycling production system with reduced waste emissions has also become important in agriculture. Plant production will play an important role not only in food production (Goal 2 in SDGs) but also in many other goals. This book explains how we must regard plant production as semi-closed ecosystems, reduce material and energy resource inputs, and recycle waste emissions generated during production and consumption processes to solve the various issues. Students and researchers studying Agricultural Environmental Engineering, Environmental and Ecological Engineering, Systems Design for Sustainable Society, Environmental Control in Agriculture, etc., will find this publication a helpful reference.

Creole Cultures, Vol. 2: Creole Identity and Language Representations

by Violet Cuffy Morgan Dalphinis Duane Edwards Michael M. Kretzer

This edited book considers the significance of creole cultures within current, changing global contexts located within post-colonial and developing states. It also examines safeguarding the languages and cultural practices that sustain creole identities. The concept of Creolity as approached through the different lenses of postcolonial studies, history, and anthropology is used here to consider the social constructions of creole identities, their political and economic realities and how they are experienced as changing, particularly in the modern context. Themes explored are creole societies, folklore and orature, cultural hegemony, cultural sociology, hybridity, and national cultural Identity.

Finding Communities in Social Networks Using Graph Embeddings (Lecture Notes in Social Networks)

by David B. Skillicorn Mosab Alfaqeeh

Community detection in social networks is an important but challenging problem. This book develops a new technique for finding communities that uses both structural similarity and attribute similarity simultaneously, weighting them in a principled way. The results outperform existing techniques across a wide range of measures, and so advance the state of the art in community detection. Many existing community detection techniques base similarity on either the structural connections among social-network users, or on the overlap among the attributes of each user. Either way loses useful information. There have been some attempts to use both structure and attribute similarity but success has been limited. We first build a large real-world dataset by crawling Instagram, producing a large set of user profiles. We then compute the similarity between pairs of users based on four qualitatively different profile properties: similarity of language used in posts, similarity of hashtags used (which requires extraction of content from them), similarity of images displayed (which requires extraction of what each image is 'about'), and the explicit connections when one user follows another. These single modality similarities are converted into graphs. These graphs have a common node set (the users) but different sets a weighted edges. These graphs are then connected into a single larger graph by connecting the multiple nodes representing the same user by a clique, with edge weights derived from a lazy random walk view of the single graphs. This larger graph can then be embedded in a geometry using spectral techniques. In the embedding, distance corresponds to dissimilarity so geometric clustering techniques can be used to find communities. The resulting communities are evaluated using the entire range of current techniques, outperforming all of them. Topic modelling is also applied to clusters to show that they genuinely represent users with similar interests. This can form the basis for applications such as online marketing, or key influence selection.

Zero Waste Management Technologies

by Rouf Ahmad Bhat Gowhar Hamid Dar Younis Ahmad Hajam

This volume highlights cutting-edge research on Zero waste management and the associated effects of waste on the environment. Predominantly, it focuses on the challenges of dealing with the amassed production of waste and the cumulative impact of increasing waste on the biosphere. Different sections of this book focus on the comprehensive overview of the technological advancements driving the Zero Waste movement. Furthermore, it explores innovations in waste reduction, recycling, and repurposing, from a global perspective, examining the diverse cultural, social, and economic factors influencing the adoption of zero waste strategies worldwide. In addition, it discusses the challenges, and opportunities inherent in promoting a unified global effort toward sustainable resource management. Discover the latest breakthroughs in waste reduction, recycling, and resource optimization. This essential guide empowers you to implement practical, innovative solutions for a greener future. Whether abusiness owner, environmental enthusiast, or simply curious about sustainable living, this book is a roadmap to a cleaner and healthier planet.

Biomass-based Cosmetics: Research Trends and Future Outlook

by Widya Fatriasari Enos Tangke Arung Irawan Wijaya Kusuma Harlinda Kuspradini Kuniyoshi Shimizu Yong-Ung Kim Nur Izyan Wan Azelee Zehra Edis

This book highlights the potential of biomass for cosmetics applications. It covers the discussion on biomass as a source for cosmetics from savanna, marine and tropical forest, trend and market outlook of biobased cosmetics, active substances from biomass for cosmetics, extractives from biomass for cosmetics, other non-wood forest products such as essential oil, tengkawang, and bee pollen. Besides that, the potency of biopolymers such as lignin, and polysaccharides are presented. The book also discusses activated carbon as a cosmetic source. To present more comprehensive information, it covers biomass as anti-aging, anti-acne, sunscreen, anti-melanin, and antimicrobial. Regarding the close contact system with the human in daily life, cosmetic needs to comply with the human system. Therefore, one special chapter is dedicated to presenting the compatibility view of biobased cosmetics in the human body system. Nanomaterials in cosmetics have started to be used by many beauty companies asindicated by nano-related patents. The nanotechnology applications in cosmetics also provide future trends in bio-based cosmetics. Some forms of nanomaterials that have been reported include liposomes, nanoemulsion, nanocapsules, solid lipid nanoparticles, nanocrystals, nano-silver, nano-gold, hydrogel, etc. Iodinated Aloe Vera formulations within polymeric complexes present examples of bio-antimicrobials and such compounds are at the crossroads between pharmaceutics and cosmetics. Finally, the environmental and safety impacts of biobased cosmetic development are discussed as the closure in the last chapter.This book is expected to provide insightful information for those dealing with biomass or doing research on biomass for sustainable living. Moreover, it is also suitable for policymakers to get the new and latest information on valorizing local biomass while expanding its usage for cosmeceutical purposes. Due to the current environmental problems occurring in our surroundings, this book is seen to be an important tool to spread awareness of the smart way of utilizing our precious biomass and transforming it into valuable products.

Digital Fashion: Theory, Practice, Implications

by Dr Michael R. Spicher Dr Sara Emilia Bernat Doris Domoszlai-Lantner

This collection of topical essays by academics and industry professionals brings a unique lens to the issues broached, questions raised, and solutions offered regarding the history and advancement of digital fashion. While digital fashion's roots can be traced back to the development of the Jacquard loom, its modern-day antecedents are found in video games and Instagram filters - allowing users to apply virtual makeup, accessories, and clothes to their posts. With 12 essays and four specialist interviews, this collection begins with digital fashion's origins, its placement in the history of fashion, and its status as an aesthetic object. Part 2 focuses on the practice of making digital fashion, including NFTs, sneaker culture, cyborg vs skins and education. Part 3 provides a critical overview of digital fashion's potential to impact wider society, including questions of social equity, sustainability and African decoloniality and the future of the industry. Interviewees:Julie Zerbo, founder and Editor-in-Chief of The Fashion LawIdiat Shiole (Hadeeart), Web3 startup founder and 3D designerJonathan M. Square, writer, historian, and curator of Afro-Diasporic fashion and visual cultureMatthew Drinkwater, Head of Innovation Agency, London College of Fashion

Ottoman Reform and Muslim Regeneration

by Weismann Zachs

The late Ottoman period was one of enormous change. This book focuses on the evolution of Ottoman reform as it was perceived, and negotiated, from the perspectives of the capital Istanbul and of the Arab provinces of Syria, including Palestine. It also examines the close interrelationship between the symbolic and actual measures introduced by the state, particularly since the Tanzimat era (1839-76), and the role of Islam as its foundational ethos and as the religion of the majority of the population. The twelve case studies included in this volume reveal the extent of the changes that the Ottoman Empire underwent throughout the period, ranging from the Ottoman dynasty and court at the top, to the marginalized Druzes and Bedouin populations on the periphery.

Attempting to Bring the Gospel Home: Scottish Missions to palestine, 1839-1917

by Michael Marten

The first comprehensive study of Scottish religious imperialism in the Middle East highly topical in the light of parallels with American religious imperialism in the region has interdisciplinary importance and appeal Attempting to Bring the Gospel Home portrays the Scottish missions to Palestine carried out by Presbyterian churches. These missions had as their stated aim the conversion of Jews to Protestantism, but also attempted to 'convert' other Christians and Muslims. Marten discusses the missions to Damascus, Aleppo, Tiberias, Safad, Hebron and Jaffa, and locates the missionaries in their religious, social, national and imperial contexts. He describes the three main methods of the missionaries' work - confrontation, education and medicine - as well as the ways in which these were communicated to the supporting constituency in Scotland. Michael Marten was formerly a graduate student in the Department of Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies, University of Edinburgh, and now teaches at SOAS.

Performance Properties of Superhard Grinding Wheels in Erosive Dressing Processes (SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology)

by Marcin Gołąbczak

This book presents a scientific study covering all issues related to the development and assessment of the functional properties of superhard grinding wheels with a metal bond. Abrasive grinding, especially with superhard grinding wheels, is still the basic method for efficient and accurate shaping of workpieces, especially from materials with high hardness and durability. Meeting the high requirements placed on grinding processes, with regard to obtaining high dimensional-shape accuracy and the desired quality of the surface layer as well as repeatability of grinding results, requires the use of rational methods for shaping the cutting surface of grinding wheels (CSGW) in dressing processes. Individual chapters of the monograph include • Characteristics of superhard grinding wheels including properties of superhard abrasive materials, metal binders, construction, and marking of technical characteristics of grinding wheels and areas of their application, • Parameters and methods for assessing the performance properties of superhard grinding wheels, including direct and indirect assessment parameters and economic aspects of assessing the dressing of superhard grinding wheels, • Characteristics of dressing methods for superhard grinding wheels, including conventional methods and erosive dressing methods. The erosive dressing methods include dressing with a high-pressure stream of liquids, liquids and abrasives, laser dressing and electrochemical, electroerosive and hybrid methods. • Results of own research on electrochemical and electroerosion dressing processes, including mathematical modeling of these dressing processes and experimental research. The book meets the needs of both scientific and technical staff, providing knowledge about modern methods of shaping CPS of superhard grinding wheels. It will be an important reference in the libraries of technical universities as a research aid for students, technical staff, and research and teaching staff.

Madness, Psychiatry, and Empire in Postcolonial Literature (Palgrave Studies in Literature, Science and Medicine)

by Chienyn Chi

Madness, Psychiatry, and Empire in Postcolonial Literature provides a comparatist interrogation of empire through archives of history, science, and literature. The book analyzes Aimé Césaire’s Discourse on Colonialism to shed light on Césaire’s critique of psychological and medical discourses of the colonized’s mind. The book argues that the discourse of psychiatry, psychology, and psychoanalysis has erased the context of power in global histories of empire. Through the book’s chapters, Chi analyzes Lu Xun’s “A Madman’s Diary,” Virginia Woolf’s Mrs. Dalloway, and Tsitsi Dangarembga’s Nervous Conditions to assert that the misapprehension of madness should not automatically be accepted as the history of an isolated Western culture but rather that of the history of imperialism—a globalizing process that silences alternative cultural conceptions of the mind, of madness, and of behavior, as well as different interpretations of madness.

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