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Catch-22: As recommended on BBC2’s Between the Covers (Le\livre De Poche Ser.)

by Joseph Heller

Discover Joseph Heller's hilarious and tragic satire on military madness, and the tale of one man's efforts to survive it.It's the closing months of World War II and Yossarian has never been closer to death. Stationed in an American bomber squadron off the coast of Italy, each flight mission introduces him to thousands of people determined to kill him.But the enemy above is not Yossarian's problem - it is his own army intent on keeping him airborne, and the maddening 'Catch-22' that allows for no possibility of escape.'The greatest satirical work in the English language' Observer'The most devastating satire ever written about the lunacy of war and military bureaucracy' Antony BeevorINTRODUCED BY HOWARD JACOBSON

Yogic Cooking: Nutritious Vegetarian Food

by Garuda Hellas

An accessible introduction to yogic cooking. It has over 50 recipes for everything from appetisers and mains to soups and drinks, and includes information on the principles behind the yogic diet as well as dietary recommendations and guidelines.

Bonded by Thorns (Beasts of the Briar #1)

by null Elizabeth Helen

🥀 A Beauty and the Beast Fantasy Romance Retelling 🥀 Four handsome fae princes. One awkward bookworm. An Enchanted Vale. A beastly curse to break. Rosalina O’Connell lives her life in Orca Cove as quietly as she can. Known as the daughter of Crazy George she tries to keep her head down. But George isn’t crazy, he’s searching for his wife who disappeared, and is convinced she was stolen by fae. When George goes missing, Rosie goes after him and finds herself in a new world, the Enchanted Vale, the world of the fae and her father has been imprisoned in Castletree by the Winter Prince. Rosie has no choice but to make a deal to take her father’s place, meaning she must remain in Castletree forever. As Rosie begins to learn more about the Enchanted Vale and the four Princes, she shares a castle with, she discovers that they have been cursed. The Princes must take on the form of demonic wolves every night and with every year that the curse continues, more of their magic, and the magic of Castletree, fades away. If the Princes can each find their mate, they will break their curse and free their realm. Rosie is determined to help the Princes find their mates so that she can return home. The only problem is, the more time she spends with the Princes, the more she’s convinced that she’s the one they’re all meant to be with. A spicy Beauty and the Beast retelling filled with enchanted fae, morally grey characters, a stupidly hot villain and a Princess who has found her Prince Charming. All four of them. Spice 🥵: 🌶️🌶️🌶️ Tropes ✨: Fated Mates 💘 Forced proximity 🙅‍♀️ Grumpy x sunshine 🌦️ Enemies to lovers ❤️‍🔥 Why choose ⁉️ Reverse harem 👩👨👨👨👨👨 Enchanted Castle 🏰 Awkward Sunshine FMC ☀️ Touch her and die 🔪 Magical Winter Solstice Ball ❄️ Hot Villain 🖤

Teaching Music Performance in Higher Education

by Helen Julia Minors;Stefan Östersjö;Gilvano Dalagna;Jorge Salgado Correia

Higher Music Performance Education, as taught and learned in universities and conservatoires in Europe, is undergoing transformation. Since the nineteenth century, the master-apprentice pedagogical model has dominated, creating a learning environment that emphasises the development of technical skills rather than critical and creative faculties. This book contributes to the renewal of this field by being the first to address the potential of artistic research in developing student-centred approaches and greater student autonomy. This potential is demonstrated in chapters illustrating artistic research projects that are embedded within higher music education courses across Europe, with examples ranging from instrumental tuition and ensemble work to the development of professional employability skills and inclusive practices. Bringing together diverse and experienced voices working within Higher Music Education but often also as professional performers, this edited collection pairs critical reflection with artistic insight to present new approaches to curricula for teaching interpretation and performance. It calls for greater collaboration between Higher Education and professional music institutions to create closer bonds with music industries and, thereby, improve students’ career opportunities. Teaching Music Performance in Higher Education will appeal to scholars, performers, teachers, but also students whose interests centre on innovative practices in conservatoires and music departments.

Einblick: Potenziale und Perspektiven im Kontext von Nähe und Distanz (Designforschung – Designwissenschaft - Designtheorie)

by Tobias Held

Der Band beschäftigt sich mit der Erforschung sozio-interaktiver Potentiale der Videotelefonie im Kontext von Nähe und Verbundenheit mit Fokus auf dem Eigenbild sowie dem Rederechtswechsel. Die Videotelefonie als Kommunikationsform hat sich – und darauf deuten die Erfahrungen der Covid-19-Pandemie hin – im lebensweltlichen Alltag der Menschen etabliert und wird dort in naher Zukunft nicht mehr wegzudenken sein. Auf Basis ihrer Möglichkeiten und Errungenschaften ist es inzwischen Realität und Lebenswirklichkeit, dass die Kommunikation sowohl im privaten als auch im geschäftlichen Kontext mittels verschiedenster Kanäle stattfindet. Der Videotelefonie kommt hierbei als solche nicht nur eine tragende Funktion, sondern auch eine herausragende Rolle bei der vermeintlichen Reproduktion der Face-to-Face-Kommunikation im digitalen Raum zu und wird wie selbstverständlich zum zwischenmenschlichen Austausch genutzt. Just an diesem Punkt knüpft die Forschungsarbeit an. Zentral stand dabei das Vorhaben einer dezidierte Untersuchung des Forschungsgegenstandes Videotelefonie, sowohl aus Kultur- als auch Technikhistorischer, aber auch Medien-, Wahrnehmungs- wie Kommunikations- theoretischer Perspektive, indem analytische und phänosemiotische Perspektiven miteinander in Beziehung gesetzt werden (z.B. Wahrnehmungsbedingungen, Interaktionsmerkmale, realisierte Kommunikationsprozesse etc.). Die Arbeit ist damit vor allem im Bereich des Produkt- und Interactiondesigns zu verorten, adressiert jedoch auch Motive der Medien- und Wahrnehmungstheorie. Darüber hinaus hat sie das Ziel der Darlegung und Begründung der Videotelefonie als eigenständige Kommunikationsform, welche durch eigene, kommunikative Besonderheiten, die sich in ihrer jeweiligen Ingebrauchnahme sowie durch spezielle Wahrnehmungsbedingungen äußern, und die die Videotelefonie als »Rederechtswechselmedium« avant la lettre konsolidieren, gekennzeichnet ist. Dabei soll der Beweis erbracht werden, dass die Videotelefonie nicht als Schwundstufe einer Kommunikation Face-to-Face, sondern als ein eigenständiges Mediatisierungs- und Kommunikationsereignis zu verstehen sei. Und eben nicht als eine beliebige – sich linear vom Telefon ausgehende – entwickelte Form der audio-visuellen Fernkommunikation darstellt, sondern die gestalterische (Bewegtbild-)Technizität ein eigenständiges Funktionsmaß offeriert, welches wiederum ein innovatives Kommunikationsmilieu im Kontext einer Rederechtswechsel-Medialität stabilisiert.

Finding Your Own Way to Grieve: A Creative Activity Workbook for Kids and Teens on the Autism Spectrum

by Karla Helbert

Explaining death in concrete terms that children with autism will understand, this book discusses the complicated and painful emotions of bereavement, and offers creative and expressive activities that facilitate healing. This interactive book is ideal for children and teens to work through by themselves, with a parent, or with a professional.

Yoga for Grief and Loss: Poses, Meditation, Devotion, Self-Reflection, Selfless Acts, Ritual

by Karla Helbert

This book explains how the six branches of yoga offer guidance and coping methods to those who have suffered bereavement or loss. Looking at the emotional, spiritual, philosophical elements, as well as the physical postures of yoga, the book shows how to begin and sustain a personal practice that helps us move through grief on multiple levels.

Disruptive, Stubborn, Out of Control?: Why kids get confrontational in the classroom, and what to do about it

by Bo Hejlskov Elvén

One of the biggest challenges in the classroom is trying to teach when students act in unexpected and annoying ways. Based on the psychology of how children and people act, this book offers practical strategies for understanding why your students are behaving in the way they are, and how to react in a way that restores peace and harmony in the classroom. With many examples of typical confrontational behaviours and clues for how to understand and resolve the underlying issues, this book will be every stressed teacher's best friend.

Authoritarian Temptations and Right-Wing Threat Alliance: The Crisis of Capitalistic Societies in an Uncertain Future

by Wilhelm Heitmeyer

This book, by noted German sociologist Wilhelm Heitmeyer, analyses capitalist development in Western Europe, with a focus on Germany, since the 1990s and its consequences for open society and liberal democracy. Following Heitmeyer’s long-term interest in extremism, this book highlights two main threads of discussion: the causes and distribution of authoritarian tendencies, and the processes and steps of escalation of these tendencies through right-wing alliances. It critically views capitalism and capitalist governance in times of crises against problems of political representation and the devaluation of certain groups. It looks at a broad spectrum of attitudes in the population on the bases of a representative longitudinal study called ‘group-focused enmity’. Using the model of a ‘concentric escalation continuum’, this book also analyses the steps of differentiation and dynamization of the right-wing spectrum in the process of development of successful right-wing alliances. Heitmeyer meticulously studies how violent processes escalate and increases as a danger for the open society and liberal democracy, especially in times of crisis and unsecured future. The book has important gleanings for anyone seeking to understand and address extremism and political alienation in societies today.

Writing Romantic Climate Change: Gendered Poetics and Critical Legacies in the Anthropocene (Literary Ecologies #3)

by Anya Heise-von der Lippe

In the Romantic period, women writers developed specific aesthetics and writing strategies in their engagements with climate change and climate catastrophe. Anya Heise-von der Lippe draws on intersectional feminist and ecocritical approaches to highlight gender as a complicating category in Romantic engagements with these topics. She addresses the ways in which gendered critical framings continue to resonate in current Anthropocene discourses that use Romantic conceptualizations of »Nature«, impacting contemporary approaches to the relationship between humans and non-humans in the ongoing climate catastrophe.

Securitising Decolonisation: The Silencing of Ewe and Togoland Unification under United Nations Trusteeship, 1945-1960 (Postcolonial Studies #51)

by Julius Heise

With the right to petition the United Nations, the Ewe and Togoland unification movement enjoyed a privilege unmatched by other dependent peoples. Using language conveying insecurity, the movement seized the international spotlight, ensuring that the topic of unification dominated the UN Trusteeship System for over a decade. Yet, its vociferous securitisations fell silent due to colonial distortion, leaving unification unfulfilled, thus allowing the seeds of secessionist conflict to grow. At the intersection of postcolonial theory and security studies, Julius Heise presents a theory-driven history of Togoland's path to independence, offering a crucial lesson for international statebuilding efforts.

Sport und Selbstkonzept I: Grundlagen und Entwicklung (Basiswissen Lernen im Sport)

by Rüdiger Heim

Seit langem wird dem Sport eine förderliche Wirkung auf das Selbstkonzept, insbesondere im Kindes- und Jugendalter, zugeschrieben. Allerdings sind die entsprechenden wissenschaftlichen Befunde mittlerweile weit verzweigt und unübersichtlich. Dieses Lehrbuch gibt einen kompakten Überblick über die sportbezogene Selbstkonzeptforschung und ihre theoretischen wie empirischen Erträge. Im Mittelpunkt dieses ersten Bandes steht eine übersichtliche Darstellung des mehrdimensionalen Modells des Selbstkonzepts und seiner Entwicklung sowie der Bedeutung für das Sportengagement.

Sport und Selbstkonzept II: Differenzierung und Anwendung (Basiswissen Lernen im Sport)

by Rüdiger Heim

Seit langem wird dem Sport eine förderliche Wirkung auf das Selbstkonzept, insbesondere im Kindes- und Jugendalter, zugeschrieben. Allerdings sind die entsprechenden wissenschaftlichen Befunde mittlerweile weit verzweigt und unübersichtlich. Dieses Lehrbuch gibt einen kompakten Überblick über die sportbezogene Selbstkonzeptforschung und ihre theoretischen wie empirischen Erträge. Im Mittelpunkt dieses zweiten Bandes steht die Darstellung der charakteristischen Mechanismen der Selbstkonzeptentwicklung und der differenzierten Zusammenhänge mit dem Sportengagement, um empirisch und schulpädagogisch gestützte Schlussfolgerungen für den Sportunterricht zu empfehlen.

Probability, Statistics and Life Cycle Assessment: Guidance for Dealing with Uncertainty and Sensitivity

by Reinout Heijungs

This textbook discusses the use of uncertainty analysis and sensitivity analysis in environmental life cycle assessment (LCA). This is a topic which has received a lot of attention by journals, including the leading (Springer) International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. Despite its importance, no coherent textbook exists that summarizes the progress that has been made in the last 20 years. This book attempts to fill that gap. Its audience is practitioners (professional and academic) of LCA, teachers, and Ph.D. students. It gives a very broad overview of the field: probability theory, descriptive statistics, inferential statistics, error analysis, sensitivity analysis, decision theory, etc., all in relation to LCA. Much effort has been taken to give a balanced overview, with a uniform terminology and mathematical notation.

MINT für Geisteswissenschaftler: Naturwissenschaften für Geisteswissenschaftler

by Walter Hehl

Der Beginn von Naturwissenschaft und Geisteswissenschaft in der Antike war gemeinsam, aber die Naturwissenschaft hatte sich bis zum Ende des 19. Jahrhundert durch ihre Erfolge dominant entwickelt. Gegen diese Dominanz prägte der Philosoph Wilhelm Dilthey 1883 den Begriff der Geisteswissenschaften. In den Naturwissenschaften war es andrerseits klar, dass ganze Bereiche des Geistes den Naturwissenschaften nicht zugänglich waren, etwa sinnliche Empfindungen und das Bewusstsein.Das Buch versucht zu zeigen, dass dieser harte Gegensatz weicher geworden ist. Die Physik ist geistiger geworden und die Technologie des Geistes hat sich entwickelt: Es ist im Grundsatz die Informationstechnologie. Mit der Mathematik als Fundament und als Hilfsmittel ergibt dies MINT.Ein geistiges Weltbild ohne MINT ist in Würde nicht möglich. Es gibt eine Reihe von MINT-Bereichen, die unmittelbar geisteswissenschaftlich von Nutzen sind. Beispiele sind etwa das Prinzip des Lasers undder Begriff der Entropie. Ein dritter, geistiger Bereich bleibt außerhalb: die Kunst. Aber Kunst und MINT sind keine Gegensätze.

Sensory Issues for Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder

by Diarmuid Heffernan

This practical guide teaches adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) how they can begin to overcome their sensory issues. The book explains how the senses work and how to create a personalised plan for coping with sensory difficulties that affect routines and relationships, whether at home, work, in educational settings or in public spaces.

Sing As We Go: Britain Between the Wars

by Simon Heffer

‘An epic new history . . . a work of epic scholarship, breathtaking range, and piercing originality’ Daily Express‘An astonishing achievement of narrative history . . . I think the word is "magisterial".’ Spectator‘Excellent, thorough, detailed and combatively argued.’ Sunday Times______________________________________Sing As We Go is an astonishingly ambitious overview of the political, social and cultural history of the country from 1919 to 1939.It explores and explains the politics of the period, and puts such moments of national turmoil as the General Strike of 1926 and the Abdication Crisis of 1936 under the microscope. It offers pen portraits of the era's most significant figures. It traces the changing face of Britain as cars made their first mass appearance, the suburbs sprawled, and radio and cinema became the means of mass entertainment. And it probes the deep divisions that split the nation: between the haves and have-nots, between warring ideological factions, and between those who promoted accommodation with fascism in Europe and those who bitterly opposed it.__________________________________________'Magisterial . . . an extraordinary achievement.’ Literary Review‘A masterful portrayal of political, social and cultural upheaval between the wars.’ Daily Mail

The Visual Brain and Peripheral Reading and Writing Disorders: A Guide to Visual System Dysfunction for Speech-Language Pathologists

by Heidi Heeringa

The Visual Brain and Peripheral Reading and Writing Disorders: A Guide to Visual System Dysfunction for Speech-Language Pathologists familiarizes the reader with the complex workings of the human visual system, the motor and sensory components of normal vision as they relate to the recognition of letters and words, and to the acquisition and rehabilitation of reading and writing.This text brings together findings from the neuropsychological, neurooptometric, neurolinguistic, occupational therapy, and speech-language pathology literature on acquired visual system impairment from the past 20+ years, and the ways visual system dysfunction impacts reading, writing, and cognition.Chapters Include: Review of structural elements of the eye, the cortical and subcortical structures of the visual brain, and the motor and sensory components of normal vision The distinct functions of the three primary visual pathways (central, peripheral and retinotectal) and how they relate to reading and writing Review of five formal tests of reading and writing that are designed or may be adapted to assess peripheral reading and writing disorders And much more! A few of the features inside: Figures illustrating the various components of the visual brain that are engaged when we read and write Information on visual system deficits in left hemisphere lesions with and without aphasia Detailed descriptions of peripheral reading disorders and associated error patterns Diagnostic criteria for three different types of neglect (viewer-centered, stimulus-centered, object-centered) Description of treatment materials and methods suited to clients with acquired dyslexia due to visual system dysfunction The Visual Brain and Peripheral Reading and Writing Disorders explains the heterogenous nature of peripheral reading and writing disorders, describes the association between visual motor and sensory dysfunction and the acquired dyslexias, and provides the speech-language pathologist with specific guidelines regarding the assessment and treatment of reading and writing disorders associated with visual system dysfunction.

The Visual Brain and Peripheral Reading and Writing Disorders: A Guide to Visual System Dysfunction for Speech-Language Pathologists

by Heidi Heeringa

The Visual Brain and Peripheral Reading and Writing Disorders: A Guide to Visual System Dysfunction for Speech-Language Pathologists familiarizes the reader with the complex workings of the human visual system, the motor and sensory components of normal vision as they relate to the recognition of letters and words, and to the acquisition and rehabilitation of reading and writing.This text brings together findings from the neuropsychological, neurooptometric, neurolinguistic, occupational therapy, and speech-language pathology literature on acquired visual system impairment from the past 20+ years, and the ways visual system dysfunction impacts reading, writing, and cognition.Chapters Include: Review of structural elements of the eye, the cortical and subcortical structures of the visual brain, and the motor and sensory components of normal vision The distinct functions of the three primary visual pathways (central, peripheral and retinotectal) and how they relate to reading and writing Review of five formal tests of reading and writing that are designed or may be adapted to assess peripheral reading and writing disorders And much more! A few of the features inside: Figures illustrating the various components of the visual brain that are engaged when we read and write Information on visual system deficits in left hemisphere lesions with and without aphasia Detailed descriptions of peripheral reading disorders and associated error patterns Diagnostic criteria for three different types of neglect (viewer-centered, stimulus-centered, object-centered) Description of treatment materials and methods suited to clients with acquired dyslexia due to visual system dysfunction The Visual Brain and Peripheral Reading and Writing Disorders explains the heterogenous nature of peripheral reading and writing disorders, describes the association between visual motor and sensory dysfunction and the acquired dyslexias, and provides the speech-language pathologist with specific guidelines regarding the assessment and treatment of reading and writing disorders associated with visual system dysfunction.

Air Quality and Human Health

by Markus Hecker Pratap Kumar Padhy Soumya Niyogi Pulak Kumar Patra

The book is one of the outcomes of the SPARC (Scheme for Promotion of Academic and Research Collaboration) project titled "Fine particulates matters in the air environment and their cancer risks in human beings," sponsored by MHRD (now MoE), Govt. of India. The editors of the book are PIs and Co-PIs of the said project. The text deliberates on air pollution's health risks with contributions from well-known experts from diverse research fields (environmental science, toxicology, geology, public health science, biology, physics, chemistry, and geospatial technology). It explores it its control and mitigation strategies. The book provides an up-to-date overview of the modern methods and tools used in air quality monitoring and human health risk assessment. Case studies from different global settings offer invaluable insights into air pollution-related regional health issues. It addresses all aspects of air quality, covering indoor-outdoor air pollution, gaseous and particulate pollutants; characterization of source and pathways of air pollutants; and the modeling and assessing of health risks (respiratory, epidemiological, and toxicological) with regional and global perspectives. It also addresses air quality management issues. The lucid explanation of the role of oxidative stress mechanisms and molecular biomarkers (genomics, proteomics) may be considered as inputs into the development of cancer therapeutics. Along with providing a scientific basis for air pollution, this book will help readers appreciate the environmental determinants of public health and apply research evidence to improve the quality of life. It also delineates future research initiatives and policy actions needed to protect human health from air pollution, locally and globally. The book will be of great educational value and help for consultation and teaching.

Re-enchanting the Activist: Spirituality and Social Change

by Keith Hebden

In this energising book, Keith Hebden gathers inspiring first-hand accounts that show how spirituality and politics are converging to reignite modern activism. Informative and eye-opening, it explores the meaning of activism in a world that is crying out for change, and how searching for the spiritual can play its part.

Refugee Settlement in Australia: A Holistic Overview of Current Research and Practice (Routledge Studies in Media, Communication, and Politics)

by Aparna Hebbani

Combining theoretical and practical information, this book presents a holistic overview of refugee settlement in Australia. It focuses on numerous critical aspects of refugee settlement which play a vital role in refugee integration into Australia. Starting with an overview of immigration history in Australia, the book then places an emphasis on 21st-century settlement of refugees.The chapters explore a gamut of topics including how culture is transmitted in refugee families, how media portrays refugees, and how to work with refugee communities in various contexts, without focusing on one specific refugee cohort/country group. This interdisciplinary angle is presented via the inclusion of voices from interviews with key refugee settlement providers, educators, former refugees, researchers, and second-generation youth from refugee backgrounds. It covers current Australia political debate and politicisation of refugees, digital technologies, the role of language in enabling successful settlement, education trajectories, social cohesion, the fractured diasporic family, and the impact of media coverage, which underpin the settlement of refugees in Australia.This is an ideal resource for advanced undergraduates, postgraduates, and scholars of refugee settlement in the disciplines of communication, media, politics and international relations, social work, education, and demographic studies, as well as government entities, policy makers, service providers, and NGOs looking to gain an understanding of the factors impacting refugee settlement in Australia.

Refugee Settlement in Australia: A Holistic Overview of Current Research and Practice (Routledge Studies in Media, Communication, and Politics)

by Aparna Hebbani

Combining theoretical and practical information, this book presents a holistic overview of refugee settlement in Australia. It focuses on numerous critical aspects of refugee settlement which play a vital role in refugee integration into Australia. Starting with an overview of immigration history in Australia, the book then places an emphasis on 21st-century settlement of refugees.The chapters explore a gamut of topics including how culture is transmitted in refugee families, how media portrays refugees, and how to work with refugee communities in various contexts, without focusing on one specific refugee cohort/country group. This interdisciplinary angle is presented via the inclusion of voices from interviews with key refugee settlement providers, educators, former refugees, researchers, and second-generation youth from refugee backgrounds. It covers current Australia political debate and politicisation of refugees, digital technologies, the role of language in enabling successful settlement, education trajectories, social cohesion, the fractured diasporic family, and the impact of media coverage, which underpin the settlement of refugees in Australia.This is an ideal resource for advanced undergraduates, postgraduates, and scholars of refugee settlement in the disciplines of communication, media, politics and international relations, social work, education, and demographic studies, as well as government entities, policy makers, service providers, and NGOs looking to gain an understanding of the factors impacting refugee settlement in Australia.

Getting Started with Pester 5: A Beginner's Guide

by Owen Heaume

Embark on a transformative journey into the world of Pester and elevate your PowerShell scripting to new heights of robustness, reliability, and efficiency. This comprehensive beginner's guide provides a hands-on approach to PowerShell testing using Pester, empowering you to enhance your code quality with confidence.The book starts with an introduction to Pester, the powerful testing and mocking framework for PowerShell. You'll gain a solid foundation by exploring Pester's fundamental building blocks. The book guides you through the phases of Pester, helping you write your initial Pester code. You will dive into topics such as tags, assertions with Should and parameter filters, and you will explore advanced techniques such as Test Drive and Test Registry.You will discover the art of mocking in Pester and master its advanced testing methodologies. You will gain insights into working without installed modules and seamlessly integrating Pester with Azure DevOps Pipeline for a streamlined testing process.After reading this book, you will have the knowledge and skills to initiate your own exploration into PowerShell testing with Pester. You will transform your scripts into reliable powerhouses, ensuring the resilience and quality of your PowerShell code.What Will You LearnBuilding blocks and phases of PesterWriting effective Pester testsAssertions, mocking, and advanced testing techniquesIntegration with Azure DevOpsTags, code coverageWho This Book Is ForPowerShell scripters and Pester Framework beginners

Pediatric Abdominal Organ Transplantation: An Introduction and Practical guide

by Nigel Heaton Sergio Assia-Zamora

Pediatric abdominal organ transplantation is a complex procedure that requires a multidisciplinary team to ensure that outcomes are consistently excellent. This book highlights the surgical point of view of the surgical aspects of multiorgan transplantation. It is intended to deepen the knowledge of these types of transplants for medical students, nurses, doctors, and anaesthetists. This book will serve to expand the understanding of the general concepts of pediatric abdominal transplantation, focusing on the indications, surgical techniques, and complications of each type of graft for all multidisciplinary team members.

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