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Showing 7,826 through 7,850 of 8,709 results

Biologische Psychologie: Ein Überblick für Psychologiestudierende und -interessierte (Was ist eigentlich …?)

by Erich Schröger Gesa Hartwigsen

Dieses Lehrbuch aus der Reihe „Was ist eigentlich …?“ gibt einen kurzen Überblick über das Fach "Biologische Psychologie". Es möchte Psychologiestudierenden am Beginn des Studiums Orientierung bieten bei der Frage, was wichtig ist und worauf es in dem Fach wirklich ankommt. Es bietet aber auch für alle anderen an psychologischen Themen Interessierten einen ersten, gut verständlichen Einblick in Konzepte, Inhalte und Methoden des Fachs: Es zeigt auf, worum es es bei der Biopsychologie im Kern geht. An ausgewählten Beispielen werden prominente Fragestellungen der Vergangenheit und Gegenwart anschaulich behandelt, die uns auch künftig beschäftigen werden.

Biologically Active Substances Usable in Food, Pharmaceutical and Agrobiological Fields (Medicinal Plants and Natural Products for Human Health)

by Zeno Garban Gheorghe Ilia

This concise text on biologically active substances of the food, pharmaceutical and agricultural industries presents data on natural compounds of vegetable and animal origin. Various nutrients in food, phytochemicals and zoochemicals are discussed, including their uses for prophylactic, metaphylactic and therapeutic purposes in personalized medicine. Along with these compounds, prebiotics isolated by biotechnological methods from plant tissues are reviewed, with the aim of obtaining compounds with an oligoglucide structure. Metabolism of nutrients and the biodegradation of xenobiotics are hot topics and access routes into the human body for the various biologically active substances are covered.Features: Biologically active substances and related chemistry, biochemistry and agrochemistry data are rigorously discussed Data regarding natural compounds of vegetable origin detected from plants present in the spontaneous flora and plants obtained in agricultural crops (medicinal plants, aromatic plants and more) are presented Discusses the natural compounds of animal origin detected in the organisms of some terrestrial and aquatic animals Covers prebiotics isolated by technological and biotechnological methods from plant tissues, with the aim of obtaining compounds with oligoglucide structure Broad audience including all those in biochemistry, the food and pharmaceutical industries and agricultural fields

Biologically Active Substances Usable in Food, Pharmaceutical and Agrobiological Fields (Medicinal Plants and Natural Products for Human Health)

by Zeno Garban Gheorghe Ilia

This concise text on biologically active substances of the food, pharmaceutical and agricultural industries presents data on natural compounds of vegetable and animal origin. Various nutrients in food, phytochemicals and zoochemicals are discussed, including their uses for prophylactic, metaphylactic and therapeutic purposes in personalized medicine. Along with these compounds, prebiotics isolated by biotechnological methods from plant tissues are reviewed, with the aim of obtaining compounds with an oligoglucide structure. Metabolism of nutrients and the biodegradation of xenobiotics are hot topics and access routes into the human body for the various biologically active substances are covered.Features: Biologically active substances and related chemistry, biochemistry and agrochemistry data are rigorously discussed Data regarding natural compounds of vegetable origin detected from plants present in the spontaneous flora and plants obtained in agricultural crops (medicinal plants, aromatic plants and more) are presented Discusses the natural compounds of animal origin detected in the organisms of some terrestrial and aquatic animals Covers prebiotics isolated by technological and biotechnological methods from plant tissues, with the aim of obtaining compounds with oligoglucide structure Broad audience including all those in biochemistry, the food and pharmaceutical industries and agricultural fields

Biographical Research Methods

by Howard Davis Marta J. Eichsteller

Biographical data provide unique insights into social life, but they also pose some significant challenges for social science researchers. This book offers a systematic, flexible guide to using biographical narrative methods in your research project. Drawing upon the authors’ own research, as well as case studies from a range of international contexts and disciplines, the book illustrates how biographical approaches can be tailored to different research questions and environments. This book will help you to: · Navigate any complexities or missteps when undertaking real-world research · Apply your analytical and research tools to your research question · Choose the right research design for your project, whether single or mixed methods · Ground your understanding within diverse real-world research examples. Clear, adaptable, and applied, this is your definitive guide to working with biographical methods.

Biographical Research Methods

by Howard Davis Marta J. Eichsteller

Biographical data provide unique insights into social life, but they also pose some significant challenges for social science researchers. This book offers a systematic, flexible guide to using biographical narrative methods in your research project. Drawing upon the authors’ own research, as well as case studies from a range of international contexts and disciplines, the book illustrates how biographical approaches can be tailored to different research questions and environments. This book will help you to: · Navigate any complexities or missteps when undertaking real-world research · Apply your analytical and research tools to your research question · Choose the right research design for your project, whether single or mixed methods · Ground your understanding within diverse real-world research examples. Clear, adaptable, and applied, this is your definitive guide to working with biographical methods.

Bioeconomy for Sustainability

by Vinod Kumar Garg Navish Kataria

This edited volume covers the key role of bioeconomy for next-generation industrial production to achieve Sustainable Development Goals. It addresses the key environmental challenges due to biowaste generation and their application in boosting the economy through the conversion of biowaste into valuable products for sustainable growth and future needs. This book also describes the potential future research scope and possibilities in bioeconomy towards sustainable industrial ecology and circular economy. In recent years, competition has increased for determinate resources. There is an urgent need to look for sustainable, non-polluting alternate sources to meet the demands of an ever-increasing population. Sustainable processes and production while using biological material can produce food, fodder, agricultural inputs, fuel etc. with lesser inputs and reduced emission of pollutants. Agricultural waste and food waste are another concern which demands immediate interventions. The Bioeconomy can be a possible way to address these challenges. It includes sustainable production of food, fodder, fiber, fuel, agricultural inputs, and other goods while using renewable resources or different types of waste. This is beneficial to resolve diverse environmental problems such as future bioenergy production technology, societal transformations, pollution management, industrial circular economy, agricultural practices and food securities, climate management etc. Bioeconomy helps to move from a linear economy to a circular economy. This book is a valuable source for researchers, teachers, and undergraduate and graduate students of environmental science, environmental economics, agriculture science, biotechnology, ecology, and soil science. It also serves as additional reading material for professionals, scientists, stakeholders of government and non-government organizations, industrialists, and policymakers of the relevant fields.

Biodiversity Laws, Policies and Science in Europe, the United States and China

by Tianbao Qin Maria Vittoria Ferroni Giovanni Antonelli Alex Erwin

This book offers an in-depth analysis of and multidisciplinary insights into the latest trends in biodiversity laws, policies and science in Europe, the United States, and China. The loss of biodiversity and degradation of ecosystems continues at an alarming rate, harming people, the economy, and the climate. As biodiversity cannot be meaningfully addressed by any single field, a multidisciplinary approach is needed to attain a better understanding of its complexity and to identify prevention and protection systems. Each chapter addresses a specific aspect of biodiversity. Taken together, they provide an innovative exploration of the various facets of biodiversity from the perspectives of law, the social sciences and natural sciences. As such, the book offers an essential theoretical and practical guide for academics, experts, policymakers, and students alike.

Biodiversität, Ökosystemfunktionen und Naturschutz

by Werner Härdtle

Der weltweite Verlust an biologischer Vielfalt, verursacht durch eine nicht nachhaltige Nutzung von Ökosystemen, birgt schwerwiegende gesamtgesellschaftliche Risiken, welche jenen des Klimawandels vergleichbar sind. Doch erst seit wenigen Jahren verstehen wir genauer, warum biologische Vielfalt eine Grundvoraussetzung für die Stabilität und das Funktionieren von Ökosystemen und damit auch für gesellschaftlichen Wohlstand ist. Das vorliegende Buch stellt in anschaulicher und allgemeinverständlicher Form das heute verfügbare Wissen über die „funktionelle Bedeutung“ der globalen biologischen Vielfalt vor und erläutert anhand von faszinierenden und vielen wissenschaftlich neuen Beispielen, warum wir den Schutz der biologischen Vielfalt als dringende, gesamtgesellschaftliche Aufgabe begreifen müssen. Es erklärt, wie Pflanzen- und Tierarten miteinander zusammenleben und wie gerade ihre Wechselbeziehungen verschiedenste Ökosysteme – einem Uhrwerk vergleichbar – zum „funktionieren“ bringen oder diese gar gegenüber Störungen oder globalen Veränderungen stabilisieren. Anhand gut verständlicher und fesselnder Fallbeispiele zeigt das Buch, wie Artenvielfalt und diverse Lebensgemeinschaften unabdingbar sind für intakte Ökosysteme, und dass wir eine ungestörte Artenvielfalt schon deshalb benötigen, weil ohne sie die von uns Menschen zum Überleben notwendigen Serviceleistungen der Ökosysteme gar nicht zustande kämen.

Biochemie und Molekularbiologie: Eine Einführung in 40 Lerneinheiten

by Philipp Christen Rolf Jaussi Roger Benoit

Diese Einführung in die Biochemie und Molekularbiologie ist für alle geschrieben, die sich für die molekularen Aspekte der Lebensvorgänge interessieren, insbesondere für Studierende der Medizin und der Naturwissenschaften, denen die Biochemie als Grundlagenwissenschaft dient. Die 40 kurzen Kapitel können weitgehend unabhängig voneinander benutzt werden. Mit seinem hohen Bildanteil setzt das Buch auf visuelles Lernen. Über eine das Buch ergänzende Website erhalten Sie Zugang zur ausführlichen, kommentierten Linksammlung, die u.a. Bildmaterial, Animationen, Datenbanken sowie Merksätze und Kontrollfragen für jedes einzelne Kapitel enthält. Für die Neuauflage haben die Autoren den Text überarbeitet und aktualisiert; im Methodenteil ist die Beschreibung der bildgebenden Verfahren ausgebaut worden.

Biochemical Imbalances in Disease: A Practitioner's Handbook

by Angelette Muller Kate Neil Ada Hallam Michael Culp Basant Puri Laurence Trueman Michael Ash Christabelle Yeoh Zeller Pimlott Denise Mortimore Helen Lynam Surinder Phull Justine Bold Jean Monro Jane Nodder Smita Hanciles

Biochemical imbalances caused by nutritional deficiencies are a contributory factor in chronic illnesses such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, auto-immune conditions and cancer. This handbook for practitioners explains how to identify and treat such biochemical imbalances in order to better understand and manage a patient's ill-health.

Biobased Nanomaterials: Applications in Biomedicine, Food Industry, Agriculture, and Environmental Sustainability

by Shakeel Ahmed

This book comprehensively covers various aspects of biobased nanomaterials, including their types, fabrication methods, characterization techniques, and applications in different fields. The book starts with an introduction to biobased nanomaterials, highlighting their significance in various fields due to their unique properties. The first few chapters cover the different types of biobased nanomaterials, their properties, and how they are extracted from various natural sources. The methods of fabrication of biobased nanomaterials are discussed in detail, including the techniques for controlling their size, shape, and composition. It then delves into the characterization of biobased nanomaterials, discussing the different techniques used to determine their properties, including their morphology, size, structure, and composition. The subsequent chapters explore the various applications of biobased nanomaterials in different fields such as environmental applications, wound healing, tissue engineering, food industry, agriculture, sensing technology, biomedical applications, and energy storage devices. The advantages of biobased nanomaterials over traditional nanomaterials are highlighted, including their biodegradability and sustainability. The environmental concerns associated with biobased nanomaterials, as well as the health and safety concerns, are also discussed. The book concludes by looking at the prospects of biobased nanomaterials and how they can contribute to sustainable development. Overall, the book is an informative and comprehensive book that provides a thorough understanding of biobased nanomaterials and their various applications. It is a valuable resource for researchers, students, and professionals in various fields such as materials science, chemistry, biology, and environmental science. alike.

Bioactive Compounds and Nutraceuticals from Dairy, Marine, and Nonconventional Sources: Extraction Technology, Analytical Techniques, and Potential Health Prospects

by Parmjit S. Panesar Charanjit S. Riar

This new volume begins with an overview of bioactive compounds and nutraceuticals along with explanations of their chemical characteristics, profile, and physicochemical aspects. The volume discusses the extraction technologies of active ingredients and the analytical techniques of qualitative and qualitative analysis along with the profiling of functional compounds and nutraceuticals. The volume gives detailed descriptions of the techniques for extraction, isolation, and characterization of active ingredients from food preparations.The volume also discusses important bioactive compounds and nutraceuticals specifically from milk and dairy products as well as from marine algae and seaweeds. From there, the volume explores bioactive compounds and nutraceuticals from nonconventional sources, such as from spices and condiments, and from microbial sources.This volume is the companion volume to the book Bioactive Compounds and Nutraceuticals from Plant Sources: Extraction Technology, Analytical Techniques, and Potential Health Prospects by the same editors.

Bioactive Compounds and Nutraceuticals from Dairy, Marine, and Nonconventional Sources: Extraction Technology, Analytical Techniques, and Potential Health Prospects

This new volume begins with an overview of bioactive compounds and nutraceuticals along with explanations of their chemical characteristics, profile, and physicochemical aspects. The volume discusses the extraction technologies of active ingredients and the analytical techniques of qualitative and qualitative analysis along with the profiling of functional compounds and nutraceuticals. The volume gives detailed descriptions of the techniques for extraction, isolation, and characterization of active ingredients from food preparations.The volume also discusses important bioactive compounds and nutraceuticals specifically from milk and dairy products as well as from marine algae and seaweeds. From there, the volume explores bioactive compounds and nutraceuticals from nonconventional sources, such as from spices and condiments, and from microbial sources.This volume is the companion volume to the book Bioactive Compounds and Nutraceuticals from Plant Sources: Extraction Technology, Analytical Techniques, and Potential Health Prospects by the same editors.

Bio-Inspired Optimization for Medical Data Mining

by Abhishek Kumar Sumit Srivastava Pramod Singh Rathore Abhineet Anand Bhawna Saini

This book is a comprehensive exploration of bio-inspired optimization techniques and their potential applications in healthcare. Bio-Inspired Optimization for Medical Data Mining is a groundbreaking book that delves into the convergence of nature’s ingenious algorithms and cutting-edge healthcare technology. Through a comprehensive exploration of state-of-the-art algorithms and practical case studies, readers gain unparalleled insights into optimizing medical data processing, enabling more precise diagnosis, optimizing treatment plans, and ultimately advancing the field of healthcare. Organized into 15 chapters, readers learn about the theoretical foundation of pragmatic implementation strategies and actionable advice. In addition, it addresses current developments in molecular subtyping and how they can enhance clinical care. By bridging the gap between cutting-edge technology and critical healthcare challenges, this book is a pivotal contribution, providing a roadmap for leveraging nature-inspired algorithms. In this book, the reader will discover Cutting-edge bio-inspired algorithms designed to optimize medical data processing, providing efficient and accurate solutions for complex healthcare challenges; How bio-inspired optimization can fine-tune diagnostic accuracy, leading to better patient outcomes and improved medical decision-making; How bio-inspired optimization propels healthcare into a new era, unlocking transformative solutions for medical data analysis; Practical insights and actionable advice on implementing bio-inspired optimization techniques and equipping effective real-world medical data scenarios; Compelling case studies illustrating how bio-inspired optimization has made a significant impact in the medical field, inspiring similar success stories. Audience This book is designed for a wide-ranging audience, including medical professionals, healthcare researchers, data scientists, and technology enthusiasts.

Bio-Inspired Computational Paradigms: Security and Privacy in Dynamic Smart Networks

by Samiksha Shukla Parma Nand Vijayalakshmi S Gayathri Sp

Smart cities with various technological innovations have played an important role and influenced society as well. Due to voluminous data transactions within smart cities, security and privacy concerns need to be dealt with. Though taking care of safety and privacy is challenging, it is essential for a smart city to understand the bio-inspired computing paradigms. This book discusses the utilization of bio-inspired computing procedures for effective computational devices.• Discusses real-world usage of bio-inspired computations• Highlights how bio-inspired computations hold the potential to significantly increase network security and privacy• Talks about how society can avoid consequences of cyber security breaches• Examines the combination of bio-inspired computational methods with IoT, AI and big dataThis book is primarily aimed at graduates, researchers, IT and industry professionals.

Bio-Inspired Computational Paradigms: Security and Privacy in Dynamic Smart Networks

Smart cities with various technological innovations have played an important role and influenced society as well. Due to voluminous data transactions within smart cities, security and privacy concerns need to be dealt with. Though taking care of safety and privacy is challenging, it is essential for a smart city to understand the bio-inspired computing paradigms. This book discusses the utilization of bio-inspired computing procedures for effective computational devices.• Discusses real-world usage of bio-inspired computations• Highlights how bio-inspired computations hold the potential to significantly increase network security and privacy• Talks about how society can avoid consequences of cyber security breaches• Examines the combination of bio-inspired computational methods with IoT, AI and big dataThis book is primarily aimed at graduates, researchers, IT and industry professionals.

Bio-Guided Music Therapy: A Practitioner's Guide to the Clinical Integration of Music and Biofeedback

by Eric B. Miller

This practical guide introduces the principles of biofeedback and explores the use of music therapy interventions in the context of achieving skills in self-regulation of physiological response. The book looks at the primary modalities of biofeedback, in conjunction with the assignment of digitally sampled musical voices to specific body functions.

Bindweed (Nhb Modern Plays Ser.)

by Martha Loader

'Thursdays, curry night. Curry and a pint for a fiver. Go at five thirty, home by ten. Beat my mum up for a while. Bed by ten thirty.' Four men convicted of domestic abuse offences meet each week to undergo a perpetrator programme. But as Jen, the new group facilitator, starts to make progress with the men inside the room, life outside begins to buckle. A shattering and darkly funny play about responsibility and rehabilitation, Martha Loader's Bindweed looks at what can be done to tackle abuse at its root. The play was the winner of the Judges' Award at the 2022 Bruntwood Prize for Playwriting, and was first performed at the Mercury Theatre, Colchester, in 2024, in a co-production with HighTide and the New Wolsey Theatre, Ipswich, and in association with the Royal Exchange Theatre, Manchester.

Binary Representation Learning on Visual Images

by Zheng Zhang

Billy Waters is Dancing: Or, How a Black Sailor Found Fame in Regency Britain

by Mary L. Shannon

The story of William Waters, Black street performer in Regency London, and how his huge celebrity took on a life of its own Every child in Regency London knew Billy Waters, the celebrated “King of the Beggars.” Likely born into enslavement in 1770s New York, he became a Royal Navy sailor. After losing his leg in a fall from the rigging, the talented and irrepressible Waters became London’s most famous street performer. His extravagantly costumed image blazed across the stage and in print to an unprecedented degree. For all his contemporary renown, Waters died destitute in 1823—but his legend would live on for decades. Mary L. Shannon’s biography draws together surviving traces of Waters’ life to bring us closer to the historical figure underlying them. Considering Waters’ influence on the London stage and his echoing resonances in visual art, and writing by Douglass, Dickens, and Thackeray, Shannon asks us to reconsider Black presences in nineteenth-century popular culture. This is a vital attempt to recover a life from historical obscurity—and a fascinating account of what it meant to find fame in the Regency metropolis.

The Billionaire's Plus-One Deal (Invitation from Bali #2)

by null Justine Lewis

A CONTRACT FOR A DATE In this Invitation from Bali story, billionaire Will only made up fake girlfriend Summer Bright to pacify his mother’s concerns. So when she brings him face to face with a ‘real’ Summer Bright—someone who shouldn’t exist!—he has to think fast. Will offers to pay the struggling songwriter if she’ll play along and be his plus-one at a wedding. But soon pretending to be in love makes them question whether it’s really all for show…

Billion-Dollar Babies: Baby Worth Billions (The Diamond Club) / Pregnant Princess Bride (The Diamond Club) (Mills And Boon M&b Ser.)

by null Caitlin Crews null Lynne Graham

Pregnant…and marrying the world’s richest man! When multi-billionaire Raj Belanger is left responsible for his orphaned baby niece Pansy, he’s glad her aunt, artist Sunshine Barker, is on hand to help. But then magnetically attractive bohemian Sunny upends his ordered life. And when an explosive night together leaves Sunny pregnant, there’s only one way to take back control. Raj will claim his child by claiming Sunny as his bride! She can’t forget his touch… One incandescent kiss with Valentino Bonaparte years ago has left Princess Carliz craving more. Attending his convenient wedding is torture—until the ceremony’s cancelled and they can finally surrender to their wildest temptations. In the morning Valentino walks away…but this time he’s left Carliz with more than a broken heart. She’s expecting! And a Bonaparte heir cannot be illegitimate…

Bigger: A Literary Life (Black Lives)

by Trudier Harris

A biography of Native Son’s Bigger Thomas that examines his continued relevance in debates over Black men and the violence of racism Bigger Thomas, the central figure in Richard Wright’s novel Native Son (1940), eludes easy categorization. A violent and troubled character who rejects the rules of society, Bigger is both victim and perpetrator, damaged by racism and segregation on the South Side of Chicago, seemingly raping and killing without regrets. His story has electrified readers for more than eight decades, and it continues to galvanize debates around representation, respectability, social justice, and racism in American life. In this book, distinguished scholar Trudier Harris examines the literary life of Bigger Thomas from his birth to the current day. Harris explores the debates between Black critics and Communist artists in the 1930s and 1940s over the “political novel,” the censorship of Native Son by white publishers, and the work’s initial reception—as well as interpretations from Black feminists and Black Power activists in the decades that followed, up to the novel’s resonance with the Black Lives Matter movement today. Bigger, Harris argues, represents the knotted heart of American racism, damning and unsettling, and still very much with us.

Big Steps for Little People: Parenting Your Adopted Child

by Celia Foster

Drawing on the hard-won wisdom gained in her own family life, Celia offers a thoughtful account of life with adopted children and examines the issues that many adoptive families encounter, including the development of children with attachment problems and how to tackle behavioural difficulties.

The Big Six (Swallows And Amazons #9)

by Arthur Ransome

It's great detective work that's needed now. Bill, Peter and Joe are falsely accused of setting boats adrift and the whole river is against them. Only Dick, Dorothea and Tom Dudgeon are there to stand by their friends and they soon set to work to investigate the crimes and trap the real criminals

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