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Showing 8,726 through 8,750 of 8,765 results

3D Computer Vision: Foundations and Advanced Methodologies

by Yu-Jin Zhang

This book offers a comprehensive and unbiased introduction to 3D Computer Vision, ranging from its foundations and essential principles to advanced methodologies and technologies. Divided into 11 chapters, it covers the main workflow of 3D computer vision as follows: camera imaging and calibration models; various modes and means of 3D image acquisition; binocular, trinocular and multi-ocular stereo vision matching techniques; monocular single-image and multi-image scene restoration methods; point cloud data processing and modeling; simultaneous location and mapping; generalized image and scene matching; and understanding spatial-temporal behavior. Each topic is addressed in a uniform manner: the dedicated chapter first covers the essential concepts and basic principles before presenting a selection of typical, specific methods and practical techniques. In turn, it introduces readers to the most important recent developments, especially in the last three years. This approachallows them to quickly familiarize themselves with the subject, implement the techniques discussed, and design or improve their own methods for specific applications. The book can be used as a textbook for graduate courses in computer science, computer engineering, electrical engineering, data science, and related subjects. It also offers a valuable reference guide for researchers and practitioners alike.

The 37th Annual Conference on Power System and Automation in Chinese Universities (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering #1030)

by Xiao-Ping Zhang Yi Ding Pingliang Zeng Vladimir Terzija Yunxia Luo

​This book includes original, peer-reviewed research papers from the 37th Annual Conference of Power System and Automation in Chinese Universities (CUS-EPSA), held in Hangzhou, China on October 23-25, 2022. These papers cover topics as Evolution and development path of the power system, Resilience assessment, analysis and planning of power system, Power system planning and reliability, Modelling and simulation of novel power system, Power electronic for power system stability analysis, Power system relay protection and automation and so on. The papers included in this proceedings share the latest research results and practical application examples on the methodologies and algorithms in these areas, which makes the book a valuable reference for researchers, engineers, and university students.

3000 Jokes, 2997 Laughs

by null Mike Haskins null Stephen Arnott

The ultimate joke book with over 3,000 side-splitting jokes for every occasion, ranging from one-liners and observations, to classic stories that will provide hours of fun. Mike Haskins and Stephen Arnott collate this wonderful comedy-fest full of quick-fire one-liners, timely observations and rambling yarns – from the classic to the modern. This book contains quips for every occasion: from the best man’s speech to a sales conference, or just for swapping around the dinner table. Arranged by subject matter, you’ll always be able to find just the right joke for any situation. (Unless you're a child, because this book is strictly for adults only!) This hilarious collection will appeal to those who want to find a specific rib-tickler for an upcoming occasion, and to those who wants to settle down in an armchair and have a good old laugh. Jokes include: Tom’s eyesight is getting very bad. He’s had to get a special new pair of glassesto help him find where he left his old glasses. What do you call a magic dog? A Labracadabrador. Today is the birthday of the inventor of the boomerang. I think we should all wish him Many Happy Returns. What’s the best thing about Switzerland? I don’t know, but their flag is a huge plus. Settle in, and prepare to laugh your socks off!

3 Degrees More: The Impending Hot Season and How Nature Can Help Us Prevent It

by Klaus Wiegandt

This open access book describes in detail what life on this planet would be like if its average surface temperature were to rise 3 degrees Celsius above the preindustrial level. On this basis, the book argues that it is imperative to keep this temperature rise below 2 degrees Celsius. It then lays out a detailed plan of what politically feasible, cost-effective measures should now be taken to achieve this goal. In this context, the book provides detailed discussions of climate finance, climate education and nature-based solutions. The book has been translated into English from the original German version published in 2022, and contains an original foreword and preface.

The 25th European Conference on Integrated Optics: Proceedings of ECIO 2024, June 17–19, Aachen, Germany (Springer Proceedings in Physics #402)

by Jeremy Witzens Joyce Poon Lars Zimmermann Wolfgang Freude

This volume presents peer-reviewed and selected papers from the 2024 European Conference on Integrated Optics (ECIO), held on 17-19 June, 2024, and organized by RWTH Aachen University, Germany, in collaboration with Max-Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics, Technical University of Berlin, Leibniz Institute for High Performance Microelectronics, and Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. In the 25th edition of this conference, internationally recognized experts share their latest research and showcase their products and services in the field of integrated optics, optoelectronics, and nano-photonics. The conference focuses on leading-edge research and its broad application scope ranges from tele/datacom, optical interconnects, and (bio) optical sensing to more disruptive areas such as quantum computing and programmable photonics.

22 Things a Woman with Asperger's Syndrome Wants Her Partner to Know

by Rudy Simone

Rudy Simone covers 22 common areas of confusion for someone dating a female with AS, including advice from her own experience and that of other couples. She talks with humour and honesty about the little things that might be different from a relationship with a neurotypical woman and discusses first dates, sex, and even having children.

22 Things a Woman Must Know If She Loves a Man with Asperger's Syndrome

by Rudy Simone

This book looks at 22 common traits that women may discover when they are dating, living with or married to a man with Asperger's Syndrome. Simone explores Asperger's relationships with honesty and understanding, drawing on research and personal experience to inform and advise women with AS partners.

The 21st Century in 100 Games (Games and Contemporary Culture)

by Aditya Deshbandhu

The 21st Century in 100 Games is an interactive public history of the contemporary world. It creates a ludological retelling of the 21st century through 100 games that were announced, launched, and played from the turn of the century. The book analyzes them and then uses the games as a means of entry to examine both key events in the 21st century and the evolution of the gaming industry. Adopting a tri-pronged perspective — the reviewer, the academic, and an industry observer — it studies games as ludo-narratological artefacts and resituates games in a societal context by examining how they affect and are engaged with by players, reviewers, the gaming community, and the larger gaming industry.This book will be a must read for readers interested in video games, new media, digital culture (s), culture studies, and history.

The 21st Century in 100 Games (Games and Contemporary Culture)

by Aditya Deshbandhu

The 21st Century in 100 Games is an interactive public history of the contemporary world. It creates a ludological retelling of the 21st century through 100 games that were announced, launched, and played from the turn of the century. The book analyzes them and then uses the games as a means of entry to examine both key events in the 21st century and the evolution of the gaming industry. Adopting a tri-pronged perspective — the reviewer, the academic, and an industry observer — it studies games as ludo-narratological artefacts and resituates games in a societal context by examining how they affect and are engaged with by players, reviewers, the gaming community, and the larger gaming industry.This book will be a must read for readers interested in video games, new media, digital culture (s), culture studies, and history.

2024 Stuttgart International Symposium on Automotive and Engine Technology: Teil 2 (Proceedings)

by Franziska Liedecke

In einer sich rasant verändernden Welt sieht sich die Automobilindustrie fast täglich mit neuen Herausforderungen konfrontiert: Der problematischer werdende Ruf des Dieselmotors, verunsicherte Verbraucher durch die in der Berichterstattung vermischte Thematik der Stickoxid- und Feinstaubemissionen, zunehmende Konkurrenz bei Elektroantrieben durch neue Wettbewerber, die immer schwieriger werdende öffentlichkeitswirksame Darstellung, dass ein großer Unterschied zwischen Prototypen, Kleinserien und einer wirklichen Großserienproduktion besteht. Dazu kommen noch die Fragen, wann die mit viel finanziellem Einsatz entwickelten alternativen Antriebsformen tatsächlich einen Return of Invest erbringen, wer die notwendige Ladeinfrastruktur für eine Massenmarkttauglichkeit der Elektromobilität bauen und finanzieren wird und wie sich das alles auf die Arbeitsplätze auswirken wird. Für die Automobilindustrie ist es jetzt wichtiger denn je, sich den Herausforderungen aktiv zu stellen und innovative Lösungen unter Beibehaltung des hohen Qualitätsanspruchs der OEMs in Serie zu bringen. Die Hauptthemen sind hierbei, die Elektromobilität mit höheren Energiedichten und niedrigeren Kosten der Batterien voranzutreiben und eine wirklich ausreichende standardisierte und zukunftssichere Ladeinfrastruktur darzustellen, aber auch den Entwicklungspfad zum schadstofffreien und CO2-neutralen Verbrennungsmotor konsequent weiter zu gehen. Auch das automatisierte Fahren kann hier hilfreich sein, weil das Fahrzeugverhalten dann – im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes - kalkulierbarer wird. Dabei ist es für die etablierten Automobilhersteller strukturell nicht immer einfach, mit der rasanten Veränderungsgeschwindigkeit mitzuhalten. Hier haben Start-ups einen großen Vorteil: Ihre Organisationsstruktur erlaubt es, frische, unkonventionelle Ideen zügig umzusetzen und sehr flexibel zu reagieren. Schon heute werden Start-ups gezielt gefördert, um neue Lösungen im Bereich von Komfort, Sicherheit, Effizienz undneuen Kundenschnittstellen zu finden. Neue Lösungsansätze, gepaart mit Investitionskraft und Erfahrungen, bieten neue Chancen auf dem Weg der Elektromobilität, der Zukunft des Verbrennungsmotors und ganz allgemein für das Auto der Zukunft.

2021-2022 MATRIX Annals (MATRIX Book Series #5)

MATRIX is Australia’s international and residential mathematical research institute. It facilitates new collaborations and mathematical advances through intensive residential research programs, each 1-2 weeks in duration. This book is a scientific record of the 24 programs held at MATRIX in 2021-2022, including tandem workshops with Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach (MFO), with Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences Kyoto University (RIMS), and with Sydney Mathematical Research Institute (SMRI).

200 Tricky Spellings in Cartoons: Visual Mnemonics for Everyone - US edition

by Lidia Stanton

The new revised edition of Lidia Stanton's bestselling book of cartoons demystifying over 200 of the most difficult spellings, fully adapted for a US readership. The book is structured around confusing pairs of words, such as homophones or words that 'go together', tricky everyday words and tricky academic words, with memorable illustrations on every page to help you connect the word's meaning and graphical features with its spelling pattern. This is not a traditional spelling book, but a resource that will really get you thinking, and laughing out loud. This guide encourages active learning and recollection, breaking away from repetitive methods such as 'look, cover, write, check', enabling you to effortlessly recall and identify once-confusing spelling patterns.

200 Tricky Spellings in Cartoons: Visual Mnemonics for Everyone - UK edition

by Lidia Stanton

The new revised edition of Lidia Stanton's bestselling book of mnemonics demystifying over 200 of the most difficult spellings. The book is structured around confusing pairs of words, such as homophones or words that 'go together', tricky everyday words and tricky academic words, with memorable illustrations on every page to help you connect the word's meaning and graphical features with how it's spelt. This is not a traditional spelling book, but a resource that will really get you thinking, and laughing out loud. This guide encourages active learning and recollection, breaking away from repetitive methods such as 'look, cover, write, check', enabling you to effortlessly recall and identify once-confusing spelling patterns.

20+ Years of Urban Rebuilding: Lessons from the Revival of Lower Manhattan after 9/11

by Patrice Derrington Rosemary Scanlon

Following the destruction of the World Trade Center and the surrounding area of Lower Manhattan from the terrorist attack of 9/11/2001 there were many heroic and extensive efforts to rebuild this iconic urban area in New York City. Political accomplishments, economic recovery, and community rehabilitation were urgent and important concerns and were continually monitored and debated. Supporting this progress and restoration of the critical infrastructure and built environment, however, was a vast and varied gathering of legislative bodies, public institutions, interest groups, and private individuals and entities. This is their story.This book commences with a damage assessment of the immediate aftermath of the attack, describing the extent of destruction to the physical environment—buildings, public places, subway and train stations, roads and sidewalks—and the adverse consequences for the metropolitan economy, local businesses, communities, and families. Then, the story of the long route to recovery is presented, from early visionary intentions through brilliant leadership that confronted daunting bureaucratic procedures, to community voices achieving significant outcomes and eventually to an effective and exemplary partnership of public and private interests, that has produced the current vibrant urban center of downtown New York 23 years later.Of particular interest to researchers, students, and practitioners of urban development and planning, 20+ Years of Urban Recovery contributes to current research on the urban development crisis by focusing on the unique features in rebuilding urban centers following an unforeseen event of major devastation.

20+ Years of Urban Rebuilding: Lessons from the Revival of Lower Manhattan after 9/11

by Patrice Derrington Rosemary Scanlon

Following the destruction of the World Trade Center and the surrounding area of Lower Manhattan from the terrorist attack of 9/11/2001 there were many heroic and extensive efforts to rebuild this iconic urban area in New York City. Political accomplishments, economic recovery, and community rehabilitation were urgent and important concerns and were continually monitored and debated. Supporting this progress and restoration of the critical infrastructure and built environment, however, was a vast and varied gathering of legislative bodies, public institutions, interest groups, and private individuals and entities. This is their story.This book commences with a damage assessment of the immediate aftermath of the attack, describing the extent of destruction to the physical environment—buildings, public places, subway and train stations, roads and sidewalks—and the adverse consequences for the metropolitan economy, local businesses, communities, and families. Then, the story of the long route to recovery is presented, from early visionary intentions through brilliant leadership that confronted daunting bureaucratic procedures, to community voices achieving significant outcomes and eventually to an effective and exemplary partnership of public and private interests, that has produced the current vibrant urban center of downtown New York 23 years later.Of particular interest to researchers, students, and practitioners of urban development and planning, 20+ Years of Urban Recovery contributes to current research on the urban development crisis by focusing on the unique features in rebuilding urban centers following an unforeseen event of major devastation.

1st International Conference, ‘Resonance’: 23 and 24th November, 2022 School Of Liberal Arts and Humanities, Woxsen University, India

by Raul V. Rodriguez Anindita Majumdar K Hemachandran Ranita Basu

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been fast growing since its evolution and experiments with various new add-on features; human efficiency is one among those and the most controversial topic. This chapter focuses on its attention towards studying human consciousness and AI independently and in conjunction. It provides theories and arguments on AI being able to adapt human-like consciousness, cognitive abilities and ethics. This chapter studies responses of more than 300 candidates of the Indian population and compares it against the literature review. Furthermore, it also discusses whether AI could attain consciousness, develop its own set of cognitive abilities (cognitive AI), ethics (AI ethics) and overcome human beings’ efficiency. This chapter is a study of the Indian population’s understanding of consciousness, cognitive AI and AI ethics.

1st International Conference, ‘Resonance’: 23 and 24th November, 2022 School Of Liberal Arts and Humanities, Woxsen University, India

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been fast growing since its evolution and experiments with various new add-on features; human efficiency is one among those and the most controversial topic. This chapter focuses on its attention towards studying human consciousness and AI independently and in conjunction. It provides theories and arguments on AI being able to adapt human-like consciousness, cognitive abilities and ethics. This chapter studies responses of more than 300 candidates of the Indian population and compares it against the literature review. Furthermore, it also discusses whether AI could attain consciousness, develop its own set of cognitive abilities (cognitive AI), ethics (AI ethics) and overcome human beings’ efficiency. This chapter is a study of the Indian population’s understanding of consciousness, cognitive AI and AI ethics.

1967: How I Got There and Why I Never Left

by Robyn Hitchcock

The great eccentric of British psychedelia and unsung national treasure - beloved of everyone from Led Zeppelin, R.E.M. to Stewart Lee and the late Jonathan Demme (who directed Storefront Hitchcock, a 1998 concert film conceived as 'a document not a documentary') - pens an idiosyncratic childhood memoir . . .

1931: Debt, Crisis, and the Rise of Hitler

by Tobias Straumann

Germany's financial collapse in the summer of 1931 was one of the biggest economic catastrophes of modern history. It led to a global panic, brought down the international monetary system, and turned a worldwide recession into a prolonged depression. The crisis also contributed decisively to the rise of Hitler. Within little more than a year of its onset, the Nazis were Germany's largest political party at both the regional and national level, paving the way for Hitler's eventual seizure of power in January 1933. The origins of the collapse lay in Germany's large pile of foreign debt denominated in gold-backed currencies, which condemned the German government to cut spending, raise taxes, and lower wages in the middle of a worldwide recession. As political resistance to this policy of austerity grew, the German government began to question its debt obligations, prompting foreign investors to panic and sell their German assets. The resulting currency crisis led to the failure of the already weakened banking system and a partial sovereign default. Hitler managed to profit from the crisis because he had been the most vocal critic of the reparation regime responsible for the lion's share of German debts. As the financial system collapsed, his relentless attacks against foreign creditors and the alleged complicity of the German government resonated more than ever with the electorate. The ruling parties that were responsible for the situation lost their credibility and became defenceless in the face of his onslaught against an establishment allegedly selling the country out to her foreign creditors. Meanwhile, these creditors hesitated too long to take the wind out of Hitler's sails by offering debt relief. In this way, a financial crisis soon developed into a political catastrophe for both Europe and the world.

18 Wellbeing Hacks for Students: Using Psychology's Secrets to Survive and Thrive

by Aidan Harvey-Craig

How can the desk in front of you reveal a whole new perspective on your life?What's so important about refusing to board the catastrophe train?Why does the anti-rotting agent given off by plants make you feel great? Through 18 short chapters, Aidan Harvey-Craig scours every corner of psychology - from neuroscience to psychodynamics - to uncover the unexpected secrets of hacking your wellbeing. Based on the latest research, each chapter takes you on a journey of surprises, guiding you through an abundance of deceptively simple ideas which will help you to see your world in a new light and improve your wellbeing.Organised into three sections - 'Notice', 'Energise' and 'Connect' - each hack addresses issues that affect us all, including our sleep, relationships, stress, identity, and our dependence on smartphones. Intertwining the latest insights in psychology with practical and easy-to-use advice, this book offers new ways to empower yourself and tackle the challenges of growing up and studying in the 21st Century.

15 Summers Later

by null RaeAnne Thayne

15 summers ago, everything changed… Eva Howell seemed to have it all. But she never expected that her husband would feel so betrayed by a secret from her past that he’d walk away. Now Eva is back in her hometown and trying to move on with the only person who can truly understand. Following years of healing, Madison Howell is finally happy. But she’s in love with the town vet, Dr Luke Gentry, and can’t bring herself to tell him. Years ago, his dad died protecting Maddie and her sister, so how could he ever love her back? With the truth laid bare, the Howell sisters’ reunion is bittersweet. And as Eva and Maddie attempt to reconcile their futures, they must face the demons of their past together… Praise for RaeAnne Thayne ‘Emotional and deeply satisfying. I savoured every page.’ Sarah Morgan ‘RaeAnne Thayne gets better with every book.’ Robyn Carr '[RaeAnne Thayne] is a rising star in the romance world. Her books are wonderfully romantic, feel-good reads that end with me sighing over the last pages.’ Debbie Macomber

1312: A journey with the world’s most extreme fans

by James Montague

You can see them, but you don't know them.Ultras are football fans like no others. A hugely visible and controversial part of the global game, their credo and aesthetic replicated in almost every league everywhere on earth, a global movement of extreme fandom and politics is also one of the largest youth movements in the world. Yet they remain unknown: an anti-establishment force that is transforming both football and politics. In this book, James Montague goes underground to uncover the true face of this dissident force for the first time. 1312: Among the Ultras tells the story of how the movement began and how it grew to become the global phenomenon that now dominates the stadiums from the Balkans and Buenos Aires. With unprecedented insider access, the book investigates how ultras have grown into a fiercely political movement, embracing extremes on both the left and right; fighting against the commercialisation of football and society – and against the attempts to control them by the authorities, who both covet and fear their power.

12 Months to Live: A knock-out new series from James Patterson (Jane Smith #1)

by James Patterson

'The phenomenal Patterson, one of the great storytellers of our time, does not often produce a new character, but he does here to stunning effect' Daily Mail'A gutsy heroine. A ticking clock. A breathless pace. Wow! This one had me reeling' JANE CORRY'Compelling' Crime Monthly_____________________Her name is Jane Smith. But to friends and foes, she's Jane Effing Smith.Why? Because she's the best criminal defence attorney in the Hamptons - the elite world of New York's rich and infamous. Because she's as good an investigator as she is a lawyer. Because she's tough. She's strong.As Jane is preparing to defend a high-profile client accused of a triple homicide, she's also hired to revive a cold case - a cluster of unsolved murders.Then another bombshell lands. A devastating medical diagnosis. Terminal. She's got a year to live.But for now, she has a trial to win. Unless one of her many enemies kills her first.____________________________Readers are loving 12 Months to Live!'You are going to love Jane Smith! She is a fantastic new character from one of my favourite authors''Wow what a book! I could not put it down''I loved it from start to finish''A fast, easy to read, enjoyable and entertaining read''Punchy, fast-paced and totally absorbing'________________________________PRAISE FOR JAMES PATTERSON'The master storyteller of our times' HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON'It's no mystery why James Patterson is the world's most popular thriller writer ... Simply put: nobody does it better.' JEFFERY DEAVER'No one gets this big without amazing natural storytelling talent - which is what Jim has, in spades.' LEE CHILD'Patterson boils a scene down to the single, telling detail, the element that defines a character or moves a plot along. It's what fires off the movie projector in the reader's mind.' MICHAEL CONNELLY'James Patterson is The Boss. End of.' IAN RANKIN'One of the greatest storytellers of all time' PATRICIA CORNWELL'Patterson knows where our deepest fears are buried ... there's no stopping his imagination' NEW YORK TIMES BOOK REVIEW'Patterson is in a class by himself' GUARDIAN

The 12 Chinese Animals: Create Harmony in your Daily Life through Ancient Chinese Wisdom

by Zhongxian Wu

The Chinese horoscope holds the key to a better understanding of self and others, and to living a life of harmony. Master Zhongxian Wu explains how to find your power animal symbols, and how to learn from their wisdom. By fully understanding what each animal signifies, he shows that they can help you to find inner peace and live in harmony.

101 Tips for Parents of Children with Autism: Effective Solutions for Everyday Challenges

by Arnold Miller Theresa Smith

Based on the principles of the Miller Method, this book is a practical, how-to guide filled with quick, effective tips for dealing with issues such as tantrums, inappropriate behaviour, lack of focus and communication, toilet training and developing friendships in children with autism.

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