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Race, Gender, and Deviance in Xbox Live: Theoretical Perspectives from the Virtual Margins—10th Anniversary Edition

by Kishonna L. Gray

By focusing on the experiences of users, gamers, and audiences inside one of the world’s largest gaming communities (Xbox Live), this book provides an overview of the landscape, architecture, and socio-technical structure of console gaming. Building on previous research regarding race, gender, and technology, it provides a much-needed intersectional approach to virtual gaming communities. It draws from a wide breadth of disciplines and interviews with minoritized and marginalized users to offer an overview of the virtual oppressions these individuals navigate and resist.In this 10th Anniversary Edition, author Kishonna L. Gray introduces the audience to a perspective on console gaming environments called “Multi-mediated Interactive Console Environments.” This new chapter provides a necessary understanding of these dynamic digital communities, adding console games, which have been heretofore left out of conversations on gaming, to platform studies, and addressing troubling examples on race, gender, and other identities. While the majority of scholarship on gaming comes from disciplines related to media studies and communication, it is imperative that other scholars engage the narrative and help move the focus on gaming beyond acts of violence or as a space that propels the military–industrial complex.By bringing together cultural studies, criminology, media studies, game studies, and others, this text offers interdisciplinary approaches to making sense of not only the technology and its impact on users and cultures but also the impact that (sub) cultures have had on gaming. It is essential reading for scholars and practitioners seeking solutions to some of gaming’s biggest challenges such as how to reduce harm in online gaming.

Home Ownership in America: A Socio-Cultural History of Housing in the United States

by Lawrence Samuel

A wide-ranging cultural history centered around the concepts of real estate, the family home, and the American dream, and how they evolved over the years, Home Ownership in America: A Socio-Cultural History of Housing in the United States traces narratives around home ownership from the 1920s to today.As a product of the emergence of a large middle class during the Roaring Twenties, the modern concept of home ownership continued through the shaky Great Depression years, holding pattern of World War II, and glory days of the postwar era, when home ownership became a reality for much of the White middle class. While the late 1960s and 1970s were difficult years for home ownership as the postwar economic engine ran out of steam, a renaissance took place in the 1980s and 1990s due to tens of millions of baby boomers wanting to nest. Although there have been a few bumps in the road over the last couple of decades, home ownership, or at least the pursuit of it, is once again booming, making the subject as relevant as ever.With the single-family home central to the American idea and experience, this book touches on a host of issues related to our social divisions of race, gender, and class. Home Ownership in America is a truly interdisciplinary study, crossing over into a wide variety of subjects including sociology, family, urban history/planning, suburban studies, the built environment, public policy, business, finance, economics, politics, architecture, design, technology, and popular and consumer culture.

Home Ownership in America: A Socio-Cultural History of Housing in the United States

by Lawrence Samuel

A wide-ranging cultural history centered around the concepts of real estate, the family home, and the American dream, and how they evolved over the years, Home Ownership in America: A Socio-Cultural History of Housing in the United States traces narratives around home ownership from the 1920s to today.As a product of the emergence of a large middle class during the Roaring Twenties, the modern concept of home ownership continued through the shaky Great Depression years, holding pattern of World War II, and glory days of the postwar era, when home ownership became a reality for much of the White middle class. While the late 1960s and 1970s were difficult years for home ownership as the postwar economic engine ran out of steam, a renaissance took place in the 1980s and 1990s due to tens of millions of baby boomers wanting to nest. Although there have been a few bumps in the road over the last couple of decades, home ownership, or at least the pursuit of it, is once again booming, making the subject as relevant as ever.With the single-family home central to the American idea and experience, this book touches on a host of issues related to our social divisions of race, gender, and class. Home Ownership in America is a truly interdisciplinary study, crossing over into a wide variety of subjects including sociology, family, urban history/planning, suburban studies, the built environment, public policy, business, finance, economics, politics, architecture, design, technology, and popular and consumer culture.

Technology and Competency-Oriented Learning: Effective Methods for Training the Next Cohort of Healthcare Managers

by Lior Naamati-Schneider Dorit Alt

This book provides insights into the development of competency-based learning approaches and specific instructional activities designed to enhance healthcare management students’ twenty-first-century skills (21CS). These skills encompass three core domains: cognitive, intra-personal, and inter-personal. The book explores how these skills can be advanced within the intricate dynamics of healthcare systems at macro, meso, and micro levels, emphasizing the imperative need for healthcare professionals to adapt to rapid technological and global changes. Structured into twelve chapters, the book begins with an overview of the complex healthcare environment, highlighting transformative changes and challenges. It then delves into the core theme of competency-based learning, showcasing a shift from traditional teaching methods to constructivist approaches that enhance real-world skills through interactive methods. This approach is crucial for fostering the necessary skills in healthcare managers and other healthcare professionals, which are increasingly vital in today's digital and dynamic medical landscape. The book serves as an extensive resource and guide for healthcare students, faculty, researchers, curriculum designers, policymakers, and current and future healthcare leaders. It offers practical methodologies, innovative teaching methods, and insightful case studies, making it a valuable reference for healthcare and pedagogical research.

Environmental Histories of the Dinaric Karst (Environmental History #17)

by Borna Fuerst-Bjeliš Jelena Mrgić Hrvoje Petrić Matija Zorn Žiga Zwitter

This multi- and interdisciplinary book will offer novel environmental history (EH) research on Dinaric Karst, one of European largest continuous karstic areas, from prehistory to contemporary history. Various methodological approaches will be applied (e.g., archival investigations, oral-history interviews, field work and laboratory analyses). Historical human adaptations to karstic environmental conditions, human interventions in environment, environmental dynamics and impacts of environmental change will be dealt with by focusing on historical uses of natural resources, their further ecological implications (e.g., fire hazard) and their change over time, on natural and social impacts of changes in weather and climate, on pollution and on intellectual EH. General characteristics and local peculiarities will be identified based on comparisons with foreign literature. Primary audience are historians, geographers, archaeologists, anthropologists, ethnologists, foresters and landscapearchitects.Chapters 1, 5, 12 and 16 are available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via

Kompetenz- und Persönlichkeitsbildung: Phänomenologischer Zugang zu einem personenorientierten Kompetenzverständnis

by Markus Arthur Holti

Seit der Wende hin zur Kompetenzorientierung wurden Stimmen laut, die bezweifeln, dass der heutige Kompetenzbegriff alle Bereiche eines umfassenden Bildungsverständnisses abdecken könne. Bildung dürfe nicht nur als Vorbereitung für eine (Leistungs-)Gesellschaft verstanden werden. Gemäss ihrem Doppelcharakter müsse Bildung auch das zweckfreie Ziel der Persönlichkeitsentwicklung und der Selbstbestimmung anstreben. Mit dieser Untersuchung wird geklärt, inwieweit der heutige Kompetenzbegriff einem mehrdimensionalen Bildungsverständnis gerecht wird und inwiefern einer Erweiterung bedarf. Mittels einer phänomenologisch-anthropologischen Analyse wird ein personenorientiertes Kompetenzverständnis und daran anschließend ein komplementäres Fördermodel erarbeitet. Die Phänomenologie von Edith Stein ist dabei leitend und lässt sich innerhalb einer phänomenologischen Erziehungswissenschaft einordnen. Es wird ein Weg aufgezeigt, wie gesellschaftliche Bildungserwartungen mit Persönlichkeitsbildung verbunden werden können.

Bragg Fibers: From Optical Properties to Applications

by Ritesh Kumar Chourasia Aavishkar Katti

This book highlights the guiding mechanisms as well as the most current and important results in the field of innovative, bio-inspired Bragg fibers. While conventional optical fibers (COF) have several advantages over traditional waveguides, they also suffer from a number of disadvantages which are not present in Bragg fibers due to their minimal nonlinearities, lack of polarization or birefringence effect, lack of Fresnel reflections at the open fiber end, and absence of material or cladding losses. A natural platform for biological and chemical sensing, and with potential to boost communication systems' speed and bandwidth, the primary goal of this book is to apprise readers in academia and industry of properties of EM wave propagation in Bragg fibers with a defect layer. Their major applications in bio/chemical sensing, fuel adulteration sensing, high-temperature sensing, optical dual-channel inline filtering, optical de-multiplexers, optical couplers, and nonlinear soliton generation are presented in detail, along with comparisons of Bragg fibers with alternative structures and their relative pros and cons.

Proceedings of the 2024 International Conference on Humanities, Arts, and Cultural Industry Development (Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research #861)

This is an open access book. 2024 International Conference on Humanities, Arts, and Cultural Industry Development (HACID 2024) was held in Qingdao, China, during May 24-26, 2024. The conference mainly focuses on research fields such as humanities, arts and cultural industry development. It aims to provide a platform for experts and scholars engaged in related research to exchange scientific research results and cutting-edge technologies, understand academic development trends, broaden research ideas, strengthen academic research and discussions, and promote Cooperation in the industrialization of academic achievements in the cultural industry.

Vernetztes Lernen: Ein maschinell generierter Forschungsüberblick

by Henning Schoenenberger

Dieses Buch ist ein automatisch generierter und kuratierter Literaturüberblick über die aktuelle Forschung in den Bereichen Connected Learning, Networked Learning, Digital Badges, Micro-Credentials und Lifelong Learning.Das Konzept des vernetzten Lernens – Connected Learning – holt Lernende dort ab, wo sie sind, und das ist längst nicht mehr nur der Klassen- oder Seminarraum. Connected Learning versucht, den Kontext des Lernens und die Motivation der Lernenden zu verstehen, um eine zeitgemäße und effektivere Lernerfahrung zu designen. Darin spielt die Einsicht eine zentrale Rolle, dass Connected Learning kollaborativ ist und in Peer-to-Peer-Netzwerken stattfindet, dass es auf Partizipation, Problemorientierung und Anwendung beruht und dass die Lernenden desto interessierter sind, je personalisierter das Lernen ausgestaltet ist. Die maschinelle Auswahl und Verdichtung der Artikel in diesem Band ermöglicht es Lesern mit begrenzter Zeit, sich einen schnellen Überblick über dasForschungsgebiet zu verschaffen und gleichzeitig bei Bedarf in die englischsprachigen Originalartikel durchzuklicken, um weiter in die Tiefe zu gehen. Zur gleichen Zeit dient das Buch als Inspirationsquelle für die eigene Forschung und hilft dabei, sich eine Übersicht über aktuelle Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler in diesen Forschungsfeldern zu verschaffen.

Verhalten von Libellen

by Georg Rüppell Dagmar Hilfert-Rüppell

Dieses Buch lässt Sie beim Betrachten der vielen einmaligen Kurzzeitfotos und Bildfolgen zum ersten Mal Einzelheiten aus dem ultraschnellen Leben der Libellen, dieser großen, wunderschönen Fluginsekten erfahren. Libellen sind Flugweltmeister, bionische Wunder und verraten Ihnen viel über die Geheimnisse der Evolution, ihr Zusammenleben und ihren Erfolg seit dreihundert Millionen Jahren. Diese großen - im Englischen Drachenfliegen (dragonflies) genannten Insekten - lassen sich, auch von Anfängern, sehr gut beobachten. In Deutschland leben nur etwa 80 Arten und an jedem Gewässer sind einige Arten zu Hause. Sie sind nicht scheu, stechen nicht und kommen oft ganz dicht heran. Vielleicht verfallen Sie den Libellen genauso wie die beiden Autor:innen, die seit über 30 Jahren bei ihnen auf Entdeckungsreise sind. Mit dem Wissen aus diesem Buch werden Sie den Blicken aus den großen Libellenaugen ganz anders begegnen als zuvor.

Advanced Materials and Conversion Technologies for Personal Protective Equipment Used in the COVID-19 Pandemic (Materials Horizons: From Nature to Nanomaterials)

by Suresh Sundaramurthy Sarika Verma Avanish Kumar Srivastava

This book provides an overview of the latest research on COVID-19 antiviral personal protective equipment (PPE), including safety, handling, and disposal. It also examines a range of durable, energy-efficient, and next-generation construction and building materials and energy fuel storage applications produced from PPE wastes. The topics covered include impact of PPE waste generation during COVID-19 pandemic on the environmental sustainability and its economic aspects, circular economy for advanced materials from used PPEs, conversion technologies, sustainability, reuse, and end of life materials from PPEs used in COVID-19 pandemic and microwave and plasma conversion technologies for used PPEs. The book also discusses thermo-chemical conversion technologies, various properties, and performance attributes. The book is a valuable reference for researchers and professionals in the areas of material science. It also proves as a valuable resource for policymakers and administrators involved in regulatory aspects of PPE kits.

Waste to Biofuel Technology: Future Energy (Sustainable Materials and Technology)

by Anish Khan Abdullah Asiri Showkat Bhawani

This book gives an overview of the latest technologies in the conversion of wastes products to biofuel or chemicals which are more eco-friendly and sustainable as compared to the ordinary petroleum derivatives. It describes a variety of technology such as combustion, gasification, paralysis, anaerobic digestion, and fermentation, which are used in the processing of solid/liquid waste produced by the different residential and industrial sectors into more economically useful by-products. The content of this book resonates with researchers, industrial practitioners, and government policymakers who are looking into developing more sustainable practices in dealing with waste products and looking into waste to energy technologies.

Heiner Eichner: Band I: Indoeuropäisch – Ostindoeuropäische Sprachräume – Varia

by Heiner Eichner

Die Ausgabe der gesammelten Schriften Heiner Eichners umfasst den weit verstreuten wissenschaftlichen Ertrag aus fast sechs Jahrzehnten. Beinahe jeder Sprachzweig der indoeuropäischen Sprachfamilie sowie einige Nachbarsprachen und die Plansprachen wurden in fast einhundert Aufsätzen und größeren Arbeiten erforscht. Die Erkenntnisse verlieren weder ihre Aktualität noch Bedeutsamkeit im Fach. Zum ersten Mal kommt mit wenigen Ausnahmen das Gesamtwerk Heiner Eichners gebündelt heraus. Die Bände beinhalten die kleinen Schriften aus dem Zeitraum 1970 bis 2022, die neu gesetzt, nach Notwendigkeit aktualisiert bzw. in der originalen ungekürzten Fassung erscheinen, sowie einige bislang unveröffentlichte Arbeiten inklusive Heiner Eichners umfangreiche Habilitationsschrift von 1982. Band I beinhaltet Beiträge zur indoeuropäischen Sprach- und Kulturgeschichte, Untersuchungen zu Sprachen des ostindoeuropäischen Sprachraums, zu den Plansprachen, sowie ausgewählte biographische Porträts.

An Ethnographic Chiefdom: Epistemic Arrest and Knowledge Production in Czechoslovak Ethnography (1969–1989) (Methodology & History in Anthropology #49)

by Nikola Balaš

The Czechoslovak academic discipline called ‘Ethnography and Folklore Studies’ was impacted and influenced by the daily realities of state socialism in 1969–1989. This book examines the role of the planned economy, Marxist–Leninist ideology, disciplinary hierarchies and clientelist networks, ultimately showing how state socialist features together brought about the discipline’s epistemic stalling. It offers a fresh perspective on the long-standing debates purporting to capture the differences between the Central and Eastern European tradition of ethnology and Western sociocultural anthropology.

Tactical Citizenships: Encounters with Everyday State in the Republic of Cyprus (New Anthropologies of Europe: Perspectives and Provocations #8)

by Theodoros Kouros

The idea of citizenship is formed through a dynamic and flexible set of relationships that go beyond a sequence of formal rights and duties. It is recurring in everyday social contexts—in practices that play out in the real world, in the everyday exercises or refusals of citizenship rights, in the purposeful defiance of norms, and in the tactical evasions of duties. This book explores the troubled relationship between a state and its citizens across four different kinds of social spaces in Limassol, Cyprus. Tactical Citizenships is a testament to the tenacity and resourcefulness of marginalized individuals in directing their relations with the state.

Subjectivity at Latin America's Urban Margins (Urban Anthropology Unbound #2)

by Moisés Kopper Matthew A. Richmond

Extreme inequalities, uneven planning, and unruly environments have long shaped individual and collective subjectivities at Latin America’s urban margins. Yet these same margins have frequently given rise to new forms of community organization, cultural practice, and social mobilization. This volumeframes the urban margins as complex and multi-layered sites where ongoing translocal histories of exploitation and marginalization meet distinctly local and interpersonal forms of sociability, subjective belonging, and political agency. Through nuanced ethnographic work and cross-disciplinary theoretical insights, Subjectivity at Latin America’s Urban Margins unpacks this complexity, investigating how margins are upheld, negotiated, and challenged.

Shakespeare and the Modern Novel (Shakespeare & #11)

by Graham Holderness

The Shakespearean novel is undergoing a renaissance as the long prose narrative form becomes reinvigorated through new forms of media such as television, film, and the internet. Shakespeare and the Modern Novel explores the history of the novel as a literary form, suggesting that the form can trace its strongest roots beyond the eighteenth-century work of Daniel Defoe, Henry Fielding and Samuel Richardson to Shakespeare’s plays. Within this collection, well-established Shakespeare critics demonstrate that the diversity and flexibility of interactions between Shakespeare and the modern novel are very much alive.

Mobile Pastoralist Households: Archaeological and Ethnoarchaeological Perspectives

by Jean-Luc Houle

Mobile pastoralist activities occur at different scales across the landscape, including local, regional, and supra-regional scales. Most archaeological studies of mobile pastoralist social organization have focused on the latter two scales via the extant monumental and herding landscapes. Household levels of analysis figure much less in these studies. This volume brings together the work of archaeologists currently engaged in mobile pastoralist household research in different regions of the world to highlight the importance of household studies and the utility of both archaeological and ethnoarchaeological approaches in understanding mobile pastoralist household formation, continuity, and adaptation to environmental, social, economic, and political change.

Subjectivity at Latin America's Urban Margins (Urban Anthropology Unbound #2)

by Moisés Kopper Matthew A. Richmond

Extreme inequalities, uneven planning, and unruly environments have long shaped individual and collective subjectivities at Latin America’s urban margins. Yet these same margins have frequently given rise to new forms of community organization, cultural practice, and social mobilization. This volumeframes the urban margins as complex and multi-layered sites where ongoing translocal histories of exploitation and marginalization meet distinctly local and interpersonal forms of sociability, subjective belonging, and political agency. Through nuanced ethnographic work and cross-disciplinary theoretical insights, Subjectivity at Latin America’s Urban Margins unpacks this complexity, investigating how margins are upheld, negotiated, and challenged.

Mobile Pastoralist Households: Archaeological and Ethnoarchaeological Perspectives

by Jean-Luc Houle

Mobile pastoralist activities occur at different scales across the landscape, including local, regional, and supra-regional scales. Most archaeological studies of mobile pastoralist social organization have focused on the latter two scales via the extant monumental and herding landscapes. Household levels of analysis figure much less in these studies. This volume brings together the work of archaeologists currently engaged in mobile pastoralist household research in different regions of the world to highlight the importance of household studies and the utility of both archaeological and ethnoarchaeological approaches in understanding mobile pastoralist household formation, continuity, and adaptation to environmental, social, economic, and political change.

An Ethnographic Chiefdom: Epistemic Arrest and Knowledge Production in Czechoslovak Ethnography (1969–1989) (Methodology & History in Anthropology #49)

by Nikola Balaš

The Czechoslovak academic discipline called ‘Ethnography and Folklore Studies’ was impacted and influenced by the daily realities of state socialism in 1969–1989. This book examines the role of the planned economy, Marxist–Leninist ideology, disciplinary hierarchies and clientelist networks, ultimately showing how state socialist features together brought about the discipline’s epistemic stalling. It offers a fresh perspective on the long-standing debates purporting to capture the differences between the Central and Eastern European tradition of ethnology and Western sociocultural anthropology.

Tactical Citizenships: Encounters with Everyday State in the Republic of Cyprus (New Anthropologies of Europe: Perspectives and Provocations #8)

by Theodoros Kouros

The idea of citizenship is formed through a dynamic and flexible set of relationships that go beyond a sequence of formal rights and duties. It is recurring in everyday social contexts—in practices that play out in the real world, in the everyday exercises or refusals of citizenship rights, in the purposeful defiance of norms, and in the tactical evasion of duties. This book explores the troubled relationship between a state and its citizens across four different kinds of social spaces in Limassol, Cyprus. Tactical Citizenships is a testament to the tenacity and resourcefulness of citizens of unfair states in directing their relations with the government.

The 1840 Rhodes Blood Libel: Ottoman Jews at the Dawn of the Tanzimat Era (Mediterranean Counterpoints #1)

by Olga Borovaya

The Rhodes blood libel of 1840, an outbreak of anti-Jewish violence, was initiated by the island’s governor in collusion with Levantine merchants, who charged the local Jewish community with murdering a Christian boy for ritual purposes. An episode in the shared histories of Ottomans and Jews, it was forgotten by the former and, even if remembered, misunderstood by the latter. The 1840 Rhodes Blood Libel aims to restore the place of this event in Sephardi and Ottoman history. Based on newly discovered Ottoman and Jewish sources it argues that the acquittal of Rhodian Jews is adequately understood only in the context of the Tanzimat and the Sublime Porte’s foreign relations. Contrary to the common view that Ottoman Jews did not experience the impact of the Tanzimat reforms until the mid-1850s, this study shows that their effects were felt as early as 1840. Furthermore, this book offers a window onto life and intercommunal relations in the Eastern Mediterranean during the late Ottoman era.

Peak Injustice: Solving Britain’s Inequality Crisis

by Danny Dorling

By 2024 a majority of parents in the UK with three or more children were going hungry to feed their families. Children in the UK are becoming shorter and childhood mortality has been rising. What part does living with high inequality play in understanding how we have got to the point of peak injustice, when surely the situation cannot become worse? Although 2018 was a year of peak income and wealth inequality in the UK, absolute deprivation has continued to grow since then, especially after the pandemic. Peak Injustice follows up the best-selling Peak Inequality (2018), offering a carefully curated selection of Danny Dorling’s latest published writing with brand new content looking to the future, including challenges for a new government in 2024/25, the impact of Jeremy Corbyn’s legacy, and the implications of Keir Starmer’s many blind spots. An essential addition to readers’ Dorling collections.

Peak Injustice: Solving Britain’s Inequality Crisis

by Danny Dorling

By 2024 a majority of parents in the UK with three or more children were going hungry to feed their families. Children in the UK are becoming shorter and childhood mortality has been rising. What part does living with high inequality play in understanding how we have got to the point of peak injustice, when surely the situation cannot become worse? Although 2018 was a year of peak income and wealth inequality in the UK, absolute deprivation has continued to grow since then, especially after the pandemic. Peak Injustice follows up the best-selling Peak Inequality (2018), offering a carefully curated selection of Danny Dorling’s latest published writing with brand new content looking to the future, including challenges for a new government in 2024/25, the impact of Jeremy Corbyn’s legacy, and the implications of Keir Starmer’s many blind spots. An essential addition to readers’ Dorling collections.

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