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Showing 13,976 through 14,000 of 14,019 results

New Energy Power Generation Automation and Intelligent Technology: The Eighth Seminar on Digital Instrumentation and Control Technology for Nuclear Power Plant (Volume 2) (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering #1250)

by Pengfei Gu Yang Xu Weihua Chen Zhongqiu Wang Yongbin Sun Zheming Liu

This book is the 2nd volume of proceedings of the 1st Smart Nuclear Power Technology Forum and the 8th China Nuclear Power Plant Digital Technology and Application Seminar held in Shenzhen, China in June 2024. This seminar aims to explore the software and hardware of digital and instrument control (I&C) systems in nuclear power plants, such as inspection, testing, certification and research of sensors, actuators and control systems, and the application of electrical and intelligent operation and maintenance technologies. It aims to provide a platform for experts, scholars and nuclear power practitioners to exchange technology and share experience. At the same time, it also provides a platform for the combination of universities and enterprises in the aspects of production, education and research, and promotes the safe development of nuclear power plants. In addition, readers will encounter new ideas to achieve more efficient and safer instruments and control systems.

Law, Morality and Judicial Reasoning: Essays on W. J. Waluchow’s Jurisprudence and Constitutional Theory (Law and Philosophy Library #147)

by Thomas Bustamante Saulo De Matos André L. S. Coelho

This book provides a critical outlook on, and an inquiry into the practical implications of, the works of Professor W.J. Waluchow, one of the most important jurisprudence scholars of the early twenty-first century, while also reflecting on the interconnections between his legal theory and his theory of constitutional interpretation. It also features an interview with Waluchow, in which he responds to some of the chapters and shares a first-person perspective on his main philosophical ideas, how they emerged, and how they can be further developed and applied. The book makes a valuable contribution to contemporary legal philosophy by asking and providing different answers (from prominent legal philosophers and newer scholars in the field) to questions such as ‘How does Waluchow’s jurisprudence relate to his theories of legal reasoning and constitutional interpretation?’, ‘On what terms should we understand inclusive legal positivism?’, ‘Can inclusive legal positivism be reconciled with an interpretivist theory of adjudication?’, ‘How does it compare with Raz’s model of legal authority?’, ‘Can Waluchow’s notion of “community constitutional morality” be applied to contexts such as international law, pluralist legal communities, and indigenous laws?’, and ‘Is Waluchow’s methodology equipped to provide interpretive directives in unstable and extremely unequal legal systems?’. The chapters, all written by experts on jurisprudence (including some of the scholars who helped develop the tradition known as inclusive legal positivism), offer a unique analysis of Waluchow’s most complex and intriguing theses, providing not only a valuable exegetical analysis of his work but also a range of answers to the challenge of interpreting legal and constitutional values, as well as practical resolutions to persisting controversies in the philosophy of law.

Führe doch Du!: 44 Impulse für Deinen Weg zur authentischen Führungskraft

by Sven Lüngen Margarete Volbers

Führungskräfte bewältigen jeden Tag unzählige Herausforderungen – im Team, bei Kunden, gegenüber der Geschäftsleitung. Es gilt, Nutzen für Kunden zu ermöglichen, sich verändernden Anforderungen zu stellen, Vorgaben umzusetzen, Konflikte zu bearbeiten und bei alldem noch ein gutes Miteinander zu fördern. Damit Führungskräfte in diesem komplexen Alltagsbusiness nicht untergehen oder falschen Prioritäten folgen, benötigen sie konkrete Orientierung. Sven Lüngen und Margarete Volbers stellen Dir 44 kreative und anschauliche Impulse zur Verfügung, in denen sie zum Beispiel mit der Perfektion Salvador Dalís, der Entwicklungsfähigkeit von Arnold Schwarzenegger oder den belgischen Tauziehern der Olympischen Sommerspiele von 1920 zum Nachdenken über Dein Führungshandeln anregen und Mut machen, neue Pfade in der Führung zu beschreiten. Mit ihrem praxiserprobten Programm „Führe doch Du!” zeigen sie Dir, wie Du in sechs Wochen aus dem Hamsterrad gewohnter Aufgaben und Routinen ausbrechen und Deinen Führungsstil verbessern kannst.Die Autoren begleiten Dich Schritt für Schritt durch relevante Führungsthemen. So ist unter anderem die Entwicklung einer kraftvollen Identität oder die klare Ausrichtung auf das Stiften von Nutzen ebenso Thema wie das Erarbeiten eines ganz persönlichen Kompasses. Dabei eröffnen sie einen Weg, Deinen individuellen Führungsstil zu entwickeln und bieten Dir Gedanken und Ideen an, die Du in Deinem individuellen Führungskontext überdenken und ganz konkret erproben kannst.Ein Buch für Führungskräfte, die ihr Führungsverhalten reflektieren und entwickeln wollen.

Wissenstransfer im Bildungsbereich: Konzepte, Erfahrungen und Perspektiven

by Hadjar Ghadiri-Mohajerzad Josef Schrader

Dieser Band bietet eine Einführung in das Thema Wissenstransfer im Bildungsbereich unter Berücksichtigung aktueller Studien. Bildungswissenschaftliches Wissen soll das pädagogische Personal unterstützen, doch es besteht Zweifel an der Erfüllung dieser Erwartung, und es wird zunehmend gefordert, Forschungserkenntnisse effektiv in der Praxis umzusetzen. Dabei ist der Wissenstransfer entscheidend, um wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse positiv auf die Bildungsrealität einwirken zu lassen. Der Wissenstransfer von Forschungswissen in die Bildungspraxis und Bildungspolitik ist ein komplexer Prozess und gestaltet sich sehr unterschiedlich. In diesem Band wird der Versuch vorgenommen, die Konzepte, Erfahrungen und Perspektiven zum Wissenstransfer zu systematisieren. Die Lektüre gibt außer dem Stand der aktuellen Forschung mehr Einblicke auf die verschiedenen Akteure des Wissenstransfers: Während eine zügige und an Probleme und Handlungsmöglichkeiten der Praxis anschlussfähige Vermittlung von Forschungswissen insbesondere von der Bildungspolitik eingefordert wird, zeigen Forschende grundsätzlich eine Bereitschaft zu Wissenstransferaktivitäten, aber legen keine Priorität auf Wissenstransfer. Schließlich rezeptieren Bildungspraktiker*innen Forschungswissen eher zögerlich. Abschließend wird diskutiert, welche Strategien genutzt werden können, um einen erfolgreichen Wissenstransfer zu leisten.

Globale Soziologie: Vergessene Theorien, verflochtene Geschichten (Neue Soziologische Theorie)

by Fabio Santos Clara Ruvituso

Die Herausgebenden legen mit „Globale Soziologie“ einen Band vor, der in Debatten um die Dekolonisierung der Disziplin interveniert. Sie vereinen Beiträge, die anhand dreier Fragenkomplexe die international bereits geebneten, im deutschsprachigen Raum jedoch kaum betretenen Wege zu einer Globalen Soziologie aufzeigen und erweitern. Sie stellen zunächst die Geschichte der Soziologie auf den Prüfstand und fragen, von welchen Standpunkten aus „klassische“ Theorien entworfen wurden und wessen Lebensrealitäten sie erfassen und adressieren. Insbesondere die ungleichen Voraussetzungen in der Konstruktion und Zirkulation von „Klassikern“ bei institutionell hergestellter Unsichtbarkeit anderer Werke finden Berücksichtigung. Zweitens gehen die Beiträge des Buchs der Frage nach, welche epistemologischen und methodologischen Schlüsse sich aus diesen historiographischen und theoretischen Kritiken und Rekonstruktionen ziehen lassen. Sie erarbeiten Vorschläge, die einen erkenntnistheoretischen Wandelhin zu einer reflexiven, multiperspektivischen und global verflochtenen Soziologie begründen und fortführen können. Drittens werden Schlüsselthemen identifiziert und anhand empirischer Studien aus der Arbeits-, Migrations- und Geschlechtersoziologie illustriert.

Volatilitätsbasierte Hedgefonds-Strategien (BestMasters)

by Jonas Hurm

Die Investitionseigenschaften der vier volatilitätsbasierten Hedgefonds-Strategien Long Volatility, Short Volatility, Relative Value Volatility und Tail Risk werden anhand von geeigneten Benchmark-Indizes der CBOE und Eurekahedge komparativ zu den traditionellen Asset-Klassen Aktien, Anleihen und Rohstoffe allumfassend untersucht. Insbesondere wird ihr Mehrwert in einem klassischen Mischportfolio aus Sicht von institutionellen Anlegern mittels unterschiedlicher, fortgeschrittener Verfahren nach Favre/Galeano (2002), Kapsos et al. (2011), Shalit/Yitzhaki (1984), Stöckl/Hanke (2014) und Stutzer (2000) im Rahmen von Optimierungssimulationen quantifiziert.

Hardware for Quantum Computing

by Chuck Easttom

This book covers extensively the physical implementation of qubits and quantum architecture. The author demonstrates how quantum computing is implemented by the underlying physical implementation of qubits, including trapped ions, nitrogen vacancy centers, frozen neon, and other implementations. The book shows how, ultimately, the physical implementation of the qubit is the foundation of quantum computing, and that the choice of physical qubit will impact such things as decoherence times, computational efficiency, and even error rate. The book explores all the current approaches to physical qubit implementation and includes appendices that review basic quantum computing and physics.

Fragilitätsfrakturen des Beckenrings (essentials)

by Axel Gänsslen Thomas Mendel Philipp Kobbe Reiner Bartl

Thema dieses Buches sind die Fragilitätsfrakturen des Beckens aus interdisziplinärer Sicht. Als ein Indikationsfaktor für Osteoporose zeigen Fragilitätsfrakturen des Beckens regelhaft ein typisches Frakturmuster mit der Gefahr einer Frakturprogression und einer konsekutiven Instabilitätszunahme. In der Diagnostik fokussiert die erweiterte Bildgebung (CT und/oder MRT) den hinteren Beckenring. Therapeutisch ist das primäre Behandlungsmanagement eine zweiwöchige konservative Therapie, wohingegen höhergradige Instabilitäten v.a. des hinteren Beckenrings eine operative Therapie erfordern. Eine therapiebegleitende Osteoporosebehandlung ist zwingend erforderlich.

Millets: The Multi-Cereal Paradigm for Food Sustainability (World Sustainability Series)

by Monika Thakur

This book delves into the specific subject area of life sciences, focusing on the remarkable world of millets and their multifaceted contributions. This book serves as a comprehensive guide to the diverse aspects of millets, addressing their biology, significance, functional potential, and applications. The content in this book is divided into two distinct sections, Section I contains the detailed introduction to the Millets, their biology, classification, applications, and various types (major, minor, and pseudo millets) and Section II contains their safety, extraction, industrial applications, and SDG goals. This book is not only an asset for professionals and experts but also a readable guide for Academicians and advanced students looking to engage with this ever-expanding subject area. The book is a boon for entrepreneurs in the area millets, as they will get the complete comprehensive information about all the different types of millets with their biology, functional potential and processing.

EU-Taxonomie-Konformität im Wohnungsbau: Rückbaubarkeit einzelner Bauteile in der Kreislaufwirtschaft und Lebenszyklusbetrachtung (Entwicklung neuer Ansätze zum nachhaltigen Planen und Bauen)

by Hannah Vongerichten

Dieses Buch bietet eine umfassende Analyse der EU-Taxonomie-Kriterien für eine Kreislaufwirtschaft und die Taxonomiekonformität im Wohnungsbau. Es wird die Notwendigkeit eines nachhaltigen Wandels im Bausektor angesichts der globalen Herausforderungen des Klimawandels und der Ressourcenknappheit hervorgehoben. Die EU-Taxonomie-Verordnung dient als rechtliche Grundlage für diesen Wandel. Der Fokus liegt auf dem Übergang zu einer Kreislaufwirtschaft im Wohnungsbau und die Rückbaubarkeit einzelner Bauteile, um die Umweltauswirkungen des Bausektors zu minimieren. Dieses Buch präsentiert Lösungsansätze, wie der Bausektor zu einer Kreislaufwirtschaft übergehen kann, um die Umweltauswirkungen zu reduzieren und die Anforderungen der EU-Taxonomie zu erfüllen. Das Buch richtet sich an Studierende, Forschende und Fachleute, die Lösungen für die Herausforderungen der Umsetzung rückbaufreundlicher Gebäudedesigns und der EU-Taxonomie-Kriterien suchen.

Diagrams in Civic Education: Visuospatial Models of Society in Textbooks and Teaching (Palgrave Studies in Educational Media)

by Janne Holmén Ann-Sofie Jägerskog Daniel Schumann Malin Tväråna

This book presents the findings of three studies on the use of diagrams in civic education. The first study presents an international comparison of textbook diagrams promoting national unity in diversity, with examples from ten countries. The second focuses on the depiction of migration in diagrammatic form in German textbooks, The final study was conducted in collaboration with teachers in Swedish social science classrooms, and focuses on teaching comprehension of flow charts and scatterplots. The book will be of interest to scholars of educational media, didactics, the history of education and citizenship education.

Megatrends in Agriculture, Food Industry and Food Markets: An Empirical and Holistic Approach (Palgrave Advances in Bioeconomy: Economics and Policies)

by Henning Otte Hansen

This book offers a research-based, holistic overview of the entire value chain of the global food industry. It captures and defines over 80 contemporary ‘megatrends’ in agriculture and the food market that can be empirically documented and have a major impact on business, economies, industries, societies, and individuals. Today the world is characterized by more uncertainty and unpredictability than in previous periods. In the midst of these changing times, the book demonstrates how a number of more stable trends still exist within global agriculture, which can be important indicators in both the short and long term. The book highlights how developments in agriculture, the food industry and food markets have a central position in policy debates around climate change, sustainability, food crises, hunger, and food supply, and shows how by identifying various megatrends and their underlying economic drivers, as well as potential disruptive forces, we can reduce both risk and vulnerability in the future. Megatrends within consumption, food loss, food crises, international trade, retail industry and ownership of farms are discussed and their relevance illuminated for a wide range of stakeholders, including policy-makers and agri-businesses, as well as farmers and consumers. This book will be a useful resource for researchers in agricultural and environmental economics, as well as policy-makers and professionals in agri-food organisations and public food institutions. This is an open access book.

Drug Repurposing: Innovative Approaches to Drug Discovery and Development

by Naveen Chella Om Prakash Ranjan Amit Alexander

This book offers an insightful exploration of drug repurposing, an innovative approach to drug discovery and development that has the potential to revolutionize the field of medicine. It begins with an introduction to drug repurposing and its history, providing a comprehensive overview of the subject. The readers will embark on a journey through the diverse landscape of drug repurposing strategies. From in silico methods of predicting drug-disease associations to experimental approaches to the integrations of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) in drug repurposing for validating repurposed candidates. The book also delves into the application of drug repurposing in various disease areas, including cancer, inflammatory disorders, and CNS disorders. It explores the potential hurdles involved in the regulatory aspects of the process. The book further covers drug products under clinical trials and provides an overview of the future perspectives of drug repurposing. With its detailed and informative content, this book is a must-read for researchers, clinicians, and healthcare professionals interested in the exciting field of drug repurposing.

Security Integration in the Post-Soviet Space and Collective Security Treaty Organization: Roadmap for Future Cooperation

by Ramakrushna Pradhan Sukanya Kakoty

This book explores the role of the Central Security Council (CSTO) in ensuring regional security, analyzing the evolution of cooperation between post-Soviet states since the Soviet Union's demise. It focuses on the establishment of the CSTO as a regional organization since 2002, with six out of 11 CIS members. The book fills a gap in existing research on the security paradigm in post-Soviet space and the collective security mechanism of CSTO. Many western scholars have not understood the importance of multilateralism and Russia's foreign policy in maintaining security measures in the post-Soviet space. The book is an informative handbook on regional integration, Eurasianism, and CSTO for students, scholars, readers, academicians, and researchers working on this area.

East Asian International Relations in History: The Long and Stormy 20th Century

by Kyu-hyun Jo

This book provides a sweeping overview of East Asian international relations in history from the nineteenth century onwards, with a focus on Korea and its relationship with East Asia and the USA. In contrast with many books which concentrate exclusively on the twentieth century, this book offers a long-term perspective on modernity and modernization in East Asia. It addresses the tributary system, the Meiji Restoration, Japanese imperialism in East Asia, and the Cold War in East Asia. It also incorporates the First and Second Indochina Wars from Vietnam's perspective and expands the geographical scope of East Asia beyond the traditional framework of Korea, Japan, and China. The book begins with the tributary system as a starting point of East Asian modernity in contrast to the old view that the tributary system was not a "modern" system. It rejects the idea that Japan was modernizing while Korea remained stagnant and shows why Japanese colonialism continues to be controversial and problematic. Through the book's emphasis on Vietnam's perspective of the Indochina Wars, it places much value on nationalism, anti-imperialism, and decolonization as forces of modernity and modernization. Relevant to scholars and students in history, international relations, and East Asian studies more broadly, the book brings with it a novel, fresh and innovative approach to East Asian history.

Setting Goals with LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®: A Proven Approach for Forward-Thinking Organizations (Business Guides on the Go)

by Reinhard Ematinger Matthias Renner Sandra Schulze

In this book, readers will discover how Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) unlock a company's full potential by providing a transformative framework that clarifies strategic tasks and fosters transparent communication throughout the organization. Aligning mission statements with goals and key metrics, OKRs drive exceptional performance. Built around two fundamental questions—Where does the company want to go? How does it get there?—OKRs infuse purpose and direction. Goals inspire and motivate, while key results provide measurable milestones for self-organized achievement. Harnessing the power of the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® method, the book guides facilitators and teams through defining, implementing, and evaluating OKRs with creativity and collaboration. It emphasizes leveraging the collective knowledge and experience of the team to set achievable objectives and drive tangible results. Whether one is a facilitator or a team member, the book advocates for a hands-on approach to OKRs. With practical manuals and proven strategies, organizations can accelerate change and foster a culture of success. Welcome to a new era of structured, speedy, and enjoyable goal-setting.

Questioning Proximity - Opportunities and Challenges for Urban Planning and Mobility Policies (SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology)

by Paola Pucci Giovanni Vecchio

The book discusses some of the issues related to proximity, challenges an acritical use of the concept and highlights several dimensions that may better frame the actual contribution of proximity to urban and mobility planning in different places. The contributions address the conditions required for ensuring accessibility by proximity and the different planning dimensions that can support its promotion, addressing issues related to the inclusiveness of this model, as well as the scalability and metrics of proximity we need to deal with in several different contexts. The first part of the book introduces some experimental approaches aimed at operationalising accessibility by proximity, while the second part discusses several planning issues related to the implementation of proximity at different scales.

Opportunities and Risks in AI for Business Development: Volume 1 (Studies in Systems, Decision and Control #545)

by Bahaaeddin Alareeni Islam Elgedawy

This book presents a groundbreaking exploration into the dynamic synergy between artificial intelligence and business development. Titled "AI Integration for Business Development: Navigating Opportunities, Unleashing Potential, Managing Risks," it serves as an indispensable guide for leaders and visionaries aiming to harness the transformative power of AI. The book introduces a comprehensive journey that unveils the strategic integration of AI into business development strategies. This book shows how to navigate a myriad of opportunities, strategically unleash untapped potential, and adeptly manage risks in the ever-evolving landscape of artificial intelligence. Through meticulous insights, real-world examples, and actionable strategies, readers gain the knowledge to make informed decisions and drive competitive advantage. This book presents not only a roadmap for identifying lucrative opportunities but also a blueprint for unlocking the full potential of AI technologies. Whether you are a seasoned executive, entrepreneur, or decision-maker, this book empowers you to proactively manage risks inherent in AI adoption, ensuring resilience and adaptability in your business model. Discover how to stay ahead in the rapidly changing business landscape, shaping the future of your business development initiatives. This book is your indispensable companion, offering profound insights into AI integration and empowering you to seize the transformative potential of AI. This book is your key to charting a course toward sustained success and innovation in the dynamic world of modern business.

Advances in Data Analytics for Influencer Marketing: An Interdisciplinary Approach (Information Systems Engineering and Management #9)

by Soumi Dutta Álvaro Rocha Pushan Kumar Dutta Pronaya Bhattacharya Ramanjeet Singh

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, influencer marketing has emerged as a game-changer, captivating audiences and driving brand engagement like never before. However, success in this dynamic field requires more than just intuition—it demands a mastery of data analytics and an interdisciplinary approach. Introducing this groundbreaking book equips marketers, analysts, and business leaders with the tools and strategies to navigate the complexities of influencer marketing with precision and confidence. Written by leading experts in the field, this comprehensive book explores the intersection of data analytics, consumer behavior, and influencer marketing, offering a holistic perspective on this powerful marketing technique. This book equips the readers with the knowledge and tools to stay ahead of the curve and drive unparalleled success in the ever-evolving world of influencer marketing.

Machine Learning in Geomechanics 2: Data-Driven Modeling, Bayesian Inference, Physics- and Thermodynamics-based Artificial Neural Networks and Reinforcement Learning (ISTE Consignment)

by Ioannis Stefanou Félix Darve

Machine learning has led to incredible achievements in many different fields of science and technology. These varied methods of machine learning all offer powerful new tools to scientists and engineers and open new paths in geomechanics. The two volumes of Machine Learning in Geomechanics aim to demystify machine learning. They present the main methods and provide examples of its applications in mechanics and geomechanics. Most of the chapters provide a pedagogical introduction to the most important methods of machine learning and uncover the fundamental notions underlying them. Building from the simplest to the most sophisticated methods of machine learning, the books give several hands-on examples of coding to assist readers in understanding both the methods and their potential and identifying possible pitfalls.

Urban Transportation Systems: Sustainability and Future Development

by Kundan Meshram

This exciting new volume covers the most up-to-date advances, theories, and practical applications for non-motorized transportation (NMT) systems, geographic information system-based transportation systems, and signal processing for urban transportation systems. This book will allow readers to readers to identify traffic and transport problems in cities and to study mass transportation systems, and modes of transportation and their characteristics, focusing on transportation infrastructure which includes green bays, control stations, mitigation buildings, separator lanes, and safety islands. From this, readers will be able to study urban public transport systems and gain some background into intelligent transportation and telemetric systems, including techniques for designing transport telemetric systems and applying them to urban transportation. Applications include advanced traffic management systems, advanced traveler information systems, advanced vehicle control systems, commercial vehicle operational management, advanced public transportation systems, electronic payment systems, advanced urban transportation, security and safety systems, and urban traffic control. From this, an artificial Intelligence-based transportation system design using genetic algorithms and neural networks is discussed, to show applications in designs. These models and their studies are further extended in signal processing systems and geographic information systems (GIS) to improve transportation system design, and to apply this to the design of non-motorized transportation models, while ensuring pedestrian safety. All these models are further analyzed for environmental impact assessment, which include structural audits, analysis of site selection procedure, baseline conditions and major concerns, green building and its advantages, the description of potential environmental effects, and many more interesting topics.

Romanticism: An Anthology (Blackwell Anthologies Ser. #5)

by Duncan Wu

The essential work on Romanticism, revised and condensed for student convenience Standing as the essential work on Romanticism, Duncan Wu’s Romanticism: An Anthology has been appreciated by thousands of literature students and their teachers across the globe since its first appearance in 1994. This Fifth Edition has been revised to reduce the size of the book and the burden of carrying it around a university campus. It includes the six canonical authors: Blake, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Keats, Byron, and Shelley. The Fourth Edition of the anthology, with complete and uncut texts of a wealth of Romantic authors, is available to all readers of the Fifth Edition via online access. Authors are introduced successively by their dates of birth; works are placed in order of composition where known and, when not known, by date of publication. Except for works in dialect or in which archaic effects were deliberately sought, punctuation and orthography are normalized, pervasive initial capitals and italics removed, and contractions expanded except where they are of metrical significance. Texts are edited for this volume from both manuscript and early printed sources. Romanticism: An Anthology contains everything a teacher needs for full coverage of the canonical poets, with illustrations and a chronological timeline to provide readers with important historical context.

Cybersecurity: Politics, Governance and Conflict in Cyberspace (Routledge Studies In Conflict, Security And Technology Ser.)

by Damien Van Puyvelde Aaron F. Brantly

In the last decade, the proliferation of billions of new Internet-enabled devices and users has significantly expanded concerns about cybersecurity. How much should we worry about cyber threats and their impact on our lives, society and international affairs? Are these security concerns real, exaggerated or just poorly understood? In this fully revised and updated second edition of their popular text, Damien Van Puyvelde and Aaron F. Brantly provide a cutting-edge introduction to the key concepts, controversies and policy debates in cybersecurity today. Exploring the interactions of individuals, groups and states in cyberspace, and the integrated security risks to which these give rise, they examine cyberspace as a complex socio-technical-economic domain that fosters both great potential and peril. Across its ten chapters, the book explores the complexities and challenges of cybersecurity using new case studies – such as NotPetya and Colonial Pipeline – to highlight the evolution of attacks that can exploit and damage individual systems and critical infrastructures. This edition also includes “reader’s guides” and active-learning exercises, in addition to questions for group discussion. Cybersecurity is essential reading for anyone interested in understanding the challenges and opportunities presented by the continued expansion of cyberspace.

Smart Food Packaging Systems: Innovations and Technology Applications

by Avik Mukherjee Santosh Kumar Manjusri Misra Amar K. Mohanty

Understand the future of food packaging with this timely guide Food packaging is a vital part of the food industry. It contributes to food safety and quality throughout the supply chain, reduced product loss, allows high-quality goods to be shipped safely to underserved regions, and more. Smart food packaging systems, which can sense or detect changes in the product or packaging, are at the forefront of this field, and show potentially revolutionary promise. Smart Food Packaging Systems offer a comprehensive overview of the fundamental principles and practical applications of Active food packaging and Intelligent food packaging systems. The book incorporates the latest research developments and technologies in active and intelligent packaging systems that supplement food supply lines worldwide. It is a must-own for researchers and industry professionals looking to understand this key new tool in the fight against world hunger. Smart Food Packaging Systems readers will also find: Case studies on life cycle assessments of specific smart packaging systemsDetailed discussion of topics including additives, antimicrobial and other functional agents, and biopolymers in active food packagingUse of sensors and indicators to monitor quality, temperature, and freshness of the packaged food Smart Food Packaging Systems is ideal for professionals, researchers, and academics in food science, food technology, and food packaging, as well as manufacturers, developers, government officials, and regulators working on supply chain and food distribution aspects.

Intelligent Data Analytics for Bioinformatics and Biomedical Systems (Sustainable Computing and Optimization)

by Neha Sharma Korhan Cengiz Prasenjit Chatterjee

The book analyzes the combination of intelligent data analytics with the intricacies of biological data that has become a crucial factor for innovation and growth in the fast-changing field of bioinformatics and biomedical systems. Intelligent Data Analytics for Bioinformatics and Biomedical Systems delves into the transformative nature of data analytics for bioinformatics and biomedical research. It offers a thorough examination of advanced techniques, methodologies, and applications that utilize intelligence to improve results in the healthcare sector. With the exponential growth of data in these domains, the book explores how computational intelligence and advanced analytic techniques can be harnessed to extract insights, drive informed decisions, and unlock hidden patterns from vast datasets. From genomic analysis to disease diagnostics and personalized medicine, the book aims to showcase intelligent approaches that enable researchers, clinicians, and data scientists to unravel complex biological processes and make significant strides in understanding human health and diseases. This book is divided into three sections, each focusing on computational intelligence and data sets in biomedical systems. The first section discusses the fundamental concepts of computational intelligence and big data in the context of bioinformatics. This section emphasizes data mining, pattern recognition, and knowledge discovery for bioinformatics applications. The second part talks about computational intelligence and big data in biomedical systems. Based on how these advanced techniques are utilized in the system, this section discusses how personalized medicine and precision healthcare enable treatment based on individual data and genetic profiles. The last section investigates the challenges and future directions of computational intelligence and big data in bioinformatics and biomedical systems. This section concludes with discussions on the potential impact of computational intelligence on addressing global healthcare challenges. Audience Intelligent Data Analytics for Bioinformatics and Biomedical Systems is primarily targeted to professionals and researchers in bioinformatics, genetics, molecular biology, biomedical engineering, and healthcare. The book will also suit academicians, students, and professionals working in pharmaceuticals and interpreting biomedical data.

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