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Acupuncture for Chronic Pelvic Pain in Women

by Ooi Thye Chong

One of the first of its kind, this authoritative and extensive pain management resource bridges the divide between Chinese medicine acupuncture and biomedicine treatments which are often unsatisfactory. It is estimated that one in seven women suffer from chronic pelvic pain which is often associated with various gynaecological conditions including endometriosis and pelvic spasms. A significant number of these women also experience anxiety, depression and poor sleep quality. This comprehensive and timely book addresses the need for a non-drug, holistic method for the immediate reduction of pain using the Balance Method acupuncture, trigger point deactivation, and Alchemical Five Element psycho-emotional perspective to address anxiety or depression. Dr Chong focusses on a person-centred approach in this invaluable resource and provides useful and effective tools for taking care of oneself, whether you are a clinician or a patient.

Aromatherapy and Women’s Mental Health: An Evidence-Based Guide to Support Emotional Wellbeing

by Pam Conrad

With an ever-growing interest in aromatherapy as a means to manage mental health as well as the subsequent safety concerns surrounding the use and methodology of essential oils, this timely, evidence-based book offers practical guidance on how to support women's mental health through aromatherapy. Comprehensive in its approach, this accessible text presents the history of mental health treatments, general aromatherapy, and specific practical tips and evidence-based aromatherapeutic treatments and management for conditions such as anxiety, depression, and panic disorders which is supplemented with paediatric emotional health support. It also features chapters on grief, pregnancy, postpartum, PMS, and menopause, making it a wide-ranging and holistic compendium of advice and guidance.This new book by Pam Conrad can be read alongside her previous guide Health Aromatherapy: A Clinically Evidence-Based Guide for Nurses, Midwives, Doulas and Therapists or as a stand-alone text and is an essential read for healthcare professionals looking to expand their holistic practice and cater to women's mental health.

Notes for Neuro Navigators: The Allies' Quick-Start Guide to Championing Neurodivergent Brains

by Jolene Stockman

"Being autistic is full-on, but being in the life of someone who is autistic? This can be epic, world-changing love."In a world built for neurotypicals, how can you help autistic loved ones navigate their way to happiness?Packed with strategies and honest, down-to-earth advice, autistic author Jolene Stockman explores the myriad ways you can boost the autistic in your life: from creating safe spaces and supporting self-care, to changing your own perspective, and advocating for them with others.Picking up this book is the next step in your journey towards enhancing the lives of autistics - so welcome! It's time to find out how we can help those we love to navigate the current world, and work together to build a brighter one that supports us all.

The BFRB Recovery Workbook: Effective Recovery from Hair Pulling, Skin Picking, Nail Biting, and Other Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors

by Dr. Marla Deibler Dr Dr. Renae Reinardy

So, you want to work on recovery from your body-focused repetitive behavior (BFRB)? Chances are, this is not the first time you've thought about changing your BFRB. And it's probably not the first time you've taken action to overcome it.This workbook provides evidence-based tools consistent with the most up-to-date behavioral science to examine your BFRB in a new way, shift perspective on how you relate to your BFRB experience, reduce the behavior with individually tailored interventions, and transform your life and sense of self for the better.Written by licensed clinical psychologists, this integrative behavioral therapy (IBT) approach is rooted in behavioral and cognitive psychology, utilizing CBT, ACT, DBT and habit reversal training, and is applicable to all BFRBs, including nail biting, hair pulling, and skin picking. Make your way through the workbook at your own pace, with the authors' compassionate guidance, and return to it as often as needed.

Low-Demand Parenting: Dropping Demands, Restoring Calm, and Finding Connection with your Uniquely Wired Child

by Amanda Diekman

"Low-demand parenting requires radical acceptance. It says to the kid right in front of you, I see you, just as you are. - You are ok here. I love you right here."Parent to neurodivergent children and autistic adult, Amanda Diekman, outlines a parenting approach that finally lowers the bar for the whole family, enabling the equilibrium of the home to be restored.Low-demand parenting allows you to drop the demands and expectations that are making family life impossible and embrace the joyful freedom of living life with low demands. It can be a particularly effective approach for children with high anxiety levels including neurodivergent children. Amanda talks from experience and teaches you how to identify what the big, tiny and invisible demands are for your own child and gives you the step-by-step instructions on how to drop them.Full of practical resources and scripts that are easy to implement in busy everyday life, this book is your flashlight and your map to parenting your uniquely wired child. It will not tell you where to go, but it will help you find your way so you and your family thrive.

All Tangled Up in Autism and Chronic Illness: A guide to navigating multiple conditions

by Charli Clement

In this ground-breaking debut, Charli Clement combines their own experiences alongside unique short profiles from individuals with chronic illness, to provide an intimate and insightful look at the complexities of living as an autistic and chronically ill person. From navigating your diagnosis and healthcare, learning how to manage pain and your own sensory needs to dealing with ableism, medical misogyny and transphobia, Clement offers practical advice and delves into the unique challenges faced by individuals living in this intersection.With a focus on the unique neurodivergent experience and an exploration into disability pride and joy 'All Tangled Up in Autism and Chronic Illness' is a necessary and empowering resource for autistic and chronically ill people as well as for family members, friends, and healthcare professionals.

Live, Laugh, Lesbian: Navigating Life as a Lesbian in the 21st Century

by Helen Scott

"Sometimes, it's easy to feel like the only lesbian in the world - let alone in the village. But wherever you are with your sexuality, you've just picked up a book with the word 'lesbian' in the title and I know baby you would be so proud."From strap-ons and Lesbian Bed Death to dealing with homophobic microaggressions in the workplace and finding your second family, Helen Scott, lesbian big sister and lipstick femme in chief is here to hold your hand as you travel your own unique path to Gay Town. Half memoir, half guide, and 100% big lesbian hug, plunge with Helen into the highs and lows of navigating lesbian life in the modern world and emerge with all the lesbian life hacks you'll need to get out there and live the life of your dreams. Candid, wise, bold and hilarious - it's time to reclaim the L in LGBTQ+

Myofascial Induction™ 2-volume set: An Anatomical Approach to Fascial Dysfunction

by Andrzej Pilat

In these unique and lavishly illustrated books and their accompanying videos, the practitioner can for the first time see the effect of manual interventions on underlying body structures.Using over 700 photographs and diagrams these volumes reveal fascial architecture to the reader in all its glory, and sets out the principles and practice of Myofascial Induction. The author's own teaching and practice provide the material that explains and illustrates fascial anatomy and therapeutic procedures. The beautiful full color photographs and videos of dissections of non-embalmed cadavers show the continuity of the fascial system and its dynamic links to other body systems. By demonstrating the effect that therapy has on body structures the book will be of interest and practical value to the physical therapist, osteopath, chiropractor, physician and all bodyworkers dedicated to manual therapy, as well as to researchers wishing to build on this ground-breaking material.Volume 1 covers the science and principles of Myofascial Induction and its applications to the upper body. Volume 2 addresses its applications to the thoracic and lumbar spine, the pelvis, and the lower body.

The Autistic Teen's Avoidant Eating Workbook

by Elizabeth Shea

What should I be aware of when trying new foods?Am I ready to change my eating patterns?How can I eat with other people?Food can come with all sorts of challenges - sensory issues, social pressure, loss of control - and so making choices about what foods to eat, and coping with mealtimes can be stressful - especially when other people are involved.If you are neurodivergent and looking to change your relationship with food, this interactive, accessible guide is the perfect companion. You might stick to the same 'safe' foods all the time, be attached to specific mealtime rituals, or struggle to know whether you are hungry or full. This guide will help you recognise the signs of avoidant eating, cope with food related anxieties and manage sensory overload, as well as the particular social stresses of communal eating.With top tips, a progress tracker, quizzes and worksheets, this is an engaging and informative resource for teens and parents alike.

Songs of Discovery for Music Therapy: A Practical Resource for Therapists and Educators

by The Center Discovery®

This rich collection of 32 original songs assists you in supporting the development of positive educational and therapeutic outcomes. Born of clinical work by music therapists at The Center for Discovery, areas addressed through the songs include fine and gross motor skills; cognitive and academic skills; social skills and emotional skills.Covering both practical applications and clinical context, the wide range of songs in this book empower you as a therapist or music educator to compose your own songs and adapt the songs in this collection for use in everyday practice.Each song is available to download for easy use in practice settings.Included in the collection are: greetings songs, songs for building self-awareness and emotional expression; songs for special occasions and rhythmic chants to inspire creative movement and social connectedness.

The Science of Movement, Exercise, and Mental Health

by Jennifer Pilotti

Jennifer Pilotti's latest book explores the science at the intersection of movement and mental health. It encourages readers to consider in greater detail the way exercise impacts the nervous system, and how it influences the ability to sense, feel and perceive the internal and external world.Based on the author's extensive experience in both researching and teaching movement therapies, the book is designed to be accessible to practitioners and professionals across a range of disciplines. From Yoga and Tai Chi to dance teaching and personal training, the coaching guidance provided can also help therapists of all kinds think about the use of language, potential roadblocks and exercise interventions and programming in new ways.By examining key topics including aerobic exercise, resistance training and restorative movement, this book is a valuable resource for all kinds of practitioners looking for inventive ways to help their clients achieve physical and emotional balance.

Chinese Medicine and the Management of Hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome: A Guide for Practitioners

by Paula Bruno

Hypermobility syndromes are more common, complex and varied than most practitioners realise. Every hypermobile patient is unique, and therefore challenging to treat using a pre-set paradigm or protocol. The hEDS population can be underserved by Western medicine and there is much that Chinese medicine can do for this community. This book is one of the first of its kind - a Chinese Medicine text focusing specifically on hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. Presenting existing bio-medical narratives before providing an in-depth exploration of the Chinese Medicine paradigms, this guide gives an overview of comprehensive treatment scenarios and addresses issues faced by EDS patients including pain management, psycho-emotional challenges, disruption of gut health, and chronic inflammation, including post-Lyme syndrome.

Hopeless Aromantic: An Affirmative Guide to Aromanticism

by Samantha Rendle

If you've picked up this book, the chances are you have some doubts about your Happiness 101 assignment sheet. True love; candlelit dinners; 2.1 children; joint bank accounts - The One? It might make you want to a run a mile - or you might just have a few big questions. Aromanticism is defined as experiencing little to no romantic attraction to others. Sam Rendle, onetime aromantic asexual, sometime aroaceflux, and present-day label unspecified, knows a thing or two about the aro spectrum - and she has some answers for you.You'll explore what aromanticism is, how aromantic people form relationships, how to know if you're aromantic and deal with internalised shame and societal stigma. With a history of aromantic representation, guidance on queerplatonic relationships, and testimony from your worldwide aro family - this is the affirmatory aro companion to have in your back pocket.

The Simple Guide to Emotional Neglect: What It Is and How to Help (Simple Guides)

by Betsy de Thierry

What is emotional neglect? How does it affect children and the adults they become? What can we do to help?In The Simple Guide to Emotional Neglect, Betsy de Thierry provides clarity and guidance on the complex subject of emotional neglect, including how it impacts emotional connection and behaviour in the children who experience it.Betsy de Thierry has spent years working with children and adults impacted by emotional neglect from all walks of life, and combines her experience with the latest research evidence to provide you with a concise overview of what emotional neglect looks like, and the issues it can create, including its impact on the developing brain, the development of trauma-based behaviours and challenges to forming emotional connections.The practical advice in this book guides parents, carers, and professionals involved in child welfare on how to provide informed and empathic support.

Solution Art: A textbook of art and resource-orientated work

by Herbert Eberhart Paolo J. Knill

Counselling, therapy, and coaching always work with the use of language. With art-oriented approaches, the limitations of language can be overcome.One of the most important works of expressive arts therapy, Lösungskunst is now available in English translation.The key concept of intermodality- the authors' term for oscillation between art-analog methods- combines with the primary focus on resources and strong emphasis on solutions to lay the groundwork for the method that is as vital now as it was originally. The importance of imagination, artistic and aesthetic experience to mental wellbeing is showcased, challenging the common focus on the cognitive and emotional facets of mental health.In-depth case studies and explanations illuminate the origins and use of the theoretical frameworks, helping experienced practitioners and trainees alike to engage with the fundamental methods and concepts of expressive arts therapy.

How to Survive in Social Work (The Neil Thompson Practice Collection)

by Neil Thompson John McGowan

Social worker. You're a helping hand, a rock in the tempest, a friendly face through the hard times, and a catalyst for change. But what about you? How do you keep going when the pressure just keeps rising?In this no-nonsense handbook, Neil Thompson and John McGowan distil years of social work expertise into key strategies to overcome the challenges that come with the profession. Each chapter is full of clear, practical advice on staying resilient in the face of tough situations, whether they're political, social, or economic. Handy frameworks and expert advice will strengthen your practice and give you a solid structure to build on, helping you fulfil your potential as a social worker and provide better support for your clients. Social work is tough, but with the guidance and support in this book you can learn to tackle the challenges and thrive as a force for change.

An Inner Approach to Cranial Osteopathy

by Timothy Marris

This book is for the current Cranial Osteopathic practitioner. It looks into Cranial Osteopathy from a more profound 'inner' approach to help the practitioner to understand Cranial Osteopathy from a deeper and broader perspective. The book starts by taking the reader on an 'inner' journey of understanding more about themselves as the practitioner, discussing the 'osteopathic toolbox', and the need to be 'inner centred' when diagnosing and treating. It then looks at aspects of diagnosis - of tissue and fluid states - giving the reader several 'inner' considerations which they should apply when assessing a patient. The book then looks at the whole body and using an 'inner' approach to assess and treat each area. Each chapter gives an overview of the relevant anatomy and discusses the osteopathic relevance and new ways of working. Case studies/clinical experiences are described and 'hands on' exercises, which can be accessed via audio files, are given for the reader to practise. These exercises should be done 'at the treatment table' and will prepare the reader to use the approaches described with their patients. The audio leads the listener through a 'guided tour' of the anatomy and explains the exercise while they use their hands to feel what the author is describing.This guide will help Cranial Osteopathic practitioners enhance their skills, knowledge and understanding to a much-advanced level.

The A-Z of Trauma-Informed Teaching: Strategies and Solutions to Help with Behaviour and Support for Children Aged 3-11

by Sarah Naish Anne Oakley Hannah O'Brien Sair Penna Daniel Thrower

"This is a remarkable achievement. Like Batman's Utility belt for teachers. So many practical, wise, inspiring, and achievable ideas are packed in here. I can imagine this becoming as indispensable for teachers as Gray's Anatomy is for doctors..." - Stephen Fry"If you want a book to assist with your work with traumatised children, choose this one. It is the best!" - Professor Peter Fonagy OBE, Chief Executive, Anna Freud National Centre for Children & Families"Humane and grounded in science, this book could change lives." - Sir Norman Lamb, Chair of Maudsley NHS and Children and Young People's Mental Health CoalitionWhat does trauma-informed teaching really look like in the classroom, and can we really achieve it?Maybe you, like many other teachers, will reach the end of a busy day feeling exhausted, deskilled and less than keen to dive into a book on the theory of trauma. Luckily you won't find any complex theory or jargon in this book, but you will gain an understanding of how small humans develop, how perplexing behaviours can be explained and learn inclusive strategies that will help all children in your classroom and school. Part 1 provides you with an explanation of what trauma-informed teaching involves. Then, Part 2 lists an A-Z of issues and behaviours for you to flip to in your busiest moments, ranging from Aggression and Lateness right through to Learning Challenges and Zzz (sleep issues). Gain new understanding into the children in your classroom with this book offering you strategies to better support every child's mental health and resilience.

The British Dyslexia Association - Teaching Dyslexic Students: Theory and Practice

by British Dyslexia Association

This BDA developed guide assists you in supporting children and students with dyslexia and specific learning difficulties through their education. Designed specifically for candidates on Level 5 diploma courses in dyslexia and specific learning difficulties, this hands-on guide is the perfect training companion for those wanting to know more about dyslexia and how to support individuals with dyslexia.As an authoritative, entry-level resource covering both theory and practice, the methods, resources, and expert contributors in this book empower your learning as an educator towards better self-understanding, confidence and how to better support students in specialist and classroom settings.

Developing Early Verbal Skills Through Music: Using rhythm, movement and song with children and young people with additional or complex needs

by Tracy Jeffery

Drawing on current research about the connections between music and speech, this book explains how and why musical activities can be used to support the mechanisms and processes needed for speech. Containing specific guidance on the physiological, neurological, and learning differences children face when trying to make sense of speech, including hypermobility, autism spectrum conditions, Down Syndrome, auditory processing differences and motor timing difficulties, this guide provides an in-depth evaluation into how you can enhance your practice.Discover evidence-based and easy-to-use activities such as how to use whistles for breathing, drums to support the ability to 'hear' or produce speech sounds, and how to use songs to support speech.

Music Has Power® in Senior Wellness and Healthcare: Best Practices from Music Therapy

by Concetta Tomaino The Institute Function

The transformative role music therapy can play in all areas of healthcare, and especially in the care of older adults is increasingly apparent. However, while music activities are present in most care settings, these activities don't provide the therapeutic benefits that are possible with music therapy-informed interventions and programs. Best practices from music therapy are transforming dementia care, and have the potential to improve healthcare-and health-for older people, whatever their needs, wherever they receive care. Dr. Concetta Tomaino, a pioneer in the field of music therapy,. shares more than 40 years of clinical and research experience--not just with Music Therapists but also with healthcare leaders, clinicians, and direct care staff. With chapters on mental health and wellness, dementia, as well as movement and speech rehabilitation, this comprehensive and friendly practice guide will help all caregivers use music therapy best practices to provide better, more fulfilling support across all senior healthcare settings.

The Learning From Practice Manual (The Neil Thompson Practice Collection)

by Neil Thompson

Neil Thompson sets out what you really need to know about supporting further learning during placement and practice. Stripping away the confusion and anxiety about 'what next?', this manual goes back to the core theories of how learning works in the first place, and how you can synchronise that with values and reflective practice to help your students and colleagues reach their professional goals. Summaries illustrate and reinforce the guidance, creating a set of easy-to-follow strategies for effective workplace development mentoring.Accessible explanations guide you through the theory and practice, covering everything from fostering a learning environment to troubleshooting difficulties and encouraging a culture of self-directed learning. Grow your mentoring skills and help your colleagues get to grips with not just what to learn, but how to learn it and make it stick.

Making Sense of Your Senses: Sensory Solutions Workbook

by Monique Thoonsen

Do you ever feel like your classroom is just too loud? Maybe it has too many noisy kids in it?! Or maybe you wish there were more colours on the walls?There is a reason you feel this way and it's all because of your eight (yes eight!) senses.In this workbook you will get to know all about your senses and a number of friendly animals along the way. Fun activities will help you pin down what sorts of smells, sounds, textures, tastes and movements you like, which you don't like and how much of these is too much. By completing the worksheets you'll learn all about sensory processing and what effect it can have on how you feel. Because by finding out for example, that you hate scratchy jumpers, but that the sounds of birds chirping really calms you down, you can find the right kind of sensory input to make you feel better when you need it most! And adult helpers - there is an instruction manual available for you to know exactly how to coach the child you are supporting, so you can both work together on making sense of your senses!

Nada Yoga: The Vibratory Essence of the Yoga of Sound

by Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani Dr Sangeeta Biagi

Nada Yoga may be translated as the Yoga of Vibration and Sound. Its teachings are both ancient and applicable to our contemporary Yoga practice as they help refine our inner listening skills and support the healthy expression of our voice. This contemporary manual offers clarity and guidance on Nada Yoga and fuses traditional teachings with modern science in a multicultural and multimedia approach. Authored by an experienced and dynamic author duo who are well versed in yoga therapy, modern medicine, and music, Dr Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani and Dr Sangeeta Laura Biagi bring a variety of novel approaches and methodologies to help students understand the advanced meditative techniques required for Nada Yoga and the principles behind them.It will include a comprehensive overview of Nada Yoga, the Pranava AUM, the Chakras, Carnatic Music Essentials, Relaxation and Healing, and Yoga Therapy Applications.

Play Therapy Dimensions Model: New Insights for Integrative Play Therapists (3rd edition)

by Ken Gardner Lorri Yasenik

An updated take on a fundamental decision-making framework, this practical guide explores the dimensions of play therapy and how they apply to today's practitioner. In-depth case studies illustrate the interplay between theory and practice, demonstrating an integrative case conceptualization approach. Scales have been updated to reflect current best practice and developments in the field, and combine with the core decision-making framework for a deeper, expanded use of the model. New chapters delve into parent work and case conceptualization utilizing observational and self-reflective forms. Downloadable video content brings the text to life, including a new video illustrating the essentials of consultation with parents. The interface between practitioner and client also takes centre stage. New sections on self-reflection and cultural sensitivity guide you through ways to foster a welcoming, compassionate environment throughout your practice. Whether you're a seasoned play therapist or just starting out, this fresh take on the dimensions of play therapy will foster self-reflection of the who, what, when, why, and how of play therapy.

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