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Saudi Youth: Policies and Practices (Gulf Studies #16)

by Neil Quilliam Mark C. Thompson

This edited collection develops a more balanced understanding of the dilemmas, challenges and opportunities associated with youth policy formulation and implementation in contemporary Saudi Arabia. It does so by considering the dilemmas, challenges and opportunities present in the contemporary Saudi sociopolitical, socioeconomic, and sociocultural spheres, as well as ways and means by which these can be addressed. Underpinning this is a comprehension of the necessity in understanding policies and processes as related to youth policy formulation and implementation. With regards to Saudi youth policy, decision makers want to be able to prioritize the most important issues. As such, policy and decision makers need ‘direction’ in terms of policy formulation, policy recommendations and policy implementation - that is, they are often searching for viable policies that resonate with young Saudis. Furthermore, lessons can be learnt from previous youth policy initiatives by asking: Why was thispolicy successful? If this policy failed, what were the reasons? Did this policy resonate with young nationals? This edited book unpacks the ways in which comprehending policies and processes are important for youth policy development and implementation in Saudi Arabia. It is relevant to policymakers, as well as scholars in Gulf Studies, and Middle Eastern Studies more broadly, as well as those in youth studies, area studies, and social studies.

1.001 wirkungsvolle Fragen für den Vertrieb: Das große Workbook für Vertriebsmitarbeiter und Führungskräfte (Edition Sales Excellence)

by Livia Rainsberger

Die Fähigkeit, die richtigen Fragen zu stellen, war schon immer eine der wichtigsten Fertigkeiten im Vertrieb. Insbesondere in Zeiten von Informationsüberfluss besteht die Herausforderung darin, die wichtigsten Informationen herauszufiltern und zielführend zu verarbeiten.Deshalb müssen Vertriebsmanager einerseits in der Lage sein, ihren Kunden die richtigen Fragen zu stellen, andererseits aber auch ihre Organisation hinterfragen, um zukunftsfähig zu bleiben. Dazu bietet dieses Arbeitsbuch 1.001 konkrete Fragen zu verschiedenen Themenblöcken, mit denen Mitarbeiter und Führungskräfte im Vertrieb situativ arbeiten können.Zielgerichtet und systematisch vermittelt Livia Rainsberger die relevantesten Fragen – sei es für Kundensituationen, im Vertriebsmanagement, an den Schnittstellen zum Marketing oder für strategische Entscheidungen. Mit ausführlichen Listen an Beispielfragen und Erklärungen, worauf es bei den Fragestellungen wirklich ankommt, wird dieser Leitfaden zu einem unverzichtbaren Begleiter in jeder Vertriebssituation.

Place, Catholicism and Violence: The Construction of Place in Caracas’ Barrios

by Gabriela Quintana Vigiola

This book explores the interwoven nature of place, Catholicism and violence in Caracas’ barrios. Using interdisciplinary perspectives to investigate themes of urban space, meaning as a psychosocial construct, criminal violence, and religiosity as culture, this book uncovers the underlying complexities of turning spaces into places through the built form, activities in the urban space and the meanings associated with it. Fundamental elements in the construction of place are used to understand the ways in which barrio residents conceive and construct the physicality of the private, public and religious spaces; how residents use the physical spaces of the barrios; and the psychosocial meanings residents associate with the spaces and activities. Using rich qualitative data and a case study design, the book relies on audio-visual data and interviews with organisers, residents and key participants in Petare, the largest barrio conglomeration in Caracas and Venezuela. Qualitative thematic analysis of participants’ experiences of Catholicism, violence and, ultimately, the construction of place exposes a unique argument: that meaningful urban spaces are embedded with emotions, memories, relationships, experiences and meanings, which turn them into places.

Interracial, Intercultural, and Interfaith Couples and Families Across the Life Cycle: A Clinician’s Guide (AFTA SpringerBriefs in Family Therapy)

by Gita Seshadri Dumayi Gutierrez

This book examines issues of intersectionality and multicultural competency, humility, and sensitivity necessary to work with interracial, intercultural, and interfaith couples. It describes a therapeutic approach that combines a social constructionist framework with ecological systems theory using an intersectional lens. Chapters explore key issues relevant to interracial, intercultural, and interfaith couples across the lifespan, including attraction and dating, cohabitation, marriage and polyamory, children, retirement as well as such potentially challenging topics as sex, politics, and religion. Featured areas of coverage include: How to apply ecological systems theory and social constructionism to guide self of the therapist reflections and clinical interventions that address the nuances of intersectionality among interracial, intercultural, and interfaith couples across the lifespan. Attention to intersectionality between therapists and clients. Strategies for addressing challenging issues within the current political environment in which diversity is debated and may become divisive. Case applications and extended reflections Interracial, Intercultural, and Interfaith Couples and Families Across the Life Cycle: A Clinician’s Guide is an essential resource for clinicians, therapists, and practitioners as well as researchers, professors, and graduate students in family studies, clinical psychology, and public health, as well as all interrelated disciplines.

Jacques Derrida on the Aporias of Hospitality

by Gerasimos Kakoliris

The book systematically presents Derrida’s views on hospitality, as reflected in his texts and lectures from 1995 until his death in October 2004. Derrida’s engagement with hospitality is perhaps the most important and extensive philosophical attempt to respond critically to the growing hostility of many governments worldwide towards specific categories of foreigners, such as refugees and immigrants. Particular emphasis is placed on the ‘aporetic’ nature of hospitality that Derrida describes: namely, that, on the one hand, the provision of hospitality brings us face to face with the hyper-ethical ‘law’ of ‘unconditional hospitality,’ which requires the unconditional reception of the other, i.e. the provision of hospitality to the foreigner without conditions, restrictions or expecting anything in return. On the other hand, the provision of hospitality forces us to face the ‘conditional’ laws of hospitality, which, while establishing a right to and a duty of hospitality, simultaneously restrict hospitality by setting conditions for the arrival and stay of the foreigner. The book also analyses the ‘decision’ and the ‘event’ of hospitality, as well as the unresolved ‘aporia’ at the heart of the ethics of hospitality (or of ethics in general), an aporia or contradiction related to the fact that we cannot be hospitable towards a singularity without ‘sacrificing’ some other singularities. Attention is paid to Derrida’s attempt to open the provision of hospitality beyond humans, that is, to other living beings. Derrida’s views on hospitality are examined in the book in the light of the philosophical thought of Emmanuel Levinas, Immanuel Kant and René Schérer.

The Shelleyan Brontës: Mary and Percy Shelley in the Work of the Brontës (Palgrave Studies in the Enlightenment, Romanticism and Cultures of Print)

by J. E. Young

This book explores the significant textual relationship between Mary and Percy Shelley and the early works of the Brontë siblings. Through a detailed examination of the Shelleyan narrative accessible to the Brontës from their childhood to their final novels, this study argues for a fresh perspective on the Brontës' engagement with the Shelleys in both their juvenilia and later seven novels. In this respect, the book considers the Brontës as readers rather than exclusively as writers, viewing them as a product of the early nineteenth-century literary marketplace which maintained affinities to Romanticism. Reading, rewriting, and appropriating the textual Shelleys was a fundamental vein stemming the Brontës’ writing from childhood, with Mary epitomising the model for what the sisters would eventually become: the female novelist.

Understanding Syria through 40 Monuments: A Story of Survival

by Ross Burns

How can a nation's archaeological treasures help explain its history, especially one as richly complex as Syria's? Ross Burns chooses 40 among Syria's outstanding range of sites, accompanied by over 200 colour illustrations, to take the reader through the tangled paths of this crossroads of the eastern Mediterranean where numerous world cultures intersected.Given the last 12 years of savage conflict, the author reports too on the plight of many of these monuments, addressing the common but unhelpful assumption that much of the country's archaeological treasures have been 'destroyed'. A better approach is to recognise that Syria's heritage can play a role in the country's recovery and cannot simply be declared a write-off. This is a history which tells us much about how Syria's mixture of traditions defy simplistic categorisation through modern definitions of cultures and identities.

Colin Gunton’s Trinitarian Theology of Culture: Towards a Living Sacrifice of Praise (T&T Clark Studies in English Theology)

by Dr Andrew Picard

Whilst upholding some of the criticisms of Colin Gunton's work, this incisive book argues that there is a Hauptbriefe in Gunton reception that assumes his early classic works, The One, the Three and the Many and The Promise of Trinitarian Theology (1st ed), are definitive of his project and fail to engage adequately with the progressions in Gunton's later thought. Instead, this book offers a fresh reading of Gunton by giving greater prominence to his later writings, which are centred in the mediation of the Son and the Spirit in creation.Andrew Picard argues that Gunton's trinitarian theology of culture emerges from his later trinitarian theology of mediation, creation, Christology, pneumatology, and ecclesiology. Exploring these doctrinal foci enables an understanding of Gunton's account of faithful human culture as embodied worship; a living sacrifice of praise which contributes to the divine redemption and perfection of creation. It is the church's particular calling to embody such praise through its visible life in community. The study concludes by intersecting Gunton's theology with the social sciences to critique ableism and consider the politics of the church's belonging in community.

Colin Gunton’s Trinitarian Theology of Culture: Towards a Living Sacrifice of Praise (T&T Clark Studies in English Theology)

by Dr Andrew Picard

Whilst upholding some of the criticisms of Colin Gunton's work, this incisive book argues that there is a Hauptbriefe in Gunton reception that assumes his early classic works, The One, the Three and the Many and The Promise of Trinitarian Theology (1st ed), are definitive of his project and fail to engage adequately with the progressions in Gunton's later thought. Instead, this book offers a fresh reading of Gunton by giving greater prominence to his later writings, which are centred in the mediation of the Son and the Spirit in creation.Andrew Picard argues that Gunton's trinitarian theology of culture emerges from his later trinitarian theology of mediation, creation, Christology, pneumatology, and ecclesiology. Exploring these doctrinal foci enables an understanding of Gunton's account of faithful human culture as embodied worship; a living sacrifice of praise which contributes to the divine redemption and perfection of creation. It is the church's particular calling to embody such praise through its visible life in community. The study concludes by intersecting Gunton's theology with the social sciences to critique ableism and consider the politics of the church's belonging in community.

Iran under the Mongols: Ilkhanid Administrators and Persian Notables in Fars

by Denise Aigle

What were the effects of Mongol rule in Iran? This book focuses on Shiraz and the province of Fars to provide a detailed political, social and economic history of Ilkhanid rule from the first Mongol invasions in 1220 until the end of the Injuid Dynasty in 1357. Using a vast collection of sources, Denise Aigle combines local and global approaches to integrate the history of the province into the whole administrative system. Central is the thesis that Mongol rule caused a break in traditional administrative patterns. A dual administrative system was set up, consisting of both Mongol and local Persian personnel, directed from the court. Charting the fortunes of each successive ruler, her research shows that the failings of individual rulers, as well as intriguing by Persian notables, were the principal reasons for Shiraz and Fars's economic decline under the Mongols in comparison with the more successful neighbouring province of Kirman. Iran Under the Mongols is a vital contribution to our understanding of the effects of Mongol rule in Iran.

Iran under the Mongols: Ilkhanid Administrators and Persian Notables in Fars

by Denise Aigle

What were the effects of Mongol rule in Iran? This book focuses on Shiraz and the province of Fars to provide a detailed political, social and economic history of Ilkhanid rule from the first Mongol invasions in 1220 until the end of the Injuid Dynasty in 1357. Using a vast collection of sources, Denise Aigle combines local and global approaches to integrate the history of the province into the whole administrative system. Central is the thesis that Mongol rule caused a break in traditional administrative patterns. A dual administrative system was set up, consisting of both Mongol and local Persian personnel, directed from the court. Charting the fortunes of each successive ruler, her research shows that the failings of individual rulers, as well as intriguing by Persian notables, were the principal reasons for Shiraz and Fars's economic decline under the Mongols in comparison with the more successful neighbouring province of Kirman. Iran Under the Mongols is a vital contribution to our understanding of the effects of Mongol rule in Iran.

The Oneiric in the Films of David Lynch: A Phenomenological Approach

by Raphael Morschett

The Oneiric in the Films of David Lynch is the first systematic book-length study to explore the nature and function of dreams in David Lynch's different phases and audio-visual formats. There is hardly a contemporary film director whose name is as closely linked to the dream(-like) as that of David Lynch. Both popular and academic discourse frequently identify Lynch's films by their dreamlike qualities. However, in the existing literature on Lynch, these qualities tend to remain underspecified in terms of their experiential dimension. Departing from an interest in the phenomenon of dream experience, this is the first systematic book-length study exploring the nature and function of the oneiric in the director's different phases and audio-visual formats. It shows that, over the course of 50 years, Lynch has developed a cinematic aesthetics of the oneiric ? an ensemble of four dream-related dimensions that unfolds its full potential in the dynamic interplay between sensory address and reflective medialization. On the one hand, the Lynchian oneiric presents a markedly sensory-perceptual mode of experience – both characters and viewers are challenged in their perceptual patterns, while at the same time being immersed in the material dream scenario. On the other hand, the Lynchian oneiric provides a mode of both psychological and medial reflection. Not only the characters, but the films themselves are inclined to 'turn back' on themselves in a dream, exploring the preconditions, possibilities, and limitations of their own existence and ability to know the world. The oneiric in Lynch's films is thus of phenomenological, media-theoretical, and philosophical interest.

The Oneiric in the Films of David Lynch: A Phenomenological Approach

by Raphael Morschett

The Oneiric in the Films of David Lynch is the first systematic book-length study to explore the nature and function of dreams in David Lynch's different phases and audio-visual formats. There is hardly a contemporary film director whose name is as closely linked to the dream(-like) as that of David Lynch. Both popular and academic discourse frequently identify Lynch's films by their dreamlike qualities. However, in the existing literature on Lynch, these qualities tend to remain underspecified in terms of their experiential dimension. Departing from an interest in the phenomenon of dream experience, this is the first systematic book-length study exploring the nature and function of the oneiric in the director's different phases and audio-visual formats. It shows that, over the course of 50 years, Lynch has developed a cinematic aesthetics of the oneiric ? an ensemble of four dream-related dimensions that unfolds its full potential in the dynamic interplay between sensory address and reflective medialization. On the one hand, the Lynchian oneiric presents a markedly sensory-perceptual mode of experience – both characters and viewers are challenged in their perceptual patterns, while at the same time being immersed in the material dream scenario. On the other hand, the Lynchian oneiric provides a mode of both psychological and medial reflection. Not only the characters, but the films themselves are inclined to 'turn back' on themselves in a dream, exploring the preconditions, possibilities, and limitations of their own existence and ability to know the world. The oneiric in Lynch's films is thus of phenomenological, media-theoretical, and philosophical interest.

Aesthetic Movement Satire: The Grasshopper; Where’s the Cat?; The Colonel; Patience (Methuen Drama Play Collections)

by John Hollingshead James Albery F.C. Burnand W.S. Gilbert

From long-haired 'Fleshly Poets' to intense, 'ultra pre-Raphaelite' artists, few stylistic movements in the history of art and literature have provoked the imagination and indignation of British playwrights as much as the Aesthetic Movement.During an intense and short-lived period from 1877 to 1881, the London stage saw fierce competition as playwrights and theatre managers raced to capture the zeitgeist, capitalizing on the unorthodox, eccentric and highly theatrical proponents of the Aesthetic Movement. The 'quite too utterly utter' Apostles of this new school were satirized to such an extent that the Illustrated London News (1881) complained that the London stage was 'thickly sown over with a crop of lilies and sunflowers', with 'aesthetes in every burlesque and comic opera produced'. This edited volume brings the four key plays satirizing the Aesthetic Movement together for the first time in an easily accessible format, allowing scholars and students to discover their secrets:The Grasshopper by John Hollingshead (Gaiety Theatre, 1877)Where's The Cat? by James Albery (Criterion, 1880)The Colonel by F.C. Burnand (Prince of Wales's Theatre, 1881) Patience by W.S. Gilbert (Opera Comique/Savoy, 1881)Including a brief introduction by Dr. Devon Cox, providing background and context to the dynamic, symbiotic relationship between the Aesthetic Movement and the British stage, and complete with biographical notes and an introduction to each play, Aesthetic Movement Satire: A Dramatic Anthology shines a light on this explosive flashpoint in British Theatre

Aesthetic Movement Satire: The Grasshopper; Where’s the Cat?; The Colonel; Patience (Methuen Drama Play Collections)

by John Hollingshead James Albery F.C. Burnand W.S. Gilbert

From long-haired 'Fleshly Poets' to intense, 'ultra pre-Raphaelite' artists, few stylistic movements in the history of art and literature have provoked the imagination and indignation of British playwrights as much as the Aesthetic Movement.During an intense and short-lived period from 1877 to 1881, the London stage saw fierce competition as playwrights and theatre managers raced to capture the zeitgeist, capitalizing on the unorthodox, eccentric and highly theatrical proponents of the Aesthetic Movement. The 'quite too utterly utter' Apostles of this new school were satirized to such an extent that the Illustrated London News (1881) complained that the London stage was 'thickly sown over with a crop of lilies and sunflowers', with 'aesthetes in every burlesque and comic opera produced'. This edited volume brings the four key plays satirizing the Aesthetic Movement together for the first time in an easily accessible format, allowing scholars and students to discover their secrets:The Grasshopper by John Hollingshead (Gaiety Theatre, 1877)Where's The Cat? by James Albery (Criterion, 1880)The Colonel by F.C. Burnand (Prince of Wales's Theatre, 1881) Patience by W.S. Gilbert (Opera Comique/Savoy, 1881)Including a brief introduction by Dr. Devon Cox, providing background and context to the dynamic, symbiotic relationship between the Aesthetic Movement and the British stage, and complete with biographical notes and an introduction to each play, Aesthetic Movement Satire: A Dramatic Anthology shines a light on this explosive flashpoint in British Theatre

God Dies by the Nile and Other Novels: God Dies by the Nile, Searching, The Circling Song

by Nawal El Saadawi

Three classic novels by renowned feminist writer and activist Nawal El Saadawi.A peasant family is torn apart by a village mayor and his lackeys in God Dies by the Nile, Saadawi's dark parable of poverty, female exploitation, injustice and religious hypocrisy in rural Egypt.In Searching the disappearance of her lover causes Fouda to question everything.Circling Song is a hypnotic meditation on gender, class and state violence told through the story of two mysterious twins.

Infantilised: How Our Culture Killed Adulthood

by Keith J. Hayward

Infantilised: How Our Culture Killed Adulthood is the definitive grown-up's guide to a cultural landscape predicated on the primacy and constancy of youth.

Horrid Henry: 6 Stories (Horrid Henry #1)

by Francesca Simon

It's the summer holidays and Horrid Henry would like to be spending his holidays eating unlimited ice cream and going on all the scariest roller coasters he can find - but instead his family are having a staycation. Life is never dull with Horrid Henry around, though, so it's not long before he invents all sorts of holiday activities of his own. Discover six of the funniest Horrid Henry stories, about everything from the horrors of having to help with the housework to the time he convinced Perfect Peter that a cardboard box was a time machine!An irresistible introduction to reading for pleasure, with six stories plus a fun activity section - the perfect gift for new readers and Horrid Henry fans everywhere.

First Frost

by Craig Johnson

It's the summer of 1964, and recent college graduates Walt Longmire and Henry Standing Bear read the writing on the wall and enlist to serve in the Vietnam War. As they catch a few final waves in California before reporting for duty, a sudden storm assaults the shores and capsizes a nearby cargo boat. Walt and Henry jump to action, but it's soon revealed by the police who greet them ashore that the sunken boat carried valuable contraband from underground sources.The boys, in their early twenties and in the peak of their physical prowess from playing college football for the last four years, head out on Route 66. The question, of course, is how far they will get before the consequences of their actions catch up to them-the answer being, not very.Back in the present day, Walt is forced to speak before a Judge following the fatal events of The Longmire Defense. With powerful enemies lurking behind the scenes, the sheriff of Absaroka County must consider his options if he wishes to finish the fight he started.Going back and forth between 1964 and the present day, Craig Johnson brings us a propulsive dual timeline as Walt Longmire stands between the crossfire of good and evil, law and anarchy, and compassion and cruelty at two pivotal stages in his life.

Our Little Secret: the brand-new suspense thriller for 2024 from the multi-million-copy bestseller!

by Lisa Jackson

'Had me on the edge of my seat! I just could NOT put it down... A must read!!! You will flip out when you get to the twist!' Reader review ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐He swore he'd never let her go. She should have believed him.Brooke Hastings is ready to end her six-week affair. Gideon Ross is charming and sexy, but he's not worth throwing away her marriage and family for. So she breaks it off, hoping Gideon will understand.  He doesn't. Gideon insists that he and Brooke are meant to be together. Finally, he backs off, but not before issuing a promise: he'll never let her go.  Six years later, Brooke wants to believe it's all behind her. Her family has survived intact. Gideon has vanished.  But the fear hasn't disappeared. Brooke can't tell how much of it is paranoia, and how much is justified, but she's worried. And maybe she's right to be.  Because Gideon is a man who keeps his promises . . .A totally addictive psychological thriller with a twist you won't see coming. Perfect for fans of Lisa Jewell, K.L Slater and The Housemaid. Readers are gripped by Our Little Secret: 'A HUGE hit for me. I read in one sitting as I could not put this down... So many twists and turns!... This will have your heart pounding from cover to cover' Reader review ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐'Wow!! If you are looking for a good thriller with non-stop action, this is the book for you!... It is a wild ride!' Reader review ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐'Soooo much drama! I was soooo invested. Head was spinning about different theories and thoughts on who Brooke should trust... Sit back, get cosy and enjoy!' Reader review ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐'This book was riveting, start to finish! Affairs, stalking, murder. What more could a girl want? This one was hard to put down' Reader review ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐'A perfect psychological thriller. There was constant build up that kept my heart pounding with every page... I loved it' Reader review ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐'Heart pounding from beginning to end I was held truly captive by this new thriller' Reader review ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐'Fast-paced thriller that will keep you second guessing what you know with the turn of every page... Sucked me in immediately with its secrets, lies, betrayal and family drama! An absolute page turner I could not get enough of' Reader review ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

An Introduction to Native North America

by Mark Q. Sutton

An Introduction to Native North America provides a basic introduction to the Native peoples of North America, covering what are now the United States, northern Mexico, and Canada.In this updated and revised new edition, Mark Q. Sutton has expanded and improved the existing text, adding to the case studies, updating the text with the latest research, increasing the number of images, providing more coverage of the Arctic regions, and including new perspectives, particularly those of Native peoples. This book addresses the history of research, the European invasion, and the impact of Europeans on Native societies. A final chapter introduces contemporary Native Americans, discussing issues that affect them, including religion, health, and politics. The book retains a wealth of pedological features to aid and reinforce learning.Featuring case studies of many Native American groups, as well as some 87 maps and images, An Introduction to Native North America is an indispensable tool to those studying the history of North America and its Native peoples.

An Introduction to Native North America

by Mark Q. Sutton

An Introduction to Native North America provides a basic introduction to the Native peoples of North America, covering what are now the United States, northern Mexico, and Canada.In this updated and revised new edition, Mark Q. Sutton has expanded and improved the existing text, adding to the case studies, updating the text with the latest research, increasing the number of images, providing more coverage of the Arctic regions, and including new perspectives, particularly those of Native peoples. This book addresses the history of research, the European invasion, and the impact of Europeans on Native societies. A final chapter introduces contemporary Native Americans, discussing issues that affect them, including religion, health, and politics. The book retains a wealth of pedological features to aid and reinforce learning.Featuring case studies of many Native American groups, as well as some 87 maps and images, An Introduction to Native North America is an indispensable tool to those studying the history of North America and its Native peoples.

Learning to Teach Science in the Secondary School: A Companion to School Experience (ISSN)

by Lindsay Hetherington Luke Graham Darren Moore

Learning to Teach Science in the Secondary School is an indispensable guide to the process, practice, and reality of learning to teach science in a busy secondary school. Written by experienced teachers and expert academics, it explores core debates and topics in science education, providing practical and insightful advice with research and theory to support your development as a teacher.This fully updated fifth edition focuses on the knowledge and skills you will need to develop your science teaching including key approaches to teaching physics, chemistry, and biology, lesson and curriculum planning, and assessment. There are also new chapters on: Safety in science teaching The science of learning for teaching science Mathematics and learning science Science for social justice Inclusive and adaptive science teaching Making use of research: practical guidance for science teachers Written with university and school-based initial teacher education in mind and including learning objectives, lists of useful resources, and specially designed tasks in every chapter Learning to Teach Science in the Secondary School offers all student and early career teachers accessible and comprehensive guidance to support the journey of becoming an effective science teacher.

Learning to Think Strategically

by Julia Sloan

Strategic thinking has become a core capability for business leaders globally. Now in its fifth edition, this comprehensive text is an original primer for how successful strategists learn to think strategically. It delineates and defines strategic thinking as an advanced, conceptual cognitive capability, focusing on the nonlinear and informal nature of strategic thinking. The book highlights the role of informal learning, underscores the relevance of engaging in the arts, and has global application for those tasked with making strategy in this rapidly changing world.This edition has been fully updated to include a new chapter on AI and strategic thinking, as well as expanded coverage of the critical reflective process and the challenges of introducing strategic thinking across cultures. Additional pedagogical features have been incorporated, including more discussion questions and exercises to engage debate and reflection, additional scenarios, and case vignettes.Learning to Think Strategically is vital reading for MBA, strategy, leadership development, and executive education students. Its practical nature also makes it valuable for business and policy executives, as well as for managers and emerging leaders looking to develop their strategic thinking skills. Online resources include PowerPoint slides, a test bank, and video clips.

The Routledge International Handbook of Automated Essay Evaluation (Routledge International Handbooks)

The Routledge International Handbook of Automated Essay Evaluation (AEE) is a definitive guide at the intersection of automation, artificial intelligence, and education. This volume encapsulates the ongoing advancement of AEE, reflecting its application in both large-scale and classroom-based assessments to support teaching and learning endeavors.It presents a comprehensive overview of AEE's current applications, including its extension into reading, speech, mathematics, and writing research; modern automated feedback systems; critical issues in automated evaluation such as psychometrics, fairness, bias, transparency, and validity; and the technological innovations that fuel current and future developments in this field. As AEE approaches a tipping point of global implementation, this Handbook stands as an essential resource, advocating for the conscientious adoption of AEE tools to enhance educational practices ethically. The Handbook will benefit readers by equipping them with the knowledge to thoughtfully integrate AEE, thereby enriching educational assessment, teaching, and learning worldwide.Aimed at researchers, educators, AEE developers, and policymakers, the Handbook is poised not only to chart the current landscape but also to stimulate scholarly discourse, define and inform best practices, and propel and guide future innovations.

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