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Showing 8,476 through 8,500 of 8,978 results

The Eastern Bloc and Sub-Saharan Africa: Czechoslovakia, UNESCO and Development Aid from the 1960s and Beyond (Routledge Histories of Central and Eastern Europe)

by Barbora Buzássyová

This book analyses the shifting patterns of Czechoslovak educational aid programmes for sub-Saharan African countries within the broader framework of the global debates on the nature of development aid in education discussed on the UNESCO grounds during the three “development decades.”Starting in the early 1960s, Czechoslovakia sent abroad hundreds of experts hoping to stimulate the development of local educational and scientific institutions. However, over the years, the development aid to African countries transformed into a special form of foreign trade, and distribution of experts turned into a profitable business. Yet, the tendencies towards “sustainability” and “higher return on investment” in the field of development aid were not limited just to the socialist bloc but emerged globally. This book, therefore, not only revisits the roles of Czechoslovakia and Africa in the Cold War history but also reflects on the function of aid in international politics.The Eastern Bloc and Sub-Saharan Africa will appeal to students and historians specializing in the global Cold War, and particularly those curious about development, international organizations, economic history and transfers of knowledge in transnational networks.

Qualitative Social Research: Critical Methods for Social Change

by Priscilla Dunk-West Kate Saxton

This text provides an easy-to-read introduction to qualitative research methods in social work, taking into account contemporary contexts and social conditions.Drawing from a range of social work perspectives, it allows the reader to make the connection between social work values, theory and specific research methods and approaches.Comprised of 11 chapters, it covers overarching epistemological perspectives and knowledge construction; designing a research question; research design and methods; data collection and analysis; research ethics and dissemination; and impact and research translation. Highlighting social work’s unique commitment to social justice, it positions social work research as embedded in the profession’s values.As the first book to comprehensively connect social work values and emancipatory frameworks, including decolonising practices, with research methods, it shows readers the connection between social work theory and choices in relation to ethical research design.This book is suitable for use on all BSW and MSW research modules across Australia and New Zealand as well as social work courses across the UK.

Lithium-Sulfur Batteries: Key Parameters, Recent Advances, Challenges and Applications (Springer Tracts in Electrical and Electronics Engineering)

by Abdullah Mohamed Asiri Muhammad Sagir Muhammad Bilal Tahir Muhammad Suleman Tahir

This book provides an excellent review and analysis of the latest information on rechargeable Li-S battery research. With a clear and concise writing style and in-depth technical material, this book will appeal to undergraduates and graduates, researchers, chemists, material scientists, and physicists working in the field of energy storage, especially those with an interest in Li-S battery technology. IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine shows lithium-sulfur (Li-S) batteries give us an alternative to the more prevalent lithium-ion (Li-ion) versions and are known for their observed high-energy densities. Systems using Li-S batteries are in the early stages of development, and commercialization however could potentially provide higher, safer levels of energy at significantly lower cost. In this book, the history, scientific background, challenges, and future perspectives of the lithium-sulfur system are presented by experts in the field. Focus is on past and recent advances of each cell compartment responsible for the performance of the Li-S battery and includes analysis of characterization tools, new designs, and computational modeling. As a comprehensive review of the current state of play, it is ideal for undergraduates, graduate students, researchers, physicists, chemists, and materials scientists interested in energy storage, material science, and electrochemistry.

Advances in Material Science and Engineering: Selected articles from ICMMPE 2023, 16-Nov, Putrajaya, Malaysia (Proceedings in Technology Transfer)

by Mokhtar Awang Hussain H. Al-Kayiem Sattar S. Emamian

This book presents the latest research advancements in the field of material science, specifically in mechanical, manufacturing, and plant engineering. It includes peer reviewed articles from the 9th International Conference on Mechanical, Manufacturing and Plant Engineering (ICMMPE 2023) held on 16th November 2023 at The Everly Hotel Putrajaya, Malaysia. The conference showcases cutting-edge research and facilitates knowledge exchange among experts in the field of material science, mechanical engineering and their applications.

Ratgeber Rücken

by Joachim Grifka

Millionen Menschen leiden unter ernsthaften Rückenbeschwerden und sind dadurch erheblich eingeschränkt. Dieses Buch möchte Betroffenen helfen, mehr über ihre Krankheit zu erfahren und die Zusammenhänge besser zu verstehen. Ein Hauptanliegen ist, dass der Patient lernt, was er selbst gegen seine Beschwerden tun kann. Hierzu enthält das Buch ein spezielles Trainingsprogramm mit vielen Tipps, die mittels der im Buch enthaltenen Videos anschaulich dargestellt werden. Dank der Prinzipien der Rückenschule und der gezielten orthopädischen Schmerztherapie ist es heute möglich, eine Vielzahl an Rückenproblemen ohne Operation erfolgreich zu behandeln.

New Work, Leadership und Human Resources Management im Tourismus: Konzepte und Instrumente für eine sich verändernde Arbeitswelt

by Simon Werther Marco A. Gardini Celine Chang

Dieses Buch beleuchtet das Themenfeld New Work und setzt sich mit den Herausforderungen auseinander, denen Tourismusunternehmen auf dem Weg in eine sich verändernde Arbeitswelt begegnen. Der Sammelband analysiert zentrale Handlungsfelder und entwickelt konkrete Handlungsstrategien für Leadership-Ansätze und Human Resources Management im Tourismus. Fallstudien und Interviews aus der Unternehmenspraxis tragen dazu bei, Unternehmensentscheidungen vor dem Hintergrund wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnisse kritisch zu reflektieren. Die Leserinnen und Leser erhalten somit einen systematischen und umfassenden Einblick in die Thematik und zahlreiche Impulse für die erfolgreiche Gestaltung neuer Arbeitswelten im Tourismus. Das Buch richtet sich an Entscheiderinnen und Entscheider, Personalverantwortliche und Studierende im Tourismus sowie an ein interessiertes Fachpublikum aus Wissenschaft und Praxis.

Recent Developments in Structural Engineering, Volume 1 (Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering #52)

by Ratnesh Kumar Manmohan Dass Goel Sangeeta S. Gadve

The book presents the select proceedings of 13th Structural Engineering Convention. It covers the latest research in multidisciplinary areas within structural engineering. Various topics covered include structural dynamics, structural mechanics, finite element methods, structural vibration control, advanced cementitious and composite materials, bridge engineering, soil-structure interaction, blast, impact, fire, material and many more. The book will be a useful reference material for structural engineering researchers and practicing engineers.

Climate Disaster Preparedness: Reimagining Extreme Events through Art and Technology (Arts, Research, Innovation and Society)

by Michael J. Ostwald Ursula Frohne Dennis Del Favero Susanne Thurow

As a result of global warming, extreme events, such as firestorms and flash floods, pose increasingly unpredictable and uncertain existential threats, taking lives, destroying communities, and wreaking havoc on habitats. Current aesthetic, technological and scientific frameworks struggle to imagine, visualise and rehearse human interactions with these events, hampering the development of proactive foresight, readiness and response.This open access book demonstrates how the latest advances in creative arts, intelligent systems and climate science can be integrated and leveraged to transform the visualisation of extreme event scenarios. It reframes current practice from passive perception of pre-scripted illustrations to active immersion in evolving life-like interactive scenarios that are geo-located. Drawing on the multidisciplinary expertise of leaders in the creative arts, climate sciences, environmental engineering, and intelligent systems, this book examines the waysin which climate disaster preparedness can be reformulated through practices that address dynamic and unforeseen interactions between climate and human life worlds. Grouped into four sections (picturing, narrating, rehearsing, and communicating), this book maps this approach by exploring the emerging strengths and current limitations of each discipline in addressing the challenge of envisioning the unpredictable interaction of extreme events with human populations and environments. This book provides a timely intervention into the global discourse on how art, culture and technology can address climate disaster resilience. It appeals to readers from multiple fields, offering academic, industry and community audiences novel insights into a profound gap in the current knowledge, policy and action landscape.

Digitale Innovationen in der Pflege

by Walter Swoboda Nadine Seifert

Technische Unterstützung für kompetente Fürsorge und Pflege!Dieses Buch zeigt den aktuellen Stand digitaler Innovation in der Pflege und richtet sich an diejenigen, die sich mit ihr auseinandersetzten und die Entwicklung vorantreiben. Prozessmanagement und Prozessoptimierung werden durch digitale Systeme vereinfacht, zusätzlich können technische Lösungen Pflegefachpersonen entlasten. Das ist wichtig, um Ressourcen zu erhalten und Personal richtig einzusetzen. Ziel ist es, die Attraktivität des Pflegeberufs zu erhöhen und gleichzeitig eine hohe Qualität der Pflege sicherzustellen.Welche Angebote und Erfahrungen wurden bisher gemacht und wie werden Produkte erfolgreich eingeführt? Warum sind valide Daten Grundlage einer guten Pflege? Welche ethischen Anforderungen sind zu erfüllen? Zu diesen relevanten und sensiblen Themen bieten die Autoren wissenschaftliche fundiertes und praxisnahes Wissen.

Advances and Prospects of 3-d Metal-Based Anticancer Drug Candidates

by Farukh Arjmand Sartaj Tabassum Huzaifa Yasir Khan

This book reviews the potential of metallodrugs against different cancer. It summarizes the classification of metal-based anti-cancer drugs, their plausible biochemical and mechanistic pathways, combining drug strategies for hitting multiple therapeutic targets at the intracellular level, and advanced drug delivery strategies. The book covers the metallodrugs for the efficacious treatment of diverse cancerous strains and recent advances in drug delivery strategies that are used for developing these metal-based therapeutics as potent anticancer agents in vitro and in vivo. The book also covers different biophysical and analytical techniques for studying metal-ligand and metal-macromolecular interactions. The book further presents the recent examples of metallomics studies on the different types of cell death induced by metal-based anticancer drugs, especially on the three major forms of programmed cell death (PCD) in mammalian cells: apoptosis, autophagy, and regulated necrosis, alsocalled necroptosis. Lastly, the book explores the modulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) by metallodrugs.

Principles of Locally Conformally Kähler Geometry (Progress in Mathematics #354)

by Liviu Ornea Misha Verbitsky

This monograph introduces readers to locally conformally Kähler (LCK) geometry and provides an extensive overview of the most current results. A rapidly developing area in complex geometry dealing with non-Kähler manifolds, LCK geometry has strong links to many other areas of mathematics, including algebraic geometry, topology, and complex analysis. The authors emphasize these connections to create a unified and rigorous treatment of the subject suitable for both students and researchers. Part I builds the necessary foundations for those approaching LCK geometry for the first time with full, mostly self-contained proofs and also covers material often omitted from textbooks, such as contact and Sasakian geometry, orbifolds, Ehresmann connections, and foliation theory. More advanced topics are then treated in Part II, including non-Kähler elliptic surfaces, cohomology of holomorphic vector bundles on Hopf manifolds, Kuranishi and Teichmüller spaces for LCK manifolds with potential, and harmonic forms on Sasakian and Vaisman manifolds. Each chapter in Parts I and II begins with motivation and historic context for the topics explored and includes numerous exercises for further exploration of important topics. Part III surveys the current research on LCK geometry, describing advances on topics such as automorphism groups on LCK manifolds, twisted Hamiltonian actions and LCK reduction, Einstein-Weyl manifolds and the Futaki invariant, and LCK geometry on nilmanifolds and on solvmanifolds. New proofs of many results are given using the methods developed earlier in the text. The text then concludes with a chapter that gathers over 100 open problems, with context and remarks provided where possible, to inspire future research.

International Investment Law at the Juncture: An Asian Perspective (International Law in Asia)

by Shen Wei

The book focuses on some of the most pressing issues in international investment law in Asia, such as the role of developing countries, the rebalancing between the investors’ rights protection and the host states’ right to regulate, the ISDS reform, among others. The book investigates these issues by looking into the bilateral investment treaties and investment arbitration cases in the region. The readers will benefit from this book’s rich content and wide coverage. For instance, the readers would learn more about Asian states’ Bilateral Investment Treaty law and practice and their standing on international investment law. The book provides a fresh angle to most readers who may be more exposed to the Western perspective on the topic, providing a more complete picture to add to the readers’ understanding of international investment law and in particular its evolution and future possibilities.

Strategic Value Creation: Design and Execute a Strategy for Breakthrough Returns

by Rupert Morrison Jon Andrew

Strategic Value Creation shows how senior business leaders can design and execute a data-driven strategy for their organizations to ensure that value creation is focused on the customer segments most integral to business success.Value creation underpins any successful business and businesses that fail to create unique value for their customers will struggle to survive. This book demonstrates how to recognize when strategy, thinking and actions are flawed, how to correct these and how to devise and implement an effective strategy that unlocks the power of value creation. It provides the practical tools necessary to put strategic theories and frameworks into practice and explains the data needed at every step.Strategic Value Creation shares the powerful 4Ds framework for strategy execution: Diagnose today, Design tomorrow, Draw the plan and Deliver with data. This framework outlines how to use data for diagnosis, analyse value factors for customer segmentation, determine the value factors their customers value the most and ensure differentiation from competitors. It also covers how to track and measure performance against stated objectives and risks, improve board packs, board back commentary and board meeting effectiveness, and capture and categorize actions, ensuring they are managed effectively.

Organizational Learning Communities: Empowering Social Learning and Collaboration to Improve Performance

by Andy Lancaster

Learning communities transform organizations through sharing knowledge, spearheading practice, solving problems, seeding innovation and supercharging development. So how can you develop a culture of learning in your organization? Organizational Learning Communities answers this question and explains how and why this approach can improve individual employee performance and drive overall business results. Written by a leading voice in the learning profession, this book contains everything that Learning and Development (L&D) practitioners need to know to successfully embed learning communities in their organizations. Following the 7Cs model of Cause, Culture, Conditions, Cadence, Content, Contributions and Credit, the book establishes the key factors that underpin thriving learning communities as well as the benefits of social and collaborative learning in the company. This practical guide establishes strategies to drive community impact and report success to stakeholders, drawing widely on evidence-based research and real-world examples. Each chapter ends with reflective questions to support transfer to the reader's context. This is essential reading for those involved in facilitating learning communities, or planning on pioneering one, to empower their organization's productivity and performance.

Analysis through Action for Actors and Directors: From Stanislavsky to Contemporary Performance

by David Chambers

Analysis through Action for Actors and Directors is a comprehensive view of an innovative and exciting process for making new theatre.As well as an understanding of how Analysis through Action has developed over time, this book also demonstrates how it can be put into practice in today’s theatre. The first part of this book traces the exciting genealogy from Stanislavsky’s unfinished experiments, through the insights of geniuses Maria Knebel and Georgii Tovstonogov, down to today’s avant-garde auteurs. The second part is a practical manual based on extensive field testing by the author and colleagues. Here, two key components of the process are elucidated: Text Actions – ten interwoven text analysis steps – to be twinned with the thrilling rehearsal process using focused and joyful improvisations called Études.Written for new or experienced theatre students and practitioners, this book will enrich the technique of any theatre artist and anyone else interested in the theatre and its future.

Analysis through Action for Actors and Directors: From Stanislavsky to Contemporary Performance

by David Chambers

Analysis through Action for Actors and Directors is a comprehensive view of an innovative and exciting process for making new theatre.As well as an understanding of how Analysis through Action has developed over time, this book also demonstrates how it can be put into practice in today’s theatre. The first part of this book traces the exciting genealogy from Stanislavsky’s unfinished experiments, through the insights of geniuses Maria Knebel and Georgii Tovstonogov, down to today’s avant-garde auteurs. The second part is a practical manual based on extensive field testing by the author and colleagues. Here, two key components of the process are elucidated: Text Actions – ten interwoven text analysis steps – to be twinned with the thrilling rehearsal process using focused and joyful improvisations called Études.Written for new or experienced theatre students and practitioners, this book will enrich the technique of any theatre artist and anyone else interested in the theatre and its future.

Plug-and-Play Education: Knowledge and Learning in the Age of Platforms and Artificial Intelligence

by Carlo Perrotta

Plug-and-Play Education: Knowledge and Learning in the Age of Platforms and Artificial Intelligence documents and critiques how the education sector is changing with the advancement of ubiquitous edtech platforms and automation. As programmability and computation reengineer institutions towards efficiency and prediction, the perpetual collection of and access to digital data is creating complex opportunities and concerns. Drawing from research into secondary and higher education settings, this book examines the influence of digital “infrastructuring”, the automation of teaching and learning, and the very purpose of education in a context of growing platformisation and artificial intelligence integration. These theoretical, practical, and policy-oriented insights will offer educational technologists, designers, researchers, and policymakers a more inclusive, diverse, and open-ended perspective on the design and implementation of learning technologies.

Plug-and-Play Education: Knowledge and Learning in the Age of Platforms and Artificial Intelligence

by Carlo Perrotta

Plug-and-Play Education: Knowledge and Learning in the Age of Platforms and Artificial Intelligence documents and critiques how the education sector is changing with the advancement of ubiquitous edtech platforms and automation. As programmability and computation reengineer institutions towards efficiency and prediction, the perpetual collection of and access to digital data is creating complex opportunities and concerns. Drawing from research into secondary and higher education settings, this book examines the influence of digital “infrastructuring”, the automation of teaching and learning, and the very purpose of education in a context of growing platformisation and artificial intelligence integration. These theoretical, practical, and policy-oriented insights will offer educational technologists, designers, researchers, and policymakers a more inclusive, diverse, and open-ended perspective on the design and implementation of learning technologies.

Refugee Settlement in Australia: A Holistic Overview of Current Research and Practice (Routledge Studies in Media, Communication, and Politics)

by Aparna Hebbani

Combining theoretical and practical information, this book presents a holistic overview of refugee settlement in Australia. It focuses on numerous critical aspects of refugee settlement which play a vital role in refugee integration into Australia. Starting with an overview of immigration history in Australia, the book then places an emphasis on 21st-century settlement of refugees.The chapters explore a gamut of topics including how culture is transmitted in refugee families, how media portrays refugees, and how to work with refugee communities in various contexts, without focusing on one specific refugee cohort/country group. This interdisciplinary angle is presented via the inclusion of voices from interviews with key refugee settlement providers, educators, former refugees, researchers, and second-generation youth from refugee backgrounds. It covers current Australia political debate and politicisation of refugees, digital technologies, the role of language in enabling successful settlement, education trajectories, social cohesion, the fractured diasporic family, and the impact of media coverage, which underpin the settlement of refugees in Australia.This is an ideal resource for advanced undergraduates, postgraduates, and scholars of refugee settlement in the disciplines of communication, media, politics and international relations, social work, education, and demographic studies, as well as government entities, policy makers, service providers, and NGOs looking to gain an understanding of the factors impacting refugee settlement in Australia.

Refugee Settlement in Australia: A Holistic Overview of Current Research and Practice (Routledge Studies in Media, Communication, and Politics)

by Aparna Hebbani

Combining theoretical and practical information, this book presents a holistic overview of refugee settlement in Australia. It focuses on numerous critical aspects of refugee settlement which play a vital role in refugee integration into Australia. Starting with an overview of immigration history in Australia, the book then places an emphasis on 21st-century settlement of refugees.The chapters explore a gamut of topics including how culture is transmitted in refugee families, how media portrays refugees, and how to work with refugee communities in various contexts, without focusing on one specific refugee cohort/country group. This interdisciplinary angle is presented via the inclusion of voices from interviews with key refugee settlement providers, educators, former refugees, researchers, and second-generation youth from refugee backgrounds. It covers current Australia political debate and politicisation of refugees, digital technologies, the role of language in enabling successful settlement, education trajectories, social cohesion, the fractured diasporic family, and the impact of media coverage, which underpin the settlement of refugees in Australia.This is an ideal resource for advanced undergraduates, postgraduates, and scholars of refugee settlement in the disciplines of communication, media, politics and international relations, social work, education, and demographic studies, as well as government entities, policy makers, service providers, and NGOs looking to gain an understanding of the factors impacting refugee settlement in Australia.

Peter Drucker and Management (Routledge Key Thinkers in Business and Management)

by Karen E. Linkletter

Peter Drucker is arguably the world’s most influential management writer, but his contributions as a social theorist and philosopher are also notable. This book presents Drucker as a key thinker, whose work encompasses ideas beyond management practice.Illuminating Drucker as a complex figure, this book highlights how his work draws upon, impacts, and intersects fields such as technology, sociology, philosophy, and theology. The book presents and contextualizes Drucker as an important historical figure, whose work resonates in a contemporary world where moderation between extremes is an essential ingredient in interpreting and navigating complex events and processes.Combining deep insights into Peter Drucker’s life and work, this unique book is valuable reading for scholars, students, and reflective practitioners of management as well as those with an interest in intellectual history more broadly.

Living Educational Theory Research as an Epistemology for Practice: The Role of Values in Practitioners’ Professional Development (Routledge Research in Education)

by Jack Whitehead Marie Huxtable

This book explores a value-based research methodology, Living Educational Theory Research (LETR), which aligns a values-based approach with key tenets of professional development to inform and inspire future educators’ practice.Written by world-leading scholars in the field of LETR, the chapters are global in reach and promote the evolving and dynamic nature of the methodology and its application with real-world professional training within higher education. Through discussion and dialogue on the evolution of Living Educational Theory Research, the chapters explore topics such as professional development and community-based contexts, supporting academics wishing to improve their practice by placing the theory within a scholarly paradigm to legitimise its use for scholarly learning.Demonstrating how insights from disciplines such as philosophy, sociology and psychology are integrated within the generation of living-educational-theories, this outwardly looking volume will appeal to postgraduate students, scholars and researchers involved with educational theory, action research and other forms of practitioner research, and education research methods more broadly.

Peter Drucker and Management (Routledge Key Thinkers in Business and Management)

by Karen E. Linkletter

Peter Drucker is arguably the world’s most influential management writer, but his contributions as a social theorist and philosopher are also notable. This book presents Drucker as a key thinker, whose work encompasses ideas beyond management practice.Illuminating Drucker as a complex figure, this book highlights how his work draws upon, impacts, and intersects fields such as technology, sociology, philosophy, and theology. The book presents and contextualizes Drucker as an important historical figure, whose work resonates in a contemporary world where moderation between extremes is an essential ingredient in interpreting and navigating complex events and processes.Combining deep insights into Peter Drucker’s life and work, this unique book is valuable reading for scholars, students, and reflective practitioners of management as well as those with an interest in intellectual history more broadly.

The Romance of Three Hamlets: Shakespeare through a Chinese Prism

by Hao Liu

Through a metaphorical journey of Shakespeare in traditional Chinese theatre, using three Chinese opera productions of Hamlet as signposts, the book discusses the relationship between Shakespeare and Chinese theatrical traditions.A brief discussion of the Yue-opera Hamlet looks back at the role of Shakespeare in the Chinese discourse of renaissance and re-evaluation of traditions since the early twentieth century. A detailed analysis of the Peking-opera Hamlet shows what is lost and what is gained in the negotiation between Shakespeare and Chinese theatrical traditions, and why. The third Hamlet is an experimental Kun-opera production, leading to a discussion of the potential for Shakespeare and Chinese theatrical traditions to join hands and reach new depths of artistic expression.The book will attract researchers, students, and enthusiasts of Shakespeare, cross-cultural Shakespearean recreation, Chinese theatrical traditions, and comparative literature.

Beamed-mobility Engineering: Wireless-power Beaming to Aircrafts, Spacecrafts and Rockets (Springer Tracts in Electrical and Electronics Engineering)

by Koichi Mori Yasuhisa Oda Takahashi Masayuki Kohei Shimamura

This book describes the technologies of wireless power beaming to the aerospace crafts, such as the drone, flying car, aircraft, spacecraft, and rocket. Using a highly directional electromagnetic wave beam, energy is remotely supplied to mobility that moves at high speed without waste, and it is efficiently converted into the driving force of mobility. This technology will be indispensable for the full electrification of mobility in the future. This book specializes in aerospace mobility, where weight and other constraints are strict, and was written by researchers in different disciplines such as rocket engineering, plasma engineering, laser engineering, and communications and control engineering. Beamed-mobility forms a new area of integrated engineering. The new combination of optics and mechanical engineering creates a world where mobility is free to supply the energy needed for propulsion, wherever and wherever it goes. It is expected to become the core technology of mobility, energy, infrastructure, and services of the future society that extends to outer space. This book will serve as a good reference for graduate students, researchers, and professional engineers in the field of aerospace, electrical, and mechanical engineering.

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