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Showing 76 through 100 of 109 results

Gifts Differing: Understanding personality type

by Isabel Briggs-Myers Peter Myers

Like a thumbprint, personality type provides an instant snapshot of a person's uniqueness. Drawing on concepts originated by Carl Jung, this book distinguishes four categories of personality styles and shows how these qualities determine the way you perceive the world and come to conclusions about what you've seen. It then explains what they mean for your success in school, at a job, in a career and in your personal relationships. For more than 60 years, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) tool has been the most widely used instrument in the world for determining personality type, and for more than 25 years, Gifts Differing has been the preeminent source for understanding it.

Sexuality: A Brief Insight (Brief Insights)

by Véronique Mottier

Cognitive and Language Development in Children (Child Development)

by John Oates Andrew Grayson

This is one of a series of four books that forms part of the Open University course on child development. The series provides a detailed and thorough introduction to the central concepts, theories, issues and research evidence in developmental psychology. Cognitive and Language Development in Children gives an up–to–date and accessible account of how thinking and language develop during childhood. The book is innovative in its approach: it starts by considering cognition and language in infants and continues to weave together these two areas in subsequent chapters that cover aspects of their development through childhood. The chapters have been prepared by leading researchers and theorists in collaboration with members of the Open University course team. Building on the themes in The Foundations of Child Development, a previous book within the series, the editors provide a fully up–to–date, broad and engaging overview of the field, ranging from modern understandings of brain architecture and function to the social and cultural contexts of learning. The chapters have many features to assist and facilitate understanding, including defined learning outcomes, research summaries, activities, readings, definitions of key terms and section summaries.

Analytic Philosophy: An Anthology (PDF) (Blackwell Philosophy Anthologies Ser. #25)

by A. P. Martinich David Sosa

Featuring updates and the inclusion of nine new chapters, Analytic Philosophy: An Anthology, 2nd Edition offers a comprehensive and authoritative collection of the most influential readings in analytic philosophy written over the past hundred years.

Neo-colonialism: the last stage of imperialism

by Kwame Nkrumah

"Kwame Nkrumah's Neo-Colonialism is the classic statement on the post-colonial condition. African, Caribbean and Third World nation-states after flag independence find they have achieved government or state power but still cannot control the political economies of their country as they appear to be directed from the outside by multi-national corporations. Many African Americans use this analysis to suggest even when Black people win elections they really are not in charge and this is consistent with the theory found in this work."--Matthew Quest.

Economic Sanctions: Examining Their Philosophy And Efficacy (PDF)

by Hossein G. Askari John Forrer Hildy Teegen Jiawen Yang

This is the first of three related, empirically based studies examining the broad range of issues raised by the use of economic sanctions. This volume addresses the philosophy behind economic sanctions: why they are used and what they are meant to achieve. Ashari, Forrer, Teegen, and Yang go back through history to analyze whether or not economic sanctions have ben sucessful by measuinrg their historical impact and modeling their effectiveness, and they offer an analysis of the international and domestic business implications of sanctions in today's global economy. Of particular interest to scholars, students, researchers, and the public policy community involved with international busienss and economics and international relations.

Women And Religion In Medieval England

by Diana Wood

Papers based on contributions to a conference held by the Oxford University Department for Continuing Education at Rewley House, 16-18 February 2001.

Butterworth's Commercial Court And Arbitration Pleadings

by Charles Macdonald Chirag Karia

Commercial Court and Arbitration Pleadings provides detailed, expert guidance on the techniques and skills that can be learnt and built upon by all Barristers and Solicitor Advocates involved in this specialised area of law. Step-by-step the authors explain the applicable rules, advise on the art of good pleading and provide precedents for common forms of pleadings, applications and other formal documents most likely to be encountered in the commercial field. This book will provide you with: detailed guidance for preparing a lucid and effective commercial court or arbitration pleading; a summary of the substantive law the pleader must bear in mind; a precedent based on stated facts, showing the form the relevant pleading should take.

Politics And Ideology In Children's Literature: (PDF) (Studies In Children's Literature Ser.)

by Áine McGillicuddy Marian Thérèse Keyes

This volume examines how children's books retain the ability to transform, activate, indoctrinate, or empower their readers. From utopian and dystopian voices to children's literature written in response to war situations to critiques of misogynistic assumptions that normalize or eroticize violence, these essays demonstrate the potential of children's literature to radically challenge cultural norms. Contents include: national identity in The Hunger Games * aspects of socio-political transformation in children's literature * the figure of the child in WWI children's literature * echoes of the past, aspirations for the future in the teenage novels of Eilis Dillon * portraits and paratexts in the work of Mrs. S.C. Hall * Catherine Breillat's cinematic perspective on Bluebeard * identity and ideology in the work of O.R. Melling * eco-critical perspectives on the life and works of Beatrix Potter * sexualized violence and rape myths in contemporary young adult fiction * the emergence of the gallant Fascist in Italian children's literature of the inter-war period. *** "It may seem odd to think of literature for children as containing political and ideological themes and ideas, but in fact, many theorists believe that such messages are quite prevalent in these stories and novels. The contributors do a nice job of addressing both modern and classic literature....a worthy addition to the resources on children's literature. Recommended." - Choice, July 2015, Vol. 52, No. 11 (Series: Studies in Children's Literature - Vol. 7) [Subject: Literary Criticism]

Women And Social Action In Victorian And Edwardian England

by Jane Lewis

This landmark book is certain to provoke debate among feminists and historians and will be essential reading for anyone concerned with women and social problems in late 19th and early 20th century England.

Britain And The ILO (PDF)

by Keith Ewing

The last fifteen years have been a sorry tale in Britain of anti-trade union legislation, clamps on democracy and the deliberate breaking of this country's international obligations under important conventions of the International Labour Organisation (ILO), which is the authoritative agency of the United Nations covering human rights.

Things That Talk: Object Lessons From Art And Science

by Lorraine Daston

Imagine a world without things. There would be nothing to describe, explain, remark on, interpret, or complain about. Without things, we would, in short, stop speaking; we would become as mute as objects are alleged to be. In nine original essays, internationally renowned historians of art and of science seek to understand how objects become charged with significance without losing their gritty materiality. Things That Talk aims to escape the opposition between positivist facts and cultural readings that bifurcates the current historiography of both art and science. Confronting this impasse from an interdisciplinary perspective, each author singles out one object for close attention: a Bosch drawing, the freestanding column, a Prussian island, soap bubbles, early photographs, glass flowers, Rorschach blots, newspaper clippings, paintings by Jackson Pollock. Each object is revealed to be a node around which meanings accrete thickly. But not just any meanings: what these things are made of and how they are made shape what they can mean. Neither the pure texts of semiotics nor the brute objects of positivism, these things are saturated with cultural significance. Things become talkative when they fuse matter and meaning; they lapse into speechlessness when their matter and meanings no longer mesh. Each of the nine evocative objects examined in this book had its historical moment, when the match of this thing to that thought seemed irresistible. At such junctures, certain things become objects of fascination, association, and endless consideration. Things That Talk fleetingly realizes the dream of a perfect language, in which words and world merge. Essays by Lorraine Daston, Peter Galison, Anke te Heesen, Caroline A. Jones, Joseph Leo Koerner, Antoine Picon, Simon Schaffer, Joel Snyder, and M. Norton and Elaine M. Wise.

Paying The Land

by Joe Sacco

The Dene have lived in the vast Mackenzie River Valley since time immemorial, by their account. To the Dene, the land owns them, not the other way around-it is central to their livelihood and their very way of being. But the subarctic Canadian Northwest Territories are also home to valuable natural resources, including oil, gas and diamonds. With mining came jobs and investment-but also road-building, pipelines and toxic waste, which scarred the landscape; and alcohol, drugs, and debt, which deformed a way of life. In Paying the Land, Joe Sacco travels the frozen North to reveal a people in conflict over the costs and benefits of development. Resource extraction is only part of Canada's colonial legacy- Sacco recounts the shattering impact of a residential school system that aimed to remove the Indian from the child; the destructive process that drove the Dene from the bush into settlements and turned them into wage labourers; the government land claims stacked against the Dene Nation; and their uphill efforts to revive a wounded culture. Against a vast and gorgeous landscape that dwarfs all human scale, Paying the Land lends an ear to trappers and chiefs, activists and priests, telling a sweeping story about money and dependency, loss and culture, with stunning visual detail by one of the greatest comic's reporters alive.

Just Mercy: A Story Of Justice And Redemption

by Bryan Stevenson

The US has the highest rate of incarceration in the world. One in every 15 people born there today is expected to go to prison. For black men this figure rises to one in 3. And Death Row is disproportionately black, too. Bryan Stevenson grew up poor in the racially segregated South. His innate sense of justice made him a brilliant young lawyer, and one of his first defendants was Walter McMillian, a black man sentenced to die for the murder of a white woman - a crime he insisted he didn't commit. The case drew Bryan into a tangle of conspiracy, political machination, startling racial inequality, and legal brinkmanship - and transformed his understanding of mercy and justice forever. At once an unforgettable account of an idealistic lawyer's coming of age and a moving portrait of the lives of those he has defended, Just Mercy is an inspiring argument for compassion in the pursuit of justice.


by Julien Suaudeau Mame-Fatou Niang

At The Northern Frontier Of Near Eastern Archaeology: Recent Research On Caucasia And Anatolia In The Bronze Age

by Elena Rova Monica Tonussi

an Der Nordgrenze Der Vorderasiatischen Archaologie - Neue Forschung Uber Kaukasien Und Anatolien In Der Bronzezeit

Être singulier pluriel

by Jean-Luc Nancy

Les Africains et la Grande Guerre: (PDF)

by Marc Michel

Pendant la Grande Guerre, 200 000 " Sénégalais " d'AOF ont servi la France, plus de 135 000 sont venus combattre en Europe, 30 000 d'entre eux, soit un sur cinq, n'ont jamais revu les leurs... Dans le malheur de la guerre, ces sacrifiés ne le furent ni plus ni moins que leurs frères d'armes, les fantassins de la métropole. Néanmoins, leur sacrifice constitue encore aujourd'hui un élément très sensible des relations entre la France et l'Afrique. La " cristallisation " des pensions, autrement dit le gel de la dette contractée par la métropole, reste au cœur du contentieux. C'est l'histoire de cet engagement des Africains au service de la France que retrace d'abord ce livre. La participation des Africains à la Grande Guerre ne se borne pas à cet impôt du sang. Profondément secouée par une série de catastrophes, sécheresse, épidémies, disette et famine, l'Afrique occidentale française est d'abord confrontée à une crise brutale provoquée par l'entrée en guerre ; puis elle est soumise à un effort de production sans précédent en direction de la métropole. La sortie du conflit ne s'effectue pourtant pas dans le désastre et les révoltes généralisées ; Blaise Diagne, seul Noir " médiatique " à l'époque, réussit même à mener à bien un tout dernier recrutement, au-delà de toute espérance. Mais, comme le montre ce livre, une AOF nouvelle émerge où s'enracinent des germes de protestations modernes. Enfin, la Grande Guerre a modifié de façon plutôt positive les regards réciproques entre Africains et Français ; mais elle a aussi ouvert la voie à un infâme réquisitoire de " la Honte Noire " (" die schwarze Schande "), récupéré dans l'arsenal du racisme hitlérien. C'est aussi la genèse d'un imaginaire empoisonné que veut éclairer ce livre.

A Syntax Of Sanani Arabic (Semitica Viva Ser. #13)

by Janet C. E. Watson

Gérard Grisey

by Ulrich Tadday

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