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Doing Fieldwork (PDF): Warnings And Advice

by Rosalie H. Wax

How the West Indian Child is made Educationally Subnormal in the British School System: The scandal of the Black Child in Schools in Britain

by Bernard Coard

"In the book, Coard examines educational inequality and institutional racism in the British educational system through the lens of the country's "educationally subnormal" (ESN) schools—previously called "schools for the mentally subnormal"—which disproportionately and wrongly enrolled Black children, especially those from the British Afro-Caribbean community." -Wikipedia

American Sociology: Perspectives, Problems, Methods

by Talcott Parsons

This volume provides a welcome opportunity to piece together at least a partial picture of the state of a rapidly growing and changing discipline in the social science area.

We Must Love One Another Or Die: Lectures on Love, Sex and Morality given in Great Saint Mary's Church, Cambridge

by Hugh Montefiore Frank Lake Howard Root V. A. Demant

We must love one another or die: lectures on love, sex and morality given in Great Saint Mary's Church, Cambridge, by Frank Lake, Howard Root, V.A. Demant; edited by Hugh Montefiore.

Neo-colonialism: the last stage of imperialism

by Kwame Nkrumah

"Kwame Nkrumah's Neo-Colonialism is the classic statement on the post-colonial condition. African, Caribbean and Third World nation-states after flag independence find they have achieved government or state power but still cannot control the political economies of their country as they appear to be directed from the outside by multi-national corporations. Many African Americans use this analysis to suggest even when Black people win elections they really are not in charge and this is consistent with the theory found in this work."--Matthew Quest.

Words and images : a study in theological discourse

by E. L. Mascall

Nonsense to debate whether God exists or even whether a sure answer to this is possible: for the questions themselves are literally non-sense, have no meaning whatever - so say a number of influential contemporary thinkers. And it is a new challenge, far more radical than those of plain atheism or agnosticism which for centuries have been met and answered by Christian apologists. This new line of attack has been welcomed by Christian philosophers for the stimulus it has given them to examine more closely than the before the status and nature of their utterances. Himself deeply engaged in the thick of this modern controversy, Dr. Mascall here pursues it further and in addition assesses some of the results stemming from it. He marshals the sometimes complex arguments of each size with such clarity that the non-specialist reader with a taste for philosophical discussion will rejoice in being able to grasp them, just as he will be delighted by the author's flashes of very pointed humour at the expense of his opponents. No one who wishes to keep abreast of these recent philosophical developments will want to miss this most readable contribution to them.

The Cosmic Fragments

by Heraclitus G. S. Kirk

This work provides a text and an extended study of those fragments of Heraclitus' philosophical utterances whose subject is the world as a whole rather than man and his part in it. Professor Kirk discusses fully the fragments which he finds genuine and treats in passing others that were generally accepted as genuine but here considered paraphrased or spurious. In securing his text, Professor Kirk has taken into account all the ancient testimonies, and in his critical work he attached particular importance to the context in which each fragment is set. To each he gives a selective apparatus, a literal translation and and an extended commentary in which problems of textual and philosophical criticism are discussed. Ancient accounts of Heraclitus were inadequate and misleading, and as Kirk wrote, understanding was often hindered by excessive dogmatism and a selective use of the fragments. Professor Kirk's method is critical and objective, and his 1954 work marks a significant advance in the study of Presocratic thought.

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