Nairobi city map (UEB uncontracted)
This page shows a map of Nairobi. There is a locator dot shown, which will be at the top left, when the image is the correct way up. The image is surrounded by an image border.The map of Nairobi fills the top half of the page. There is a small key at the bottom of the page which explains the textures used (colours in large print image).
There is a scale in the bottom right of the image and a north arrow in the top left of the image. The city fills the centre of the image. The city centre is in the middle of the image and marked with a symbol. There are three shanty settlements to the left and bottom of the centre and two to the top and right. They are all on the edge of the city.
A river comes from top left of the image and goes down and right to the right centre of the image. A second river comes from the left and goes across the image to the right centre of the image. Both rivers have a slightly wiggly course and areas liable to flood after heavy rain.